Items where Year is 1996

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ACKRILL, R.W., 1996. Europe. In: M. LAVENDER and P.M. JACKSON, eds., Public services yearbook 1996/97. London: Public Finance Foundation, pp. 85-96.

ADIBZADEH, M., MARIANI, E., BARTOLINI, C., BECKMAN, I., LIGTHART, G., REMARQUE, E., SHALL, S., SOLANA, R., TAYLOR, G.M., BARNETT, Y. and PAWELEC, G., 1996. Lifespans of T lymphocytes: a review. Mechanisms in Ageing and Development, 91, pp. 79-94.

AGG, P.J., ARCUS, A., BLACKWOOD, D., FITZGERALD, P.L., HOLTOM, G.J. and ROSEVEAR, A., 1996. Gas generation from low level radioactive waste: a comparison of model derived and experimental data. In: Proceedings of NATO Advanced Workshop on Microbial Degradation Processes in Radioactive Waste and Nuclear Fuel Storage Areas, Budapest, Hungary.

AHMAD, S.I., STOCKENHUBER, C., BARI, M. and KIRK, S.H., 1996. Generation of superoxide anions and singlet oxygen from near UV photolysis of aromatic biological compounds and its effects on living organisms. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Photobiology: Abstracts.

AIRAPETOV, E.L., SU, D. and HULL, J.B., 1996. Analysis of the length of contact lines of worm gearing. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Gearing, Izhevsk, Russia.

AL-NAGEIM, H.K., MOHAMMAD, F.A. and LESLEY, L., 1996. Deflection profile of a new light rail track system. Transport, 117 (4), pp. 272-277.

ALBEVERIO, S., DALETSKII, A. and KONDRATIEV, Y., 1996. A stochastic differential equation approach to some lattice models on compact Lie groups. Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, 4 (3), pp. 239-249. ISSN 0926-6364

ALDRIDGE, A., DINGWALL, R. and WATSON, P., 1996. Evaluation of two pharmaceutical care programmes for people with mental health problems living in the community. Sheffield: Trent Institute for Health Services Research.

ALI, S.A., LI, G., YOUNGS, S. and REES, R.C., 1996. Interleukin-15 induced tumour cell migration. Immunology, 89. ISSN 0019-2805

ALLEN, T.J., CURTISS, K.M. and ORTON, J.W., 1996. Practical optoelectronic neural network realizations based on the fault tolerance of the backpropagation algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 7 (2), pp. 488-500.

ALLIN, S.M., HODKINSON, C.C. and TAJ, N., 1996. Neighbouring group assistance in the formation of phthalimidines from o-phthalaldehyde: an intramolecular auxiliary effect. Synlett (8), p. 781. ISSN 0936-5214

ARMSTRONG, D.A., WALTERS, M., NOLLE, L., BEALE, R. and BEVERLEY, I., 1996. Accurate measurement and analysis of roll profiles. In: Proceedings of the Rolls 2000 Conference on Control of Profile and Flatness, Birmingham.


BAGILHOLE, B. and ROBINSON, E., 1996. A report on the policies and practices of equal opportunities in higher education higher. CUCO [Commission on University Career Opportunities].

BAHN, S., HARVEY, R.J., DARLISON, M.G. and WISDEN, W., 1996. Conservation of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor alpha6 subunit gene expression in cerebellar granule cells. Journal of Neurochemistry, 66 (5), pp. 1810-1818. ISSN 0022-3042

BALLS, G.R., 1996. Investigating influences on plant ozone sensitivity using artificial neural networks. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

BALLS, G.R., PALMERBROWN, D. and SANDERS, G.E., 1996. Investigating microclimatic influences on ozone injury in clover (Trifolium subterraneum) using artificial neural networks. New Phytologist, 132 (2), pp. 271-280. ISSN 0028-646X

BALLS, G.R., SANDERS, G.E. and PALMERBROWN, D., 1996. The use of artificial neural networks to model plant environment interactions. Pesticide Science, 46 (3), pp. 280-282. ISSN 0031-613X

BANCROFT, M.S., BROWN, C.V. and JONES, J.C., 1996. Dielectric relaxation studies of Goldstone mode fluctuations in SSFLX cells. Ferroelectrics, 180, p. 1.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1996. The Mosques of Manah: form, location and meaning. In: 5th International IASTE Conference, Berkeley, USA, 14-17 December 1996, Berkeley, USA.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1996. Representation of the cultural palimpsest: the case of Manah in Oman, with special reference to the relationship of water to the places of worship. In: Multiple voices/contested representations: imagery and identity. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 1-38.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1996. Representation of the cultural palimpsest: the case of Manah in inner Oman. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review, 8 (1), pp. 30-31. ISSN 1050-2092

BARDOS, R.P., FORSYTHE, S.J. and WESTLAKE, K., 1996. The co-treatment of municipal and industrial wastes. In: BERTOLDI, ed., The Science of Composting. Chapman and Hall.

BARGIELA-CHIAPPINI, F. and HARRIS, S., 1996. Interruptive strategies in British and Italian management meetings. Text - Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Discourse, 16 (3), pp. 269-297.

BARGIELA-CHIAPPINI, F. and HARRIS, S., 1996. Requests and status in business correspondence. Journal of Pragmatics, 28, pp. 635-662.

BARNES, P., 1996. Stockholder value. In: D. PAXSON and D. WOOD, eds., The Blackwell dictionary of finance. UNSPECIFIED.

BARNES, P., 1996. Stockholder value. In: C. COOPER and C. ARGERIS, eds., Blackwell's encyclopaedia of management. UNSPECIFIED.

BARNES, P., 1996. The regulation of insider dealing in the UK. Some empirical evidence concerning share prices, merger bids and bidders advising merchant banks. Applied Financial Economics, 6 (4), pp. 383-391. ISSN 0960-3107

BARNES, P., DAVIDSON, I. and WRIGHT, M., 1996. The changing nature of corporate control, ownership and financial structure. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 23 (5-6), pp. 651-672. ISSN 0306-686X

BARNES, P., DAVIDSON, I. and WRIGHT, M., 1996. The changing nature of corporate control, ownership and financial structure. JBFA (Special edition).

BARNES, P. and WARD, M., 1996. [Building society] mutual interests. .

BARNES, P. and WARD, M., 1996. The regulation of conflicts of interest in UK building societies. In: A.C. INTERNATIONAL, ed., Anti-corruption for social stability and development. Hong Qi Publishing House.

BAXTER, M.J. and BEARDAH, C.C., 1996. Beyond the histogram - improved approaches to simple data display in archaeology using kernel density estimates. Archeologica e Calcolatori, 7, pp. 397-408.

BAXTER, M.J., COOL, H.E.M. and HEYWORTH, M.P., 1996. Detecting unusual multivariate data: an archaeometric example. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia, 28, pp. 95-101.

BEARDAH, C.C. and BAXTER, M.J., 1996. MATLAB routines from kernel density estimation and the graphical presentation of archaeological data. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia, 28, pp. 179-184.

BEARDAH, C.C. and BAXTER, M.J., 1996. The archaeological use of kernel density estimates. Internet Archaeology, 1.

BELAUSTEGI, I., 1996. Offer planning in one-of-a-kind manufacture. MPhil, Nottingham Trent University.

BELBIN, D., 1996. Asking for it. London: Scholastic.

BELBIN, D., 1996. Dead white male. London: Scholastic.

BELBIN, D., 1996. Deadly inheritance. London: Scholastic.

BELBIN, D., 1996. Le prof piégé. Quebec: Les Éditions Héritages.

BELBIN, D., 1996. Shoot the teacher. Bath: Chivers.

BELBIN, D., 1996. Smokescreen. London: Scholastic.

BELBIN, D., 1996. ...Und schnitt. Berlin: Cora Verlag.

BELBIN, D., 1996. Why you're here. In: J. MOFFAT, ed., 13 murder mysteries. London: Scholastic Children's Books, pp. 35-59.

BELCHER, S., 1996. [Three poems]. In: The ice horses: the second Shore Poets anthology. Edinburgh: Scottish Cultural Press.

BENNETT, M., 1996. 'All embarqued in one bottom': an introduction to sources for soldiers, administrators and civilians in civil war Britain and Ireland. Genealogists' Magazine, 25 (8), pp. 305-315. ISSN 0016-6391

BENNETT, M., 1996. The civil wars in Britain and Ireland, 1638-1651. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 0631191542

BENNETT, M., JENNINGS, S. and WHYLD, M., 1996. Two military account books for the Civil War in Nottinghamshire. Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, pp. 1-15.

BILLETT, E.E., BEVAN, R., SCANLON, B., PICKERING, K. and GIBBONS, B., 1996. The use of a poultry-specific murine monoclonal antibody directed to the insoluble muscle protein desmin in meat speciation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 70 (3), pp. 396-404. ISSN 0022-5142

BLAIR DALZELL, D.J., 1996. The toxicity of iron to the brown trout, Salmo trutta L. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

BOGDANIS, G.C., NEVILL, M.E., BOOBIS, L.H. and LAKOMY, H.K., 1996. Contribution of phosphocreatine and aerobic metabolism to energy supply during repeated sprint exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology, 80 (3), pp. 876-884. ISSN 8750-7587

BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 1996. A computer model for the design of window shading devices. Building Research and Information, 24 (2), pp. 104-107. ISSN 0961-3218

BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M. and LIYANAGE, I.G., 1996. Construction on the information highway. In: CIB W78 Working Commission on Information Technology in Construction, University of Ljublajana, Bled, Slovenia, 1996, Bled.

BOULÉ, J.-P., 1996. Review of Aronson, R. 'After Marxism'. Modern and Contemporary France, 1.

BOWEN, R., 1996. Guidance for primary phase initial teacher training and continuing professional development in design and technology competencies for newly qualified and practicing teachers [Working group]. DATA.

BOWEN, R., 1996. Quality teaching in primary school design and technology. The Journal of the Design and Technology Association, 1 (1), pp. 12-23.

BOWLES, M.J., WOOD, R.F.M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1996. Anti-graft and anti-host antibody responses following small bowel transplantation in the rat. Transplantation Proceedings, 28, p. 2486. ISSN 0041-1345

BOWLES, M.J., WOOD, R.F.M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1996. Combined monoclonal antibody therapy in experimental small bowel transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings, 28, p. 2510. ISSN 0041-1345

BRAND, C., SISLEY, K., RENNIE, I.G., PARSONS, M.A. and REES, R.C., 1996. Chromosome changes iris melanomas. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 37 (3), p. 959. ISSN 0146-0404

BREACH, M., 1996. Foreword: 'Are you in the driving seat?'. Engineering Showcase, 96 (2), p. 5.

BREACH, M., 1996. Global positioning system: Plymouth International Field Course.

BREEDON, P.J., BALANDRAN, V. and SIVAYOGANATHAN, K., 1996. Towards multi axis neurofuzzy control for an industrial robot. In: Twelfth International Conference on CAD/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future, Middlesex University, Middlesex, UK, 14-16 August 1996, Middlesex, UK.

BREEDON, P.J., BALANDRAN, V. and SIVAYOGANATHAN, K., 1996. Towards the design and implementation of a neurofuzzy control system for an industrial robot. In: 12th National Conference on Manufacturing Research, University of Bath, Bath, UK, 9-11 September 1996, Bath, UK.

BRENNAN, L.A., HANNIGAN, B.M. and BARNETT, Y.A., 1996. The effect of antioxidant supplementation on the oxidant-induced stress response in human lymphocytes. Biochemical Society Transactions, 24 (1), 75S. ISSN 0300-5127

BRISTOW, A.W.T., 1996. Laser desorption and high resolution studies in quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

BRITTAIN, P. and COX, R., 1996. Retail management. Pitman Publishing.

BROWN, C.V., BRYAN-BROWN, G.P., JONES, J.C., PIDDUCK, A., ORR, M., BANCROFT, M.J., DUNN, P.E. and HASLAM, S.D., 1996. Liquid crystal device. UK GB2315876; Japan JP10090652.

BROWN, C.V., JONES, J.C., LYMER, K.P. and BANCROFT, M.J., 1996. Ferroelectric liquid crystal device alignment. UK GB2314169; Japan JP10123530.

BROWN, D.J. and STEWART, D.S., 1996. An emergent methodology for the design, development and implementation of virtual learning environments. In: European Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technology, 1996.

BRYAN-BROWN, G.P., BROWN, C.V. and SAGE, I.G., 1996. Liquid crystal device. UK GB2324620; World WO9739382; Europe EP089285.

BULPITT, P.C.A., 1996. The design, synthesis and evaluation of novel specific calmodulin antagonists. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.


CARMAN, R.M. and GARNER, A.C., 1996. 7,9-Dihydroxy-1,3-cineole and 2a ,7-dihydroxy-1,8-cineole: two new possum urinary metabolites. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 49 (7), pp. 741-749.

CARTER, C., 1996. Child victims of sexual abuse and the legal process: protection from harm or compounding the abuse. MPhil, Nottingham Trent University.

CARTES, I., CHILTON, J.C. and SCOFFHAM, E.R., 1996. Biodiversity and sustainable neighbourhoods through water conservation. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Interdisciplinary Research Network on the Environment and Society (IRNES) Conference, Centre for Science Studies and Science Policy, Lancaster University, September, 1996, Lancaster.

CARTES, I., CHILTON, J.C. and SCOFFHAM, E.R., 1996. Diseño urbano, espacios publicos y lugares para la gente. In: UIA Barcelona 96: Proceedings of XIX Congress, International Union of Architects, PO31, 16 July, 1996.

CARTES, I., CHILTON, J.C. and SCOFFHAM, E.R., 1996. Re-addressing the urban growth and the planning methods towards a sustainable development in Chile. In: R. REGISTER and B. PEEKS, eds., Proceedings of the Third International Ecocity Conference, Dakar, Senegal, January, 1996. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University, pp. 128-131. ISBN 965573206

CARTES, I., CHILTON, J.C. and SCOFFHAM, E.R., 1996. Recovering housing and neighbourhoods areas by appropriate detail design and a systemic approach. In: Proceedings of Conference on Detail Design in Architecture, Nene College of Higher Education, Northampton, September, 1996. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 224-234. ISBN 095297830X

CARTES, I., CHILTON, J.C. and SCOFFHAM, E.R., 1996. Sustainable and equitable urban development in Chile [conference paper abstract]. , p. 14. ISSN 1357-759X

CARTES, I., CHILTON, J.C. and SCOFFHAM, E.R., 1996. Sustainable and equitable urban development in the south of Chile. In: Eco-villages and Sustainable Communities, Findhorn Foundation, Forres, Scotland, 1996 [conference proceedings]. UNSPECIFIED, p. 6. ISBN 1899171215

CARTES, I., CHILTON, J.C. and SCOFFHAM, E.R., 1996. Sustainable communities through water treatment [conference paper]. , pp. 4-6. ISSN 1361-2697

CARTES, I., CHILTON, J.C. and SCOFFHAM, E.R., 1996. Tradition, appropriate modernity and local architecture in the South of Chile. In: Traditions and Modernity: Proceedings of International Conference, Mercu-Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 9-11 December, 1996, Jakarta.

CARTES, I., CHILTON, J.C. and SCOFFHAM, E.R., 1996. The 're-design' of sustainable neighbourhoods and the recovery of inner city areas [abstract]. In: 21st Design History Society Conference, Middlesex University, 13-15 December, 1996.

CHADWICK, E., 1996. Back to the future: three civil wars and the law of neutrality. Journal of Armed Conflict Law, 1 (1), pp. 1-31. ISSN 1364-0224

CHADWICK, E., 1996. ''Rights' and international humanitarian law'. In: C.A. GEARTY and A. TOMKINS, eds., Understanding human rights. London: Continuum International Publishing Group- Mansell, pp. 573-595. ISBN 720122953

CHADWICK, E., 1996. Self-determination, terrorism and the international humanitarian law of armed conflict. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. ISBN 9041101225

CHADWICK, E., 1996. Terrorism and the law: historical contexts, contemporary dilemmas and the end(s) of democracy. Crime, Law and Social Change, 26 (4), pp. 329-350. ISSN 0925-4994

CHARYSZYN, S.M., CRISP, A.R. and ELMER, K.E., 1996. Integrated risk assessment with product development. In: Risk Management in a Regulated Environment Symposium, Institute of Measurement and Control, London, 27 November, 1996, London.

CHEETHAM, A., 1996. Simulation of a multi-dimensional pattern classifier. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

CHENERY, S., ELLINGWORTH, D., TSELONI, A. and PEASE, K., 1996. Crimes which repeat: undigested evidence from the British Crime Survey 1992. International Journal of Risk, Security and Crime Prevention, 1, pp. 207-216.

CHILTON, J.C., 1996. Who decides? The influence of the education system on conceptual design of structures. In: Conceptual Design of Structures: Proceedings of the IASS International Symposium, Stuttgart, 6-11 October, 1996, Stuttgart.

CHO, S.S., BACON, C.M., SUDARSHAN, C., REES, R.C., FINBLOOM, D., PINE, R. and OSHEA, J.J., 1996. Activation of STAT4 by IL-12 and IFN-alpha - Evidence for the involvement of ligand-induced tyrosine and serine phosphorylation. Journal of Immunology, 157 (11), pp. 4781-4789. ISSN 0022-1767

CIRSTEA, M.N., 1996. An investigation into ASIC control of a 6-pulse cycloconverter for a quad winding induction motor. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

COCKER, E., 1996. Indifference in difference: Interview with Helen Chadwick. Make, the Magazine of Women's Art, 'Is Women's Art Homeless', 71, pp. 22-24. ISSN 1365-8190

COLOMBO, S.L., PAIROBA, C.F. and ANDREO, C.S., 1996. Inhibitory effect of shikimic acid on PEP carboxylase activity. Plant and Cell Physiology, 37 (6), pp. 870-872.

COOKE, A. and CHAPPLE, W., 1996. Changes in concentration in the waste disposal industry: a view from the trenches. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

COOL, H.E.M. and BAXTER, M.J., 1996. Quantifying glass assemblages. In: Annales du 13e Congrès de l'Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre.

COOPER, T., 1996. Reducing electronics waste by increasing product life spans. In: International Symposium on Eco-Efficient Concepts for the Electronics Industry, Frankfurt, November 1996, Frankfurt.

COOPER, T., 1996. Take it back: an assessment of EU proposals to reduce electrical and electronic waste. In: Proceedings of the European Environment Conference, Leeds.

COOPER, T., 1996. The re-use of consumer durables in the UK: obstacles and opportunities. In: Proceedings of the First International Working Seminar on Reuse, Eindhoven.

CORDEN, R., 1996. Pupils' perceptions of learning contexts: the effect on interaction and use of spoken language in small groups. In: BERA Conference, Lancaster University, 12-15 September, 1996.

CORDEN, R., 1996. Talking into literacy [keynote speaker]. In: UKRA Conference, Northumbria University University, 07 July, 1996.

CORDEN, R., 1996. Teachers' perspectives on their learning experiences as students: changing roles & relationships in teacher education. In: Pan - European Collaborative Projects in Teacher Education, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic, 02-04 July, 1996, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic.

CORK, C.R., COOKE, W.D. and WILD, J.P., 1996. The use of image analysis to determine yarn twist level in archaeological textiles. Archaeometry, 38 (2), pp. 337-345.

COTTAM, D.W., CORBITT, R.H., GOMEZ, D.E., REES, R.C. and THORGEIRSSON, U.P., 1996. Alterations in endothelial cell proteinase and inhibitor polarized secretion following treatment with interleukin-1, phorbol ester, and human melanoma cell conditioned medium. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 60 (1), pp. 148-160. ISSN 0730-2312

CRABBE, A. and CARTLEDGE, T., 1996. The efficacy of a microwave disinfection system for soft contact lenses: report to the UK Medical Devices Agency. UNSPECIFIED.

CRANTON, W.M., KEY, P.H., SANDS, D., THOMAS, C.B. and WAGNER, F.X., 1996. XeCl laser ablation of thin film ZnS. Applied Surface Science, 9698, pp. 501-504.

CRESSEY, M., GRATTAN, J.P., GILBERTSON, D.D. and PYATT, F.B., 1996. Towards an air pollution history of Sheffield. In: Peat Bog Archives of Heavy Metal Deposition [conference], University of Berne, Switzerland, 1996, Berne, Switzerland.

CRISP, A.R., CHARYSZYN, S.M. and SOLOMONIDES, I.P., 1996. Measuring progress towards sustainable development. In: Proceedings of the Forum for Environmental Engineering Education Conference.

CRISP, A.R., CHARYSZYN, S.M. and SOLOMONIDES, I.P., 1996. Towards sustainability; implications for undergraduate education in occupational health and safety management. , pp. 61-67.

CRISP, A.R., CHARYSZYN, S.M. and SOLOMONIDES, I.P., 1996. Towards sustainability; implications for undergraduate education in occupational health and safety management. In: Proceedings of Environmental Training in Engineering Education Conference.

CROMBY, J.J., STANDEN, P.J. and BROWN, D.J., 1996. The potentials of virtual environments in the education and training of people with learning disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 40, pp. 489-501. ISSN 0964-2633

CROSBY, D., PROWLE, M.J. and ROBERTS, C., 1996. Whither Community Trusts. Health Service Journal.

CUNLIFFE, I.A., REES, R.C. and RENNIE, I.G., 1996. The effect of TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2 on the proliferation of human Tenon's capsule fibroblasts in tissue culture. Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica, 74 (1), pp. 31-35. ISSN 1395-3907


DALETSKII, A. and ALBEVERIO, S., 1996. Asymptotic quantization for solution manifolds of some infinite dimensional Hamiltonian equations. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 19 (5), pp. 31-46.

DALETSKII, A., ALBEVERIO, Y. and KONDRATIEV, Y., 1996. A stochastic differential equation approach to lattice spin models with values in compact Lie groups. In: H. HEYER and T. HIRAI, eds., Infinite dimensional harmonic analysis. Tuebingen: Gräbner, pp. 1-16.

DARKWA, K., 1996. Road transport and pollution control. In: 29th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA), 1996, Florence, Italy, Florence, Italy.

DARKWA, K. and O'CALLAGHAN, P.W., 1996. Energy usage and environmental pollution in the UK: which sector dominates? Journal of Power and Energy, 210, pp. 3-14.

DARLISON, M.G. and BREITENBACH, U., 1996. Neurorezeptoren. Nachrichten aus Chemie Technik und Laboratorium, 44, pp. 175-178.

DARLISON, M.G. and HARVEY, R.J., 1996. GABA-, glycine-, and glutamate-gated channels and their possible involvement in neurological and psychiatric illness. In: S.G. SCHULTZ, T.E. ANDREOLI and A.M. BROWN, eds., Molecular biology of membrane transport disorders. New York: Plenum Press, pp. 169-180.

DAVIS, H.J. and SMITH, A.J., 1996. Changing apples into pears ‐transforming existing materials. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 11 (3), pp. 10-20. ISSN 0268-0513

DAVIS, J., CARDOSI, M.F. and VAUGHAN, D.H., 1996. Enhanced incorporation of phenazine redox groups during the eletropolymerisation of phenylene-1,2-diamine: application to cytochrome c reduction. Electrochimica Acta, 41, pp. 2375-2379.

DAVIS, J., CARDOSI, M.F. and VAUGHAN, D.H., 1996. Preparation and characterisation of a novel redox polymer based on salicyl-N-phenylene diamine. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 403, pp. 213-218.

DE LEEUW, S., 1996. Distribution control at exhaust systems Europe. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 26 (8), pp. 79-96.

DE STEFANO, V., PACIARONI, K., MASTRANGELO, S., RUTELLA, S., BIZZI, B. and LEONE, G., 1996. Instrument effect on the activated protein C resistance plasma assay performed by a commercial kit. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 75 (5), pp. 752-756. ISSN 0340-6245

DI MARIO, A., SICA, S., D'ONOFRIO, G., LAROCCA, L.M., RUMI, C., ZINI, G., ETUK, B., RUTELLA, S., SALUTARI, P., TOMMASI, M. and LEONE, G., 1996. Severe anaemia as first sign of metastatic alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. European Journal of Haematology, 57 (1), pp. 109-110. ISSN 0902-4441

DIAS, T., 1996. Neue Technologien der Fadenzufuhr an Flachstrickmaschinen. In: International Conference '3. Dresdener Textiltagung '96', Dresden, 'June 1996, Dresden.

DIAS, T., 1996. New technology for yarn delivery in flat-bed knitting. Melliand International (4), pp. 198-202.

DICKENSON, J.M. and HILL, S.J., 1996. Synergistic interactions between human transfected adenosine A(1) receptors and endogenous cholecystokinin receptors in CHO cells. European Journal of Pharmacology, 302, pp. 141-151. ISSN 0014-2999

DINGWALL, R., 1996. [Conference chair]. In: 18th Couch-Stone Symposium of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Nottingham, July 1996, Nottingham.

DINGWALL, R., 1996. [Invited plenary speaker]. In: ISA Working Group 02 Conference, Occupations and Professions, September 1996.

DINGWALL, R., 1996. Teaching methods [poster session]. In: Law and Society Association Conference, Glasgow, July 1996, Glasgow.

DOBSON, S. and GODDARD, J.A., 1996. Commercial property and the location decision. Location Science, 4 (1), pp. 49-67.

DOBSON, S. and GODDARD, J.A., 1996. The demand for football in the regions of England and Wales. Regional Studies, 30 (5), pp. 443-453.

DODI, I.A., VANRHEE, F., FORDE, H., CRUZ, I.P., FISCHER, G., GOLDMAN, J.M. and MADRIGAL, J.A., 1996. Graft-versus-leukaemia (GVL) effect post allogeneic BMT is mediated by CML specific T cell clones. Human Immunology, 47, p. 463. ISSN 0198-8859

DONG, F., 1996. An investigation of body movements and their relation to garment design. MPhil, Nottingham Trent University.

DRANSFIELD, R., 1996. Teaching and learning concepts. Business Education Review.

DRURY, A., GLADWIN, R., WALTERS, S., CONDE, A. and MOSS, K., 1996. Implementing CAL: success stories from chemistry. Active Learning (5).

DUTT, S., 1996. India after the 1996 elections. CAPS News (Newsletter of the Centre for Asia-Pacific Studies) (3).

DUTT, S., 1996. UNESCO's 50th anniversary commemoration. CAPS News (Newsletter of the Centre for Asia-Pacific Studies) (1).


ECCLES, T., 1996. Environmental business strategies as green fakes. In: Business Strategy and the Environment Conference, University of Leeds, Leeds, September 1996. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 76-80. ISBN 1872677096

ECCLES, T., 1996. Eurosceptic lacks economic proof. , p. 12.

ECCLES, T., 1996. Imperialism is out in the caring nineties. , p. 23.

ECCLES, T., 1996. Misguided criticism. , p. 19.

ECCLES, T., 1996. Private lines. , p. 25.

ECCLES, T., 1996. Professional firms and professional people: towards a new management theory. In: Practice management for land, construction and property professionals. Spon, pp. 42-49. ISBN 0419213708

ECCLES, T., 1996. Review of 'Mixed use development: concept and realities’ [book review]. Environments by Design, 1 (2), pp. 222-223.

ECCLES, T., 1996. Selling off the silver? , p. 63.

ECCLES, T., 1996. There's nothing great about being 'Great'. , pp. 12-13.

ECCLES, T., 1996. Why we need those EU 'restrictions'. , pp. 18-19.

ECCLES, T., 1996. Xenophobic outburst? , p. 55.

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