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TASINKEVYCH, M. and CIACH, A., 1999. Lattice model results for lamellar phases in slits. Physical Review E, 60 (6), pp. 7088-7097. ISSN 1063-651X

LAURENTI, L., SICA, S., SORÀ, F., PICCIRILLO, N., ORTU LA BARBERA, E., CHIUSOLO, P., SALUTARI, P., RUMI, C., RUTELLA, S. and LEONE, G., 1999. Long-term immune recovery after CD34+ immunoselected and unselected peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation: a case-control study. Haematologica, 84 (12), pp. 1100-1103. ISSN 0390-6078

HE, J. and KANG, L., 1999. On the convergence rates of genetic algorithms. Theoretical Computer Science, 229 (1-2), pp. 23-39. ISSN 0304-3975

MCMANUS, I.C., WINDER, B.C. and GORDON, D., 1999. Are UK doctors particularly stressed? The Lancet, 354 (9187), pp. 1358-1359. ISSN 0140-6736

OTT, U.F., 1999. Contracting in international joint ventures: games of asymmetric information (moral hazard, adverse selection and signalling) between the parent firms. In: Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) 1999 Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 1-2 October 1999.

JOHNSON, N., 1999. Proportionality and possession proceedings - Manchester City Council v Pinncok [2010] UKSC 45 case report. Property Law Journal. ISSN 1461-0752

JOHNSON, N., 1999. Proportionality and possession proceedings - Manchester City Council v Pinncok [2010] UKSC 45 case report. Tolley's Company Secretary's Review, 23 (9). ISSN 0309-703X

RUTELLA, S., RUMI, C., SICA, S. and LEONE, G., 1999. Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (rHuG-CSF): Effects on Lymphocyte Phenotype and Function. Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research, 19 (9), pp. 989-994. ISSN 1079-9907

CAUDA, R., LUCIA, M.B., MARASCA, G., RUTELLA, S., PETRUCCI, M.T., VERDE, G. and GASTALDI, R., 1999. Beneficial effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in reducing both HIV viral load and monoclonal gammopathy. European Journal of Haematology, 63 (2), pp. 134-135. ISSN 0902-4441

O'NEILL, M., 1999. Closing the democracy deficit: identity, citizenship and public participation in the EU. In: [Conference/Workshop], Faculty of European Studies, University of Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 1999.

MACMILLAN, K. and MCLACHLAN, S., 1999. Theory-building with Nud.Ist: using computer assisted qualitative analysis in a media case study. Sociological Research Online, 4 (2). ISSN 1360-7804

OTT, U.F., 1999. Endgames in international joint ventures: dealing with a long-term business relationship and its termination scenario in the last stage of an IJV life cycle. In: 3rd Business & Economics Society International (B & ESI) Conference, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, 22-26 July 1999.

OTT, U.F., 1999. International joint ventures: a special multi-principal-agent or common agency problem in a three player game. In: 3rd Business & Economics Society International (B & ESI) Conference, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, 22-26 July 1999.

AOUAD, G. and SUN, M., 1999. Information modelling and integration in the construction industry: a novel approach. Structural Survey, 17 (2), pp. 82-88. ISSN 0263-080X

MEDJDOUB, B., 1999. Interactive 2D constraint-based geometric construction system. In: G. AUGENBROE and C. EASTMAN, eds., Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 7-8 June 1999. Kluwer Academic, pp. 197-212. ISBN 0792385365

MONTEITH, S., 1999. Theorizing friendship: interracial friendships in the American South. Women: A Cultural Review, 10 (2), pp. 139-150. ISSN 0957-4042

TASINKEVYCH, M. and CIACH, A., 1999. Ternary surfactant mixtures in semi-infinite geometry. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 110 (15), pp. 7548-7555. ISSN 0021-9606

MONTEITH, S., 1999. Between girls: Kaye Gibbons' Ellen Foster and friendship as a monologic formulation. Journal of American Studies, 33 (1), pp. 45-64. ISSN 0021-8758

O'NEILL, M., 1999. Identity through citizenship? Embedding civil rights in the European Union - a progress report. In: [Conference], Wortley Hall, Sheffield, April 1999.

MONTEITH, S., 1999. America's domestic aliens: African Americans and the issue of citizenship in the Thomas Jefferson/Sally Hemings story. In: D. CARTMELL, I.Q. HUNTER, H. KAYE and I. WHELEHAN, eds., Alien identities: exploring difference in film and fiction. London: Pluto Press, pp. 31-48. ISBN 9780745314006

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1999. Shrink rap: where there's cyberlife. Arcade (4), p. 15. ISSN 1464-9071

CIACH, A., TASINKEVYCH, M. and MACIOŁEK, A., 1999. Surface phenomena for lamellar phases in microemulsions. Europhysics Letters (EPL), 45 (4), pp. 495-500. ISSN 0295-5075

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1999. Shrink rap: looks familiar. Arcade (3), p. 15. ISSN 1464-9071

RUTELLA, S., RUMI, C., PUGGIONI, P., BARBERI, T., DI MARIO, A., LAROCCA, L.M. and LEONE, G., 1999. Expression of thrombospondin receptor (CD36) in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia as an indicator of tumor cell dissemination. Haematologica, 84 (5), pp. 419-424. ISSN 0390-6078

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1999. Shrink rap: is videogame violence harmful? Arcade (2), p. 15. ISSN 1464-9071

HOYLAND, J., 1999. [1 photograph]. British Journal of Photography (30), p. 8.

HOYLAND, J., 1999. 121 portraits: solo show at Impressions Gallery, York, 30 May - 26 July, 1999. .

HOYLAND, J., 1999. [2 photographs and half page review of exhibition '121 Portraits']. Hot Shoe International, p. 6.

VARELA-REY, M., MONTIEL-DUARTE, C., BEITIA, G., CENARRUZABEITIA, E. and IRABURU, M.J., 1999. 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') stimulates the expression of a1(I) procollagen mRNA in hepatic stellate cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 259 (3), pp. 678-682. ISSN 0006-291X

MORHANGE, C., GOIRAN, J.P., BOURCIER, M., CARBONEL, P., LE, C., PYATT, F.B., PRONE, A., ROUCHY, J., SOURISSEAU, J. and YON, M., 1999. 3000 ans de modifications des environnements litoraux a Kition Bamboula (Larnaca, Chypre, Mediterrannee). Quaternaire, 10 (23), pp. 133-149.

CAVE, G.W.V., ERRINGTON, W. and ROURKE, J.P., 1999. (6-chloropyridin-2-yl)iodobis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(II). Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications, 55 (9), pp. 1461-1463. ISSN 0108-2701

PRATT, M., 1999. AIDS and the bande dessinée. In: La Bande Dessinée, Glasgow University, Glasgow, June, 1999, Glasgow.

MASTIO, E.A., FOGARASSY, E., CRANTON, W.M. and THOMAS, C.B., 1999. Ablation study on pulsed KrF laser annealed electroluminescent ZnS:Mn/Y203 multilayers deposited on Si. In: Symposium A on Photo-Excited Processes, Diagnostics and Applications of the 1999 E-MRS Spring Conference, Strasbourg, France, 1-4 June 1999, Strasbourg, France.

BROWN, C.V. and JONES, J.C., 1999. Accurate determination of the temperature and frequency dependent Smectic C biaxial permittivity tensor. Journal of Applied Physics, 86 (6), pp. 3333-3341.

OUALI, F.F., FRANCIS, H.R. and RHODES, H.C., 1999. Acoustic phonon scattering in two dimensional carriers. Physica B, 263, pp. 239-242. ISSN 0921-4526

MCHALE, G., NEWTON, M.I., BANERJEE, M.K. and COWEN, J.A., 1999. Acoustic wave-liquid interactions. In: Biomolecular Mechanism and Design Workshop 99: an Approach to Environmental Sensing, National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research, Tsukuba, Japan, 11-12 June 1999, Tsukuba, Japan.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1999. Adam Ant: sex and perversion for teenyboppers. Headpress: The Journal of Sex, Death and Religion (19), pp. 116-119.

HOWARTH, M. and LOTFI, A., 1999. Adaptive fuzzy control of solder paste printing: the identification of deposit defects. In: Twenty-Fourth IEEE/CPMT Electronics Manufacturing Technology Symposium, Austin, Texas, USA, October, 1999. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 102-107. ISBN 964345641

BELL, P.C. and WALLIS, J.D., 1999. Addition of nucleophiles to electron-deficient alkenes: structural studies on the incipient reaction and the zwitterionic intermediate. Chemical Communications (3), pp. 257-258. ISSN 1359-7345

ROBINSON, A.J. and DICKENSON, J.M., 1999. Adenosine A(1) receptor-mediated activation of the MAP kinase signalling pathway in DDT1MF-2 cells. British Journal of Pharmacology, 128. ISSN 0007-1188

SU, D., 1999. Advancement in design research and higher education. In: Proceedings, the 2nd International Conference on Computer Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design, Bangkok, Thailand.

SU, D. and YANG, F., 1999. Advancement in design, modelling and simulation of worm gearing with low sensitivity to errors. In: Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Oulu, Finland.

BARNETT, Y., KING, C., BRISTOW-CRAIG, H., WARNOCK, C., HYLAND, P., GILLESPIE, E., REA, M., MIDDLETON, D., CURRAN, M., PAWELEC, G. and BARNETT, C., 1999. Age-related increases in DNA damage and mutations in T cells in vivo and in vitro: contributors to alterations in T cell-mediated immune responses. In: G. PAWELEC, ed., EUCAMBIS: immunology and ageing in Europe. IOS Press, pp. 54-66. ISBN 9051994346

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1999. All but connected (online relationships). Psychology Post, 17, pp. 6-7.

CORDEN, R., 1999. Analysing texts. Literacy and Learning (3), pp. 29-34.

ERBIL, H.Y., MCHALE, G., ROWAN, S.M. and NEWTON, M.I., 1999. Analysis of evaporating droplets using ellipsoidal cap geometry. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 13 (12), pp. 1375-1391. ISSN 0169-4243

WILLIAMS, G.A. and LAUNGANI, P., 1999. Analysis of teamwork in an NHS community trust: an empirical study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 13 (1), pp. 19-28. ISSN 1356-1820

SU, Z. and SU, D., 1999. Analysis of the thermocouple signal stability in a grinding contact zone. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 6 (1), pp. 63-70. ISSN 0733-9399

WOODS, G., 1999. André Gide. In: E. CASHMORE and C. ROJEK, eds., Dictionary of cultural theorists. London; New York: Arnold; Oxford University Press, pp. 191-193.

UNDERWOOD, G., CHAPMAN, P., WRIGHT, S. and CRUNDALL, D., 1999. Anger while driving. Transportation Research Part F, pp. 55-68.

MARTIN, L., TURNER, S.S. and DAY, P., 1999. Anion-cation interdependency in bedt-ttf charge transfer salts of [MIII(C2O4)]3−. Synthetic Metals, 102 (13), pp. 1638-1641. ISSN 0379-6779

SENEVIRATNE, M., 1999. Annual report 1997-98 (HC 845) of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 21 (1), pp. 71-79.

DENNOG, C., RADERMARCHER, P., BARNETT, Y.A. and SPEIT, G., 1999. Antioxidant status in humans after exposure to hyperbaric oxygen. Mutation Research, 428, pp. 83-89.

BRUNSDEN, V., SHEVLIN, M. and DAVIES, M., 1999. Anxiety and stress in education professionals in relation to OFSTED. In: The Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society, Belfast, 8-11 April 1999, Belfast.

BELBIN, D., 1999. Appel à témoin. Paris: J'ai Lu.

O'NEILL, M., 1999. Appointment with history: the referenda on the Stormont Peace Agreement, May 1998. West European Politics, 22 (1), pp. 160-171. ISSN 0140-2382

HOLLOWS, J. and JANCOVICH, M., 1999. Approaches to popular film [translation]. Seoul, South Korea: Hanul Publishing.

KANDHOLA, M., 1999. Arcs, variation in flight. Fine Art Gallery, New York, December, 1999 - January, 2000. .

RHODES, G., SUMICH, A. and BYATT, G., 1999. Are average facial configurations attractive only because of their symmetry? Psychological Science, 10 (1), pp. 52-58. ISSN 0956-7976

WILSON, J., THOMPSON, T., HODGSON, J., GRENFELL, A. and WILLIAMS, G., 1999. Are dietitians meeting the Parkside health education standards for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes? [poster presentation]. In: British Dietetic Association Conference, 1999.

BRUNSDEN, V., 1999. Assessing reliability: measures of internal consistency and temporal stability. In: The Annual Conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, Co. Cork, Republic of Ireland, November 1999, Cork.

ECCLES, T., 1999. Asset valuations for brewery companies and other retail companies. In: Annual Licensed & Leisure Valuers Conference, Cambridge, October 1999, Cambridge.

HERUT, B., KROM, M.D., PAN, G. and MORTIMER, R.J.G., 1999. Atmospheric input of nitrogen and phosphorus to the southeast Mediterranean: sources, fluxes and possible impact. Limnology & Oceanography, 44 (7), pp. 1683-1692. ISSN 1939-5590

ISLAM, M.M., KASHEM, M.A. and ANWAR, A.B.M.N., 1999. Attitude of farmers towards the use of agrochemicals. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 10 (12), pp. 23-31.

KASHEM, M.A., ANWAR, A.B.M.N., ISLAM, M.M. and HOSSAIN, M.A., 1999. Attitude of farmers towards the use of indigenous technical knowledge in agriculture. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26 (1), pp. 105-109. ISSN 0379-4296

MOWBRAY, C.E., SKRANC, W. and WALLIS, J.D., 1999. Attractive interactions between functional groups in crowded molecules: The solid state structures of diethyl 2-cyano(2 '-nitrophenyl)methyltartronate and diethyl (2 '-,6 '-dinitrophenyl)methyltartronate. Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 29 (3), pp. 335-341. ISSN 1074-1542

MURPHY, M., 1999. Auden's Jeremiad: Another Time and Exile from the Just City. Miscelánia, 20, pp. 303-328.

JAYNE, M. and MCKAY, J., 1999. BREEAM provides new and growing opportunities for building surveyors. Journal of Structural Survey, 17 (1), pp. 18-21. ISSN 0263-080X

HENHAM, R., 1999. Bargain justice or justice denied? Sentence discounts and the criminal process. Modern Law Review, 62 (4), p. 515.

HEALEY, N. and FORBES, C.A., 1999. Barter exchanges and small business: an investigation of the transferability of the US model to Europe. The Journal of Enterprising Culture, 7 (4), pp. 313-330.

JUDD, B. and GRUNFELD, T., 1999. Ben Judd. Exhibition held at Galerie Jousse Seguin, Paris, France, 1999. .

JUDD, B., 1999. Ben Judd. Exhibition held at PS Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1999. .

JUDD, B., 1999. Ben Judd. Exhibition held at The Trade Apartment, London, 1999. .


O'NEILL, M., 1999. Between regime and republic: explaining the polity problem in the EU [keynote paper]. In: The State of the Art: Theoretical Approaches to the EU in the Post-Amsterdam Era: International Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, May 1999, Birmingham.

HUGHES, N., 1999. Bienvenido Mister España: Spanish aid policy towards Equatorial Guinea since 1979. International Journal of Iberian Studies, 12 (3), pp. 72-81.

LEAHY, C., 1999. Bilingual problem solving via email: an international collaborative project. In: CALL Conference, Exeter, September, 1999, Exeter.

WOOD, R.F.M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 1999. Bio-engineered monoclonals - easier on patients, but still hard on rejection? Analysis and commentary. Transplantation, 68, pp. 1625-1626.

PERRY, C.C., 1999. Biogenic silica: a model of amorphous structure control. In: B. JAMTVEIT and P. MEAKIN, eds., Growth, dissolution, and pattern formation in geosystems. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, pp. 237-252.

DARKWA, K., 1999. Biomass energy application in a developed economy. In: Cranfield University Research Forum, March 1999, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire.

O'NIONS, H., 1999. Bonafide or bogus: Roma asylum seekers from the Czech Republic. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 3.

JAYNE, M., 1999. Book review. Chartered Surveyor Monthly.

SENEVIRATNE, M., 1999. Book review: 'The ethics and conduct of lawyers in England and Wales' by A. Boon and J. Levin. Nottingham Law Journal, 8 (2), pp. 106-111.

HEALEY, N., 1999. Britain and the euro. Developments in Economics, 15, pp. 59-76.

AIREY, D. and SHACKLEY, M., 1999. Bukhara (Uzbekistan) a former oasis town on the Silk Road. In: M. SHACKLEY, ed., Visitor management; case studies from world heritage sites. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 10-25.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 1999. 'Bumah' in the mosques of central Oman. In: 33rd Seminar for Arabian Studies, London, 15-17 July 1999, London.

NEEDHAM, D., DRANSFIELD, R., HARRIS, R. and COLES, M., 1999. Business for higher awards. Oxford: Heinemann.

WRIGHT, P., 1999. Bühne frei für panzer. Freibeuter, 79 (1999), pp. 16-32.

WILLIAMS, P., 1999. C.L.R. James [dictionary entry]. In: Dictionary of cultural theorists,. Sage.

WHITE, C.A., 1999. 'Cafe Vesuvio' directed by Nona Shepphard [lighting design for the premiere production for the Manchester Royal Exchange]. Manchester: Manchester Royal Exchange.

BARNES, P., 1999. Can takeover targets be identified by statistical techniques? Some UK evidence. In: American Accounting Association Mid-Atlantic Conference, Harrisburg, PA, USA, March 1999, Harrisburg, PA, USA.

JOYCE, P., 1999. Can we manage to change councils? The British Journal of Administrative Management, pp. 14-15.

SENEVIRATNE, M., 1999. Caring for clients: solicitors must realise that resolving complaints in-house is a valuable and necessary skill. Law Society Gazette (1).

NEEDHAM, D. and CARVER, A., 1999. Case analysis for GNVQ business students : a vehicle for learning. GNVQ Today (9), pp. 6-8.

CHILTON, J.C., MAIDMENT, G.G., MARRIOTT, D., FRANCIS, A. and TOBIAS, G., 1999. Case study of a rainwater recovery system in a commercial building with a large roof. Urban Water, 1 (4), pp. 345-354. ISSN 1462-0758

JUDD, B., 1999. Cave. Group exhibition held at Sali Gia, London, 1999. .

GAUDRY, C.A., VERDERIO, E., AESCHLIMANN, D., COX, A., SMITH, C. and GRIFFIN, M., 1999. Cell surface localization of tissue transglutaminase is dependent on a fibronectin-binding site in its N-terminal beta-sandwich domain. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274 (43), pp. 30707-30714. ISSN 0021-9258

VERDERIO, E., GROSS, S.R. and GRIFFIN, M., 1999. Cell-surface tissue transglutaminase regulates matrix storage of latent TGF-beta binding protein-1 (LTBP-1) and fibronectin accumulation. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 10. ISSN 1059-1524

PAWELEC, G., REES, R.C., KIESSLING, R., MADRIGAL, A., DODI, I.A., BAXEVANIS, C., GAMBACORTI-PASSERINI, C., MASUCCI, G. and ZEUTHEN, J., 1999. Cells and cytokines in immunotherapy and gene therapy of cancer. Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis, 10, pp. 83-127. ISSN 0893-9675

HEALEY, N. and WIŚNIEWSKI, Z., 1999. Central banking in transition economies. Torun University Press.

PETTIFORD, L. and CURLEY, M., 1999. Changing security agendas and the Third World. London: Pinter. ISBN 1855675382

EVANGELOU, E.K., KONOFAOS, N., CRAVEN, M.R., CRANTON, W.M. and THOMAS, C.B., 1999. Characterisation of the BaTiO/sub3//p-Si interface and applications. In: 7th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-7), Gothenburg, Sweden, 21-25 June 1999, Gothenburg, Sweden.

PREST, S.J., REES, R.C., MURDOCH, C., MARSHALL, J.F., COOPER, P.A., BIBBY, M., LI, G. and ALI, S.A., 1999. Chemokines induce the cellular migration of MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cells: Subpopulations of tumour cells display positive and negative chemotaxis and differential in vivo growth potentials. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis, 17 (5), pp. 389-396. ISSN 0262-0898

BULL, S.D., DAVIES, S.G., FOX, D.J., GARNER, A.C. and SELLERS, T.G., 1999. Chiral relay auxiliaries. In: Current Trends in Organic Synthesis: Proceedings of the International Conference on Organic Synthesis, Venezia, 28 June-2 July, 1998.

TALBOT, M., 1999. Choosing to refuse to be a victim: 'power feminism' and the intertextuality of victimhood and choice. In: S. WERTHEIM, A.C. BAILEY and M. CORSTON-OLIVER, eds., Engendering communication : proceedings of the fifth Berkeley Women and Language conference, April 1998. Berkeley, California, U.S.A.: Berkeley Women and Language Group.

LOVE, K., 1999. Citizens and strangers: a socio-historical perspective. In: British International Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton, 1999, Brighton.

BREACH, M., 1999. Civil engineering @ Nottingham Trent. UNSPECIFIED.

CHING, J., 1999. Civil procedure: part 24 - how real is a real prospect of success? Nottingham Law Journal, 8 (2), pp. 28-47. ISSN 0965-0660

SLADE, C. and BRUNSDEN, V., 1999. Cognitive learning strategies in psychology undergraduates. In: Improving Student Learning Through the Disciplines Symposium, York, 6-8 September 1999, York.

POON, W.C.K., RENTH, F., EVANS, R.M.L., FAIRHURST, D.J., CATES, M.E. and PUSEY, P.N., 1999. Colloid-polymer mixtures at triple coexistence: kinetic maps from free-energy landscapes. Physical Review Letters, 83 (6), pp. 1239-1242. ISSN 0031-9007

WILLIAMS, P., 1999. Colonial discourse, postcolonial theory. The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, 6.

MACKENZIE, J., GIBB, A.G.F. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 1999. Communication of health and safety in the design phase. In: 2nd International Conference for the Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites, Honolulu, Hawaii, 24-27 March 1999, Honolulu.

MACKENZIE, J., GIBB, A.G.F. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., 1999. Communication of safety in the design phase. In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management.

PYATT, F.B., GRATTAN, J.P., LACY, D., PYATT, A.J. and SEAWARD, M.R.D., 1999. Comparative effectiveness of Tillandsia usneoides L. and Parmotrema praesorediosum (Nyl.) Hale as bio-indicators of atmospheric pollution in Louisiana (USA). Water Air and Soil Pollution, 111, pp. 317-326. ISSN 0049-6979

TSELONI, A., 1999. Comparing multilevel and single-level negative binomial models of personal crimes: evidence from the National Crime Victimisation Survey. In: Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, American Statistical Association.

PYATT, F.B., 1999. Comparison of foliar and stem bioaccumulation of heavy metals by corsican pines in the mount Olympus area of Cyprus. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 42 (1), pp. 57-61. ISSN 0147-6513

ELLIS, A.D. and HILL, J., 1999. Comparison of particle size reduction of a hay concentrate diet given to horses and sheep. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science, Scarborough, Yorks.

KABIRI, P., SHERKAT, N. and SHIH, C.H.V., 1999. Compensating for robot arm positioning inaccuracy in 3D-space. UNSPECIFIED.

SMITH, A.J., WHITTAKER, J., LOAN-CLARKE, J. and BOOCOCK, G., 1999. Competence based management development provision to SMEs and the providers’ perspective. Journal of Management Development, 18 (6), pp. 557-572. ISSN 0262-1711

ZHANG, W., 1999. Competition and cooperation: globalisation in a techno-economic framework with special reference to the UK and East Asia. In: R. WILKINSON, ed., The political economy of globalisation and regionalisation: Asia and Europe. Sheffield University Management School. ISBN 0951898558

YANG, F. and SU, D., 1999. Computer aided design and simulation for gear transmission. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Production Research, Limerick, Eire.

SU, D., YANG, F. and GENTLE, C.R., 1999. Computer aided design and simulation of worm gearing with localised tooth contact. In: British Gear Association Annual Congress, Telford, 18 March 1999, Telford.

SU, D. and YANG, F., 1999. Computer aided design of worm gearing with less sensitivity to manufacture and assembly errors. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Aided Production Engineering, Durham.

GALBRAITH, D. and TORRANCE, M., 1999. Conceptual processes in writing: from problem solving to text production. In: M. TORRANCE and D. GALBRAITH, eds., Knowing what to write: conceptual processes in text production. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University, pp. 1-12.

GREEN, P.R., GENTLE, L.K., PEAKE, T.M., SCUDAMORE, R.E., MCGREGOR, P.K., GILBERT, F. and DITTRICH, W.H., 1999. Conditioning pigeons to discriminate naturally lit insect specimens. Behavioural Processes, 46, pp. 97-102.

BOWEN, R., 1999. [Conference presentation]. In: Design and Technology Association (DATA) Annual Conference, 1999.

BOWEN, R., 1999. [Conference presentation]. In: Second International Primary Design and Technology Conference, Centre for Research in Primary Teaching (CRIPT), University of Central England, Birmingham, 1999, Birmingham.

BURCH, S., 1999. Conference review: 'Making visible monuments and making monuments visible, The Finnish Institute in London, January 1999. The Henry Moore Institute Newsletter, 22. ISSN 1363-1152

PRATT, M., 1999. Conjuring the disappearing body: suicidal tendencies in French AIDS writing. In: Rethinking Creative Processes, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, February, 1999, Sydney, Australia.

BANYARD, P., 1999. Controversies in psychology. London: Routledge. ISBN 0415194970

REAVLEY, G., 1999. Cookie's fortune - film review. Scope: an Online Journal of Film and Television Studies. ISSN 1465-9166

CLARK, I., 1999. Corporate human resources and "bottom line" financial performance. Personnel Review, 28 (4), pp. 290-307. ISSN 0048-3486

BELBIN, D., 1999. Corte final. Madrid: Ediciones Gaviota.

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and MACDONALD, H.F., 1999. Counselling in the treatment of pathological gambling: an overview. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 27, pp. 179-190.

KNIGHT, A. and WATSON, P., 1999. Creating a sustainable profession by widening participation. In: RICS Construction and Building Research Conference, University of Salford, 1-2 September 1999, Salford.

COOPER, T., 1999. Creating an economic infrastructure for sustainable product design. Journal of Sustainable Product Design (8), pp. 7-17.

CORDEN, R., 1999. Critical mass. Literacy and Learning (5), pp. 22-26.

HARRIS, T., 1999. Cross-curricular options: maths into music. Music Teacher Magazine, pp. 19-22.

O'NEILL, M., 1999. Curriculum design and the teaching of EU Studies [workshop]. In: First Romanian Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 1999, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 1999. Cyberstalking: a cause for police concern? Justice of the Peace, 163, pp. 687-689.

WOODFIELD, R., 1999. The Daedalus Project: art, science and technology in the Western European tradition. In: Inaugural Lecture, Nottingham Trent University, February 1999, Nottingham.

HENHAM, R., 1999. Dangerousness and sentencing policy in Great Britain. Policy Studies, 20 (3), p. 173.

SU, D., 1999. Design automation with the aids of multiple artificial intelligent techniques. Concurrent Engineering - Application and Research Journal, 7 (1), pp. 23-30.

SHELBOURN, M., AOUAD, G. and HOXLEY, M., 1999. Designing a computer-aided-learning application using multimedia to train inexperienced building surveyors in building pathology. In: Information and Visualisation Conference, London, UK, July 1999, London, UK.

TANSLEY, C., 1999. Designing computerised HR information systems to enable effective HR strategy and practice. Journal of Professional Human Resource Management.

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