Items where Division is "Nottingham Business School" and Year is 2015

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ABIDI, H., DE LEEUW, S. and KLUMPP, M., 2015. What explains supply chain success of projects in humanitarian supply chains? In: POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) 26th Annual Conference, Washington D.C., United States, 8-11 May 2015, Washington D.C., United States.

ABINA, M.B., OYENIRAN, I.W. and ONIKOSI-ALLIYU, S.O., 2015. Determinants of eco entrepreneurial intention among students: a case study of University students in Ilorin and Malete. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, 8 (1), 107–112. ISSN 1998-0507

ABOAGYE-NIMO, E., RAIDÉN, A., KING, A. and TIETZE, S., 2015. Using tacit knowledge in training and accident prevention. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Management, Procurement and Law, 168 (5), pp. 232-240. ISSN 1751-4304

ABUBAKRE, M.A., RAVISHANKAR, M.N. and COOMBS, C.R., 2015. The role of formal controls in facilitating information system diffusion. Information & Management, 52 (5), pp. 599-609. ISSN 0378-7206

ABYANKYAR, P., KLUMPES, P., WANG, P. and TANG, L., 2015. The impact of the adoption of hedge accounting rules on enterprise risk management adoption practices by multinationals. In: Institute of Risk Management ERM Special Interest Group Workshop, London, 12 June 2015.

ACKRILL, R., 2015. Fact check: would the UK be better off leaving the EU? The Conversation.

ACKRILL, R., 2015. Five myths about Europe that need busting before the British general election. The Conversation.

ACKRILL, R., 2015. Jack Straw and the sticky business of sugar lobbying. The Conversation.

ACKRILL, R., 2015. Manifesto check: Plaid bites off more than it can chew with ambitious food plans. The Conversation.

ACKRILL, R., 2015. Manifesto check: pro-GM but anti-EU, UKIP could cost UK farming. The Conversation.

ACKRILL, R., 2015. Transnational policy governance: scoping the limits of existing models and frameworks with an application to sustainability. In: UACES 45th Annual Conference, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain, 7-9 September 2015.

ADEBIYI, S.O., OYATOYE, E.O. and KUYE, O.L., 2015. An analytic hierarchy process analysis: application to subscriber retention decisions in the Nigerian mobile telecommunications. International Journal of Management and Economics, 48 (1), pp. 63-83. ISSN 2299-9701

ADEBIYI, S.O., OYATOYE, E.O. and MOJEKWU, J.N., 2015. Predicting customer churn and retention rates in Nigeria’s mobile telecommunication industry using Markov chain modelling. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Economics and Business, 3 (1), pp. 67-80. ISSN 2343-8894

ADEGBILE, A. and SARPONG, D., 2015. Managerial engagement with scenario planning: a conceptual consumption approach. Foresight and STI Governance, 9 (4), pp. 73-80. ISSN 2500-2597

ADETUTU, M., GLASS, A.J., KENJEGALIEVA, K. and SICKLES, R.C., 2015. The effects of efficiency and TFP growth on pollution in Europe: a multistage spatial analysis. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 43 (3), pp. 307-326. ISSN 0895-562X

AHAMMAD, M.F., MOOK LEE, S., MALUL, M. and SHOHAM, A., 2015. Behavioral ambidexterity: the impact of incentive schemes on productivity, motivation, and performance of employees in commercial banks. Human Resource Management. ISSN 0090-4848

AKELOLA, S., 2015. Prosecuting bank fraud in Kenya: challenges faced by the banking sector. Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services, 14 (1), pp. 60-78. ISSN 1475-1283

AKUBELEM, N.O., 2015. An investigation of the factors which explain variation of the content of sell-side analysts' reports. PhD, University of Glasgow.

AL RAMAHI, A.M., 2015. An examination of strategic performance enablers: a case study of Abu Dhabi Police perceptions. DBA, Nottingham Trent University.

ALALWAN, A.A., DWIVEDI, Y.K., RANA, N.P., LAL, B. and WILLIAMS, M.D., 2015. Consumer adoption of Internet banking in Jordan: examining the role of hedonic motivation, habit, self-efficacy and trust. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 20 (2), pp. 145-157. ISSN 1363-0539

ALCOCK, S., GREENHALGH, K., TAYLOR, L. and MURPHY, P., 2015. Who pays for Gareth? Relying on Reservists: the UK Government's Strategic Defence and Security Review. The Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services, 14 (1).

ALI, S., RAIDÉN, A. and KIRK, S., 2015. Social capital in Jordan: wasta in employment selection [forthcoming]. In: The International Conference on Organization and Management (ICOM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 22-23 November 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

ALLEN, A., 2015. What are the barriers to imparting sustainable development education to SMEs in the East Midlands? DBA, Nottingham Trent University.

ALLISON, S., HILLER, A., BROWN, A. and ALLISON, C., 2015. Primary care trust: helping to save lives. In: J. FAHY and D. JOBBER, eds., Foundations of marketing. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill, pp. 27-30. ISBN 9780077167950

ANTONAKAKIS, N. and COLLINS, A., 2015. The impact of fiscal austerity on suicide mortality: evidence across the ‘Eurozone periphery’. Social Science & Medicine, 145, pp. 63-78. ISSN 0277-9536

ARMANNSDOTTIR, G., PICH, C. and WOODALL, T., 2015. Gender and marketing: an exploration into the perceptions of marketing and marketers form the perspective of male and female undergraduates in HE UK. In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 2015, Limerick, Ireland, 2015.

AWOJIDE, O., 2015. How middle managers draw on cultural resources to shape their behaviors during the orchestration of ambidexterity. PhD, Loughborough University.

AWOJIDE, O., HODGKINSON, I.R. and RAVISHANKAR, M.N., 2015. How middle managers draw on cultural resources to rationalise their behaviours during the orchestration of ambidexterity. In: 29th Annual British Academy of Management Conference, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, 8-10 September 2015.


BAKAS, D. and CHORTAREAS, G., 2015. Openness, inflation dynamics and output-inflation trade-offs. In: 14th EEFS Conference, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels, Belgium, 11-14 June 2015.

BAKAS, D. and CHORTAREAS, G., 2015. The output-inflation trade-off: international panel data evidence. In: 2nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE), University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-27 June 2015.

BAKAS, D. and CHORTAREAS, G., 2015. The output-inflation trade-off: international panel data evidence. In: 47th Money, Macro and Finance Research Group (MMF) Annual Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 9-11 September 2015.

BALDWIN, K., 2015. The management of refinancing risk in Islamic banks. The Journal of Risk, 17 (6), pp. 1-20. ISSN 1465-1211

BANERJEE, R., QUINN, B. and DUNN, A., 2015. Some insights into consumers' motivations for purchasing local food. In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 07-09 July 2015.

BANERJEE, S., RAMANATHAN, R. and RAMANATHAN, U., 2015. Development and validation of a conceptual framework in offshore IT outsourcing. In: BAM Annual Conference 2015, United Kingdom, 8-10 September 2015.

BARBERA, C., JONES, M., KORAC, S., SALITERER, I. and STECOLLINI, I., 2015. Bouncing back and bouncing forward – European municipalities' responses to financial shocks from a comparative perspective. In: IRSPM 2015 Shaping the Future - Reinvention or Revolution? Panel G101 Public Accounting and Accountability; Obfuscation or Transparency, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, 30 March - 1 April 2015.

BARBERA, C., JONES, M., KORAC, S., SALITERER, I. and STECOLLINI, I., 2015. Bouncing back and bouncing forward – applying an alternative perspective on European municipalities’ responses to financial shocks. In: Public Management Research Association Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 11-13 June 2015.

BARBERA, C., JONES, M. and STECOLLINI, I., 2015. Governmental financial resilience under austerity: the case of English local authorities. London: Chartered Institute of Management Accountants / SDA Bocconi School of Management.

BARTON, H. and BEYNON, M.J., 2015. Do the citizens of Europe trust their police? International Journal of Emergency Services, 4 (1), pp. 65-85. ISSN 2047-0894

BARTON, H. and MATTHEWS, R., 2015. Lean policing. ‘Reality or rhetoric?’. In: IRSPM, Birmingham, April 2015, Birmingham.

BARTON, H. and MATTHEWS, R.L., 2015. Deconstructing Lean policing in England and Wales: a knowledge creation perspective. In: Z.J. RADNOR, N. BATEMAN, A. ESAIN, M. KUMAR, S.J. WILLIAMS and D.M. UPTON, eds., Public service operations management: a research companion. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781138813694

BARTON, H. and MATTHEWS, R.L., 2015. A knowledge creation perspective on ‘LEAN’ approaches to policing in England and Wales. In: Euroma, Switzerland, 2015, Switzerland.

BASON, T., COOK, D. and ANAGNOSTOPOULOS, C., 2015. Legacy in major sport events: empirical insights from the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. Choregia, 11 (1), pp. 44-61. ISSN 1791-4027

BEEBEEJAUN, Y., DUROSE, C., REES, J., RICHARDSON, J. and RICHARDSON, L., 2015. Public harm or public value? Towards coproduction in research with communities. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33 (3), pp. 552-565. ISSN 0263-774X

BENNETT, E., LANGMEAD, K. and ARCHER, T., 2015. Editorial: Special issue – Austere relations: the changing relationship between the third sector, the state and the market in an era of austerity. People, Place and Policy, 9 (2), pp. 100-102. ISSN 1753-8041

BIANCHI, E.C., BROCKNER, J., VAN DEN BOS, K., SEIFERT, M., MOON, H., VAN DIJKE, M. and DE CREMER, D., 2015. Trust in decision-making authorities dictates the form of the interactive relationship between outcome fairness and procedural fairness. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41 (1), pp. 19-34. ISSN 0146-1672

BIERMANN, F., 2015. Farmer knowledge needs in Georgia. In: UNDP Agricultural Extension Conference, Tbilisi, Georgia, 7-9 December 2015.

BIERMANN, F., 2015. Friendship markets. In: [conference], University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany, 3 February 2015.

BIERMANN, F., 2015. Friendship markets. In: Armenian Economic Association Annual Conference, Yerevan, Armenia, 19-21 June 2015.

BIERMANN, F., 2015. Friendship markets. In: [Presentation], Kiev School of Economics, Kiev, Ukraine, 4 June 2015.

BIERMANN, F., 2015. Friendship markets. In: FREE Network Retreat, Vilnius, Lithuania, 25-27 September 2015.

BIERMANN, F., 2015. Friendship markets. In: [Presentation], Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 18 September 2015.

BISIGNANO, A., 2015. Exploring the relationship between sustainability and organizational identity in family businesses. In: FERC 2015, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA, 4-7 June 2015, Burlington, VT.

BISIGNANO, A., 2015. Networks and timing in the internationalisation of creative industries. In: Academy of International Business UK&I, Manchester, April 2015, Manchester.

BISIGNANO, A. and DI BONITO, M., 2015. An investigation of 'space' and social networks in creative clusters. In: International Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (ISBE 2015), Technology & Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 11-12 November 2015.

BISIGNANO, A., PALERMO, O. and LUBERTO, G., 2015. Identity and the mobilization of a gendering discourse in women entrepreneurs. In: DIANA 2015, Boston, MA, June 2015, Boston, MA.

BLENKINSOPP, J., SCURRY, T. and HAY, A., 2015. Exploring issues of underemployment and authenticity in early career. In: S.G. BAUGH and S.E. SULLIVAN, eds., Searching for authenticity. Charlotte, NC, USA: Information Age Publishing. ISBN 9781623969820

BRANCO ILLODO, I., PEREIRA HEATH, T. and TYNAN, C., 2015. Complexity of dyadic gift giving forms: a new framework. In: 18th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Bari, Italy, 15-18 July 2015.

BRINDLEY, C., 2015. What the Dickens? Representations of women's entrepreneurship in the work of Charles Dickens. In: 18th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference, National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway), 3-4 September 2015, Galway, Ireland.

BRODERICK, A., MCHARDY, P., OBEMBE, D. and VERSHININA, N., 2015. The critical role of the cultural boundary spanner for pluralist organisations. In: Proceedings of the British Academy of Management (BAM2015) conference: the value of pluralism in advancing management research, education and practice. British Academy of Management. ISBN 9780954960889

BROWN, A.K., NAGELHOUT, G.E., VAN DEN PUTTE, B., WILLEMSEN, M.C., MONS, U., GUIGNARD, R. and THOMPSON, M.E., 2015. Trends and socioeconomic differences in roll-your-own tobacco use: findings from the ITC Europe Surveys. Tobacco Control, 24 (S3), iii11-iii16. ISSN 0964-4563

BROWN, S.D., 2015. Health in the experience ecology. Psicologia della Salute, 18 (1), pp. 36-41. ISSN 1721-0321

BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2015. Turning around on experience: the ‘expanded view’ of memory within psychology. Memory Studies, 8 (2), pp. 131-150. ISSN 1750-6980

BROWN, S.D. and REAVEY, P., 2015. Vital memory and affect: living with a difficult past. Hove: Routledge. ISBN 9780415683999

BROWN, V. and MURPHY, P., 2015. Internal communication strategies: an evaluation of their use during major service configurations and mergers. In: Annual Conference on Fire-Related Research and Developments 2015 (RE15), National Fire Services College, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, 12 November 2015.

BRUCE, A. and SKOVORODA, R., 2015. The empirical literature on executive pay: context, the pay-performance issue and future directions. London: High Pay Centre.

BRYCE, D., CURRAN, R., O'GORMAN, K. and TAHERI, B., 2015. Visitors' engagement and authenticity: Japanese heritage consumption. Tourism Management, 46, pp. 571-581. ISSN 0261-5177

BULL, M., 2015. Improving facilities managers through reflective practice education. In: K. ALEXANDER and I. PRICE, eds., EuroFM research papers. Advancing knowledge in FM. People make facilities management. Research papers advancing knowledge in facilities management . Schiphol-Rijk, Netherlands: European Facilities Management Network (EuroFM) as the International Journal of Facilities Management.

BUSNAINA, I. and WOODALL, T., 2015. Doing business in Libya: assessing the nature and effectiveness of international marketing programs in an evolving economy. International Business Review, 24 (5), pp. 781-797. ISSN 0969-5931

BUSZARD, P., 2015. Understanding strategy in Russian businesses. DBA, Nottingham Trent University.


CALLAN, T., COLGAN, B., LOGUE, C., SAVAGE, M. and WALSH, J.R., 2015. Distributional impact of tax, welfare and public service pay policies: budget 2016 and budgets 2009-2016. Special article. Dublin: The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI).

CANDON, D., 2015. The effect of cancer on the labor supply of employed men over the age of 65. In: Irish Economic Association, Dublin, Ireland, 7 May 2015.

CANDON, D., 2015. The effects of cancer on older workers in the English labour market. Economics and Human Biology, 18, pp. 74-84. ISSN 1570-677X

CARDOSO, C.M.S. and RAVISHANKAR, G., 2015. Productivity growth and convergence: a stochastic frontier analysis. Journal of Economic Studies, 42 (2), pp. 224-236. ISSN 0144-3585

CASSIDY, K., BARON, S. and LU, X., 2015. How customers ‘learn’ to work for retailers. Journal of Marketing Management, 31 (17-18), pp. 1747-1772. ISSN 0267-257X

CASSIDY, K. and BLACKLEY, N., 2015. ESRC Retail Sector Initiative (RSI) co-ordinator: final report. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

CASSIDY, K., DISTON, S. and KENNEDY, C., 2015. An exploration of the emotional content of online venting in a UK Health care service context. In: QUIS14, The 14th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, Shanghai, China, 18-21 June 2015.

CASSIDY, K., SULLIVAN, M. and CURRIE, M., 2015. Evaluating student engagement strategies: insights from service management. In: Proceedings of the British Academy of Management (BAM2015) Conference: The Value of Pluralism in Advancing Management Research, Education and Practice, University of Portsmouth, 8-10 September 2015. London: British Academy of Management. ISBN 9780954960889

CAVEN, V., 2015. Home makers: the professional identity of the architect and creation of living space. In: Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism (SCOS), Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 11-14 July 2015.

CHANNON, A.G. and MATTHEWS, C.R., 2015. Global perspectives on women in combat sports: women warriors around the world. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

CHAPPLE, W., 2015. CSR: from nice to necessary. In: Corporate Responsibility: Connecting the Private Sector with the Media Conference, Singapore, 7 April 2015.

CHAPPLE, W., 2015. Theoretical approaches towards the reduction of the ecological footprint. In: Ecuador Responsible Business Week, Quito, Ecuador, 16-22 November 2015.

CHAPPLE, W., MUTHURI, J. and MCCARTHY, L., 2015. Systems of governance in a developing country context: co-governance, complementarity and competitiveness. In: 5th World Sustainability Forum, Basel, Switzerland, 7-9 September 2015.

CHEAH, E.-T. and FRY, J., 2015. Speculative bubbles in Bitcoin markets? An empirical investigation into the fundamental value of Bitcoin. Economics Letters, 130, pp. 32-36. ISSN 0165-1765

CHEN, G. and WU, T., 2015. Work colleagueship, friendship or both: a case study of employment relations in a Taiwanese hotel resort. In: 33rd International Labour Process Conference, Athens, Greece, 13-15 April 2015, Athens, Greece.

CHEN, Y.Y., FERRER, X., WIRATUNGA, N. and PLAZA, E., 2015. Aspect selection for social recommender systems. In: E. HÜLLERMEIER and M. MINOR, eds., Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: 23rd International Conference, ICCBR 2015, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 28-30 September 2015. Proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science, 9343 . Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 60-72. ISBN 9783319245850

CHMURA, T., 2015. Cooperation and trust - Scottish referendum. In: University of Michigan Economics Seminar Series, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States, 13 July 2015.

CHMURA, T., 2015. Wage discrimination - Chinese migrant workers. In: Florida State Behavioural Workshop, Tallahassee, Florida, United States, 16-17 July 2015.

CHMURA, T., 2015. Wage discrimination - Chinese migrant workers. In: ESA World Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States, 20-21 August 2015.

CHMURA, T., HERZ, B., KNORR, F., PITZ, T. and SCHRECKENBERG, M., 2015. A simple cellular automaton model with limited braking rule. In: M. CHRAIBI, M. BOLTES, A. SCHADSCHNEIDER and A. SEYFRIED, eds., Traffic and granular flow '13. Cham: Springer, pp. 591-597. ISBN 9783319106281

CLARK, I. and THOMPSON, A., 2015. Healthcare assistants: distributional losses as a consequence of NHS modernisation? New Technology Work and Employment, 30 (3), pp. 209-221. ISSN 0268-1072

CLIFTON, N., HUGGINS, R., MORGAN, B. and THOMPSON, P., 2015. An appropriate tool for entrepreneurial learning in SMEs? The case of the 20Twenty Leadership Programme. Local Economy, 30 (5), pp. 534-556. ISSN 1470-9325

COCKAYNE, A., 2015. How talented people with Asperger’s are locked out of the career system. London: The Conversation.

COLLINS, A., COX, J. and LEONARD, A., 2015. ‘I blame the parents’: analysing popular support for the deficient household social capital transmission thesis. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 54 (2), pp. 135-156. ISSN 2059-1098

COLLINS, A. and SNOWBALL, J., 2015. Transformation, job creation and subsidies to creative industries: the case of South Africa’s film and television sector. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 21 (1), pp. 41-59. ISSN 1028-6632

COLLINS-HUGHES, E.R., 2015. An exploration of user intention and behaviour in the context of the economic development of technology-supported online social networks. DBA, Nottingham Trent University.

COLMEKCIOGLU, N., 2015. Anti-consumption attitude formation on religiously endorsed products. In: 6th PhD Experience Conference, Hull University, Hull, August 2015.

CONSIDINE, P., 2015. Corporate social responsibility: the intersection of facts, beliefs and values. PhD, University of Lincoln.

CONSIDINE, P. and HINGLEY, M., 2015. The impact of the co-operative ethos on the creation of shared value: a case study of Lincolnshire Co-operative Society. In: Mainstreaming co-operation: an alternative for the 21st century. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

COOK, D., 2015. Uncertain corridors: writings on modern cricket by G. Haigh. Sport, Business and Management: an International Journal, 5 (1), pp. 79-80. ISSN 2042-678X

COOK, D. and ANAGNOSTOPOULOS, C., 2015. Relationship marketing in 140 characters or less: the case of community trusts in English football. In: European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2015: Uncertainty is a Great Opportunity, Warsaw, Poland, 17-20 June 2015.

CROSS, P., PROWLE, M. and HARRADINE, D., 2015. An examination of the resistors and challenges in the NHS commissioner/provider relationship. Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services, 14 (1).

CUMMINS, J.D., KLUMPES, P. and WEISS, M.A., 2015. Mergers and Acquisitions in the Global Insurance Industry: Valuation Effects. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, 40 (3), pp. 444-473. ISSN 1018-5895

CUNNINGHAM, J.R. and LEE, L.W., 2015. Are health websites ready for the mobile world? A study of readability among traditional and mobile websites. In: 2013 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Monterey, California, United States, 14-18 May 2013.


DABIĆ, M., GONZÁLEZ-LOUREIRO, M. and DAIM, T.U., 2015. Unraveling the attitudes on entrepreneurial universities: the case of Croatian and Spanish universities. Technology in Society, 42, pp. 167-178. ISSN 0160-791X

DABIĆ, M., GONZÁLEZ-LOUREIRO, M. and HARVEY, M., 2015. Evolving research on expatriates: what is 'known' after four decades (1970–2012). International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26 (3), pp. 316-337. ISSN 0958-5192

DABIĆ, M., TIPURIĆ, D. and PODRUG, N., 2015. Cultural differences affecting decision-making style: a comparative study between four countries. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 16 (2), pp. 275-289. ISSN 1611-1699

DABIĆ, M., ŠVARC, J. and BEČIĆ, E., 2015. A multidimensional approach to the environment for entrepreneurship in selected CE countries. International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems, 4 (3/4), pp. 131-149. ISSN 1745-0071

DANIEL, E.I., PASQUIRE, C. and DICKENS, G., 2015. Exploring the implementation of the Last Planner® System through IGLC community: twenty one years of experience. In: 23rd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Perth, Australia, 29-31 July 2015, Perth.

DASKOU, S. and IOANNIDIS, A., 2015. An investigation of the quality of buyer-seller relationships: evidence from the textile industry. In: 27th Business & Economics Society International (B&ESI) Conference 2015, Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal, 6-9 July 2015.

DAVID, O.O., ABINA, B.M. and OYENIRAN, I.W., 2015. Advertising and consumer choice of telecommunication services in Nigeria. Journal of Competitiveness, 7 (3), pp. 37-49. ISSN 1804-171X

DE AVILLEZ, M., 2015. Contextualising social entrepreneurship in developing economies: the micro-foundations of transcultural embeddedness. In: 31st EGOS Colloquium: Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, Athens, Greece, 2-4 July 2015.

DE AVILLEZ, M., 2015. Women in Mozambique: how sources of finance interplay with social entrepreneurial practices. In: ESRC SME Finance Seminar Series, Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Nottingham, 15 September 2015.

DE AVILLEZ, M.M., 2015. Social entrepreneurship in developing economies: the case of Mozambique. In: BAM2015 Conference proceedings: [the Value of Pluralism in Advancing Management Research, Education and Practice, University of Portsmouth, 8-10 September 2015]. London: British Academy of Management (BAM). ISBN 9780954960889

DE LEEUW, S., SCHIPPERS, M.C. and HOOGERVORST, S.J., 2015. The Fresh Connection: cross-functional integration in supply chain management. In: E. BENDOLY, W. VAN WEZEL and D.G. BACHRACH, eds., Handbook of behavioral operations management: social and psychological dynamics in production and service settings. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 359-377. ISBN 9780199357215

DE LEEUW, S., VAN DONK, D.P. and DE KOSTER, R., 2015. Serving the world [editorial]. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 35 (11), pp. 1-2. ISSN 0144-3577

DE LEEUW, S. and WIERS, V.C.S., 2015. Warehouse manpower planning strategies in times of financial crisis: evidence from logistics service providers and retailers in the Netherlands. Production Planning & Control, 26 (4), pp. 328-337. ISSN 0953-7287

DESMET, P.T.M., HOOGERVORST, N. and VAN DIJKE, M., 2015. Prophets vs. profits: How market competition influences leaders' disciplining behavior towards ethical transgressions. The Leadership Quarterly, 26 (6), pp. 1048-9843. ISSN 1048-9843

DEVLIN, J.F., ENNEW, C.T., SEKHON, H.S. and ROY, S.K., 2015. Trust in financial services: retrospect and prospect. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 20 (4), pp. 234-245. ISSN 1363-0539

DISNEY, J., 2015. Manifesto check: Plaid using old policy for its new transport vision. The Conversation.

DISNEY, J., 2015. Reform the 1985 Transport Act. Bus and Coach Professional.

DO, H., BUDHWAR, P.S. and PATEL, C., 2015. High-performance work systems and organizational performance. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

DOTSE, J.E., OKYIREH, M.A.A. and KUMAKO, S.K., 2015. Evolution of organizational development and implications for management of Ghanaian organizations. European Journal of Business and Management, 7 (30), pp. 54-56. ISSN 2222-1905

DWIVEDI, Y.K., RANA, N.P., SIMINTIRAS, A.C. and LAL, B., 2015. Digital India programme: a public administration reformation initiative. Yojana, 59, pp. 28-34. ISSN 0971-8400


EBIRERI, J. and PALONI, A., 2015. The relationship between the expansion of the banking sector and export specialization in developing countries. In: 25th Post-Keynesian Study Group Annual Workshop, SOAS, University of London, 29 May 2015.

EBIRERI, J. and PALONI, A., 2015. The relationship between the expansion of the banking sector and export specialization. In: Nankai-Glasgow Workshop on the Chinese Economy, Nankai University, Nankai, China, 22 October 2015.

ECKERSLEY, P., 2015. Civic pride and political expediency: the enduring founding principles for local government in Germany and England. In: 65th Political Studies Association Annual International Conference, Sheffield City Hall, Sheffield, 30 March - 1 April 2015.

EHRET, M., 2015. Die Verteilung unternehmerischer Rollen in der Leistungserstellung - Eine Entrepreneurship-Perspektive. In: S. FLIESS, M. HAASE, F. JACOB and M. EHRET, eds., Kundenintegration und Leistungslehre: Integrative Wertschöpfung in Dienstleistungen, Solutions und Entrepreneurship. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 429-443. ISBN 9783658074470

EHRET, M. and NICHOLSON, J., 2015. The potential of open business models for green innovation: a case study of Hull. In: ESRC Seminar Series - Green Innovation: Making it Work, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 22 April 2015.

EHRET, M. and WIRTZ, J., 2015. Creating and capturing value in the service economy: the crucial role of business services in driving innovation and growth. In: J.R. BRYSON and P.W. DANIELS, eds., Handbook of service business: management, marketing, innovation and internationalisation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 129-145. ISBN 9781781000403

EHRET, M. and WIRTZ, J., 2015. Service enterprise - the contribution of business services to the uncertainty-sharing and the stimulation of enterprising activity. In: 24th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference 2015, San Jose, California, USA, 9-12 July 2015.

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