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ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2009. Architecture and social sustainability: an analytical approach to the hawari in Cairo. In: Third International Ajman Planning conference, Ajman, United Arab Emirates, 6-8 April 2009.
ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2009. Challenging boundaries: towards students-led learning environment in architectural education. In: Annual PCHE Conference, School of Education, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, 2009.
ACAMPORA, G., LEE, C.-S. and WANG, M.-H., 2009. FML-based ontological agent for healthcare application with diabetes. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies, Milan, Italy, 15-18 September 2009 [vol. 3].
ACAMPORA, G. and LOIA, V., 2009. A dynamical cognitive multi-agent system for enhancing ambient intelligence scenarios. In: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Jeju Island, Korea, 20-24 August 2009.
ACAMPORA, G., LOIA, V., LEE, C.-S. and WANG, M.-H., 2009. Dynamical cognitive services for ambient intelligence environments. In: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, Taipei, Taiwan, 14-15 January 2009.
ACAMPORA, G., LOIA, V., LEE, C.-S., WANG, M.-H. and HSU, C.-Y., 2009. Ontology-based intelligent fuzzy agent for diabetes application. In: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 30 March - 2 April 2009.
ADELMAN, J.S., GUEST, D. and KENT, C., 2009. Why do additional presentations help us identify a stimulus? [oral presentation]. In: Experimental Psychology Society Meeting, University of Leicester, Leicester, 15-17 April 2009, Leicester.
ADEYEYE, K., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2009. An information-led process framework for hybrid projects. In: 22nd Annual ARCOM Conference, Nottingham, 9 September 2009, Nottingham.
AIKEN, V., 2009. Headstart! Piloting a pre-arrival course for mature students studying in the humanities and social sciences. In: Teaching Innovation Conference, Keele University, Keele, 2009.
AIKEN, V., 2009. In their language?: using a blog to encourage student engagement with study skills. In: Elearning 2.0 Conference, Brunel University, London, 2009.
AIKEN, V., 2009. Study skills for all: teaching multidisciplinary and cross-year groups. In: NACADA International Conference, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, 2009.
AKHLAGHINIA, M.J., LOTFI, A., LANGENSIEPEN, C. and SHERKAT, N., 2009. Occupancy monitoring in intelligent environment through integrated wireless localizing agents. In: 2009 IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents, Naashville, TN, 30 March - 2 April 2009, Nashville, TN.
AL-HABAIBEH, A., SU, D. and ARMAN, H., 2009. An innovative approach for research-informed product design teaching using wave energy generation case study. In: Proceedings of The International Ocean Energy Symposium 2009, Harbin, China.
ALLEN, T., 2009. Centre for Innovation and Technology Exploitation (CITE). In: Proceedings of InnovatioKT-2009, London.
ALLIN, S., 2009. A new model for the Flächennutzungsplan? In: Proceedings of the 8th Symposium of the International Urban Planning and Environment Association (IUPEA) 2009, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
ALLIN, S., 2009. A new understanding of the contents of formal land use plans. In: Proceedings of the Annual Planning Research Conference 2009, Newcastle.
ARMOUR, C., SHEVLIN, M., MURPHY, J., HOUSTON, J.E. and ADAMSON, G., 2009. Modelling profiles of psychosis and PTSD symptom co-occurrence based on the National Comorbidity Survey. In: ISTSS Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 2009, Atlanta.
ARTHUR, L. and MARSH, P., 2009. All change: a cross discipline case study, the re-design and delivery of critical theory. In: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing (ADM 2009), Harbin, China, 24-26 September 2009.
ARTHUR, L. and MARSH, P., 2009. When seminars and lectures do not work: challenging the bland. In: Nottingham Trent University Seminar Series, Nottingham, 2009.
ARTHUR, L., MARSH, P., CRISP, A. and DALE, J., 2009. Barriers to the adoption of innovative construction products: a pedagogically driven review and solution. In: The Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham, 2009.
ARTHUR, L., MARSH, P., CRISP, A. and DALE, J., 2009. Enhancing the space between your ears. In: The Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham, 2009.
ARTHUR, L., MARSH, P., CRISP, A. and DALE, J., 2009. The philosophy of engineering and design. In: The 16th International Conference of Philosophy and Technology, The University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, 2009.
ARTHUR, L., MARSH, P. and FREEMAN, S., 2009. Making the gray matter colourful. In: The Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham, 2009.
ARTHUR, L. and MARTIN, P., 2009. The visual essay and inclusive practice. In: Reasonable Adjustments, Assessment and Academic Standards, London, 2009.
ATHERTON, S., EVANS, C.R., ROACH, P., HUGHES, D.C., MCHALE, G. and NEWTON, M.I., 2009. Investigation of operating parameters for a semen quality analysis system. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, Oporto, 2009.
AYODEJI, J. and PERKINS, S., 2009. Rehearsal as a naming process central to the development of creative identities. In: Designs on e-Learning International Online Conference 2009 (DeL Online 2009), University of the Arts London, 1-3 September 2009.
AYRES, R., COUSINS, G., TAYLOR, P. and MOSS, K., 2009. Non-traditional students’ experience of learning physics and chemistry. In: EuroVariety in Chemistry Education, Manchester, September 2009, Manchester.
BAGULEY, T., 2009. Effect size: why what we teach psychologists is wrong [workshop]. In: Statistics for Psychology Students Workshop, Higher Education Academy Psychology Network, University of York, York, 8 January 2009, York.
BANYARD, P. and UNDERWOOD, J., 2009. Personalising learning through technology: the gaps between expectation and delivery. In: CAL09 (Computer Assisted Learning), Learning in Digital Worlds, Brighton, 23-25 March 2009.
BARTHOLOMEW, K.J., NTOUMANIS, N. and THØGERSEN-NTOUMANI, C., 2009. Developing a measure of sport coaches' controlling interpersonal style. In: 'Researching Self-Determination in Sport & Physical Activity' [symposium], International Society of Sport Psychology World Congress, Marrakech, June 2009, Marrakech.
BARTON, H., 2009. Back from the abyss? A review of HR inspired diversity management interventions within the UK police service post 1999. In: Dutch HRM Network, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October, 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
BARTON, H., 2009. Police and public confidence: a time to reflect. In: Public Administration Conference. University of Glamorgan, UK, September, 2009.
BARTON, H., 2009. The future role of human resource management within UK policing. In: 9th Global International HRM Conference, Santa Fe, USA, June, 2009.
BARTON, H. and BARTON, L., 2009. UK policing in the 21st century. In: American Academy of Management, Chicago, USA, August, 2009, Chicago, USA.
BARTON, H. and BEYNON, M., 2009. Fuzzy C-means cluster analysis of police forces sanction detections and relationship with concomitant public opinion [best paper award]. In: British Academy of Management, Brighton, UK, September, 2009.
BARTON, H. and DOUGHTY, D., 2009. Advancing 'professional' knowledge and practice amongst HR managers in emerging nations: the case of Azerbaijan. In: British Academy of Management, Brighton, UK, September, 2009, Brighton, UK.
BATES, M., BROWN, D., CRANTON, W. and LEWIS, J., 2009. Gaming and the firewall: exploring learning through play via game design with children. In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference of Games Based Learning (ECGBL), Graz.
BELL, R., AYODEJI, J. and BOTTOM, S., 2009. Experiences of the writing across the curriculum project at Nottingham Trent University. In: European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing, 5th Annual Conference, Coventry University, Coventry, 30 June - 2 July 2009.
BENNETT, M., 2009. Crisis: what crisis? King James, parliaments and issues of governance in the British Isles, 1605-1614. In: Centre for Seventeenth-Century Studies 12th International Conference, University of Durham, Durham, 13-16 July 2009.
BENNETT, M., 2009. Two crowns or three? King James and his Irish dilemma 1589-1609. In: The Plantation of Ulster, 1609-2009: a Laboratory for Empire Conference, University of Ulster, Derry, Northern Ireland, 3-5 July 2009.
BENNETT, M., 2009. Up in flames: King James and the pyrotechnical vision of militant protestant Europe. In: Centre for Seventeenth-Century Studies 13th International Conference, University of Durham, Durham, 19-22 July 2010.
BENNETT, M., 2009. An historian's approach to the moon-landings. In: Lecture at the Space Research Centre, University of Leicester, Leicester, 9 June 2009.
BERRY, E., 2009. Death by a thousand cuts or storm in a teacup?: The reform of limited partnership law. In: SLS Annual Conference, University of Keele, September 2009, Keele.
BERRY, E., 2009. Partnerships and LLPs: it's the Insolvency Act, Jim, but not as we know it. In: Joint Conference on the Intersection between Insolvency Law and Business and Accounting Practice, Nottingham Trent University, 16 September 2009, Nottingham.
BERRY, E., 2009. The deport of 'virtual nationals'?: the impact of the ECHR and EU law. In: SLS Annual Conference, London School of Economics, September 2009, London.
BETTS, L., TRUEMAN, M. and STILLER, J., 2009. Friendship quality as a mediator in the relationship between children’s peer acceptance and school adjustment. In: British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 9 September 2009.
BETTS, L.R., ROTENBERG, K.J. and TRUEMAN, M., 2009. The psychosocial consequences of the coherence of trust beliefs and trustworthiness during early childhood [poster presentation]. In: When Aspects of Trust Collide: Multi-National Research on Discrepancies in Trust. Poster symposium conducted at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, April 2009, Denver, Colorado.
BISHOP, J., MATSUMOTO, I., GLASS, J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, D., 2009. One size doesn't fit all: using technology to support a balanced knowledge management initiative. In: Proceedings International Conference on Global Innovation in Construction, Loughborough.
BLOXSOM, C.A.J. and HOLLIN, C.R., 2009. Why our attachments matter, anger, aggression and violent offending. In: European Association of Psychology and the Law, Sorrento, Italy, 2-5 September 2009, Sorrento, Italy.
BOULTON, H. and HRAMIAK, A., 2009. Developing reflective practitioners through the use of blogs: a collaborative approach to learning communities. In: ALT-C International Conference, Manchester, 8-10 September 2009, Manchester.
BOULTON, H. and HRAMIAK, A., 2009. Lost in transition. In: ESCalate Special Interest Group: Assessment and Feedback, Sheffield Hallam University, 8 June 2009, Sheffield.
BOULTON, H. and HRAMIAK, A., 2009. Understanding students: prior experiences and expectations of assessment and feedback. In: The Higher Education Academy Annual Conference, University of Manchester, 30 June - 2 July 2009, Manchester.
BOULTON, H., HRAMIAK, A. and IRWIN, B., 2009. Development of learning communities for trainee teachers through the use of online reflective blogs. In: European Conference on Educational Research, Vienna, 28-30 September 2009, Vienna.
BOULTON, H. and TEPPER, J., 2009. Promoting deep and reflective learning through ePortfolios. In: Symposium: The Future is NOW, Nottingham Trent University, 14 January 2009, Nottingham.
BOULTON, H. and TEPPER, J., 2009. Promoting deep and reflective learning through ePortfolios. In: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 2 April 2009, Nottingham.
BOWE, M. and SANI, F., 2009. A place for life?: The role of place in subjective identity continuity. In: Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section, University of Sheffield, September 2009, Sheffield.
BREEDON, P., 2009. Smart materials, UK trade and industry. In: UK Mission to New Zealand on Smart Materials and Textiles, 16-20 November 2009.
BREEDON, P.J., BRIGGS-GOODE, A. and KETTLEY, S., 2009. Design connexity: technical textiles at NTU. In: Conference of the European Academy of Design Aberdeen, 1-3 April 2009, Aberdeen.
BREEDON, P.J., BRIGGS-GOODE, A. and KETTLEY, S., 2009. Leading technical textiles research, integration of a stretch sensor into woven and knitted structures [poster presentation]. In: 'Another Side of Fashion', The Fashion for Smart Materials, Science Museum, London, 19 September 2008, London.
BRIGGS-GOODE, A. and BUTTRESS, J., 2009. A taxonomy of pattern through the analysis of Nottingham lace. In: Association of Fashion and Textile Courses, University of Liverpool, 17-18 November 2009, Liverpool.
BRIGGS-GOODE, A., DOWNES, T. and MARSHALL, N., 2009. Digital textile futures: integration of new technologies. In: IFFTI 2009: Fashion and Well-being? 11th Annual Conference for the International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes, 2-3 April 2009.
BRIGGS-GOODE, A., KETTLEY, S. and BREEDON, P., 2009. Walking while marching - reflections on supporting emergent post-disciplinary research. In: Foresight - Mapping the Territory, Association of Fashion & Textile Courses, Foresight Centre, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, 17-18 November 2009, Liverpool.
BRIGGS-GOODE, A., TOWNSEND, K., BUTTRESS, J. and PARAMANIK, D., 2009. Capturing rhythm and space. In: Hong Kong Polytechnic and University, 1-31 December 2009, Hong Kong.
BROWN, D.J., STANDEN, P.J., BARKER, M., BATTERSBY, S.J., LEWIS, J. and WALKER, M., 2009. Designing serious games using Nintendo's Wiimote controller for upper limb stroke rehabilitation. In: Proceedings of the European Conference of Games Based Learning.
BROWN, L.A., RIBY, L.M. and MEIKLE, A., 2009. Glucose enhancement of event-related potential markers associated with episodic memory and executive function [poster session]. In: 16th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, March 2009, San Francisco.
BRUNSDEN, V., 2009. Evidence gathering for projects: research methods in action. In: Emergency Planning Society Annual Conference and Exhibition 2009, Ricoh Arena, Coventry, 16-17 June 2009, Coventry.
BRUNSDEN, V., 2009. Firefighters' experiences of attack. In: Violence in Public Places and Institutions, University of Central Lancashire, 25-27 June 2009.
BRUNSDEN, V., 2009. Pyropsychology: the psychology of fire and of the Fire & Rescue Service. In: British Psychological Society Student Members' Group Annual Conference, Brighton, 3 April 2009, Brighton.
BRUNSDEN, V., HILL, R., STEWART, C. and WESTWOOD, D., 2009. Varieties of enquiry and problem based learning; adaptations for differential class sizes and pedagogic intentions. In: School of Social Sciences Staff Development Week: Expanding Our Horizons, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 29 September -1 October 2009, Nottingham.
BRUNSDEN, V., ROBINSON, J., GOATCHER, J. and HILL, R., 2009. Raising public awareness of the phenomenon of attacks on firefighters. In: Fire Brigades' Union Annual Conference 2009, The Spa Complex, Scarborough, 13-14 May 2009, Scarborough.
BRUNSDEN, V., WOOLDRIDGE, K. and HORSBURGH, H., 2009. The benefits of massage therapy at prolonged emergency events. In: Annual Conference on Fire-Related Research and Developments 2009 (RE09), National Fire Services College, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, 11 November 2009, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.
BRYSON, C. and HARDY, C., 2009. An investigation of students' engagement throughout the first year in university. In: UK National Transition Conference 2009, University College London, London, 24 April 2009.
BUGLEAR, J., 2009. Tutors and the student transition into higher education: supportive or survivalist? In: Transition at UCL Conference Papers, London.
BULL, R., 2009. The need for multi-level governance, participation and social learning in sustainability: reflections from sustainable waste management. In: UACES Collaborative Research Network Conference, School of Management, University of Bradford, Bradford, 23-24 July 2009.
BURNETT, K., 2009. Agendas, agendas, agendas at the V&A [research event]. In: Collaborators in Dance, Wimbledon College of Art, University of the Arts, London, 4 July 2009, London.
BURNETT, K., 2009. Agendas, agendas, agendas at the V&A [research event]. In: Exploring Craft and Authenticity in Scenography, Wimbledon College of Art, University of the Arts, London, 14 March 2009, London.
BURNETT, K., 2009. Narrative and theatricality in the eye of the beholder. In: Scenography, Performance, and Theatricality Symposium, September 2009.
BURNETT, K., 2009. What do theatre designers want from reviews or reviewers of Shakespeare productions? In: Reviewing Shakespearian Theatre: The State of the Art. Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in collaboration with The CAPITAL Centre, University of Warwick, Nottingham Trent University, The Society of Renaissance Studies. 5-6 September 2009.
BUTTON, L., BROPHY, S., SEIBERT, S., LYONS, R.A. and PHILLIPS, C.J., 2009. Population-based ankylosing spondylitis cohort study (PAS). In: Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board R&D Conference, Swansea University, Swansea, Wales, 15 December 2009.
BUTTON, L., ROBERTS, S.E., EVANS, P.A., GOLDACRE, M.J., AKBARI, A., MACEY, S. and WILLIAMS, J.G., 2009. Incidence and case fatality for upper GI bleed in Wales from 1999-2007: record linkage study. In: ScottisH Informatics Programme (SHIP): Exploiting Existing Data for Health Research, St Andrews, Scotland, 17-19 September 2009.
BUTTON, L., ROBERTS, S.E., GOLDACRE, M.J., AKBARI, A. and WILLIAMS, J.G., 2009. Health information research unit - prevalence and five-year mortality from IBD in Wales: record-linkage study. In: Statistics for Health Registers and Linked Databases, Milton Keynes, England, United Kingdom, 20-21 May 2009.
CAVEN, V., 2009. Designing a career: men and architecture. In: 25th Annual ARCOM Conference, Nottingham Trent University, September 2009, Nottingham.
CAVEN, V., 2009. Men's orientations and commitment to work. In: Workshop for Research Advances in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, University of Toulouse, 1 May 2009, Toulouse.
CHAMBERLAIN, S., WILLIAMS, G., CLARKE, P. and CHILDS, P., 2009. Risk-taking tendencies differentiate between enterprising and less enterprising people [poster presentation]. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Brighton, 1-3 April 2009, Brighton.
CHILDS, M. and KUKSA, I., 2009. 'Why are we in the floor?' Learning about theatre design in Second LifeTM. In: Proceedings of Edulearn 09 International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.
CHILTON, J., 2009. Reinforced concrete shells: time for a comeback? In: The 11th Annual International fib SymposiumConcrete: 21st Century Superhero – Building a Sustainable Future, London, 21-23 June 2009, London.
CHING, J., 2009. Research informed support and preparation for achievement of the SRA's proposed work based learning outcomes. In: LILAC 2009: Concepts of Culture in Legal Education, University of Warwick, Coventry, 23-24 January 2009.
CHO, N.J., 2009. Waiting for Gott: recovering the life and prophetic writings of Dorothy Gott. In: BSECS Annual Conference on Eighteenth-Century Lives, 8 January 2009.
CLARK, D.P.A., DUNN, A.K., BAGULEY, T. and LANSDALE, M.W., 2009. Exclusivity and anchor combination in 'memory for object' location attractiveness [oral presentation]. In: BPS Cognitive Section Conference, Hertfordshire, 1-3 September 2009, Hertfordshire.
CLARK, D.P.A., DUNN, A.K., BAGULEY, T. and LANSDALE, M.W., 2009. The of 'frames of reference' in 'memory for object location' judgements [poster presentation]. In: BPS Cognitive Section Conference, Hertfordshire, 1-3 September 2009, Hertfordshire.
CLAYTON, R. and BARTON, H., 2009. Rhona Rapoport: a critical biography of the pioneering researcher of work-family balance. In: American Academy of Management, Chicago, USA, August, 2009, Chicago, USA.
CLUGHEN, L. and HARDY, C., 2009. Feasible writing support for poor time lecturers. In: The Second Annual Students' Writing in Transition Symposium [a one-day Learnhigher symposium], Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 15 September 2009.
CLUGHEN, L. and HARDY, C., 2009. Lies, damned lies and student writing groups. In: European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing, 5th Annual Conference, Coventry University, Coventry, 30 June - 2 July 2009.
COCKER, E., 2009. Beating the invisible boundary. In: Living Landscapes, Aberystwyth University, 18-21 June 2009, Aberystwyth.
COCKER, E., 2009. Being in two minds. In: Intersections - Association of Art Historians, University of Manchester, 2-4 April 2009, Manchester.
COCKER, E., 2009. Fail and repeat. In: PSi # 15 Misperformance: Misfiring, Misfitting, Misreading, University of Zagreb, 24-28 June 2009, Zagreb.
COCKER, E., 2009. Stillness as strategy. In: Mobilities + Creativity, Narrative, Representation and Performance, University of Surrey, 3-4 July 2009.
COCKER, E. and JUDD, B., 2009. Still unresolved: inconsistency as strategy. In: Intersections: 35th Association of Art Historians Conference, April 2009.
COOK, J., DWYER, P. and WAITE, L., 2009. There is only a pot so big': Accession 8 migration and the proactive and defensive engagement of social citizenship. In: Royal Geographical Society Annual International Conference, Manchester, 27 August 2009, Manchester.
COOPER, T., 2009. The future of the throwaway society. In: A Green New Deal for Sheffield: From Global Challenges to Local Solutions, Sheffield Campaign Against Climate Change Conference, February 2009, Sheffield.
COOPER, T., 2009. The habit of disposal: rejecting attachment to products [seminar]. In: Responding to the (Sustainability) Challenge of Changing Habitual Forms of Daily Life, Sustainable Consumption Institute Seminar, Manchester, 11-12 June 2009., Manchester.
COYNE, E., FARRINGTON-FLINT, L., UNDERWOOD, J.D.M. and STILLER, J., 2009. The validity of verbal reports in the context of children's word reading. In: Annual British Psychological Society Developmental Section Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, September 2009.
DE, S., 2009. Effects of climate change on estimates of potential groundwater recharge in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Forestry and Environment, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
DE, W., GRIFFITHS, R., GROVE, S. and GOODHEW, S., 2009. Progress in simulation of a thermal probe: modelling the probe to sample conductance. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh International IBPSA Conference, Glasgow.
DIAS, T., 2009. Knitted electro textiles. In: TechniTex Conference - Technical Knitting for Innovation, Manchester, May 2009, Manchester.
DIAS, T., 2009. Modelling and engineering of compression garments for venous disease. In: First World Conference on Software for the Textile and Clothing Industries, Manchester, May 2009, Manchester.
DIAS, T., 2009. Smart Textiles - adding value to Sri Lankan textiles - the electro-textiles option. In: SLINTEC presentations, Sri Lanka.
DILLON, G., DUNN, A., LAMB, S. and UNDERWOOD, J., 2009. An investigation into the imaginative story telling abilities of children with high functioning autism. In: The BPS Developmental Psychology Section Conference, Nottingham, September 2009.
DOY, N., MCHALE, G., NEWTON, M.I., HARDACRE, C., GE, R., ALLEN, R.W. and MACINNES, J.M., 2009. Density and viscosity measurements of room temperature ionic liquids using patterned quartz crystal microbalances. In: IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, Besançon, France.
DUNN, A.K., 2009. Male body shape and the ultimate pulling shirt [invited talk]. In: Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham.
DUNN, A.K., 2009. The ultimate pulling shirt? [invited talk]. In: Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield.
DUNN, A.K., TAYLOR, P. and CLARK, D.P.A., 2009. Female perception of attractiveness, health and intelligence in male body shapes and the T-Illusion [poster presentation]. In: BPS Cognitive Section Conference, Hertfordshire, 1-3 September 2009, Hertfordshire.
DUNN, A.K., WHARTON, H. and WELLS, T.J., 2009. The David Beckham effect: how single and multiple cues of attractiveness influence perceived attractiveness [poster presentation]. In: BPS Cognitive Section Conference, Hertfordshire, 1-3 September 2009, Hertfordshire.
DWIVEDI, Y.K., MUSTAFEE, N., WILLIAMS, M.D. and LAL, B., 2009. Classification of information systems research revisited: a keyword analysis approach. In: PACIS 2009 Proceedings.
ECCLES, T., 2009. Accounting for service charges within the UK office market: evidence on code compliance, practice and disclosure. In: Change We Can All Believe In Conference, Institute of Directors, London, 26 November 2009, London.
ECCLES, T., 2009. Kunktator: retoryka i przekonanie o jawności w kulturze profesji. In: Jedność i Różnorodność - Kultura vs. Kultury Conference, Instytut Socjologii, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, Warsaw, Poland, 23 April 2009, Warsaw.
FARRINGTON-FLINT, L., 2009. Using ICT to develop children's mathematical understanding. In: Annual British Psychological Society Developmental Section Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, September 2009, Nottingham.
FENTON, A., BAKI, S., BORDOLEY, M., CHARI, G., CRACCO, R., DVORAK, D., SHAH, M., ZEHTABCHI, S. and OMURTAG, A., 2009. A step toward routine EEG in the emergency department. In: American Epilepsy Society (AES) 63rd Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 3-7 December 2009.
FERRIS, G., HUXLEY-BINNS, R. and HIGGINBOTTOM, J., 2009. What should we care about when teaching law? Caring as a source of values. In: 44th Annual Conference of the Association of Law Teachers: Legal Education: Extending the Boundaries, Amsterdam, 5-7 April 2009, Amsterdam.
FERRY, E., 2009. Modernity, medievalism and memory: the Church of St. Michael, Cropthorne 1890-1920. In: Living in the Past: Histories, Heritage and the Interior, Modern Interiors Research Centre, Kingston University, London, 14-15 May 2009, London.
FLINT, K.J. and BARNARD, A., 2009. Space for personal development: an exploration of student experience involving one professional doctorate programme. In: International Conference on Professional Doctorates hosted by Middlesex University and the UKCGE, Cavendish Centre, London, 9-10 November 2009, London.
FLINT, K.J. and BARNARD, A., 2009. A critical exploration of the utopian language of time-space in social research. In: 10th Annual Utopian Studies Society (Europe) Conference, University of Porto, 1-4 July 2009, Porto.
FLINT, K.J. and BARNARD, A., 2009. The power of research: an exploration of critical dialogue as a model for the development of professionals. In: International Conference on Professional Doctorates hosted by Middlesex University and the UKCGE, Cavendish Centre, London, 9-10 November 2009, London.
FLINT, K.J., BARNARD, A., CHING, J. and FLINT, C.M., 2009. Producing space for new forms of social research: an exploration of Henri Lefebvre's thesis. In: Learning Spaces, Nottingham.
FLINT, K.J. and CARBAYO, A., 2009. Space for identity: an exploration of the changing worlds of doctoral students as mediated by their engagement in research. In: SRHE Annual Conference, Celtic Manor Hotel, Newport, South Wales, 8-10 December 2009, Newport.
FOSTER, C. and RESNICK, S., 2009. The role of gender in service quality: a study in health and beauty retail. In: Academy of Marketing, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, 7-9 July 2009, Leeds.
GALANAKIS, K., 2009. Decode global economic crisis influences on innovation cycle using system dynamics. In: The 2nd ISPIM Innovation Symposium: Stimulating Recovery - The Role of Innovation Management, New York, 6-9 December 2009, New York.
GELLATLY, A., GUEST, D. and PILLING, M., 2009. Target-mask spatial separation influences the extent of object substitution masking. In: 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2009), Regensburg, Germany, 24-28 August 2009, Regensberg.
GELLATLY, A., GUEST, D. and PILLING, M., 2009. When and why does masking affect long duration targets? In: 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2009), Regensburg, Germany, 24-28 August 2009, Regensberg.
GENTILE, A.L., ZHANG, Z., XIA, L. and IRIA, J., 2009. Graph-based semantic relatedness for named entity disambiguation. In: 1st International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies: S3T’09, Sofia, Bulgaria, 28-29 October 2009.
GOODHEW, J., GOODHEW, S., AUBURN, T., DE, W. and PAHL, S., 2009. A preliminary investigation of the potential for thermographic images to influence householders' understanding of home energy consumption. In: 25th ARCOM Conference, 7-9 September 2009..
GOODRUM, A., 2009. Fields of fashion: redressing the urban-rural divide in fashion theory and practice. In: Land and Identity Conference, Derby University, July 2009, Derby.
GOODRUM, A., 2009. Fields of fashion: rural sites/sights in fashion retailing and consumption. In: Retail and the City: The Urban Geographies of Retailing Session, Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, August 2009.
GOODRUM, A., 2009. Fields of fashion: the case for intellectual bricolage and a geography of (rural) fashion. In: Fashion and Textile Colleges Annual Conference, Liverpool University, October 2009, Liverpool.
GOODSON, S. and PEARSON, S., 2009. There is more to videogames and aggression than violent content. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Brighton, April 2009.
GRANDE, M., WOOD, A.G., PRYSE, S.E., WHITTAKER, I.C., GUYMER, G. and ASPERA TEAM, 2009. Update on studies conducted at Aberystwyth using VEX IMA. In: ASPERA Team Meeting, University of Bern, Switzerland, 6-7 December 2009, Bern, Switzerland.
GRANDORI, A. and FURLOTTI, M., 2009. Flexible formalization. A study on inter-organizational project governance. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 2009.
GRIFFITHS, M.D. and WHITTY, M., 2009. Assessment innovation in new learning spaces: an overview of assessment practices on the UK's only MSc in cyberpsychology. In: Proceedings of the Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2007.
GUEST, D., KENT, C. and ADELMAN, J.S., 2009. The time course of perceptual processes in absolute identification. In: 16th European Society for Cognitive Psychology Conference, Krakow, Poland, September 2009, Krakow.
GUEST, D. and LAMBERTS, K., 2009. The time course of similarity effects in visual search. In: 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2009), Regensburg, Germany, 24-28 August 2009, Regensberg.
HAMILTON, H., 2009. Good reason. In: 1st International Visual Methods Conference, University of Leeds, 15-17 September 2009, Leeds.
HAMILTON, H., 2009. Photographic mapping: the British amateur tradition. In: 8h International Conference on Military Geoscience University of Vienna, June 2009, Vienna.
HAMILTON, H. and KIPPEN, J., 2009. [Invited speaker as part of the educational panel]. In: National Photography Symposium, Chetham's Library, Manchester, 19-21 June 2009, Manchester.
HARDILL, I. and BAINES, S., 2009. Entrepreneurship and the voluntary and community sector: reflections on public service delivery in the UK. In: Entrepreneurship and Geography Special Session, AAG, Las Vegas, March 2009, Las Vegas.
HARDY, C. and BRYSON, C., 2009. Settled in well socially but just getting by academically: social and academic transition to university at the end of the first year. In: European First Year Experience 4th Annual Conference, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, 13-15 May 2009.
HARTLEY, J.K., 2009. Using student ambassadors to aid retention of first year students. In: Proceedings of 3rd Science Learning and Teaching Conference, Edinburgh.
HAY, A., 2009. 'I don’t know what I am doing!' Surfacing struggles in management learning. In: Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 7-11 August 2009, Chicago, Illinois.
HAY, A. and BLENKINSOPP, J., 2009. The MBA as an emotional arena: an exploratory study. In: Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 7-11 August 2009, Chicago, Illinois.
HEALEY, N., 2009. After the global financial crisis: the future of international higher education. In: QS Asia-Pacific Professional Leaders in Education (QS-APPLE) 5th Annual Conference, University of Malaya/Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, November 2009, Kuala Lumpur.
HEALEY, N., 2009. Global recession and international student mobility: what is the outlook? In: Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) 4th Annual Conference, Renmin University, Beijing, April 2009, Beijing.
HEALEY, N., 2009. Key challenges for the international higher education sector. In: ISANA Education International Annual Conference, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, August 2009, Canterbury, New Zealand.
HEALEY, N., 2009. The global economic recession: implications for Asian universities. In: QS WorldClass 2009 – Classroom for Leaders of Asia’s Schools, Bali, April 2009, Bali.
HEALEY, N., 2009. The globalisation of business education: international cooperation, partnerships and strategic issues. In: Asia-Pacific Conference for Deans and Directors, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, November 2009, Shanghai.
HEALEY, N., 2009. The recession and business schools. In: Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Institutional Members’ Meeting, Brisbane, March 2009, Brisbane.
HEALEY, N., ADAMS, A. and DE WITT, H., 2009. Opportunities and challenges in the internationalisation of higher education in Europe and Australia. In: International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) – European Association for International Education (EAIE) Symposium on ‘Advancing Europe-Australia cooperation in higher education’, University of New South Wales, Sydney, October 2009, Sydney.
HEALEY, N., MACINTOSH, B. and TODD, S., 2009. Weathering the recession and protecting market share: lessons from down under. In: European Association of International Education 21st Annual Conference, Madrid, September 2009, Madrid.
HENHAM, R., 2009. International sentencing as a force for achieving peace through justice. In: Taking Stock of Transitional Justice Conference, Oxford Transitional Justice Research, University of Oxford, June 2009, Oxford.
HENN, M., 2009. Doctoral programmes and graduate schools in the UK: a case study of Nottingham Trent University [keynote speech]. In: Macedonian Ministry of Education and Science, Skopje, 31 March 2009, Skopje.
HENN, M., 2009. Supervision in Doctoral Education [keynote speech]. In: UNICA Masterclass (Network of Universities of the Capitals of Europe), Dubrovnik, 23 September 2009, Dubrovnik.
HERZIG, C., MICHELSEN, G. and MARTIKAINEN, A., 2009. Communicating environmental performance through indicators in environmental statements: a German representative study. In: Environmental Management Accounting Network, Europe Conference, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Prague, Czech Republic, 23-24 April 2009, Prague, Czech Republic.
HEYM, N. and LAWRENCE, C., 2009. Distinguishing FFFS-fear and BIS-anxiety in Carver & White's BIS/BAS. In: Symposium presentation at the Bienninal Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID), Chicago, United States, 18-22 July 2009.
HILL, R., BRUNSDEN, V. and GOATCHER, J., 2009. Developing reflexive and ethical leadership in the UK FRS. In: Annual Conference on Fire-Related Research and Developments 2009 (RE09), National Fire Services College, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, 11 November 2009, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.
HOWARD, C.J., GILCHRIST, I.D., TROSCIANKO, T., BEHERA, A. and HOGG, D., 2009. Continuous manual responses and continuous gaze tracking during CCTV monitoring. In: Fifteenth European Conference on Eye Movements, Southampton, 24-26 August 2009.
HOWARD, C.J., GILCHRIST, I.D., TROSCIANKO, T., BEHERA, A. and HOGG, D., 2009. Monitoring CCTV and watching football: expert-novice differences in the magnitude of a visuo-motor buffer. In: Vision Science Society Annual Meeting, Naples, Florida, United States, 8-13 May 2009.
HOWARD, C.J., HEWES, A. and HOLCOMBE, A.O., 2009. Multiple object tracking: you know WHERE around four objects are, but do you know WHAT they are? In: Bristol Vision Institute Symposium, Bristol Vision Institute, University of Bristol, Bristol, 17 December 2009.
HOWARD, C.J. and HOLCOMBE, A.O., 2009. Changes in direction of motion attract attention. In: Fourteenth Applied Vision Association Christmas Meeting, University of Bristol, Bristol, 18 December 2009.
HOWARD, C.J., TROSCIANKO, T. and GILCHRIST, I.D., 2009. Expertise affects visual-motor lags during continuous sports monitoring. In: Fifteenth European Conference on Eye Movements, Southampton, 24-26 August 2009.
HRAMIAK, A. and BOULTON, H., 2009. Lost in transition: perceptions of assessment and feedback from school to university. In: European Conference on Educational Research, Vienna, 28-30 September 2009, Vienna.
HUGHES, A. and HUGHES, T., 2009. Social justice in a Transylvanian Saxon village. In: Architecture & Justice, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, 25-27 November 2009, Lincoln.
HUGHES, N., 2009. Blended learning: an effective, efficient and popular approach to language learning in HE. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Blended Learning Conference, Hertfordshire.
HUGHES, T. and HUGHES, A., 2009. Cultures, identities, heritage, conflict: emerging dynamics in Transylvania's Saxon villages. In: 2009 ADGD Conference: The Multiple Faces of Identity in the Designed Environment, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 17-18 September 2009, Nottingham.
HUNT, K.J., 2009. John Newling's 'Ark: RoadVines': place, provenance and the politics of soil. In: Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada 21-28 March 2009, Las Vegas.
HUXLEY-BINNS, R., 2009. Credit where it is due. In: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham.
IRWIN, B. and BOULTON, H., 2009. Analysing the development of professional identity in blogging discourse. In: Improving Student Learning Symposium, Imperial College, University of London, 7-9 September 2009, London.
ISSA, H.K. and MOHAMMAD, F.A., 2009. Weight and displacement optimizations of steel portal frames to Eurocode 3 using distributed genetic algorithms. In: 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, LNEC Conference Centre, Lisbon, Portugal, June 1-5 2009, Lisbon, Portugal.
JOHNSON, M.A., SHARPE, G.R. and BROWN, P.I., 2009. Effects of prior exercise using remote muscle groups on indices of aerobic function and the power-time relationship. In: 14th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science, Oslo, Norway, Oslo, Norway.
JONES, G., 2009. A computational model of three nonword repetition tests. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling.
JONES, G., WATSON, S.E. and TAMBURELLI, M., 2009. Lexical and non-lexical nonword repetition performance in SLI: an analysis of accuracy and errors. In: British Psychological Society: Developmental Section, Nottingham, Nottingham.
JONES, M. and LIDDLE, J., 2009. Implementing the UK Central Government’s policy agenda for improved third sector engagement: reflecting on issues arising from third sector commissioning [workshops]. In: Nottingham Business School and University of Stockholm Business School Joint International Symposium, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, 5 May 2009, Nottingham.
JOY, M., COSMA, G., SINCLAIR, J. and YAU, J.Y.-K., 2009. A taxonomy of plagiarism in computer science. In: EDULEARN09 International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 July 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
JUSTICE, L., LAM, Y.Y. and TZVETANOVA YUNG, S., 2009. Forget the future. What are today's design education issues? In: 2009 DesignEd Asia Conference, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, 1-2 December 2009, Hong Kong.
KAMOCHE, K., PANG, M. and WONG, A., 2009. Knowledge appropriation, turbulent careers and power. In: EURAM, Liverpool, May 2009, Liverpool.
KAMOCHE, K. and TANSLEY, C., 2009. Talent management as knowledge management: towards a new theoretical framework for managing high potential people. In: British Academy of Management, Brighton, September 2009, Brighton.
KANDHOLA, M., 2009. Flatland: a landscape of Punjab & Illustration of life [informed presentation]. In: PhotoInk Gallery, Delhi, September 2009, Delhi.
KAYE, D., 2009. Monte Carlo Markov chains. In: Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Psychological Society: Mathematics, Statistics & Computing Section, University of Leicester, 5 December 2009, Leicester.
KENT, C., GUEST, D. and ADELMAN, J.S., 2009. The time course of perceptual processes in absolute identification [oral presentation]. In: Experimental Psychology Society Meeting, University of York, York, 8-10 July 2009, York.
KETTLEY, S., BREEDON, P. and BRIGGS-GOODE, A., 2009. Migration. In: Netherlands Institute for Media Art Wearables Workshop, Amsterdam, 14-20 July 2009, Amsterdam.
KETTLEY, S., BREEDON, P., BRIGGS-GOODE, A., DOWNES, T., HARRIGAN, K., GLAZZARD, M. and MARSHALL, N., 2009. Aeolia: new media Scotland. In: 10th Anniversary Celebration, Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow, 2 July 2009, Glasgow.
KETTLEY, S., BREEDON, P.J. and BRIGGS-GOODE, A., 2009. HUG - a reactive textile product for affective care environments. In: 15th International Symposium on Electronic Art, Northern Ireland, 23 August - 1 September 2009, Northern Ireland.
KHADOUR, L., RAMSAY-DAWBER, P. and MORLEDGE, R., 2009. Case studies on the implementation of TQEM in UK building contractors. In: Proceedings of 25th Annual ARCOM Conference, Nottingham.
KHADOUR, L., RAMSAY-DAWBER, P. and MORLEDGE, R., 2009. TQEM towards sustainability in the UK construction industry. In: Proceedings of Association of Post Graduate Research Conference, Manchester.
KING, D., 2009. Governable subjects. In: Royal Geographical Society Conference, Manchester, August 2009, Manchester.
KING, D., 2009. SMART citizens: governable subjects in the Voluntary and Community sector. In: Critical Management Studies Conference, Warwick, July 2009, Warwick.
LALLY, R., JONES, G., UNDERWOOD, J. and BARRETT, D., 2009. Ambiguity aversion in children and adolescents: using the classic Ellsberg paradigm to determine the source of decisions under uncertainty. In: British Psychological Society: Developmental Section, Nottingham, 2009.
LAU, T., KWONG, F.C. and KAMOCHE, K., 2009. Knowledge management, organizational capabilities and performance in high-tech SMEs. In: 35th European International Business Academy Meeting, Valencia, December, 2009, Valencia.
LE BON, M., 2009. Influence of probiotics on the intestinal mucosa of the weaner pig [poster presentation and abstract in proceedings]. In: Mucosal Immunology and Intestinal Microflora: European Symposium, Norwich, 9 June 2009, Norwich.
LE BON, M., 2009. Influence of probiotics on the intestinal mucosa of the weaner pig [poster presentation and abstract in proceedings]. In: The XI International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs, Tarragona, Spain, 20-22 May 2009, Tarragona, Spain.
LESLIE, S. and BREEDON, P., 2009. Hours of darkness - safety trainer running system. In: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing, Harbin, China, 24-26 September 2009, Harbin, China.
LI, J., PIKE, R. and MANGENA, M., 2009. Audit committee characteristics and intellectual capital disclosure practices in UK firms. In: European Accounting Association (EAA) Congress, Tampere, Finland, May, 2009, Tampere.
LIAO, R., TU, W., EXCELL, P. and GROUT, V., 2009. Cross-layer wireless QoS support. In: 3rd International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA'09), Wales, September 2009, Wales.
LIAO, R., TU, W., EXCELL, P. and GROUT, V., 2009. QoS analysis models for wireless networks. In: Fifth Collaborative Research Symposium on Security, E-Learning, Internet and Networking (SEIN 2009), Darmstadt, Germany, November 2009, Darmstadt, Germany.
LIDDLE, J., 2009. Global changes to public management and the role of sport in regional & local regeneration. In: European Sports Development Network (ESDN) symposium, Bass Management Centre, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 3 September 2009, Nottingham.
LIDDLE, J., 2009. Managing health and social and community care in the UK: the mission impossible. In: 9th Congress of the European Nurse Directors Association (ENDA 2009), Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland, 7-9 October 2009, Helsinki.
LIDDLE, J., 2009. Multi-spatial strategic partnerships in the UK: new forms of organisation and emerging issues. In: Local Governance Conference, Local Governance and Inter-governmental Relations in the Caribbean: Examining the Past, Assessing the Present and Predicting the Future, UWI, Mona, Jamaica, 8-9 January 2009.
LIDDLE, J., 2009. Partnerships for sustainable public service delivery in England: choices, challenges, dilemmas and lessons learned. In: International Conference for Administrative Development: Towards Excellence in Public Sector Performance, King Faisal Hall for Conferences, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1-4 November 2009, Riyadh.
LOCK, A., 2009. [Oral presentation]. In: Orchard Park [exhibition], George Eastman House, Rochester, New York, United States, April 2009, New York.
LOCKREN, P., 2009. Clothes to rely on: designing from the meanings and values of early 1900s clothing for one family's women today. In: 11th Annual Conference for the International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes (IFFTI), Fashion & Well-being, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London, 2-3 April 2009, London.
LOCKREN, P., 2009. Clothes to rely on: the cut and construction of women's garments from 1890 to 1910. In: Proceedings of the Research Practice Course Conference, Nottingham.
LOGUE, C. and MCNAMARA, K., 2009. Readiness for change: baseline data on readiness to implement the Síolta framework. In: Summary of research findings presented to community members, Office of the Minister for Children representatives, and those involved in the design of the Síolta framework, Dublin, Ireland, 1 December 2009.
LOVE, K., 2009. Difference in play, contradiction and paranoia. In: NTU School of Social Sciences, Politics and Sociology Divisional Research Seminar, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 2009, Nottingham.
MACKINTOSH, C., 2009. County sports partnerships: emergent findings from the East Midlands - a new regional architecture for sports development? In: International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) World Congress, Utrecht, 15-18 July 2009, Utrecht.
MACKINTOSH, C., 2009. Sports development qualification development/future skills development routes discussion. In: ISPAL National Careers in Sport and Leisure Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 26 March 2009, Sheffield.
MACKINTOSH, C., 2009. Why academic theory needs to be embedded alongside skill development: careers in sports development. In: ISPAL National Careers in Sport and Leisure Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 25 March 2009, Sheffield.
MACUTKIEWICZ, D. and SUNDERLAND, C., 2009. The impact of a female international field hockey tournament on performance and markers of immune status and muscle damage [abstract]. In: Book of Abstracts of the 14th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Norway.
MAHMOUD, S.M., LOTFI, A., SHERKAT, N., LANGENSIEPEN, C. and OSMAN, T., 2009. Echo state network for occupancy prediction and pattern mining in intelligent environment. In: Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments: 5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments 2009, Barcelona, 20-21 July 2009.
MALPASS, M., 2009. Consequences of use: design proposals. In: Design Connexity: Proceedings of the 8th European Academy of Design International Conference.
MALPASS, M., 2009. Contextualising critical design: a classification of critical design practices. In: Design Connexity: Proceedings of the 8th European Academy of Design International Conference.
MANEWA, R.M.A.S., PASQUIRE, C.L., GIBB, A.G.F. and SCHMIDT, R., 2009. Towards economic sustainability through adaptable buildings. In: Smart and Sustainable Built Environments: 3rd CIB International Conference, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 15 June 2009, TU Delft.
MANGENA, M., PIKE, R. and LI, J., 2009. Intellectual capital disclosure practices and effects on the cost of equity capital: UK evidence. In: British Accounting Association (BAA) Conference, Dundee, April 2009, Dundee.
MANN, J. and DENONCOURT, J., 2009. Copyright issues on the protection of architectural works and designs. In: Proceedings of 25th Annual ARCOM Conference, Nottingham.
MAO, L., 2009. The 1960s generation Chinese women. In: The 2nd Annual International Forum of Contemporary Chinese Studies (IFCCS) on Beyond Revolution and Reforms: The People's Republic Looks Forward at 60, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 7-9 September 2009.
MAO, L., 2009. Revisiting the Cultural Revolution generation of Chinese women. In: Jiu: Commemoration and Celebration in the Chinese-Speaking World Conference, Sydney, Australia, 9-11 July 2009.
MARSH, P., ARTHUR, L., CRISP, A. and DALE, J., 2009. Communicating design by practise. In: Communicating (by) Design Conference, Saint-Lucas, Brussels, Belgium, 2009.
MARTIN, P., 2009. Developments across the curriculum: problem-based and context-based learning resources within the chemistry curriculum at NTU. In: 3rd Science Learning and Teaching Conference Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh 16-17 June 2009, Edinburgh.
MARTIN, P. and MOSS, K., 2009. Developing a 21st century curriculum for science: context-based learning resources in chemistry at NTU. In: 3rd National Science Learning & Teaching Conference, Edinburgh, June 2009, Edinburgh.
MCCAFFREY, E., 2009. Jean-Luc Marion et la donation [oral presentation]. In: La Sapienza - Università di Roma, Rome, Italy, 17 February 2009, Rome.
MCCAFFREY, E., 2009. Michel Henry and the phenomenology of life. In: Languages and International Studies Research Seminar Series, School of Arts and Humanities, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 25 April 2009, Nottingham.
MCCAFFREY, E., 2009. Michel Henry’s philosophy of Christianity: from the truth of the world to the truth of life [oral presentation]. In: School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, 25 February 2009, Liverpool.
MCCAFFREY, E., 2009. [Oral presentation]. In: Talent Management Forum: Leadership, Ethical Practice and Rethinking Talent, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 19 June 2009, Nottingham.
MCCAFFREY, E., 2009. [Oral presentation]. In: Towards a Philosophy of Life: Rethinking the Concept of Life in Continental Philosophy of Religion, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, 26-28 June 2009, Liverpool.
MCCOLLIN, C., COLEMAN, S., OGRAJENŠEK, I. and KENETT, R., 2009. An analysis of statistical efficiency. In: Ninth Annual ENBIS Conference, Gothenburg, September 2009, Gothenburg, Sweden.
MCCONVILLE, D., ARNOLD, J. and SMITH, A.J., 2009. The human and organisational impact of employee share ownership: the role of psychological ownership in 'all employee' UK Schemes. In: British Academy of Management Conference (BAM 2009), University of Brighton, Brighton, 15-17 September 2009.
MCELWEE, G., 2009. Theorising illegal rural enterprise: is everyone at it? In: The 7th Rural Entrepreneurship Conference, University of Central Scotland, Penrith, Scotland, May 2009, Penrith.
MCELWEE, G. and ANNIBAL, I., 2009. Business support for farmers: an evaluation of the Farm Cornwall Project. In: The 7th Rural Entrepreneurship Conference, University of Central Scotland, Penrith, Scotland, May 2009, Penrith.
MCKNIGHT, S., 2009. Backing the winners: libraries adding value. In: SCONUL Conference, Bournemouth, 10-12 June 2009, Bournemouth.
MCNEIL, J., MEREDITH, A. and MOSS, K., 2009. Mind the gap: bridging individual and institutional aspirations for learning. In: Annual University Learning and Teaching Conference, NTU, April 2009, Nottingham.
MEDJDOUB, B., 2009. Constraint-based adaptation in building space configuration. In: The Fourth European Conference on Intelligent Management Systems in Operations (IMSIO 4), University of Salford, Manchester, 7-8 July 2009.
MEDJDOUB, B., 2009. Generation of variational plant room design solutions. In: Proceedings of OR IMSIO 4: The Fourth European Conference on Intelligent Management Systems in Operations, University of Salford, 7-8 July 2009, Salford.
MENDOZA, M., 2009. Comparative daylight glare analysis between measured and computer simulation predictions. In: International Conference PLEA 2009: Architecture, Energy and the Occupant's Perspective, Montreal.
MENDOZA, M., 2009. Light and identity. In: PLDC 2009 2nd Global Professional Lighting Design Convention Proceddings, Berlin.
MINSHULL, C., WILLIAMSON, D. and GLEESON, N.P., 2009. Effects of joint angle on volitional and magnetically-evoked neuromuscular performance. In: 14th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECCS 2009), Oslo Congress Centre, Oslo, Norway, 24-27 June 2009, Oslo.
MOFFATT, P., 2009. The Banking Act 2009: Genesis. In: Nottingham Law School's Centre for Legal Research Insolvency and Corporate Law Research Group, 4 November 2009.
MORRIS, R.H., 2009. Layer guided surface acoustic wave sensors using langasite substrates [oral presentation]. In: 23rd European Frequency and Time Forum, Besancon, France, 2009, Besancon, France.
MORRIS, R.H., NEWTON, M.I., KNOWLES, P., BENCSIK, M., DAVIES, P. and GRIFFIN, P., 2009. An NMR sensor for long term monitoring of constructed wetlands. In: IEEE Conference on Sensors, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand.
MORRIS, R.H., NEWTON, M.I., ROACH, P., DOY, N., EVANS, C.R., ATHERTON, S. and MCHALE, G., 2009. Layer guided surface acoustic wave sensors using Langasite substrates. In: IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, Besançon, France.
MOSS, K., 2009. Communicating science: engaging students. In: EuroVariety in Chemistry Education, Manchester, September 2009, Manchester.
MOSS, K., 2009. Threshold concepts, troublesome knowledge and effective learning in science [invited lecture]. In: Swedish Chemical Society, Annual Chemistry Teachers Conference, Sigtuna, Sweden, March 2009, Stiguna, Sweden.
MOSS, K. and CROWLEY, M., 2009. Communicating science - CELS style! [invited workshop]. In: Norwegian Research Council, Oxford, March 2009, Oxford.
MUNDO-HERNÁNDEZ, J., RODRIGUEZ, S., MENDOZA, M. and BAKER, R., 2009. Living with the sun: using canopy structures in Mexico and the UK. In: Evolution and Trends in Design, Analysis and Construction of Shell and Spatial Structures, Valencia.
MURPHY, J., SHEVLIN, M., HOUSTON, J.E., ARMOUR, C. and ADAMSON, G., 2009. PTSD-intrusions and psychotic hallucinations: the risk of childhood adversity. In: ISTSS Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 2009, Atlanta.
MURPHY, J., SHEVLIN, M., HOUSTON, J.E., ARMOUR, C. and ADAMSON, G., 2009. Sexual trauma, paranoia, and psychosis: an analysis of the British Psychiatric Morbidity Survey. In: ISTSS Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 2009, Atlanta.
MURPHY, P., 2009. Public sector reform 1997-2009. In: Nottingham Business School and University of Stockholm Business School Joint International Symposium, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, 5 May 2009, Nottingham.
MURPHY, P., GREENHALGH, K., LIDDLE, J. and BUCKLEY, J., 2009. Narrowing the gap - increasing the number of women in operational fire fighting roles: an early evaluation of an initiative by Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Services on behalf of the 5 East Midland services. In: Public Administration Committee (PAC) Conference, Glamorgan Business Centre, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, 7-9 September 2009, Pontypridd.
NAVA, C. and QUATTRONE, G., 2009. A metadesign tool for a 'New Vernacular Architecture'. Application to the design for an eco park in Tripi (Italy). In: Proceedings of INTA-SEGA 2009 Abstracts, INTA International Network for Tropical Architecture, Bankok.
NEWLING, J., 2009. Art and ecology in the Anthropocene era: recent projects by John Newling [invited keynote speaker]. In: 6th ERARAM 'East Midlands Arts in Rural Area Network' Conference, 30 November 2009.
NEWLING, J., 2009. Between sign and symptom; the transformation of value, coin and materials in the works of John Newling [survey lecture]. In: Royal Numismatic Society for the Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London, 17 November 2009, London.
NICHOLSON, A., 2009. Generality, specificity, and effect: issues of transformation in the law concerning women and slavery. In: Trafficking: Women, Children and Exploitation, Feminist Legal Research Unit, Liverpool University, 10 March 2010, Liverpool.
NICHOLSON, A., 2009. The law and the protection of women from slavery and slave-like practices. In: Economic History Society Women's Committee 20th Annual Workshop, Free Labour? Women and Work in Slave and Post-Slave Societies, Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation (WISE), University of Hull, Hull, 14 November 2009.
O'CONNOR, P., 2009. Autonomous learning: theory and practice. In: A Level Above: Transition and Progression in Philosophical Education, University of Oxford, Oxford, 2-3 July 2009.
O'GRADY, A., 2009. Why, and how important, are the piloting activities for the QUALC quality process? The experience and the first results of the UK Pilot Sites. In: QUALC Conference, EFQUEL Innovation Forum, Helsinki, Finland, 23-25 September 2009.
O'NEILL, M., 2009. [Keynote lecture]. In: 2009 Model EU, State University of New York, April 2009, New York.
OBEMBE, D. and BAPTISTE, N., 2009. Interim assessment feedback as ‘best-practice’ in facilitating student learning in HE. In: 6th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Roehampton, London, 28 April 2009.
OTT, U.F., 2009. International negotiations from the perspective of reactive bargainers: an analysis of cultural cognitive bargaining behavior and its real life applications. In: IB Reading Conference, Reading, 30-31 March 2009.
OTT, U.F., 2009. A bargaining model for international negotiations from a reactive perspective. In: Academy of International Business (AIB 2009) Annual Meeting, San Diego State University, San Diego, California, United States, 27-30 June 2009.
OTT, U.F., 2009. A bargaining model for international negotiations with double-sided uncertainty. In: Academy of International Business (AIB 2009) Annual Meeting, San Diego State University, San Diego, California, United States, 27-30 June 2009.
PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2009. Ethics talks [presentation]. In: Business and Technology Show, Illinois CPA Society, Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont, Illinois, August 2009.
PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2009. Managing reputational risk and promoting sustainability [presentation]. In: Institute for Risk Managers South Africa (IRMSA), Sandton, Johannesburg, November 2009.
PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2009. Organizational culture [presentation]. In: Institute for Risk Managers South Africa (IRMSA), Sandton, Johannesburg, March, November 2009.
PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2009. Professional ethics [presentation]. In: Taxpayers’ Association of Illinois, Illinois, September 2009.
PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2009. Relational space and agency. In: PSSA (Philosophical Society of Southern Africa) Annual Conference, University of Fort Hare, Hogsback, South Africa, 20 January 2009.
PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2009. Relational space as voice. In: Santorini Voice Symposium, Santorini, Greece, 5-12 July 2009.
PARKIN, J.K. and BAGULEY, T., 2009. Can recall of a spatial mental model be inexact? In: BPS Cognitive Section Conference, Hertfordshire, 1-3 September 2009, Hertfordshire.
PEMBERTON, S. and BLAGDEN, N., 2009. 'What nice eyes you’ve got': challenges, pitfalls and dilemmas in conducting qualitative research with sexual offenders. In: 24th Annual PsyPAG Conference, Cardiff, Wales, July 2009, Cardiff, Wales.
PEPPER, A., 2009. The definitive holography exhibitions list - filling the data gap - assessing a trend. In: 8th International Symposium on Display Holography, Shenzhen, China, 13-17 July 2009, Shenzhen, China.
PEPPIN, M., BOULTON, H. and LIGGETT, A., 2009. Social learning in physical spaces. In: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 2 April 2009, Nottingham.
PERKINS, S. and AYODEJI, J., 2009. Rehearsing identities via online journals. In: Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2009, (ANZCA09), Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 8-10 July 2009.
PIEBALGA, A., 2009. [Conference activity]. In: ISEA 2009 (15th International Symposium on Electronic Art), Belfast, 2009, Belfast.
PIEBALGA, A., 2009. [Workshop]. In: Bristol Festival After Effects Workshop, Arnolfini, Bristol, 2009, Bristol.
PLACKETT, R. and HOXLEY, M., 2009. Surveying education and training in the UK: a cross profession comparison. In: Proceedings of the RICS COBRA Conference 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
POON, J., 2009. Use of moral theory to analyse the RICS Rules of Conduct. In: Proceedings of Construction and Building Research (COBRA) Conference, Cape Town.
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WOOD, A.G., PRYSE, S.E., KIDD, P., FALLOWS, R.A. and GROCOTT, A., 2009. Seasonal variation of polar cap patches in the high-latitude nightside ionosphere around solar minimum and solar maximum. In: 14th International EISCAT workshop, Tromsø Geophysical Observatory, Tromsø, Norway, 3-7 August 2009, Tromsø, Norway.
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WOOD, A.G., PRYSE, S.E., WHITTICK, E.L. and MIDDLETON, H.R., 2009. Characteristics of polar cap patches in the high-latitude nightside ionosphere. In: URSI Festival of Radio Science, University of Birmingham, Birminham, 15 December 2009, Birmingham.
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