Items where Division is "School of Science and Technology" and Year is 2016

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ABDEL-FATAH, T.M.A., AGARWAL, D., LIU, D.X., RUSSELL, R., RUEDA, O.M., LIU, K., XU, B., MOSELEY, P.M., GREEN, A.R., POCKLEY, A.G., REES, R.C., CALDAS, C., ELLIS, I.O., BALL, G.R. and CHAN, S.Y.T., 2016. SPAG5 as a prognostic biomarker and chemotherapy sensitivity predictor in breast cancer: a retrospective, integrated genomic, transcriptomic, and protein analysis. The Lancet Oncology, 17 (7), pp. 1004-1018. ISSN 1470-2045

ABDEL-FATAH, T.M.A., MCARDLE, S.E., AGARWAL, D., MOSELEY, P.M., GREEN, A.R., BALL, G.R., POCKLEY, A.G., ELLIS, I.O., REES, R.C. and CHAN, S.Y.T., 2016. HAGE in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a novel prognostic, predictive and actionable biomarker: a transcriptomic and protein expression analysis. Clinical Cancer Research, 22 (4), pp. 905-914. ISSN 1078-0432

ABDELKADER, H., LONGMAN, M., ALANY, R.G. and PIERSCIONEK, B., 2016. On the anticataractogenic effects of L-carnosine: is it best described as an antioxidant, metal-chelating agent or glycation inhibitor? Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2016, p. 3240261. ISSN 1942-0900

ABDELKADER, H., LONGMAN, M.R., ALANY, R.G. and PIERSCIONEK, B., 2016. Phytosome-hyaluronic acid systems for ocular delivery of L-carnosine. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 11, pp. 2815-2827. ISSN 1178-2013

ABUSAG, N.M. and CHAPPELL, D.J., 2016. On Sparse Reconstructions in Near-Field Acoustic Holography Using the Method of Superposition. Journal of Computational Acoustics, p. 1650009. ISSN 0218-396X

ACAMPORA, G., ALGHAZZAWI, D., HAGRAS, H. and VITIELLO, A., 2016. An interval type-2 fuzzy logic based framework for reputation management in Peer-to-Peer e-commerce. Information Sciences, 333, pp. 88-107. ISSN 0020-0255

ADAIKALAKOTESWARI, A., WEBSTER, C., GOLJAN, I. and SARAVANAN, P., 2016. Simultaneous detection of five one-carbon metabolites in plasma using stable isotope dilution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B, 1012-3, pp. 186-192. ISSN 1570-0232

AFAZOV, S., DENMARK, W. and YAGHI, A., 2016. Modelling aspects of the design of railway vehicle structures and their crashworthiness. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 230 (6), pp. 1575-1589. ISSN 0954-4097

AGHAJANI, H. and OMURTAG, A., 2016. Assessment of mental workload by EEG+FNIRS. In: 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 3773-3776. ISBN 9781457702204

AHMED, M.I., ELIAS, S., MOULD, A.W., BIKOFF, E.K. and ROBERTSON, E.J., 2016. The transcriptional repressor Blimp1 is expressed in rare luminal progenitors and is essential for mammary gland development. Development, 143 (10), pp. 1663-1673. ISSN 0950-1991

AHMED, Z., WEI, Y., TORAH, R. and TUDOR, J., 2016. Actively actuated all dispenser printed thermochromic smart fabric device. Electronics Letters, 52 (19), pp. 1601-1603. ISSN 0013-5194

AJIENKA, N. and CAPILUPPI, A., 2016. Semantic coupling between classes: corpora or identifiers? In: ESEM '16: proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. ACM Press. ISBN 9781450344272

AL-AHMADY, Z., LOZANO, N., MEI, K.-C., AL-JAMAL, W.T. and KOSTARELOS, K., 2016. Engineering thermosensitive liposome-nanoparticle hybrids loaded with doxorubicin for heat-triggered drug release. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 514 (1), pp. 133-141. ISSN 0378-5173

AL-DAGHRI, N.M., RAHMAN, S., SABICO, S., YAKOUT, S., WANI, K., AL-ATTAS, O.S., SARAVANAN, P., TRIPATHI, G., MCTERNAN, P.G. and ALOKAIL, M.S., 2016. Association of vitamin B12 with pro-inflammatory cytokines and biochemical markers related to cardiometabolic risk in Saudi subjects. Nutrients, 8 (9), p. 460. ISSN 2072-6643

AL-LASHI, R.S., GUNN, S.R. and CZERSKI, H., 2016. Automated processing of oceanic bubble images for measuring bubble size distributions underneath breaking waves. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33 (8), pp. 1701-1714. ISSN 0739-0572

ALADI, J.H., WAGNER, C., POURABDOLLAH, A. and GARIBALDI, J.M., 2016. Contrasting singleton type-1 and interval type-2 non-singleton type-1 fuzzy logic systems. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Vancouver, Canada, 24-29 July 2016. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 2043-2050. ISBN 9781509006267

ALAHMADI, H.H., SHEN, Y., FOUAD, S., LUFT, C.D.B., BENTHAM, P., KOURTZI, Z. and TINO, P., 2016. Classifying cognitive profiles using machine learning with privileged information in mild cognitive impairment. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 10: 117. ISSN 1662-5188

ALBAWENDI, S., APPIAH, K., POWELL, H. and LOTFI, A., 2016. Video based fall detection with enhanced motion history images. In: Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, PETRA 2016, Corfu, Greece, June 29 - July 1, 2016. New York: ACM. ISBN 9781450343374

ALESKANDARANY, M.A., AGARWAL, D., NEGM, O.H., BALL, G., ELMOUNA, A., ASHANKYTY, I., NUGLOZEH, E., FAZALUDEEN, M.F., DIEZ-RODRIGUEZ, M., NOLAN, C.C., TIGHE, P.J., GREEN, A.R., ELLIS, I.O. and RAKHA, E.A., 2016. The prognostic significance of STAT3 in invasive breast cancer: analysis of protein and mRNA expressions in large cohorts. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 156 (1), pp. 9-20. ISSN 0167-6806

ALFRJANI, R., OSMAN, T. and COSMA, G., 2016. A new approach to ontology-based semantic modelling for opinion mining. In: D. AL-DABASS, A. ORSONI, R. CANT and G. JENKINS, eds., UKSim2016: Proceedings of the UKSim-AMSS 18th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling & Computer Simulation, Cambridge, 6-8 April 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 267-272. ISBN 9781509008872

ALHASHASH, F., WANG, X., PASZKIEWICZ, K., DIGGLE, M., ZONG, Z. and MCNALLY, A., 2016. Increase in bacteraemia cases in the East Midlands region of the UK due to MDREscherichia coliST73: high levels of genomic and plasmid diversity in causative isolates. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 71 (2), pp. 339-343. ISSN 0305-7453

ALKHADAFE, H., AL-HABAIBEH, A. and LOTFI, A., 2016. Condition monitoring of helical gears using automated selection of features and sensors. Measurement, 93, pp. 164-177. ISSN 0263-2241

ALMAJED, F.S. and FORSYTHE, S.J., 2016. Cronobacter sakazakii clinical isolates overcome host barriers and evade the immune response. Microbial Pathogenesis, 90, pp. 55-63. ISSN 0882-4010

ALMEIDA, T.P., CHU, G.S., LI, X., SALINET, J.L., DASTAGIR, N., BELL, M.J., VANHEUSDEN, F.J., TUAN, J.H., STAFFORD, P.J., NG, G.A. and SCHLINDWEIN, F.S., 2016. Contributing factors concerning inconsistencies in persistent atrial fibrillation ablation outcomes. In: 2016 Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 11-14 September 2016. Computing in cardiology (43). Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 689-692. ISBN 9781509008964

ALMEIDA, T.P., CHU, G.S., SALINET, J.L., VANHEUSDEN, F.J., LI, X., TUAN, J.H., STAFFORD, P.J., NG, G.A. and SCHLINDWEIN, F.S., 2016. Minimizing discordances in automated classification of fractionated electrograms in human persistent atrial fibrillation. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 54 (11), pp. 1695-1706. ISSN 0140-0118

ALZAIN, A.M., CLARK, S., IRESON, G. and JWAID, A., 2016. A study of the reliability and validity of the first Arabic learning styles instrument (ALSI). In: 2016 World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST), London, 12-14 December 2016. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), pp. 29-34. ISBN 9781908320704

ALZAIN, A.M., IRESON, G., CLARK, S. and JWAID, A., 2016. Learning style instruments and impact of content: a qualitative study. In: 2016 World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST), London, 12-14 December 2016. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), pp. 109-114. ISBN 9781908320704

ALZUBAIDI, A., COSMA, G., BROWN, D. and POCKLEY, A.G., 2016. Breast cancer diagnosis using a hybrid genetic algorithm for feature selection based on mutual information. In: Proceedings: iTAG 2016: the 2016 International Conference on Interactive Technologies and Games - EduRob in Conjuction with ITAG2016 - 26-27 October 2016, Nottingham, United Kingdom. Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services, pp. 70-76. ISBN 9781509037384

ALZUBAIDI, A., COSMA, G., BROWN, D. and POCKLEY, A.G., 2016. A new hybrid global optimization approach for selecting clinical and biological features that are relevant to the effective diagnosis of ovarian cancer. In: 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI): Proceedings. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. ISBN 9781509042401

AMR, B., SHAHTAHMASSEBI, G., BRIGGS, C.D., BOWLES, M.J., AROORI, S. and STELL, D.A., 2016. Assessment of the effect of interval from presentation to surgery on outcome in patients with peri-ampullary malignancy. HPB, 18 (4), pp. 354-359. ISSN 1365-182X

ANJUM, M., MCCARTHY, A.J., NEGUS, D., MARTIN, P., PECHINCHA, C., OSWALD, E., STABLER, R.A. and TAYLOR, P.W., 2016. Pathoadaptive mutations of Escherichia coli K1 in experimental neonatal systemic infection. PLoS ONE, 11 (11): e0166793. ISSN 1932-6203

APPIAH, K., MACHADO, P., COSTALAGO MERUELO, A. and MCGINNITY, T.M., 2016. C. elegans behavioural response germane to hardware modelling. In: Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Vancouver, Canada, 24-29 July 2016. Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE, pp. 4743-4750. ISBN 9781509006205

APPS, C., STERZING, T., O'BRIEN, T., DING, R. and LAKE, M., 2016. Ankle and knee joint stiffness in running; unpredictable and predictable shoe perturbations. In: The 1st UK Footwear Science Meeting, Stoke on Trent, April 2016.

APPS, C., STERZING, T., O'BRIEN, T. and LAKE, M., 2016. Lower limb joint stiffness and muscle co-contraction adaptations to instability footwear during locomotion. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 31, pp. 55-62. ISSN 1050-6411

APPS, C., STERZING, T., O’BRIEN, T., DING, R. and LAKE, M., 2016. Ankle and knee joint stiffness in walking; unpredictable and predictable shoe perturbations. Foot and Ankle Surgery, 22 (2), pp. 17-18. ISSN 1268-7731

ARANBURU LEIVA, A.I., BENJAMIN, S.L., LANGLEY, S.K. and MEWIS, R.E., 2016. Crystal structure of 2,4-di-tert-butyl-6-(hydroxymethyl)phenol. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications, 72 (11), pp. 1614-1617. ISSN 2056-9890

ARORA, A., ABDEL-FATAH, T.M.A., AGARWAL, D., DOHERTY, R., CROTEAU, D.L., MOSELEY, P.M., HAMEED, K., GREEN, A., ALESKANDARANY, M.A., RAKHA, E.A., PATTERSON, K., BALL, G., CHAN, S.Y.T., ELLIS, I.O., BOHR, V.A., BRYANT, H.E. and MADHUSUDAN, S., 2016. Clinicopathological and prognostic significance of RECQL5 helicase expression in breast cancers. Carcinogenesis, 37 (1), pp. 63-71. ISSN 0143-3334

ARTIOLI, G.G., BRISOLA, G.M.P., PAPOTI, M. and ZAGATTO, A.M., 2016. Effects of four weeks of β-alanine supplementation on repeated sprint ability in water polo players. PLOS ONE, 11 (12), e0167968. ISSN 1932-6203

ARTIOLI, G.G., SAUNDERS, B., IGLESIAS, R.T. and FRANCHINI, E., 2016. It is time to ban rapid weight loss from combat sports. Sports Medicine, 46 (11), pp. 1579-1584. ISSN 0112-1642

ATANBORI, J., DUAN, W., MURRAY, J., APPIAH, K. and DICKINSON, P., 2016. Automatic classification of flying bird species using computer vision techniques. Pattern Recognition Letters, 81, pp. 53-62. ISSN 0167-8655

ATKINSON, J.A., DALGLISH, C., DIXON, N.T., DONNELLY, M., HARRISON, J.G., LELONG, O. and MACGREGOR, G., 2016. Ben Lawers: an archaeological landscape in time. Results from the Ben Lawers Historic Landscape Project, 1996–2005. Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports, 62. ISSN 2056-7421

AZIZ, I., YAKOUT, S.M., ALJOHANI, N., AL-SALEH, Y., AL-ATTAS, O.S., ALOKAIL, M.S., AMER, O.E., SHESHAH, E., MCTERNAN, P.G. and AL-DAGHRI, N.M., 2016. Endotoxin and bone turnover markers in postmenopausal women with and without osteoporosis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 9 (10), pp. 10682-10687. ISSN 1936-2625


BAFAIL, A.A., 2016. EDIT: an Educational Design Intelligence Tool for supporting design decisions. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

BAGNATI, M., OGUNKOLADE, B.W., MARSHALL, C., TUCCI, C., HANNA, K., JONES, T.A., BUGLIANI, M., NEDJAI, B., CATON, P.W., KIESWICH, J., YAQOOB, M.M., BALL, G.R., MARCHETTI, P., HITMAN, G.A. and TURNER, M.D., 2016. Glucolipotoxicity initiates pancreatic β-cell death through 1 tumour necrosis factor receptor 5 (TNFR5 / CD40) mediated 2 STAT1 and NF-κB activation. Cell Death and Disease, 7, e2329. ISSN 2041-4889

BAHRAMI, M., HEIDARI, A. and PIERSCIONEK, B.K., 2016. Alteration in refractive index profile during accommodation based on mechanical modelling. Biomedical Optics Express, 7 (1), pp. 99-110. ISSN 2156-7085

BAILEY, D.P., BROOM, D.R., CHRISMAS, B.C.R., TAYLOR, L., FLYNN, E. and HOUGH, J., 2016. Breaking up prolonged sitting time with walking does not affect appetite or gut hormone concentrations but does induce an energy deficit and suppresses postprandial glycaemia in sedentary adults. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 41 (3), pp. 324-331. ISSN 1715-5312

BAJUSZOVA, Z., ALI, Z., SCOTT, S.M., SEETOHUL, L.N. and ISLAM, M., 2016. Cavity enhanced immunoassay measurements in microtiter plates using BBCEAS. Analytical Chemistry, 88 (10), pp. 5264-5270. ISSN 0003-2700

BALAHMAR, R.M., 2016. Trophoblast models for tumour studies: understanding the similarities of tumour and trophoblast invasion. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

BALL, F. and SHAW, L., 2016. Inference for emerging epidemics among a community of households. In: I.M. DEL PUERTO, M. GONZÁLEZ, C. GUTIÉRREZ, R. MARTÍNEZ, C. MINUESA, M. MOLINA, M. MOTA and A. RAMOS, eds., Branching processes and their applications. Lecture notes in statistics, 219 . Cham, Switzerland: Springer International, pp. 269-284. ISBN 9783319316390

BARBER, I.S., GARCÍA-CÁRDENAS, J.M., SAKDAPANICHKUL, C., DEACON, C., ZAPATA ERAZO, G., GUERREIRO, R., BRAS, J., HERNANDEZ, D., SINGLETON, A., GUETTA-BARANES, T., BRAAE, A., CLEMENT, N., PATEL, T., BROOKES, K., MEDWAY, C., CHAPPELL, S., MANN, D.M., MORGAN, K., PASSMORE, P., CRAIG, D., JOHNSTON, J., MCGUINNESS, B., TODD, S., HEUN, R., KÖLSCH, H., KEHOE, P.G., VARDY, E.R.L.C., HOOPER, N.M., PICKERING-BROWN, S., SNOWDEN, J., RICHARDSON, A., JONES, M., NEARY, D., HARRIS, J., MEDWAY, C., LOWE, J., SMITH, A.D., WILCOCK, G., WARDEN, D. and HOLMES, C., 2016. Screening exons 16 and 17 of the amyloid precursor protein gene in sporadic early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 39, 220.e1-220.e7. ISSN 0197-4580

BARNETT, C.T., BISELE, M., JACKMAN, J.S., RAYNE, T., MOORE, N.C., SPALDING, J.L., RICHARDSON, P. and PLUMMER, B., 2016. Manipulating walking path configuration influences gait variability and six-minute walk test outcomes in older and younger adults. Gait & Posture, 44, pp. 221-226. ISSN 0966-6362

BARONE, P.M., FERRARA, C., DI MAGGIO, R.M. and SALVATI, L., 2016. When the crime scene is the road: forensic geoscience indicators applied to road infrastructure and urban greening. Geosciences, 6 (4): 50. ISSN 2076-3263

BARONE, P.M., SWANGER, K.J., STANLEY-PRICE, N. and THURSFIELD, A., 2016. Finding graves in a cemetery: preliminary forensic GPR investigations in the non-Catholic cemetery in Rome (Italy). Measurement, 80, pp. 53-57. ISSN 0263-2241

BASIRI, A., JACKSON, M., AMIRIAN, P., POURABDOLLAH, A., SESTER, M., WINSTANLEY, A., MOORE, T. and ZHANG, L., 2016. Quality assessment of OpenStreetMap data using trajectory mining. Geo-spatial Information Science, 19 (1), pp. 56-68. ISSN 1009-5020

BATMUNKH, M., DADKHAH, M., SHEARER, C.J., BIGGS, M.J. and SHAPTER, J.G., 2016. Tin oxide light-scattering layer for titania photoanodes in dye-sensitized solar cells. Energy Technology, 4 (8), pp. 959-966. ISSN 2194-4288

BATMUNKH, M., SHEARER, C.J., BIGGS, M.J. and SHAPTER, J.G., 2016. Solution processed graphene structures for perovskite solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4 (7), pp. 2605-2616. ISSN 2050-7488

BATTERSBY, C.L.F., BATTERSBY, N.J., HOLLYMAN, M. and HUNT, J.A., 2016. Double-gloving impairs the quality of surgical knot tying: a randomised controlled trial. World Journal of Surgery, 40 (11), pp. 2598-2602. ISSN 0364-2313

BELL, M.E., LASKER, B.A., KLENK, H.-P., HOYLES, L., SPRÖER, C., SCHUMANN, P. and BROWN, J.M., 2016. Kroppenstedtia pulmonis sp. nov. and Kroppenstedtia sanguinis sp. nov., isolated from human patients. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 109 (5), pp. 603-610. ISSN 0003-6072

BELTON, D. and PERRY, C.C., 2016. A pH neutral supplement of bio-available silicon derived from a bio-silica source. EP 2268161B1.

BENJAMIN, S.L., CHANG, Y.-P., HECTOR, A.L., JURA, M., LEVASON, W., REID, G. and STENNING, G., 2016. Niobium tetrahalide complexes with neutral diphosphine ligands. Dalton Transactions, 45, pp. 8192-8200. ISSN 1477-9226

BENJAMIN, S.L., KRÄMER, T., LEVASON, W., LIGHT, M.E., MACGREGOR, S.A. and REID, G., 2016. [Pd4(μ3-SbMe3)4(SbMe3)4]: A Pd(0) tetrahedron with μ3-bridging trimethylantimony ligands. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138 (22), pp. 6964-6967. ISSN 0002-7863

BETTS, M., STIRLAND, J., OLAJIDE, F., JONES, K. and JANICKE, H., 2016. Developing a state of the art methodology and toolkit for ICS SCADA forensics. International Journal of Industrial Control Systems Security, 1 (2), pp. 44-56.

BHAT, S.V., ROBINSON, D., MOSES, J.E. and SHARMA, P., 2016. Synthesis of Oxadiazol-5-imines via the Cyclizative Capture ofin SituGenerated Cyanamide Ions and Nitrile Oxides. Organic Letters, 18 (5), pp. 1100-1103. ISSN 1523-7060

BISWAS, S. and GOEHRING, L., 2016. Interface propagation in fiber bundles: local, mean-field and intermediate range-dependent statistics. New Journal of Physics, 18 (10), p. 103048. ISSN 1367-2630

BLONDRATH, K., STEEL, J.H., KATSOURI, L., RIES, M., PARKER, M.G., CHRISTIAN, M. and SASTRE, M., 2016. The nuclear cofactor receptor interacting protein-140 (RIP140) regulates the expression of genes involved in Aβ generation. Neurobiology of Aging, 47, pp. 180-191. ISSN 0197-4580

BODAGHI, M., DAMANPACK, A.R. and LIAO, W.H., 2016. Self-expanding/shrinking structures by 4D printing. Smart Materials and Structures, 25 (10): 105034. ISSN 0964-1726

BODAGHI, M., DAMANPACK, A.R. and LIAO, W.H., 2016. A robust macroscopic model for normal–shear coupling, asymmetric and anisotropic behaviors of polycrystalline SMAs. Smart Materials and Structures, 25 (7): 075019. ISSN 0964-1726

BODAGHI, M., DAMANPACK, A.R., LIAO, W.H., AGHDAM, M.M. and SHAKERI, M., 2016. Modeling and analysis of reversible shape memory adaptive panels. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 27 (12), pp. 1624-1649. ISSN 1045-389X

BOLAND, J.W. and POCKLEY, A.G., 2016. Clinically relevant concentrations of opioids for in vitro studies. Journal of Opioid Management, 12 (5), pp. 313-321. ISSN 1551-7489

BOTET, R., CABANE, B., GOEHRING, L., LI, J. and ARTZNER, F., 2016. How do polydisperse repulsive colloids crystallize? Faraday Discussions, 186, pp. 229-240. ISSN 1359-6640

BRABCOVA, Z., MCHALE, G., WELLS, G.G., BROWN, C.V., NEWTON, M.I. and EDWARDS, A.M.J., 2016. Near axisymmetric partial wetting using interface-localized liquid dielectrophoresis. Langmuir, 32 (42), pp. 10844-10850. ISSN 0743-7463

BREW, O., NIKOLOPOULOU, E., HUGHES, A., CHRISTIAN, M., LEE, Y., ODUWOLE, O., SULLIVAN, M.H.F. and WOODMAN, A., 2016. Quality of placental RNA: effects of explant size and culture duration. Placenta, 46, pp. 45-48. ISSN 0143-4004

BROCKETT, C.L., ABDELGAIED, A., HAYTHORNTHWAITE, T., HARDAKER, C., FISHER, J. and JENNINGS, L.M., 2016. The influence of simulator input conditions on the wear of total knee replacements: an experimental and computational study. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 230 (5), pp. 429-439. ISSN 0954-4119

BROCKETT, C.L., CARBONE, S., ABDELGAIED, A., FISHER, J. and JENNINGS, L.M., 2016. Influence of contact pressure, cross-shear and counterface material on the wear of PEEK and CFR-PEEK for orthopaedic applications. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 63, pp. 10-16. ISSN 1751-6161

BROWN, D., 2016. Amateur astronomers say Chinese space station could crash to Earth – are they right? The Conversation.

BROWN, D., 2016. David Bowie ‘constellation’ – a stellar hoax? The Conversation.

BROWN, D., 2016. Explainer: the science behind leap years and how they work. The Conversation.

BROWN, D., 2016. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Bristol: IOP Publishing.

BROWN, D., 2016. Phenomenology of shadow. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 16 (4), pp. 25-32. ISSN 1108-9628

BROWN, D., 2016. Preface: Modern Archaeoastronomy: from Material Culture to Cosmology, 23 June 2014, Portsmouth, UK. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 685, 011001. ISSN 1742-6588

BROWN, D., 2016. An introductory view on archaeoastronomy. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 685, 012001. ISSN 1742-6588

BROWN, D., KETTLEY, R. and KETTLEY, S., 2016. Interpersonal Process Recall – a method for reflecting on co-design experiences. In: Method Stories Workshop, ACM CHI 2016, San Jose, California, USA, 7 May 2016.

BRYAN, N., ASHWIN, H., CHEN, R., SMART, N.J., BAYON, Y., WOHLERT, S. and HUNT, J.A., 2016. Evaluation of six synthetic surgical meshes implanted subcutaneously in a rat model. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 10 (10), E305-E315. ISSN 1932-7005

BU, Y., CARPENTIERI, B., SHEN, Z. and HUANG, T.-Z., 2016. A hybrid recursive multilevel incomplete factorization preconditioner for solving general linear systems. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 104, pp. 141-157. ISSN 0168-9274

BUCCINO, A.P., KELES, H.O. and OMURTAG, A., 2016. Hybrid EEG-fNIRS asynchronous brain-computer interface for multiple motor tasks. PLOS ONE, 11 (1): e0146610. ISSN 1932-6203

BUCZEK, M.E., MILES, A.K., GREEN, W., JOHNSON, C., BOOCOCK, D.J., POCKLEY, A.G., REES, R.C., HULMAN, G., VAN SCHALKWYK, G., PARKINSON, R., HULMAN, J., POWE, D.G. and REGAD, T., 2016. Cytoplasmic PML promotes TGF-β-associated epithelial–mesenchymal transition and invasion in prostate cancer. Oncogene, 35, pp. 3465-3475. ISSN 0950-9232

BULMAN PAGE, P.C., BARTLETT, C.J., CHAN, Y., ALLIN, S.M., MCKENZIE, M.J., LACOUR, J. and JONES, G.A., 2016. New biphenyl iminium salt catalysts for highly enantioselective asymmetric epoxidation: role of additional substitution and dihedral angle. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 14 (18), pp. 4220-4232. ISSN 1477-0520

BURHAN, I., FURINI, G., LORTAT-JACOB, H., ATOBATELE, A.G., SCARPELLINI, A., SCHROEDER, N., ATKINSON, J., MAAMRA, M., NUTTER, F.H., WATSON, P., VINCIGUERRA, M., JOHNSON, T.S. and VERDERIO, E.A.M., 2016. Interplay between transglutaminases and heparan sulphate in progressive renal scarring. Scientific Reports, 6, p. 31343. ISSN 2045-2322


CABANE, B., LI, J., ARTZNER, F., BOTET, R., LABBEZ, C., BAREIGTS, G., SZTUCKI, M. and GOEHRING, L., 2016. Hiding in Plain View: Colloidal Self-Assembly from Polydisperse Populations. Physical Review Letters, 116 (20), p. 208001. ISSN 0031-9007

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