Items where Division is "School of Social Sciences" and Year is 2020

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AHMED, M.S., KHAN, S., HSAN, K., SEN, L.C., YUNUS, F.M. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Factors affecting sleep quality among the university students in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional structured interview study. Sleep and Vigilance: an International Journal of Basic, Translational and Clinical Research. ISSN 2510-2265

AHORSU, D.K., LIN, C.-Y., IMANI, V., GRIFFITHS, M.D., SUN, J., LATNER, J.D., MARSHALL, R.D. and PAKPOUR, A.H., 2020. A prospective study on the link between weight‐related self‐stigma and binge eating: role of food addiction and psychological distress. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53 (3), pp. 442-450. ISSN 0276-3478

ALBERRO, H., 2020. Ecotopia rising: an ecocritical analysis of radical environmental activists as ecotopian expressions amid Anthropocene decline. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

ALCARAZ-IBÁÑEZ, M., PATERNA, A., SICILIA, Á. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Morbid exercise behaviour and eating disorders: a meta-analysis. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9 (2), pp. 206-224. ISSN 2062-5871

ALCARAZ‐IBÁÑEZ, M., PATERNA, A., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and SICILIA, Á., 2020. Examining the role of social physique anxiety on the relationship between physical appearance comparisons and disordered eating symptoms among Spanish emerging adults. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. ISSN 0036-5564

ALLDRED, P., 2020. Sexualities education. In: D.T. COOK, ed., The SAGE encyclopedia of children and childhood studies. London: Sage, p. 1441. ISBN 9781473942929

ANDREWS, S., HILL, R. and PICKFORD, R., 2020. C19 National Foresight Group: briefing - LRF similarity app explainer. C19 National Foresight Group.

ANDREWS, S., PICKFORD, R., STEVENSON, C., BOWE, M., KELLEZI, B., STEWART, S., BLANCO, S., POTTER, A. and HILL, R., 2020. Intelligence briefing paper 7 - Data trends, food, fuel and housing insecurity. C19 National Foresight Group.

ANDREWS, S., PICKFORD, R., STEWART, S., BLANCO, S., POTTER, A. and HILL, R., 2020. Intelligence briefing paper 6 - Data trends, housing, food and fuel inequalities and EVP befriending. C19 National Foresight Group.

ANDREWS, S., POTTER, A. and HILL, R., 2020. Intelligence briefing paper 1 - Public mood data and process and chemical addictions. C19 National Foresight Group.

ANDREWS, S., STEWART, S., BLANCO, S., POTTER, A. and HILL, R., 2020. Intelligence briefing paper 5 - Data trends and community health and wellbeing. C19 National Foresight Group.

ANDREWS, S., STEWART, S., POTTER, A., BLANCO, S. and HILL, R., 2020. Intelligence briefing paper 3 - Returning to schools, adherence to guidance and compliance with lockdown measures. C19 National Foresight Group.

ANDREWS, S., STEWART, S., POTTER, A., BLANCO, S. and HILL, R., 2020. Intelligence briefing paper 4 - Risk perception, dementia and missing persons, transport trends and YouGov data. C19 National Foresight Group.

ANDREWS, S., STEWART, S., WOOD, C. and HILL, R., 2020. Intelligence briefing paper 2 - YouGov, Apple mobility and ONS data and academic denial review. C19 National Foresight Group.

ARRIMADA, M., TORRANCE, M. and FIDALGO, R., 2020. El modelo de respuesta a la intervención en escritura: revisión de medidas de evaluación y prácticas instruccionales. Papeles del Psicólogo, 41 (1): 54. ISSN 0214-7823

ASPEY, L., 2020. An exploration of climate within secure settings accommodating children. DPsych, Nottingham Trent University.

ASSI, M., MAATOUK, I. and JASPAL, R., 2020. Psychological distress and self-harm in a religiously diverse sample of Lebanese students. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 23 (7), pp. 591-605. ISSN 1367-4676

ATKIN, C., GUEST, D., HOWARD, C. and BAGULEY, T., 2020. The impact of test format on change detection performance in imagery, VWM and VSTM. In: Experimental Psychology Society meeting, Virtual, 02 July 2020.

ATKIN, C., GUEST, D., HOWARD, C., BAGULEY, T. and BAKER, J., 2020. The same or different? Capacity limitations in visual imagery versus visual memory of simple structured objects. In: Cognitive Science, Virtual, 14 July 2020.

ATROSZKO, P.A., DEMETROVICS, Z. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Work addiction, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, burn-out, and global burden of disease: implications from the ICD-11. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (2): 660.

AUER, M. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. The use of personalized messages on wagering behavior of Swedish online gamblers: an empirical study. Computers in Human Behavior: 106402. ISSN 0747-5632

AUER, M., REIESTAD, S.H. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Global limit setting as a responsible gambling tool: what do players think? International Journal of Mental Health and Addictions, 18, pp. 14-26. ISSN 1557-1874

AWAN, I. and ZEMPI, I., 2020. 'You all look the same': non-Muslim men who suffer Islamophobic hate crime in the post-Brexit era. European Journal of Criminology, 17 (5), pp. 585-602. ISSN 1477-3708


BADHAM, S.P. and HAMILTON, C.A., 2020. Influences of complexity on decision making in young and older adults. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 16 (2), pp. 280-299. ISSN 1841-0413

BAGONZA, A., WAMANI, H., PETERSON, S., MÅRTENSSON, A., MUTTO, M., MUSOKE, D., KITUTU, F.E., MUKANGA, D., GIBSON, L. and AWOR, P., 2020. Peer supervision experiences of drug sellers in a rural district in East-Central Uganda: a qualitative study. Malaria Journal, 19 (1): 270. ISSN 1475-2875

BAILEY, D. and MUTALE, G.J., 2020. Can a case lead approach deliver the "craft and graft" of integration? Journal of Integrated Care. ISSN 1476-9018

BAKER, C., 2020. Young people and national identity: can youth work provide 'border crossings'? Youth and Policy. ISSN 0262-9798

BALTA, S., EMIRTEKIN, E., KIRCABURUN, K. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Neuroticism, trait fear of missing out, and phubbing: the mediating role of state fear of missing out and problematic Instagram use. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, pp. 628-639. ISSN 1557-1874

BALTA, S., EMIRTEKIN, E., KIRCABURUN, K. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. The mediating role of depression in the relationship between body image dissatisfaction and cyberbullying perpetration. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, pp. 1482-1492. ISSN 1557-1874

BARKER, A.B., BRITTON, J., THOMSON, E., HUNTER, A., OPAZO BRETON, M. and MURRAY, R.L., 2020. A content analysis of tobacco and alcohol audio-visual content in a sample of UK reality TV programmes. Journal of Public Health, 42 (3), pp. 561-569. ISSN 1741-3842

BARKER, A.B., CRANWELL, J., FITZPATRICK, I., WHITTAMORE, K., ALFAYAD, K., HARIDY, A., MURRAY, R. and BRITTON, J., 2020. Tobacco and tobacco branding in films most popular in the UK from 2009 to 2017. Thorax, 75 (12), pp. 1103-1108. ISSN 0040-6376

BARKER, A.B., OPAZO-BRETON, M., THOMSON, E., BRITTON, J., GRANT-BRAHAM, B. and MURRAY, R.L., 2020. Quantifying alcohol audio-visual content in UK broadcasts of the 2018 Formula 1 Championship: a content analysis and population exposure. BMJ Open, 10 (8): e037035. ISSN 2044-6055

BARNARD, A. and HENN, M., 2020. The dark romanticism of vivas: practice issues and preparation. Work Based Learning e-Journal, 9 (2b), pp. 158-179. ISSN 2044-7868

BELL, D., 2020. Tod Sloan: possibilities. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. ISSN 1088-0763

BELL, D., CANHAM, H., DUTTA, U. and FERNÁNDEZ, J., 2020. Retrospective autoethnographies: a call for decolonial imaginings for the new university. Qualitative Inquiry, 26 (7), pp. 849-859. ISSN 1077-8004

BELMONTE, M., 2020. How individuals and institutions can learn to make room for human cognitivediversity: a personal perspective from my life in neuroscience. In: A. STENNING, N. CHOWN and H. BERTILSDOTTER ROSQVIST, eds., Neurodiversity studies: a new critical paradigm. Routledge advances in sociology . London: Routledge, pp. 172-190. ISBN 9780429322297

BELMONTE, M., 2020. Other and other waters in the river: autism and the futility of prediction. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 43: e122. ISSN 0140-525X

BENBOW, P. and MACHIN, R.J., 2020. Promoting well-being through social work legal education. In: Nottingham Trent University Centre for Legal Education Conference 2020: Impact and Wellbeing, Nottingham, 22-26 June 2020.

BHUIYAN, M.A.H., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and MAMUN, M.A., 2020. Depression literacy among Bangladeshi pre-university students: differences based on gender, educational attainment, depression, and anxiety. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 50. ISSN 1876-2018

BIELER, A. and SALYGA, J., 2020. Baltic labour in the crucible of capitalist exploitation: reassessing 'post-communist' transformation. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 31 (2), pp. 191-210. ISSN 1035-3046

BLAGDEN, N. and WILSON, K., 2020. "We're all the same here"—Investigating the rehabilitative climate of a re-rolled sexual offender prison: a qualitative longitudinal study. Sexual Abuse: a Journal of Research and Treatment, 32 (6), pp. 727-750. ISSN 1079-0632

BLAGDEN, N., WINDER, B. and LIEVESLEY, R., 2020. "The resurrection after the old has gone and the new has come": understanding narratives of forgiveness, redemption and resurrection in Christian individuals serving time in custody for a sexual offence. Psychology, Crime & Law, 26 (1), pp. 34-52. ISSN 1068-316X

BLANCO, S., PICKFORD, R., STEWART, S., POTTER, A., SMITH, K., BOWE, M., KELLEZI, B., WAKEFIELD, J., STEVENSON, C., CLARK, I., HUNTER, J., FEARNALL-WILLIAMS, H. and HILL, R., 2020. C19 National Foresight Group: briefing - economic insecurity: a compendium of intelligence briefing papers for the United Kingdom. C19 National Foresight Group.

BLANEY, L.M., WILDE, D. and HILL, R., 2020. Transcending adversity: resilience in volunteer firefighters. International Journal of Emergency Services. ISSN 2047-0894

BLOOM, A., CRITTEN, S., JOHNSON, H. and WOOD, C., 2020. A critical review of methods for eliciting voice from children with speech, language and communication needs. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 20 (4), pp. 308-320. ISSN 1471-3802

BOURSIER, V., GIOIA, F. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Do selfie-expectancies and social appearance anxiety predict adolescents' problematic social media use? Computers in Human Behavior: 106395. ISSN 0747-5632

BOURSIER, V., GIOIA, F. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Objectified body consciousness, body image control in photos, and problematic social networking: the role of appearance control beliefs. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 147. ISSN 1664-1078

BOURSIER, V., GIOIA, F. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Selfie-engagement on social media: pathological narcissism, positive expectation, and body objectification – which is more influential? Addictive Behaviors Reports. ISSN 2352-8532

BOWE, M., GRAY, D., MCNAMARA, N., STEVENSON, C., WAKEFIELD, J., KELLEZI, B., WILSON, I., CLEVELAND, M., MAIR, E., COSTA, S. and HALDER, M., 2020. A social cure in the community: a mixed-method exploration of the role of social identity in the experiences and well-being of community volunteers. European Journal of Social Psychology. ISSN 0046-2772

BOWE, M., WAKEFIELD, J., KELLEZI, B., MCNAMARA, N., HARKIN, L. and JOBLING, R., 2020. Food poverty and overcoming the stigma: the role of social identity dynamics in promoting positive food bank helping transactions. In: 2nd UK Research Conference on Food and Poverty: Evidence for Change, Kings College London, 23 June 2020.

BOWE, M. and WAKEFIELD, J.R.H., 2020. Report for the UK House of Lords Select Committee on Food, Poverty, Health, and the Environment. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

BOWPITT, G., 2020. Choosing to be homeless? Persistent rough sleeping and the perverse incentives of social policy in England. Housing, Care and Support, 23 (3/4), pp. 135-147. ISSN 1460-8790

BOWPITT, G., EVERITT, G. and KAUR, K., 2020. Covid-19: impact on people who have experienced multiple disadvantages. Nottingham: Opportunity Nottingham.

BRADBURY, J. and LIEVESLEY, R., 2020. The risk factors and characteristics of men with intellectual disability convicted of sexual offences experiencing sexual preoccupation. In: K. HOCKEN, R. LIEVESLEY, B. WINDER, H. SWABY, N. BLAGDEN and P. BANYARD, eds., Sexual crime and intellectual functioning. Sexual crime . Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 131-160. ISBN 9783030523275

BRADY, G. and LOWE, P., 2020. 'Go on, go on, go on': sexual consent, child sexual exploitation and cups of tea. Children and Society, 34 (1), pp. 78-92. ISSN 0951-0605

BREAKWELL, G. and JASPAL, R., 2020. Identity change, uncertainty and mistrust in relation to fear and risk of COVID-19. Journal of Risk Research. ISSN 1366-9877

BROOKS, K.R., KEEN, E., STURMAN, D., MOND, J., STEVENSON, R.J. and STEPHEN, I.D., 2020. Muscle and fat aftereffects and the role of gender: implications for body image disturbance. British Journal of Psychology, 111 (4), pp. 742-761. ISSN 0007-1269

BROOKS, K.R., MOND, J., MITCHISON, D., STEVENSON, R.J., CHALLINOR, K.L. and STEPHEN, I.D., 2020. Looking at the figures: visual adaptation as a mechanism for body-size and -shape misperception. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15 (1), pp. 133-149. ISSN 1745-6916

BROWN, G., BOS, L. and BRADY, G., 2020. Building health and wellbeing in prison: learning from the master gardener programme in a Midlands prison. In: M. MAYCOCK, R. MEEK and J. WOODALL, eds., Issues and innovations in prison health research: methods, issues, innovations. Palgrave Studies in Prison Penology . Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 139-165. ISBN 9783030464004

BROWN, G. and BRADY, G., 2020. Collaborative research: working together to deliver land-based prison initiatives. Methodological Innovations, 13 (2). ISSN 2059-7991

BROWN, L. and KUSS, D.J., 2020. Fear of missing out, mental wellbeing, and social connectedness: a seven-day social media abstinence trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (12): 4566.

BRYANT, E.J., MALIK, M.S., WHITFORD-BARTLE, T. and WATERS, G.M., 2020. The effects of bariatric surgery on psychological aspects of eating behaviour and food intake in humans. Appetite, 150: 104575. ISSN 0195-6663

BUCHMAN-WILDBAUM, T., RICHMAN, M.J., VÁRADI, E., SCHMELOWSZKY, Á., GRIFFITHS, M.D., DEMETROVICS, Z. and URBÁN, R., 2020. Perceived loss among people living with mental disorders: validation of the personal loss from mental illness scale. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 96: 152146. ISSN 0010-440X

BUCHMAN-WILDBAUM, T., VÁRADI, E., SCHMELOWSZKY, Á., GRIFFITHS, M.D., DEMETROVICS, Z. and URBAN, R., 2020. Targeting the problem of treatment non-adherence among mentally ill patients: the impact of loss, grief and stigma. Psychiatry Research, 290: 113140. ISSN 0165-1781

BUCHMAN-WILDBAUM, T., VÁRADI, E., SCHMELOWSZKY, Á., GRIFFITHS, M.D., DEMETROVICS, Z. and URBÁN, R., 2020. The paradoxical role of insight in mental illness: the experience of stigma and shame in schizophrenia, mood disorders, and anxiety disorders. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 34 (6), pp. 449-457. ISSN 0883-9417

BUCKLEY, S., TICKLE, A. and MCDONALD, S., 2020. Implementing psychological formulation into complex needs homeless hostels to develop a psychologically informed environment. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness. ISSN 1053-0789

BUGLASS, S.L., ABELL, L., BETTS, L.R., HILL, R. and SAUNDERS, J., 2020. Banter versus bullying: a university student perspective. International Journal of Bullying Prevention. ISSN 2523-3653

BUGLASS, S.L., BINDER, J.F., BETTS, L.R. and UNDERWOOD, J.D.M., 2020. Asymmetrical third-person effects on the perceptions of online risk and harm among adolescents and adults. Behaviour and Information Technology. ISSN 0144-929X

BULL, E., NEWMAN, K., CASSIDY, T., ANDERSON, N. and CHATER, A., 2020. Reflecting on the Stage 2 health psychology independent training route: a survey of trainee and graduate experiences of employability. Health Psychology Update, 29 (2), pp. 19-30. ISSN 0954-2027

BUONO, F.D., PAUL, E., SPRONG, M.E., SMITH, E.C., GARAKANI, A. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Gaming and gaming disorder: a mediation model gender, salience, age of gaming onset, and time spent gaming. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 23 (9), pp. 647-651. ISSN 2152-2715

BURLEIGH, T.L., GRIFFITHS, M.D., SUMICH, A., WANG, G.Y. and KUSS, D.J., 2020. Gaming disorder and internet addiction: a systematic review of resting-state EEG studies. Addictive Behaviors: 106429. ISSN 0306-4603

BURROWS, A.M., KAMINSKI, J., WALLER, B.M., OMSTEAD, K.M., ROGERS‐VIZENA, C. and MENDELSON, B., 2020. Dog faces exhibit anatomical differences in comparison to other domestic animals. Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology. ISSN 1932-8486

BYWATERS, P., BRADY, G., BUNTING, L., DANIEL, B., DAVIDSON, G., ELLIOTT, M., FEATHERSTONE, B., HOOPER, J., JONES, C., KWHALI, J., MASON, W., MCCARTAN, C., MCGHEE, J., MIRZA, N., MORRIS, K., SCOURFIELD, J., SHAPIRA, M., SLATER, T., SPARKS, T., STEILS, N. and WEBB, C., 2020. The Child Welfare Inequalities Project: final report. London: Nuffield Foundation.

BÁNYAI, F., ZSILA, Á., GRIFFITHS, M.D., DEMETROVICS, Z. and KIRÁLY, O., 2020. Career as a professional gamer: gaming motives as predictors of career plans to become a professional esport player. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 1866. ISSN 1664-1078

BŐTHE, B., POTENZA, M.N., GRIFFITHS, M.D., KRAUS, S.W., KLEIN, V., FUSS, J. and DEMETROVICS, Z., 2020. The development of the Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder Scale (CSBD-19): an ICD-11 based screening measure across three languages. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9 (2), pp. 247-257. ISSN 2062-5871


CALABRIA, V., 2020. Daylight robbery, but they called it ‘care in the community’: revisiting asylums 30 years on. Asylum Magazine, 27 (4), pp. 14-16.

CALABRIA, V., 2020. Oral histories of the Nottinghamshire mental hospitals: exploring memories of giving and receiving care. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

CALADO, F., ALEXANDRE, J. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Gambling among adolescents and emerging adults: a cross-cultural study between Portuguese and English youth. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, pp. 737-753. ISSN 1557-1874

CALADO, F., ALEXANDRE, J., ROSENFELD, L., PEREIRA, R. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. The efficacy of a gambling prevention program among high-school students. Journal of Gambling Studies, 36, pp. 573-595. ISSN 1050-5350

CAYGILL, T., 2020. The UK post-legislative scrutiny gap. The Journal of Legislative Studies, 26 (3), pp. 387-404. ISSN 1357-2334

CAYGILL, T., 2020. The UK post-legislative scrutiny gap. In: F. DE VRIEZE and P. NORTON, eds., Parliaments and post-legislative scrutiny. Library of Legislative Studies . Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 39-56. ISBN 9780367677565

CERELLA, A., 2020. Genealogies of political modernity. Political Theologies . London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350079465

CERELLA, A., 2020. Homo desiderans: The government of desire: a genealogy of the liberal subject by Miguel de Beistegui. Radical Philosophy, 2 (9), pp. 114-116. ISSN 0300-211X

CHAN, C.K., BARNARD, A. and NG, Y.N., 2020. "Who are our support networks?" A qualitative study of informal support for carers. Journal of Social Service Research. ISSN 0148-8376

CHAN, C.K., BARNARD, A. and VICKERS, T., 2020. Meaning through caregiving: a qualitative study of the experiences of informal carers. British Journal of Social Work, 50 (3), pp. 682-700. ISSN 0045-3102

CHANG, K.-C., STRONG, C., PAKPOUR, A.H., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and LIN, C.-Y., 2020. Factors related to preventive COVID-19 infection behaviors among people with mental illness. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 119 (12), pp. 1772-1780. ISSN 0929-6646

CHEN, I.-H., AHORSU, D.K., PAKPOUR, A.H., GRIFFITHS, M.D., LIN, C.-Y. and CHEN, C.-Y., 2020. Psychometric properties of three simplified Chinese online-related addictive behavior instruments among mainland Chinese primary school students. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11: 875. ISSN 1664-0640

CHEN, I.-H., CHEN, C.-Y., PAKPOUR, A.H., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and LIN, C.-Y., 2020. Internet-related behaviors and psychological distress among schoolchildren during COVID-19 school suspension. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 59 (10), pp. 1099-1102. ISSN 0890-8567

CHEN, I.-H., LIN, C.-Y., ZHENG, X. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Assessing mental health for China's police: psychometric features of the Self-Rating Depression Scale and Symptom Checklist 90-Revised. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (8): 2737.

CHEN, I.-H., PAKPOUR, A.H., LEUNG, H., POTENZA, M.N., SU, J.-A., LIN, C.-Y. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Comparing generalized and specific problematic smartphone/internet use: longitudinal relationships between smartphone application- based addiction and social media addiction and psychological distress. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9 (2), pp. 410-419. ISSN 2062-5871

CHEN, I.-H., STRONG, C., LIN, Y.-C., TSAI, M.-C., LEUNG, H., LIN, C.-Y., PAKPOUR, A.H. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Time invariance of three ultra-brief internet-related instruments: Smartphone Application-Based Addiction Scale (SABAS), Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), and the nine-item Internet Gaming Disorder Scale- Short Form (IGDS-SF9) (Study Part B). Addictive Behaviors, 101: 105960. ISSN 0306-4603

CICCARELLI, M., GRIFFITHS, M.D., COSENZA, M., NIGRO, G. and D'OLIMPIO, F., 2020. Disordered gambling and attentional bias: the mediating role of risk-taking. Journal of Affective Disorders, 272, pp. 496-500. ISSN 0165-0327

CICCARELLI, M., NIGRO, G., GRIFFITHS, M.D., D’OLIMPIO, F. and COSENZA, M., 2020. The associations between maladaptive personality traits, craving, alcohol use, and adolescent problem gambling: an Italian survey study. Journal of Gambling Studies, 36, pp. 243-258. ISSN 1573-3602

CLARK, I., FEARNALL-WILLIAMS, H., HUNTER, J. and PICKFORD, R., 2020. Working and living practices may explain Leicester's coronavirus spike. The Conversation.

CLARK, I., HUNTER, J., PICKFORD, R. and FEARNALL-WILLIAMS, H., 2020. How do licensing regimes limit worker interests? Evidence from informal employment in Britain. Economic and Industrial Democracy. ISSN 0143-831X

CLARK, I., LAWTON, C., STEVENSON, C., VICKERS, T. and DAHILL, D., 2020. A 'place based' approach to work and employment: the end of reciprocity, ordinary working families and 'giggers' in a place. Economic and Industrial Democracy. ISSN 0143-831X

CLARK, I., PICKFORD, R., HUNTER, J., FEARNALL-WILLIAMS, H., BARRETT, J., BRENNAN, K. and HARRISON, C., 2020. Vulnerable workers and exploitative workplaces: where are all the hand car washes? (Unpublished)

CLARK, P.R., WALLER, B.M., BURROWS, A.M., JULLE‐DANIÈRE, E., AGIL, M., ENGELHARDT, A. and MICHELETTA, J., 2020. Morphological variants of silent bared-teeth displays have different social interaction outcomes in crested macaques (Macaca nigra). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 173 (3), pp. 411-422. ISSN 1096-8644

CLARKE, G., KENNEDY, P.J., GROEGER, J.A., QUIGLEY, E.M.M., SHANAHAN, F., CRYAN, J.F. and DINAN, T.G., 2020. Impaired cognitive function in Crohn's disease: relationship to disease activity. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - Health, 5: 100093. ISSN 2666-3546

CLARKE, S.P. and WRIGHT, C., 2020. Tactical authenticity in the production of autoethnographic mad narratives. Social Theory and Health, 18 (2), pp. 169-183. ISSN 1477-8211

COLE, M., STEWART, K. and CRAANE, I., 2020. The Donald Watson Archive Research Project. In: 1st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Vegan Sociologists: Worldly Togetherness?, Online, 8 August 2020.

COOK, R.H., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PONTES, H.M., 2020. Personality factors in exercise addiction: a pilot study exploring the role of narcissism, extraversion, and agreeableness. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18 (1), pp. 89-102. ISSN 1557-1874

CORTESE, S., ASHERSON, P., SONUGA-BARKE, E., BANASCHEWSKI, T., BRANDEIS, D., BUITELAAR, J., COGHILL, D., DALEY, D., DANCKAERTS, M., DITTMANN, R.W., DOEPFNER, M., FERRIN, M., HOLLIS, C., HOLTMANN, M., KONOFAL, E., LECENDREUX, M., SANTOSH, P., ROTHENBERGER, A., SOUTULLO, C., STEINHAUSEN, H.-C., TAYLOR, E., VAN DER OORD, S., WONG, I., ZUDDAS, A. and SIMONOFF, E., 2020. ADHD management during the COVID-19 pandemic: guidance from the European ADHD Guidelines Group. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 4 (6), pp. 412-414. ISSN 2352-4642

CRANNEY, J., HULME, J.A., SULEEMAN, J., JOB, R. and DUNN, D.S., 2020. Assessing learning outcomes in undergraduate psychology education: lessons learned from five countries. In: S.A. NOLAN, C.M. HAKALA and R.E. LANDRUM, eds., Assessing undergraduate learning in psychology: strategies for measuring and improving student performance. Washington, DC: APA, pp. 179-202. ISBN 9781433832284

CREWE, H., 2020. Female prisons around the world: facts and figures about women in prison. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 9786200532190

CREWE, H., 2020. Neo-liberal governmentality and babies in prison. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage.

CREWE, H., 2020. “No babies in prison?” - Norway’s exception explained. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

CREWE, H., 2020. Putting babies first: supportive choices for mother and baby units. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage.

CREWE, H., 2020. Therapeutic jurisprudence and babies in prison. Forum Prava, 64 (5), pp. 17-23. ISSN 1995-6134

CREWE, H., 2020. When the pendulum is stuck! – Invisible agonists and babies in prison. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage.

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CUDO, A., WOJTASIŃSKI, M., TUŻNIK, P., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and ZABIELSKA-MENDYK, E., 2020. Problematic Facebook use and problematic video gaming as mediators of relationship between impulsivity and life satisfaction among female and male gamers. PLoS ONE, 15 (8): e0237610.

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FERNANDEZ, D., KUSS, D. and GRIFFITHS, M., 2020. Short-term abstinence across potential behavioral addictions: a systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 76: 101828. ISSN 0272-7358

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GOLBONI, F., ALIMORADI, Z., BROSTRÖM, A., GRIFFITHS, M.D., LIN, C. and PAKPOUR, A.H., 2020. Weight-related stigma and psychological distress: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Nutrition, 39 (7), pp. 2001-2013. ISSN 0261-5614

GOMES, S. and DUARTE, V., 2020. What about ethics? Developing qualitative research in confinement settings. European Journal of Criminology, 17 (4), pp. 461-479. ISSN 1477-3708

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GOMEZ, R., STAVROPOULOS, V. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modelling of the factor structure of the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales-21. PLOS ONE, 15 (6): e0233998. ISSN 1932-6203

GOMEZ, R., STAVROPOULOS, V., PONTES, H.M., SCHIVINSKI, B. and GRIFFITHS, M., 2020. Proteus Effect profiles: how do they relate with disordered gaming behaviours? Psychiatric Quarterly, 91, pp. 615-628. ISSN 0033-2720

GOMEZ, R., STAVROPOULOS, V., VANCE, A. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Gifted children with ADHD: how are they different from non-gifted children with ADHD? International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, pp. 1467-1481. ISSN 1557-1874

GONZÁLEZ-CABRERA, J., BERANUY, M., PONTES, H.M., MACHIMBARRENA, J.M., GRIFFITHS, M.D., ASUNCIÓN VEGA-OSÉS, M. and CARBONELL, X., 2020. Spanish validation of the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS9-SF): prevalence and relationship with online gambling and quality of life. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17: 1562. ISSN 1661-7827

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GRIFFITHS, L., BAILEY, D. and SLADE, K., 2020. Exploring the listener scheme in a women's prison: the importance of a gendered approach to peer support for women who self-harm in custody. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 15 (6), pp. 347-360. ISSN 1755-6228

GRIFFITHS, M., AHMED, M.S. and SEN, L., 2020. Association between self-rated health and quality of life with sleep quality among Bangladeshi university students. Social Health and Behavior, 3 (2), pp. 35-37.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Feedback models for gambling control: the use and efficacy of online responsible gambling tools. In: S. SUSSMAN, ed., The Cambridge handbook of substance and behavioral addictions. Cambridge handbooks in psychology . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 333-339. ISBN 9781108427166

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Internet use disorders: what's new and what's not? Journal of Behavioral Addictions. ISSN 2062-5871

GRIFFITHS, M.D., AUER, M. and HOPFGARTNER, N., 2020. The effects of voluntary deposit limit-setting on long-term online gambling expenditure. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 23 (2), pp. 113-118. ISSN 2152-2715

GRIFFITHS, M.D., CUDO, A., TORÓJ, M. and MISIURO, T., 2020. Problematic Facebook use and problematic video gaming among female and male gamers. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 23 (2), pp. 126-133. ISSN 2152-2715

GRIFFITHS, M.D., KUSS, D.J. and PONTES, H.M., 2020. Gaming disorder and its treatment. In: S. SUSSMAN, ed., The Cambridge handbook of substance and behavioral addictions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 288-294. ISBN 9781108427166

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and MAMUN, M.A., 2020. COVID-19 suicidal behavior among couples and suicide pacts: case study evidence from press reports. Psychiatry Research. ISSN 0165-1781

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and MAMUN, M.A., 2020. Internet addiction among young Bangladeshi adults: critical commentary on Hassan et al. (2020). Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, 95: 26. ISSN 0013-2446

GRIFFITHS, M.D., MAMUN, M.A. and MISTI, J.M., 2020. Suicide of Bangladeshi medical students: risk factor trends based on Bangladeshi press reports. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 48: 101905. ISSN 1876-2018

GRIFFITHS, M.D., MISTI, J.M. and MAMUN, M.A., 2020. Bangladeshi medical students' suicide: a response to Arafat (2020). Asian Journal of Psychiatry. ISSN 1876-2018

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PONTES, H.M., 2020. The future of gaming disorder research and player protection: what role should the video gaming industry and researchers play? International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18 (3), pp. 784-790. ISSN 1557-1874

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PONTES, H.M., 2020. A history and overview of video game addiction. In: M.N. POTENZA, K.A. FAUST and D. FAUST, eds., The Oxford handbook of digital technologies and mental health. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 17-32. ISBN 9780190218058

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and RODRÍGUEZ LEÓN, A., 2020. Excessive social network use: Is it harmful for human health? EC Cardiology, S1.02 (2020), pp. 1-4.

GRIGOLO, M. and LUNDY, C., 2020. Public sociology: facing the pandemic. Global Dialogue, 10 (3). ISSN 1450-0590

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JASPAL, R., 2020. Stigma and HIV concealment motivation among gay men living with HIV in Finland. Journal of Homosexuality. ISSN 0091-8369

JASPAL, R., 2020. Trans women and HIV: social psychological perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783030575441

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JASPAL, R., LOPES, B. and MAATOUK, I., 2020. Social identity and attitudes toward HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis: a structural equation model. Journal of Social Service Research, 46 (3), pp. 331-344. ISSN 0148-8376

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JASPAL, R. and NERLICH, B., 2020. HIV stigma in UK press reporting of a case of intentional HIV transmission. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine. ISSN 1363-4593

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KAPITÁNY-FÖVÉNY, M., URBÁN, R., VARGA, G., POTENZA, M.N., GRIFFITHS, M.D., SZEKELY, A., PAKSI, B., KUN, B., FARKAS, J., KÖKÖNYEI, G. and DEMETROVICS, Z., 2020. The 21-item Barratt Impulsiveness Scale Revised (BIS-R-21): an alternative three-factor model. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9 (2), pp. 225-246. ISSN 2062-5871

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KILLICK, E.A. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. A content analysis of gambling operators’ Twitter accounts at the start of the English premier league football season. Journal of Gambling Studies, 36, pp. 319-341. ISSN 1573-3602

KILLICK, E.A. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. A thematic analysis of sports bettors’ perceptions of sports betting marketing strategies in the UK. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 20 (2), pp. 800-818. ISSN 1557-1874

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KIRCABURAN, K., HARRIS, A., CALADO, F. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. The association of addictive mukbang watching with mukbang watching motives, emotion regulation, impulsivity, and psychiatric distress. Journal of Concurrent Disorders.

KIRCABURUN, K., ALHABASH, S., TOSUNTAŞ, Ş.B. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Uses and gratifications of problematic social media use among university students: a simultaneous examination of the big five of personality traits, social media platforms, and social media use motives. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, pp. 525-547. ISSN 1557-1874

KIRCABURUN, K., DEMETROVICS, Z., GRIFFITHS, M.D., KIRÁLY, O., KUN, B. and TOSUNTAŞ, Ş.B., 2020. Trait emotional intelligence and Internet Gaming Disorder among gamers: the mediating role of online gaming motives and moderating role of age groups. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18 (5), pp. 1446-1457. ISSN 1557-1874

KIRCABURUN, K., DEMETROVICS, Z., KIRÁLY, O. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Childhood emotional trauma and cyberbullying perpetration among emerging adults: a multiple mediation model of the role of problematic social media use and psychopathology. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, pp. 548-566. ISSN 1557-1874

KIRCABURUN, K., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and BILLIEUX, J., 2020. Childhood emotional maltreatment and problematic social media use among adolescents: the mediating role of body image dissatisfaction. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, pp. 1536-1547. ISSN 1557-1874

KIRCABURUN, K., GRIFFITHS, M.D., ŞAHIN, F., BAHTIYAR, M., ATMACA, T. and TOSUNTAŞ, Ş.B., 2020. The mediating role of self/everyday creativity and depression on the relationship between creative personality traits and problematic social media use among emerging adults. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, pp. 77-80. ISSN 1557-1874

KIRCABURUN, K., PONTES, H.M., STAVROPOULOS, V. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. A brief psychological overview of disordered gaming. Current Opinion in Psychology, 36, pp. 38-43. ISSN 2352-250X

KIRCABURUN, K., SAVCI, M., EMIRTEKIN, E. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. The role of perceived feelings of presence and escapism in problematic mukbang watching among emerging adult mukbang watchers. Journal of Concurrent Disorders, 2 (2), pp. 16-22. ISSN 2562-7546

KIRCABURUN, K., ÜNÜBOL, H., SAYAR, G.H., STAVROPOULOS, V. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Measurement, prevalence, and psychological risk factors associated with addictive food consumption: development of a new food addiction scale and evidence from a national largescale sample. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9 (3), pp. 836-852. ISSN 2062-5871

KIRÁLY, O., POTENZA, M.N., STEIN, D.J., KING, D.L., HODGINS, D.C., SAUNDERS, J.B., GRIFFITHS, M.D., GJONESKA, B., BILLIEUX, J., BRAND, M., ABBOTT, M.W., CHAMBERLAIN, S.R., CORAZZA, O., BURKAUSKAS, J., SALES, C.M.D., MONTAG, C., LOCHNER, C., GRÜNBLATT, E., WEGMANN, E., MARTINOTTI, G., LEE, H.K., RUMPF, H.-J., CASTRO-CALVO, J., RAHIMI-MOVAGHAR, A., HIGUCHI, S., MENCHON, J.M., ZOHAR, J., PELLEGRINI, L., WALITZA, S., FINEBERG, N.A. and DEMETROVICS, Z., 2020. Preventing problematic internet use during the COVID-19 pandemic: consensus guidance. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 100: 152180. ISSN 0010-440X

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KUN, B., URBÁN, R., BŐTHE, B., GRIFFITHS, M.D., DEMETROVICS, Z. and KÖKÖNYEI, G., 2020. Maladaptive rumination mediates the relationship between self-esteem, perfectionism, and work addiction: a largescale survey study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (19): 7332.

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LATHABHAVAN, R. and GRIFFITHS, M., 2020. First case of student suicide in India due to the COVID-19 education crisis: a brief report and preventive measures. Asian Journal of Psychiatry: 102202. ISSN 1876-2018

LAXTON, V., CRUNDALL, D., GUEST, D. and HOWARD, C., 2020. Visual search for drowning swimmers: investigating the impact of lifeguarding experience. Applied Cognitive Psychology. ISSN 0888-4080

LEUNG, H., PAKPOUR, A.H., STRONG, C., LIN, Y.-C., TSAI, M.-C., GRIFFITHS, M.D., LIN, C.-Y. and CHEN, I.-H., 2020. Measurement invariance across young adults from Hong Kong and Taiwan among three internet-related addiction scales: Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), Smartphone Application-Based Addiction Scale (SABAS), and Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS-SF9) (Study Part A). Addictive Behaviors, 101: 105969. ISSN 0306-4603

LI, L., GRIFFITHS, M.D., MEI, S. and NIU, Z., 2020. Fear of missing out and smartphone addiction mediates the relationship between positive and negative affect and sleep quality among Chinese university students. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11: 877. ISSN 1664-0640

LI, L., GRIFFITHS, M.D., NIU, Z. and MEI, S., 2020. Fear of missing out (FoMO) and gaming disorder among Chinese university students: impulsivity and game time as mediators. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 41 (12), pp. 1104-1113. ISSN 0161-2840

LI, L., GRIFFITHS, M.D., NIU, Z. and MEI, S., 2020. The Trait-State Fear of Missing Out Scale: validity, reliability, and measurement invariance in a Chinese sample of university students. Journal of Affective Disorders. ISSN 0165-0327

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LIN, C.-Y., BROSTRÖM, A., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PAKPOUR, A.H., 2020. Investigating mediated effects of fear of COVID-19 and COVID-19 misunderstanding in the association between problematic social media use, psychological distress, and insomnia. Internet Interventions, 21: 100345. ISSN 2214-7829

LIN, C.-Y., BROSTRÖM, A., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PAKPOUR, A.H., 2020. Psychometric evaluation of the Persian eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS) among elder Iranians with heart failure. Evaluation and the Health Professions, 43 (4), pp. 222-229. ISSN 1552-3918

LIN, C.-Y., CHENG, A.S.K., NEJATI, B., IMANI, V., ULANDER, M., BROWALL, M., GRIFFITHS, M.D., BROSTRÖM, A. and PAKPOUR, A.H., 2020. A thorough psychometric comparison between Athens Insomnia Scale and Insomnia Severity Index among patients with advanced cancer. Journal of Sleep Research, 29 (1): e12891. ISSN 0962-1105

LIN, C.-Y., CHEUNG, P., IMANI, V., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PAKPOUR, A.H., 2020. The mediating effects of eating disorder, food addiction, and insomnia in the association between psychological distress and being overweight among Iranian adolescents. Nutrients, 12 (5): 1371.

LIN, C.-Y., GANJI, M., GRIFFITHS, M.D., BRAVELL, M.E., BROSTRÖM, A. and PAKPOUR, A.H., 2020. Mediated effects of insomnia, psychological distress and medication adherence in the association of eHealth literacy and cardiac events among Iranian older patients with heart failure: a longitudinal study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 19 (2), pp. 155-164. ISSN 1474-5151

LIN, C.-Y., LIN, C.-K., IMANI, V., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PAKPOUR, A.H., 2020. Evaluation of the selfitis behavior scale across two Persian-speaking countries, Iran and Afghanistan: advanced psychometric testing in a large-scale sample. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, pp. 222-235. ISSN 1557-1874

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LOPEZ-GONZALEZ, H., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and ESTÉVEZ, A., 2020. In-play betting, sport broadcasts, and gambling severity: a survey study of Spanish sports bettors on the risks of gambling on sport while watching it. Communication and Sport, 8 (1), pp. 50-71. ISSN 2167-4795

LOPEZ-GONZALEZ, H., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and ESTÉVEZ, A., 2020. Why some sports bettors think gambling addiction prevented them from becoming winners? A qualitative approach to understanding the role of knowledge in sports betting products. Journal of Gambling Studies, 36, pp. 903-920. ISSN 1050-5350

LOPEZ-GONZALEZ, H., GRIFFITHS, M.D., JIMENEZ-MURCIA, S. and ESTÉVEZ, A., 2020. The perceived influence of sports betting marketing techniques on disordered gamblers in treatment. European Sport Management Quarterly, 20 (4), pp. 421-439. ISSN 1618-4742

LOPEZ-GONZALEZ, H., JIMÉNEZ-MURCIA, S. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. The erosion of nongambling spheres by smartphone gambling: a qualitative study on workplace and domestic disordered gambling. Mobile Media and Communication. ISSN 2050-1579

LOPEZ-GONZALEZ, H., RUSSELL, A.M.T., HING, N., ESTÉVEZ, A. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. A cross-cultural study of weekly sports bettors in Australia and Spain. Journal of Gambling Studies, 36 (3), pp. 937-955. ISSN 1050-5350

LU, C., ZOU, L., BECKER, B., GRIFFITHS, M.D., YU, Q., CHEN, S.-T., DEMETROVICS, Z., JIAO, C., CHI, X., CHEN, A., YEUNG, A., LIU, S. and ZHANG, Y., 2020. Comparative effectiveness of mind-body exercise versus cognitive behavioral therapy for college students with problematic smartphone use: a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 22 (4), pp. 271-282. ISSN 1462-3730

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MALDONADO-MURCIANO, L., PONTES, H.M., GRIFFITHS, M.D., BARRIOS, M., GÓMEZ-BENITO, J. and GUILERA, G., 2020. The Spanish version of the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale - short form (IGDS9-SF): further examination using item response theory. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (19): 7111. ISSN 1661-7827

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MAMUN, M.A., BODRUD-DOZA, M. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Hospital suicide due to non-treatment by healthcare staff fearing COVID-19 infection in Bangladesh? Asian Journal of Psychiatry: 102295. ISSN 1876-2018

MAMUN, M.A. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. First COVID-19 suicide case in Bangladesh due to fear of COVID-19 and xenophobia: possible suicide prevention strategies. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 51: 102073. ISSN 1876-2018

MAMUN, M.A. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. A rare case of Bangladeshi student suicide by gunshot due to unusual multiple causalities. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 49: 101951. ISSN 1876-2018

MAMUN, M.A., HOSSAIN, M.S., MOONAJILIN, M.S., MASUD, M.T., MISTI, J.M. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Does loneliness, self-esteem and psychological distress correlate with problematic internet use? A Bangladeshi survey study. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry: e12386. ISSN 1758-5864

MAMUN, M.A., NAHER, S., MOONAJILIN, M.S., MAHBUB JOBAYAR, A., RAYHAN, I., KIRCABURUN, K. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Depression literacy and awareness programs among Bangladeshi students: An online survey. Heliyon, 6 (9): e04901. ISSN 2405-8440

MAMUN, M.A., SYED, N.K. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Indian celebrity suicides before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and their associated risk factors: evidence from media reports. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 131, pp. 177-179. ISSN 0022-3956

MAMUN, M.A., UGRO TEAM and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. ‘To err is human’ – but small mistakes matter! A further note on Bitan et al. (2020). Psychiatry Research, 291: 113234. ISSN 0165-1781

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SLADE, K., JUSTICE, L., PICKFORD, R., STEWART, S., POTTER, A., SMITH, K. and HILL, R., 2020. Intelligence briefing paper 16 - Data trends, economic update and community offenders. C19 National Foresight Group.

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SMITH, L., GRABOVAC, I., JACOB, L., LÓPEZ-SÁNCHEZ, G.F., YANG, L., SHIN, J.I., SOHN, M., WARD, P.B., MCDERMOTT, D.T. and KOYANAGI, A., 2020. Bullying victimization and sexual behavior among adolescents aged 12–15 years from 53 countries: a global perspective. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 17 (11), pp. 2148-2155. ISSN 1743-6095

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STAVROPOULOS, V., BAYNES, K.L., O'FARREL, D.L., GOMEZ, R., MUELLER, A., YUCEL, M. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Inattention and disordered gaming: does culture matter? Psychiatric Quarterly, 91, pp. 333-348. ISSN 0033-2720

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STEFANIDOU, T., HUGHES, E., KESTER, K., EDMONDSON, A., MAJEED-ARISS, R., SMITH, C., ARISS, S., BROOKER, C., GILCHRIST, G., KENDAL, S., LUCOCK, M., MAXTED, F., PEROT, C., SHALLCROSS, R., TREVILLION, K. and LLOYD-EVANS, B., 2020. The identification and treatment of mental health and substance misuse problems in sexual assault services: a systematic review. PLoS ONE, 15 (4): e0231260. ISSN 1932-6203

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TOSUNTAŞ, S.B., BALTA, S., EMIRTAKEN, E., KIRCABURUN, K. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. Adolescents' eveningness chronotype and cyberbullying perpetration: the mediating role of depression-related aggression and anxiety-related aggression. Biological Rhythm Research, 51 (1), pp. 40-50. ISSN 0929-1016

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WHEATLEY, R., WINDER, B. and KUSS, D.J., 2020. What are the features of psychopathology for men who commit stalking offences? A systematic review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 55: 101461. ISSN 1359-1789

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WONG, H.K., STEPHEN, I.D. and KEEBLE, D.R.T., 2020. The own-race bias for face recognition in a multiracial society. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 208. ISSN 1664-1078

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ZIREK, E., MUSTAFAOGLU, R., YASACI, Z. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2020. A systematic review of musculoskeletal complaints, symptoms, and pathologies related to mobile phone usage. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 49: 102196. ISSN 2468-8630

ZSILA, Á., URBÁN, R., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and DEMETROVICS, Z., 2020. Correction to: Gender differences in the association between cyberbullying victimization and perpetration: the role of anger rumination and traditional bullying experiences. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, p. 257. ISSN 1557-1874

ZSILA, Á., URBÁN, R., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and DEMETROVICS, Z., 2020. Correction to: Gender differences in the association between cyberbullying victimization and perpetration: the role of anger rumination and traditional bullying experiences. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, pp. 258-261. ISSN 1557-1874

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