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ABATE, A.F., ACAMPORA, G., LOIA, V., RICCIARDI, S. and VASILAKOS, A.V., 2010. A pervasive visual haptic framework for virtual delivery training. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 14 (2), pp. 326-334. ISSN 1089-7771

ABDEL-FATAH, A., POWE, D.G., BALL, G., LOPEZ-GARCIA, M.A., HABASHY, H.O., GREEN, A.R., REIS-FILHO, J.S. and ELLIS, I.O., 2010. Proposal for a modified grading system based on mitotic index and Bcl2 provides objective determination of clinical outcome for patients with breast cancer. Journal of Pathology, 222 (4), pp. 388-399. ISSN 1096-9896

ABDO, H., 2010. The story of the UK oil and gas taxation policy: history and trends. Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence (OGEL), 8 (4). ISSN 1875-418X

ABDO, H., 2010. The taxation of UK oil and gas production: why the windfalls got away. Energy Policy, 38 (10), pp. 5625-5635. ISSN 0301-4215

ABDO, H. and AGUIAR, M., 2010. How top managers make sense of their role in the strategic decision making process. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture & Change Management.

ABDO, H. and WILKINSON, R., 2010. Exploring possible effects of changes in capital structure on the market value of oil and gas companies. International Energy Journal.

ACAMPORA, G., CHANG, C.-C., HSIEH, K.-L., HSU, C.-Y., LEE, C.-S. and WANG, M.-H., 2010. Ontology-based multi-agents for intelligent healthcare applications. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1 (2), pp. 111-131. ISSN 1868-5137

ACAMPORA, G., GAETA, M. and LOIA, V., 2010. Exploring e-learning knowledge through ontological memetic agents. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 5 (2), pp. 66-77. ISSN 1556-603X

ACAMPORA, G., GAETA, M., LOIA, V. and VASILAKOS, A.V., 2010. Interoperable and adaptive fuzzy services for ambient intelligence applications. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 5 (2), pp. 1-26. ISSN 1556-4665

ACAMPORA, G., LEE, C.-S., WANG, M.-H., HSU, C.-Y. and HAGRAS, H., 2010. Diet assessment based on type-2 fuzzy ontology and fuzzy markup language. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 25 (12), pp. 1187-1216. ISSN 0884-8173

ADEYEYE, K., BOUCHLAGHEM, D. and PASQUIRE, C., 2010. A conceptual framework for hybrid building projects. Facilities, 28 (7/8), pp. 358-370. ISSN 0263-2772

AFAZOV, S.M., BECKER, A.A. and HYDE, T.H., 2010. Effects of micro-stresses from machining and shot-peening processes on fatigue life. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 51 (5-8), pp. 711-722. ISSN 0268-3768

AFAZOV, S.M., RATCHEV, S.M. and SEGAL, J., 2010. Modelling and simulation of micro-milling cutting forces. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 210 (15), pp. 2154-2162. ISSN 0924-0136

AL-HABAIBEH, A., AL-AZMI, A., RADWAN, N. and YANG, S., 2010. The application of force and acoustic emission sensors for detecting tool damage in turning processes. Key Engineering Materials, 419420, pp. 381-384.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., SU, D., MCCAGUE, J. and KNIGHT, A., 2010. An innovative approach for energy generation from waves. Energy Conversion and Management, 51 (8), pp. 1664-1668. ISSN 0196-8904

AL-HABAIBEH, A., YASEEN, S., PARKIN, R.M., OTHAM, F. and ALBAR, O., 2010. The design of a novel sensor fusion model for monitoring people's density in public places using infrared thermography. Key Engineering Materials, 419420, pp. 377-380.

ALDOUS, E.W., SEEKINGS, J.M., MCNALLY, A., NILI, H., IRVINE, R.M., ALEXANDER, D.J. and BROWN, I.H., 2010. Infection dynamics of highly pathogenic avian influenza and virulent avian paramyxovirus type 1 viruses in chickens, turkeys and ducks. Avian Pathology, 39 (4), pp. 265-273. ISSN 0307-9457

ALLCOCK, D. and FILATOTCHEV, I., 2010. Executive incentive schemes in initial public offerings: the effects of multiple-agency conflicts and corporate governance. Journal of Management, 36 (3), pp. 663-686. ISSN 0149-2063

ALLCOCK, S. and HULME, J., 2010. Learning styles in the classroom: educational benefit or planning exercise? Psychology Teaching Review, 16 (2), pp. 67-79. ISSN 0965-948X

ALLIN, S.M., HORRO-PITA, C., ESSAT, M., ASPINALL, I. and SHAH, P., 2010. Utilising the asymmetric amino-cope rearrangement as a novel approach to enantiomerically enriched 3-substituted aldehydes. Synthetic Communications, 40 (18), pp. 2696-2711. ISSN 0039-7911

ALLIN, S.M., TOWLER, J., GASKELL, S.N., SAHA, B., MARTIN, W.P., BULMAN PAGE, P.C. and EDGAR, M., 2010. Enolate amination and derivatization of a pyrroloisoquinoline template: towards novel peptidomimetics. Tetrahedron, 66 (49), pp. 9538-9544. ISSN 0040-4020

ALVES, C.M., REIS, R.L. and HUNT, J.A., 2010. The competitive adsorption of human proteins onto natural-based biomaterials. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 7 (50), pp. 1367-1377. ISSN 1742-5689

ALVES, C.M., REIS, R.L. and HUNT, J.A., 2010. The dynamics, kinetics and reversibility of protein adsorption onto the surface of biodegradable materials. Soft Matter, 6 (17), pp. 4135-4143. ISSN 1744-683X

ALVES-PINTO, A., BAUDOUX, S., PALMER, A.R. and SUMNER, C.J., 2010. Forward masking estimated by signal detection theory analysis of neuronal responses in primary auditory cortex. JARO: Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 11 (3), pp. 477-494. ISSN 1525-3961

AMESS, K., DRAKE, L. and KNIGHT, H.J., 2010. An empirical analysis of UK credit card pricing. Review of Industrial Organization, 37 (2), pp. 101-117. ISSN 0889-938X

ANDREWS, K., 2010. New letters, new poems: Ann Yearsley in context. Women's Writing, 17 (1), pp. 185-195. ISSN 0969-9082

ANDREWS, K., 2010. Patronal care and maternal feeling: new correspondence between Ann Yearsley and Hannah More. Romanticism, 16 (1), pp. 43-59. ISSN 1354-991X

APPIAH, K., HUNTER, A., DICKINSON, P. and MENG, H., 2010. Accelerated hardware video object segmentation: From foreground detection to connected components labelling. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 114 (11), pp. 1282-1291. ISSN 1077-3142

ASHLEY, C.Z., 2010. Towards a socialised archaeology of ceramics in Great Lakes Africa. African Archaeological Review, 27 (2), pp. 135-163. ISSN 0263-0338

ASHRAF, S., MUHAMMAD, E., AL-HABAIBEH, A. and RASHID, F., 2010. Self learning fuzzy controllers using iterative learning tuner. Digital Signal Processing, 20 (1), pp. 289-300. ISSN 1051-2004

ASIMAKOPOULOU, E. and BOUCHLAGHEM, D., 2010. A Grid-Aware Emergency Response Model (G-AERM) for disaster management. International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, 1 (3), pp. 40-56.

ASTERIS, M. and COLLINS, A., 2010. UK container port investment and competition: impediments to the market. Transport Reviews, 30 (2), pp. 163-178. ISSN 0144-1647

ATKINS, L., 2010. Opportunity and aspiration or the great deception? The case of 14-19 vocational education. Power and Education, 2 (3), pp. 253-265. ISSN 1757-7438

AZZALIN, M. and QUATTRONE, G., 2010. In vista del confronto. Costruire, 323 (4), p. 39. ISSN 1121-6336


BAGULEY, T., 2010. When correlations go bad …. The Psychologist: Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 23, pp. 122-123.

BAGULEY, T. and KAYE, W.S., 2010. Review of: Understanding psychology as a science: an introduction to scientific and statistical inference, by Z.Dienes. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 63 (3), pp. 695-698. ISSN 0007-1102

BAILEY, D., CLARK, I. and DE RUYTER, A., 2010. Private equity and the flight of the phoenix four - the collapse of MG Rover in the UK. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 3 (3), pp. 367-382. ISSN 1752-1378

BAILEY, O., 2010. Les pratiques en ligne des diasporas: représentations de soi et résistance? Migrations Société, 22 (132), pp. 47-62.

BAILEY, O. and PRETTO, N., 2010. The political economy of digital cultures in Brazil. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics.

BAKER, G.J., OUALI, F.F. and HIX, G.B., 2010. A novel route to zeolite-templated ZnO quantum wires. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 245 (1). ISSN 1742-6588

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2010. Topographic conceptions in Omani architecture. Seminar for Arabian Studies, 40, pp. 29-40. ISSN 0308-8421

BANKER, R.D., CUMMINS, J.D. and KLUMPES, P.J.M., 2010. Performance measurement in the financial services sector: Frontier efficiency methodologies and other innovative techniques. Journal of Banking & Finance, 34 (7), pp. 1413-1416. ISSN 0378-4266

BANYARD, P., 2010. Teaching the personal science: from impeccable trivia to the blooming buzzing confusion. Psychology Teaching Review, 16 (2). ISSN 0965-948X

BARON, S. and HARRIS, K., 2010. Toward an understanding of consumer perspectives on experiences. Journal of Services Marketing, 24 (7), pp. 518-531. ISSN 0887-6045

BARTHOLOMEW, K.J., NTOUMANIS, N. and THØGERSEN-NTOUMANI, C., 2010. The controlling interpersonal style in a coaching context: development and initial validation of a psychometric scale. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 32, pp. 193-216.

BAXTER, M.J. and COOL, H.E.M., 2010. Detecting modes in low-dimensional archaeological data. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37 (10), pp. 2379-2385. ISSN 0305-4403

BEETLES, A.C. and HARRIS, L.C., 2010. The role of intimacy in service relationships: an exploration. Journal of Services Marketing, 24 (5), pp. 347-358. ISSN 0887-6045

BELL, E. and KING, D., 2010. The elephant in the room: critical management studies conferences as a site of body pedagogics. Management Learning, 41 (4), pp. 429-442. ISSN 1350-5076

BELL, K.M., RUTHERFURD, S.M. and HENDRIKS, W.H., 2010. Exposure of growing and adult captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) to dietary isoflavones: twenty years later. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 94 (6), e329-e338. ISSN 0931-2439

BELMONTE, M.K., GOMOT, M. and BARON-COHEN, S., 2010. Visual attention in autism families: ‘unaffected’ sibs share atypical frontal activation. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51 (3). ISSN 0021-9630

BELTON, D.J., DESCHAUME, O., PATWARDHAN, S.V. and PERRY, C.C., 2010. A solution study of silica condensation and speciation with relevance to in vitro investigations of biosilicification. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114 (31), pp. 9947-9955.

BENER, A., CRUNDALL, D., OZKAN, T. and LAJUNEN, T., 2010. Mobile phone use while driving: a major public health problem in an Arabian society. Journal of Public Health, 18, pp. 123-129.

BENGESSER, K., COOPER, D.N., STEINMANN, K., KLUWE, L., CHUZHANOVA, N.A., WIMMER, K., TINSCHERT, S., MAUTNER, V. and KEHRER-SAWATZKI, H., 2010. A novel third type of recurrent NF1 microdeletion mediated by non-allelic homologous recombination between LRRC37B-containing low-copy repeats in 17q11.2. Human Mutation, 31, pp. 742-751.

BENNETT, M., 2010. Review of 'Cavalier: a tale of chivalry, passion and great houses' by Lucy Worsley. English Historical Review, 125 (514), pp. 709-710.

BENNETT, M., 2010. Review of 'Gloucester and Newbury 1643: the Turning Point of the Civil War' by Jon Day. English Historical Review, 125 (512), pp. 184-185. ISSN 0013-8266

BENNETT, M., 2010. Review of 'The English Civil War' edited by Stanley D.M. Carpenter. English Historical Review, 125 (513), pp. 438-439.

BENNETT, M., 2010. Review of 'The road to Marston Moor' by David Cooke. English Historical Review, 125 (512), pp. 184-185. ISSN 0013-8266

BETTS, L.R. and CROSS, A., 2010. Reflections on supporting a visually impaired student complete a biological psychology module. Psychology Teaching Review, 16 (1), pp. 58-60. ISSN 0965-948X

BINNER, J., TINO, P., TEPPER, J., ANDERSEN, R., JONES, B. and KENDALL, G., 2010. Does money matter in inflation forecasting?. Physica A - Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 389 (21), pp. 4793-4808.

BIRD, V., PREMKUMAR, P., KENDALL, T., WHITTINGTON, C., MITCHELL, J. and KUIPERS, E., 2010. Early intervention services, cognitive-behavioural therapy and family intervention in early psychosis: systematic review. British Journal of Psychiatry, 197, pp. 350-356.

BISI, M.M., BREEN, A.R., JACKSON, B.V., FALLOWS, R.A., WALSH, A.P., MIKIĆ, Z., RILEY, P., OWEN, C.J., GONZALEZ-ESPARZA, A., AGUILAR-RODRIGUEZ, E., MORGAN, H., JENSEN, E.A., WOOD, A.G., OWENS, M.J., TOKUMARU, M., MANOHARAN, P.K., CHASHEI, I.V., GIUNTA, A.S., LINKER, J.A., SHISHOV, V.I., TYUL’BASHEV, S.A., AGALYA, G., GLUBOKOVA, S.K., HAMILTON, M.S., FUJIKI, K., HICK, P.P., CLOVER, J.M. and PINTÉR, B., 2010. From the Sun to the Earth: the 13 May 2005 Coronal Mass Ejection. Solar Physics, 265 (1-2), pp. 49-127. ISSN 0038-0938

BJERREGAARD, T., 2010. Industry and academia in convergence: micro-institutional dimensions of R&D collaboration. Technovation, 30 (2), pp. 100-108. ISSN 0166-4972

BJERREGAARD, T. and KLITMOLLER, A., 2010. Frontline problem solvers: the structuring of frontline service work. International Journal of Public Administration, 33 (8-9), pp. 421-430. ISSN 0190-0692

BLACK, G., 2010. Embedding civil engagement in museums. Museum Management and Curatorship, 25 (2), pp. 129-146.

BLACK, G., 2010. Informal learning in the 21st century museum. Informationen des Sächsischen Museumsbundes e V, 38.

BLACK, P., HARRISON, C., HODGEN, J., MARSHALL, B. and SERRET, N., 2010. Validity in teachers’ summative assessments. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 17 (2), pp. 215-232. ISSN 0969-594X

BLACKER, S.D., WILLIAMS, N.C., FALLOWFIELD, J.L., BILZON, J.L.J. and WILLEMS, M.E.T., 2010. Carbohydrate vs protein supplementation for recovery of neuromuscular function following prolonged load carriage. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7 (1), p. 2. ISSN 1550-2783

BLAGDEN, N. and PEMBERTON, S., 2010. The challenge in conducting qualitative research with convicted sex offenders. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 49 (3), pp. 269-281. ISSN 0265-5527

BLAMEY, R.W., HORNMARK-STENSTAM, B., BALL, G., BLICHERT-TOFT, M., CATALIOTTI, L., FOURQUET, A., GEE, J., HOLLI, K., JAKESZ, R., KERIN, M., MANSEL, R., NICHOLSON, R., PIENKOWSKI, T., PINDER, S., SUNDQUIST, M., VAN DE VIJVER, M. and ELLIS, I., 2010. ONCOPOOL – a European database for 16,944 cases of breast cancer. European Journal of Cancer, 46 (1), pp. 56-71. ISSN 0959-8049

BOLTON-KING, R.S., EVANS, J.P.O., SMITH, C.L., PAINTER, J.D., ALLSOP, D.F. and CRANTON, W.M., 2010. What are the prospects of 3D profiling systems applied to firearms and toolmark identification? AFTE Journal, 42 (1), pp. 23-33.

BONANNO, G., IUDICONE, P., MARIOTTI, A., PROCOLI, A., PANDOLFI, A., FIORAVANTI, D., CORALLO, M., PERILLO, A., SCAMBIA, G., PIERELLI, L. and RUTELLA, S., 2010. Thymoglobulin, interferon-γ and interleukin-2 efficiently expand cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells in clinical-grade cultures. Journal of Translational Medicine, 8 (1), p. 129. ISSN 1479-5876

BONANNO, G., PROCOLI, A., MARIOTTI, A., CORALLO, M., PERILLO, A., DANESE, S., DE CRISTOFARO, R., SCAMBIA, G. and RUTELLA, S., 2010. Effects of pegylated G-CSF on immune cell number and function in patients with gynecological malignancies. Journal of Translational Medicine, 8 (1), p. 114. ISSN 1479-5876

BORIA, M., 2010. Declinazioni del comico nei racconti di Stefano Benni. Italian Studies in Southern Africa, 23 (2), pp. 82-116. ISSN 1012-2338

BOTTRELL, S.H., HATFIELD, D., BARTLETT, R., SPENCE, M.J., BARTLE, K.D. and MORTIMER, R.J.G., 2010. Concentrations, sulfur isotopic compositions and origin of organosulfur compounds in pore waters of a highly polluted raised peatland. Organic Geochemistry, 41 (1), pp. 55-62. ISSN 0146-6380

BOULTON, H., 2010. Exciting new discussion forum for ITE trainees. Information Technology in Teacher Education (65), p. 2.

BOULÉ, J.-P., 2010. Beauvoir, Sartre and generous passion. Simone de Beauvoir Studies, 27.

BOULÉ, J.-P., 2010. 'Jouer à Sartre-Beauvoir': une chimère bisexuelle. Dalhousie French Studies, 91, pp. 97-106. ISSN 0711-8813

BOYSEN, H., LERCH, M., CHATZIDIMITRIOU-DREISMANN, C.A., ABDUL-REDAH, T., KRZYSTYNIAK, M., KEARLY, G.J., PILTZ, R., TOVAR, M. and SENYSHYN, A., 2010. Protonendynamik in Rb3H(SO4)2. Journal of Inorganic and General Chemistry, 636 (11), p. 2063.

BOYSEN, H., LERCH, M., CHATZIDIMITRIOU-DREISMANN, C.A., ABDUL-REDAH, T., KRZYSTYNIAK, M. and TOVAR, M., 2010. Protonendynamik in H3OSbTeO6. Journal of Inorganic and General Chemistry, 636 (11), p. 2061.

BRABER, N. and MCLELLAND, N., 2010. Combining modal particles in German and Dutch. Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 22 (4), pp. 461-482.

BRAGANCA, M., 2010. Le "bon Allemand" dans le roman français de l’immédiat après-Seconde Guerre Mondiale: une erreur de casting? Modern & Contemporary France, 18 (3), pp. 329-342.

BREEDON, P., ARTHUR, L. and MARSH, P., 2010. Inspiring creativity and design innovation: multidisciplinary embedded design. Design Principles and Practices: an International Journal, 1 (1), pp. 443-454.

BREEDON, P., ARTHUR, L. and MARSH, P., 2010. Technical proficiency for designers: underpinning creativity and problem solving with robotics and AI n. AIEDAM, 24 (3).

BRIGGS-GOODE, A., TOWNSEND, K. and NORTHALL, C., 2010. 2D3D2D: a diagnostic approach to textile and fashion research practice. Duck: Journal for Textiles Research and Textile Design, 1.

BROADSTOCK, D.C. and COLLINS, A., 2010. Measuring unobserved prices using the structural time-series model: the case of cycling. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 44 (4), pp. 195-200. ISSN 0965-8564

BROADSTOCK, D.C., COLLINS, A. and HUNT, L.C., 2010. Modelling car trip generations for UK residential developments using data from TRICS. Transportation Planning and Technology, 33 (8), pp. 671-678. ISSN 0308-1060

BROWN, A.K., MOODIE, C., HASTINGS, G., MACKINTOSH, A.-M., HASSAN, L. and THRASHER, J., 2010. The association of normative perceptions with adolescent smoking intentions. Journal of Adolescence, 33 (5), pp. 603-614. ISSN 0140-1971

BROWN, C.V., AL-SHABIB, W., WELLS, G.G., MCHALE, G. and NEWTON, M.I., 2010. Amplitude scaling of a static wrinkle at an oil-air interface created by dielectrophoresis forces. Applied Physics Letters, 97 (24).

BROWN, D. and CANAS, L., 2010. Archaeo-astronomy in society: supporting citizenship in schools across Europe. International Journal for Science in the Society, 2 (3), pp. 153-164.

BROWN, D. and NEALE, N., 2010. A global citizen of the skies. Educationalfutures, 2 (2), pp. 41-55.

BROWN, L.A. and BROCKMOLE, J.R., 2010. The role of attention in binding visual features in working memory: evidence from cognitive ageing. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, pp. 2067-2079.

BROWN, M. and WHYSALL, P., 2010. Performance, reputation, and social responsibility in the UK's financial services: a post-'credit crunch' interpretation. The Service Industries Journal, 30 (12), pp. 1991-2006. ISSN 0264-2069

BROWN, P.I., SHARPE, G.R. and JOHNSON, M.A., 2010. Loading of trained inspiratory muscles speeds lactate recovery kinetics. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 42 (6), pp. 1103-1112. ISSN 0195-9131

BRUNSDEN, V. and BANYARD, P., 2010. Research methods for emergency planners. Resilience, pp. 48-51.

BRYAN, N., BAYON, Y. and HUNT, J., 2010. Quantification of leukocyte activation in response to biomaterial textiles that have applications in abdominal wall repair. Immunology, 131 (S1), pp. 186-187. ISSN 0019-2805

BRYAN, N., BAYON, Y. and HUNT, J.A., 2010. Evaluation of the host response to abdominal wall repair textiles implanted subcutaneously in the rat model. Immunology, 131 (s1), p. 187. ISSN 0019-2805

BUABBAS, H., MEDJDOUB, B. and REZGUI, Y., 2010. Hidden parts in the history of the school library in Kuwait. Library Review, 59 (6), pp. 401-413. ISSN 0024-2535

BUCK, T., LIU, X. and OTT, U., 2010. Long-term orientation and international joint venture strategies in modern China. International Business Review, 19 (3), pp. 223-234. ISSN 0969-5931

BUGLEAR, J., 2010. Through a virtual glass darkly: probing time and type of first year departure using electronic engagement data. Educational Developments, 11 (4), pp. 16-20. ISSN 1469-3267

BULL, R., PETTS, J. and EVANS, J., 2010. The importance of context for effective public engagement: learning from the governance of waste. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 53 (8), pp. 991-1009. ISSN 0964-0568

BURCH, S., 2010. Nationell narcissism. Historisk Tidskrift för Finland, 95 (1), pp. 204-211. ISSN 0046-7596

BURCH, S., 2010. Norden, reframed. Culture Unbound, 2 (1), pp. 565-581. ISSN 2000-1525

BURDETTE, D., PARRY, R. and WALTERS, A., 2010. The global financial crisis and the call for reform of insolvency law systems. Insolvency and Restructuring International, pp. 13-17. ISSN 1468-3180

BURNETT, K., 2010. What do theatre designers want from reviews or reviewers of Shakespeare productions? Shakespeare, 6 (3), pp. 324-329. ISSN 1745-0918

BUTTON, L.A., ROBERTS, S.E., GOLDACRE, M.J., AKBARI, A., RODGERS, S.E. and WILLIAMS, J.G., 2010. Hospitalized prevalence and 5-year mortality for IBD: record linkage study. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 16 (4), pp. 431-438. ISSN 1007-9327


CALLAGHAN, J. and LEE, J., 2010. Determining creative practice: a symposium held at the University of Bedfordshire, December 2009. Journal of Media Practice, 11 (3), pp. 289-292. ISSN 1468-2753

CARFRAE, J., DE, W., LITTLEWOOD, J.R., GOODHEW, S. and WALKER, P., 2010. Development of a cost effective probe for the long term monitoring of straw bale buildings. Building and Environment, 46 (1), pp. 156-164.

CARTER, S., 2010. Titus Andronicus and myths of maternal revenge. Cahiers Élisabéthains, 77.

CHADWICK, E., 2010. Merchant ship 'conversion' in warfare, The Falklands (Malvinas) and the requisition of the QE2. Journal of the History of International Law, 12 (1), pp. 71-99. ISSN 1388-199X

CHAMPION, D. and WILSON, J.M., 2010. The impact of contingency factors on validation of problem structuring methods. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 61 (9), pp. 1420-1431. ISSN 0160-5682

CHAN, C.K., 2010. Re-thinking the incrementalist thesis in China: a reflection on the development of the minimum standard of living scheme in urban and rural areas. Journal of Social Policy, 39 (4), pp. 627-645.

CHATZIDIMITRIOU-DREISMANN, C.A. and KRZYSTYNIAK, M., 2010. Attosecond physics with neutrons and electrons: ultrafast entanglement and decoherence phenomena involving protons in condensed matter and molecules. Laser Physics, 20 (5), pp. 990-1000.

CHILTON, J.C., 2010. Heinz Isler's infinite spectrum: form-finding in design. AD - Architectural Design, 80 (4), pp. 64-71. ISSN 0003-8504

CHING, J., 2010. 'I intend to do very well in it': the road(s) to competence. Nottingham Law Journal, 19 (1), pp. 22-41. ISSN 0965-0660

CLARKE, E. and WISEMAN, J., 2010. The effects of dietary trypsin inhibitor content on digesta viscosity and excreta moisture content in broilers. British Poultry Abstracts, 6 (1), p. 28. ISSN 1746-6202

CLARKE, L., QUINE, T.A. and NICHOLAS, A., 2010. An experimental investigation of autogenic behaviour during alluvial fan evolution. Geomorphology, 115 (3-4), pp. 278-285. ISSN 0169-555X

CLUTTERBUCK, B. and YALLOP, A.R., 2010. Land management as a factor controlling dissolved organic carbon release from upland peat soils 2: changes in DOC productivity over four decades. Science of the Total Environment, 408 (24). ISSN 0048-9697

COATES, J. and VICKERMAN, P., 2010. Empowering children with special educational needs to speak up: experiences of inclusive physical education. Disability and Rehabilitation, 32 (18), pp. 1517-1526. ISSN 0963-8288

COCKER, E., 2010. R.S.V.P choreographing collectivity through invitation and response. Rhizomes. Hives, Tribes, Assemblages: New Collectivities, 21.

COETZEE, V., CHEN, J., PERRETT, D.I. and STEPHEN, I.D., 2010. Deciphering faces: quantifiable visual cues to weight. Perception, 39 (1), pp. 51-61. ISSN 0301-0066

COLEMAN, S., 2010. Inflation persistence in the Franc zone: evidence from disaggregated prices. Journal of Macroeconomics, 32 (1), pp. 426-442.

COLEMAN, S. and KAROGLOU, M., 2010. Segmenting monetary variability: an application to the Franc Zone. Economic Issues, 15 (2), pp. 17-48.

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