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Journal article

GARWOOD-GOWERS, A., 2011. International means for protecting human beings as ends in medicine. Medicine and law, 30 (1), pp. 133-146. ISSN 0723-1393

MCFARLAND, R. and MAJOLO, B., 2011. Exploring the components, asymmetry and distribution of relationship quality in wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). PLoS ONE, 6 (12): e28826. ISSN 1932-6203

PAUKNER, A., FERRARI, P.F. and SUOMI, S.J., 2011. Delayed imitation of lipsmacking gestures by infant rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). PLoS ONE, 6 (12): e28848. ISSN 1932-6203

GORRY, J., 2011. Cultures of learning and learning culture: Socratic and Confucian approaches to teaching and learning. Learning and Teaching, 4 (3), pp. 4-18. ISSN 1755-2273

LOPEZ-FERNANDEZ, O., FERRER-PÉREZ, X., LAFARGA-LEBEY, S., HONRUBIA-SERRANO, M.L. and TUDELA-MARÍ, M., 2011. Seguimiento de dependientes del alcohol y/o de la cocaína después de su salida de una Comunidad Terapéutica: estudio piloto. Adicciones, 23 (4), p. 289. ISSN 0214-4840

GRIFFITHS, M., 2011. Tips on… getting your first research grant. PsyPag Quarterly, 81, pp. 7-9. ISSN 1746-6016

DHILLON, A., SCHNEIDER, P., KUHN, G., REINWALD, Y., WHITE, L.J., LEVCHUK, A., ROSE, F.R.A.J., MÜLLER, R., SHAKESHEFF, K.M. and RAHMAN, C.V., 2011. Analysis of sintered polymer scaffolds using concomitant synchrotron computed tomography and in situ mechanical testing. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 22 (12), pp. 2599-2605. ISSN 0957-4530

DEVLIN, J.F., 2011. Evaluative cues and services: the effect of consumer knowledge. Journal of Marketing Management, 27 (13-14), pp. 1366-1377. ISSN 0267-257X

DABIĆ, M. and ŠVARC, J., 2011. O konceptu poduzetničkoga sveučilišta: ima li alternative? Drustvena Istrazivanja, 20 (4), pp. 991-1013. ISSN 1330-0288

CHMURA, T., 2011. Response modes and coordination in a traffic context, an experimental comparison of Chinese and German participants. The Singapore Economic Review, 56 (4), pp. 489-501. ISSN 0217-5908

RAMANATHAN, R. and RAMANATHAN, U., 2011. A performance measurement framework combining DEA and balanced scorecard for the UK health sector. International Journal of Operational Research, 12 (3), pp. 257-278. ISSN 1745-7645

SEYMOUR, J., RIETJENS, J., BROWN, J., VAN DER HEIDE, A., STERCKX, S., DELIENS, L. and THE UNBIASED STUDY TEAM, , 2011. The perspectives of clinical staff and bereaved informal care-givers on the use of continuous sedation until death for cancer patients: the study protocol of the UNBIASED study. BMC Palliative Care, 10 (1): 5. ISSN 1472-684X

HITCHCOX, A.N., KLUMPES, P.J.M., MCGAUGHEY, K.W., SMITH, A.D. and TAVERNER, N.H., 2011. ERM for insurance companies – adding the investor's point of view. British Actuarial Journal, 16 (02), pp. 341-384. ISSN 1357-3217

MARDARYEV, A.N., MEIER, N., POTERLOWICZ, K., SHAROV, A.A., SHAROVA, T.Y., AHMED, M.I., RAPISARDA, V., LEWIS, C., FESSING, M.Y., RUENGER, T.M., BHAWAN, J., WERNER, S., PAUS, R. and BOTCHKAREV, V.A., 2011. Lhx2 differentially regulates Sox9, Tcf4 and Lgr5 in hair follicle stem cells to promote epidermal regeneration after injury. Development, 138 (22), pp. 4843-4852. ISSN 1011-6370

BRAIN, Z.E. and ADDICOAT, M.A., 2011. Optimization of a genetic algorithm for searching molecular conformer space. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 135 (17), p. 174106. ISSN 0021-9606

WALLER, B.M., HOPE, L., BURROWES, N. and MORRISON, E.R., 2011. Twelve (not so) angry men: managing conversational group size increases perceived contribution by decision makers. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 14 (6), pp. 835-843. ISSN 1368-4302

ADAMS, N.J., FARNWORTH, M.J., RICKETT, J., PARKER, K.A. and COCKREM, J.F., 2011. Behavioural and corticosterone responses to capture and confinement of wild blackbirds (Turdus merula). Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 134 (3-4), pp. 246-255. ISSN 0168-1591

ANDREW, N., ROBB, Y., FERGUSON, D. and BROWN, J., 2011. ‘Show us you know us’: using the Senses Framework to support the professional development of undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Education in Practice, 11 (6), pp. 356-359. ISSN 1471-5953

ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2011. Understanding everyday homes of urban communities: the case of local streets (hawari) of old Cairo. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 5 (11), pp. 996-1010. ISSN 1934-7359

LOWE, R., PORTER, A., SNOOKS, H., BUTTON, L. and EVANS, B.A., 2011. The association between illness representation profiles and use of unscheduled urgent and emergency health care services. British Journal of Health Psychology, 16 (4), pp. 862-879. ISSN 1359-107X

MCFARLAND, R. and MAJOLO, B., 2011. Grooming coercion and the post-conflict trading of social services in wild Barbary macaques. PLoS ONE, 6 (10): e26893. ISSN 1932-6203

GENTLEMAN, A.S., ADDICOAT, M.A. and METHA, G.F., 2011. A density functional theory investigation of the bimetallic clusters Nb2Rh and NbRh2 and the complexes they form with CO. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 64 (12), pp. 1554-1559. ISSN 0004-9425

AHMED, M.I., MARDARYEV, A.N., LEWIS, C.J., SHAROV, A.A. and BOTCHKAREVA, N.V., 2011. MicroRNA-21 is an important downstream component of BMP signalling in epidermal keratinocytes. Journal of Cell Science, 124 (20), pp. 3399-3404. ISSN 0021-9533

FERRY, L. and ECKERSLEY, P., 2011. Budgeting and governing for deficit reduction in the UK public sector: act one 'the Comprehensive Spending Review'. The Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services, 10 (1), pp. 14-23. ISSN 1475-1283

MCFARLAND, R. and MAJOLO, B., 2011. Reconciliation and the costs of aggression in wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus): a test of the integrated hypothesis. Ethology, 117 (10), pp. 928-937. ISSN 0179-1613

BROWN, G., BRADY, G. and LETHERBY, G., 2011. Young mothers’ experiences of power, control and violence within intimate and familial relationships. Child Care in Practice, 17 (4), pp. 359-374. ISSN 1357-5279

HAMANN, R., GIAMPORCARO, S., JOHNSTON, D. and YACHKASCHI, S., 2011. The role of business and cross-sector collaboration in addressing the ‘wicked problem’ of food insecurity. Development Southern Africa, 28 (4), pp. 579-594. ISSN 0376-835X

GOEHRING, L., CLEGG, W.J. and ROUTH, A.F., 2011. Wavy cracks in drying colloidal films. Soft Matter, 7 (18), pp. 7984-7987. ISSN 1744-683X

MCVICKER, G., SUN, L., SOHANPAL, B.K., GASHI, K., WILLIAMSON, R.A., PLUMBRIDGE, J. and BLOMFIELD, I.C., 2011. SlyA Protein Activates fimB Gene Expression and Type 1 Fimbriation in Escherichia coli K-12. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286 (37), pp. 32026-32035. ISSN 0021-9258

RUTELLA, S. and LOCATELLI, F., 2011. Strategies to harness immunity against infectious pathogens after haploidentical stem cell transplantation. American Journal of Translational Research, 3 (5), pp. 404-421. ISSN 1943-8141

CHMURA, T. and GÜTH, W., 2011. The minority of three-game: an experimental and theoretical analysis. Games, 2 (3), pp. 333-354. ISSN 2073-4336

RUTELLA, S. and LOCATELLI, F., 2011. Intestinal dendritic cells in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 17 (33), pp. 3761-3775. ISSN 1007-9327

PETROU, M. and GIANNAKIDIS, A., 2011. Full tomographic reconstruction of 2D vector fields using discrete integral data. The Computer Journal, 54 (9), pp. 1491-1504. ISSN 0010-4620

MCPHEE, J.S., PEREZ-SCHINDLER, J., DEGENS, H., TOMLINSON, D., HENNIS, P., BAAR, K. and WILLIAMS, A.G., 2011. HIF1A P582S gene association with endurance training responses in young women. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 111 (9), pp. 2339-2347. ISSN 1439-6319

XING, Y. and DANGERFIELD, B., 2011. Modelling the sustainability of mass tourism in island tourist economies. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62 (9), pp. 1742-1752. ISSN 0160-5682

JASPAL, R. and SIRAJ, A., 2011. Perceptions of 'coming out' among British Muslim gay men. Psychology and Sexuality, 2 (3), pp. 183-197. ISSN 1941-9899

LOCATELLI, F., VINTI, L., PALUMBO, G., ROSSI, F., BERTAINA, A., MASTRONUZZI, A., BERNARDO, M.E., RUTELLA, S., DELLABONA, P., GIORGIANI, G., MORETTA, A. and MORETTA, L., 2011. Strategies to optimize the outcome of children given T-cell depleted HLA-haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology, 24 (3), pp. 339-349. ISSN 1521-6926

ROBINSON, D., BESLEY, N.A., O'SHEA, P. and HIRST, J.D., 2011. Water order profiles on phospholipid/cholesterol membrane bilayer surfaces. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 32 (12), pp. 2613-2618. ISSN 0192-8651

GIAMPORCARO, S., 2011. Sustainable and responsible investment in emerging markets: integrating environmental risks in the South African investment industry. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 1 (2), pp. 121-137. ISSN 2043-0795

HULSE, R.P., WYNICK, D. and DONALDSON, L.F., 2011. Activation of the galanin receptor 2 in the periphery reverses nerve injury-induced allodynia. Molecular Pain, 7: 26. ISSN 1744-8069

O'HARE, L. and HIBBARD, P.B., 2011. Spatial frequency and visual discomfort. Vision Research, 51 (15), pp. 1767-1777. ISSN 0042-6989

XING, Y., HEWITT, N. and GRIFFITHS, P., 2011. Zero carbon buildings refurbishment - a hierarchical pathway. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15 (6), pp. 3229-3236. ISSN 1364-0321

KLUMPES, P.J.M., 2011. The changing political economy of pension fund accounting regulation: a comparative study of four Anglo-American countries. Pensions: An International Journal, 16 (3), pp. 140-150. ISSN 1750-208X

BIERMANN, F.M. and POTENTE, S., 2011. The deployment of conditional probability distributions for death time estimation. Forensic Science International, 210 (1-3), pp. 82-86. ISSN 0379-0738

GIANNAKIDIS, A. and PETROU, M., 2011. Improved 2D vector field estimation using probabilistic weights. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 28 (8), pp. 1620-1635. ISSN 1084-7529

LEO, J.C., LYSKOWSKI, A., HATTULA, K., HARTMANN, M.D., SCHWARZ, H., BUTCHER, S.J., LINKE, D., LUPAS, A.N. and GOLDMAN, A., 2011. The structure of E. coli IgG-binding protein D suggests a general model for bending and binding in trimeric autotransporter adhesins. Structure, 19 (7), pp. 1021-1030. ISSN 0969-2126

ASHLEY, C. and BOUAKAZE-KHAN, D., 2011. Conservation and management of archaeological sites in sub-Saharan Africa. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 13 (2-3), pp. 95-102. ISSN 1350-5033

EL-ANIS, I., 2011. (Dis)integration and the emergence of the state system in the Middle East. Journal of Global Analysis, 2 (2), pp. 9-28.

ROBERTS, S.E., WILLIAMS, J.G., COHEN, D.R., AKBARI, A., GROVES, S. and BUTTON, L.A., 2011. Feasibility of using routinely collected inpatient data to monitor quality and inform choice: a case study using the UK inflammatory bowel disease audit. Frontline Gastroenterology, 2 (3), pp. 153-159. ISSN 2041-4137

ZIMMERMAN, C., HOSSAIN, M. and WATTS, C., 2011. Human trafficking and health: a conceptual model to inform policy, intervention and research. Social Science and Medicine, 73 (2), pp. 327-335. ISSN 0277-9536

MAVROVOUNIOTIS, M. and YANG, S., 2011. A memetic ant colony optimization algorithm for the dynamic travelling salesman problem. Soft Computing, 15 (7), pp. 1405-1425. ISSN 1432-7643

LU, Z., YANG, Z., HE, B., CASTLETON, C.W.M. and HERMANSSON, K., 2011. Cu-doped ceria: Oxygen vacancy formation made easy. Chemical Physics Letters, 510 (13), pp. 60-66. ISSN 0009-2614

JASPAL, R., 2011. Delineating ethnic and religious identities in research with British South Asians. Psychological Studies, 56 (2), pp. 241-244. ISSN 0974-9861

CHEAH, E., JAMALI, D., JOHNSON, J.E.V. and SUNG, M., 2011. Drivers of corporate social responsibility attitudes: the demography of socially responsible investors: drivers of corporate social responsibility attitudes. British Journal of Management, 22 (2), pp. 305-323. ISSN 1045-3172

INSOLL, T., MACLEAN, R., ASHLEY, C. and KANKPEYENG, B.W., 2011. The Iron Age ceramics from the Tong Hills, Northern Ghana. Sequence and comparative perspective. Journal of African Archaeology, 9 (1), pp. 15-39. ISSN 1612-1651

HOUDMONT, J., ZHOU, J. and HASSARD, J., 2011. Overtime and psychological well-being among Chinese office workers. Occupational Medicine, 61 (4), pp. 270-273. ISSN 0962-7480

ZIMMERMAN, C., KISS, L. and HOSSAIN, M., 2011. Migration and health: a framework for 21st century policy-making. PLoS Medicine, 8 (5): e1001034. ISSN 1549-1277

BJERREGAARD, T., 2011. Institutional change at the frontlines: a comparative ethnography of divergent responses to institutional demands. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 6 (1), pp. 26-45. ISSN 1746-5648

FARNWORTH, M.J., WALKER, J.K., SCHWEIZER, K.A., CHUANG, C.-L., GUILD, S.-J., BARRETT, C.J., LEACH, M.C. and WARAN, N.K., 2011. Potential behavioural indicators of post-operative pain in male laboratory rabbits following abdominal surgery. Animal Welfare, 20 (2), pp. 225-237. ISSN 0962-7286

STEPHEN, I.D., COETZEE, V. and PERRETT, D.I., 2011. Carotenoid and melanin pigment coloration affect perceived human health. Evolution and Human Behavior, 32 (3), pp. 216-227. ISSN 1090-5138

AMISSAH, E., BOUGHEAS, S. and FALVEY, R., 2011. Financial constraints, the distribution of wealth and international trade. The World Economy, 34 (5), pp. 707-724. ISSN 0378-5920

RAMANATHAN, U. and MUYLDERMANS, L., 2011. Identifying the underlying structure of demand during promotions: A structural equation modelling approach. Expert Systems with Applications: an International Journal, 38 (5), pp. 5544-5552. ISSN 0957-4174

SLOCOMBE, K.E., WALLER, B.M. and LIEBAL, K., 2011. The language void: the need for multimodality in primate communication research. Animal Behaviour, 81 (5), pp. 919-924. ISSN 0003-3472

LEE, Y.H., CHEAH, E.T. and KOAY, L.Y., 2011. Efficiency in the Malaysian banking industry. ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 28 (1), pp. 16-44. ISSN 0217-4472

BURROWS, A.M., DIOGO, R., WALLER, B.M., BONAR, C.J. and LIEBAL, K., 2011. Evolution of the muscles of facial expression in a monogamous ape: evaluating the relative influences of ecological and phylogenetic factors in hylobatids. Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 294 (4), pp. 645-663. ISSN 1932-8486

SCHOLES, C., PALMER, A.R. and SUMNER, C.J., 2011. Forward suppression in the auditory cortex is frequency-specific. European Journal of Neuroscience, 33 (7), pp. 1240-1251. ISSN 0953-816X

BUGLEAR, J., 2011. Grading and academic freedom: an English academic's angle on Hill's contentious triangle. Quality in Higher Education, 17 (1), pp. 101-104. ISSN 1353-8322

RUTELLA, S., FIORINO, G., VETRANO, S., CORREALE, C., SPINELLI, A., PAGANO, N., ARENA, V., MAGGIANO, N., REPICI, A., MALESCI, A. and DANESE, S., 2011. Infliximab Therapy Inhibits Inflammation-Induced Angiogenesis in the Mucosa of Patients With Crohn's Disease. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 106 (4), pp. 762-770. ISSN 0002-9270

INTRONA, L.D. and HAYES, N., 2011. On sociomaterial imbrications: what plagiarism detection systems reveal and why it matters. Information and Organization, 21 (2), pp. 107-122. ISSN 1471-7727

SELTEN, R., CHMURA, T. and GOERG, S.J., 2011. Stationary concepts for experimental 2 X 2 games: reply. American Economic Review, 101 (2), pp. 1041-1044. ISSN 0002-8282

GUZOWSKI, J., TASINKEVYCH, M. and DIETRICH, S., 2011. Effective interactions and equilibrium configurations of colloidal particles on a sessile droplet. Soft Matter, 7 (9), pp. 4189-4197. ISSN 1744-683X

JASPAL, R., 2011. Caste, social stigma and identity processes. Psychology and Developing Societies, 23 (1), pp. 27-62. ISSN 0971-3336

SUSSMAN, S., LISHA, N. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2011. Prevalence of the addictions: a problem of the majority or the minority? Evaluation and the Health Professions, 34 (1), pp. 3-56. ISSN 1552-3918

BJERREGAARD, T., 2011. Co-existing institutional logics and agency among top-level public servants: a praxeological approach. Journal of Management and Organization, 17 (2), pp. 194-209. ISSN 1833-3672

MICHALEK, J.J., EBBES, P., ADIGÜZEL, F., FEINBERG, F.M. and PAPALAMBROS, P.Y., 2011. Enhancing marketing with engineering: optimal product line design for heterogeneous markets. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 28 (1), pp. 1-12. ISSN 0167-8116

PAN, Y., CHEN, G., LU, C., CHEN, X. and HU, Z., 2011. Functional analysis of tomato LeEIL1 in an Arabidopsis ein2 mutant. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 33 (2), pp. 489-496. ISSN 0137-5881

WANG, X., HE, F., MA, X., MAO, C., HODGMAN, C., LU, C. and WU, P., 2011. OsCAND1 is required for crown root emergence in rice. Molecular Plant, 4 (2), pp. 289-299. ISSN 1674-2052

JASPAL, R. and YAMPOLSKY, M.A., 2011. Social representations of the Holocaust and Jewish Israeli identity construction: insights from identity process theory. Social Identities, 17 (2), pp. 201-224. ISSN 1350-4630

HEBHOUB, H., AOUN, H., BELACHIA, M., HOUARI, H. and GHORBEL, E., 2011. Use of waste marble aggregates in concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 25 (3), pp. 1167-1171. ISSN 0950-0618

BROADHEAD, M., CHILTON, R. and STEPHENS, V., 2011. Utilising the Boxall Profile within the Scallywags service for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. British Journal of Special Education, 38 (1), pp. 19-27. ISSN 0952-3383

GWENLLIAN, W.-J., BUCK, R., PORTEOUS, C., COOPER, L., BUTTON, L.A., MAIN, C.J. and PHILLIPS, C.J., 2011. What happens to work if you’re unwell? Beliefs and attitudes of managers and employees with musculoskeletal pain in a public sector setting. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 21 (1), pp. 31-42. ISSN 1053-0487

BRUCE, A., JOHNSON, J.E.V. and TANG, L., 2011. The explanatory power of trading volume and insider activity in a pari-mutuel betting market. The European Journal of Finance, 17 (3), pp. 197-216. ISSN 1351-847X

SU, Y., RIFFAT, S.B., ROGERS, T., ZHENG, H. and HUANG, H., 2011. A feasibility study of a novel combined solar concentration/wind augmentation system. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 6 (1), pp. 14-21. ISSN 1748-1317

STRUWIG, J., ROBERTS, B. and VIVIER, E., 2011. A vote of confidence: election management and public perceptions of electoral processes in South Africa. Journal of Public Administration, 46 (3.1), pp. 1122-1138. ISSN 0036-0767

IRVING, S., MOORE, D.R., LIBERMAN, M.C. and SUMNER, C.J., 2011. Olivocochlear efferent control in sound localization and experience-dependent learning. Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (7), pp. 2493-2501. ISSN 0270-6474

BJERREGAARD, T., 2011. Studying institutional work in organizations: uses and implications of ethnographic methodologies. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 24 (1), pp. 51-64. ISSN 0953-4814

ROBERTS, K.L. and HUMPHREYS, G.W., 2011. Action relations facilitate the identification of briefly-presented objects. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73 (2), pp. 597-612. ISSN 1943-3921

ADDICOAT, M.A., METHA, G.F. and KEE, T.W., 2011. Density functional theory investigation of Cu(I)- and Cu(II)-curcumin complexes. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 32 (3), pp. 429-438. ISSN 0192-8651

TURNER, S.P., FARNWORTH, M.J., MENDL, M., ERHARD, H.W. and LAWRENCE, A.B., 2011. Evidence for residence-induced enhancement of aggressiveness in the non-territorial pig. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 130 (1-2), pp. 10-19. ISSN 0168-1591

PILCHER, J., 2011. No logo? Children’s consumption of fashion. Childhood, 18 (1), pp. 128-141. ISSN 0907-5682

PETRUCCI, G., DE CRISTOFARO, R., RUTELLA, S., RANELLETTI, F.O., POCATERRA, D., LANCELLOTTI, S., HABIB, A., PATRONO, C. and ROCCA, B., 2011. Prostaglandin E2 Differentially Modulates Human Platelet Function through the Prostanoid EP2 and EP3 Receptors. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 336 (2), pp. 391-402. ISSN 0022-3565

CHIÒ, A., MORA, G., LA BELLA, V., CAPONNETTO, C., MANCARDI, G., SABATELLI, M., SICILIANO, G., SILANI, V., CORBO, M., MOGLIA, C., CALVO, A., MUTANI, R., RUTELLA, S., GUALANDI, F., MELAZZINI, M., SCIMÈ, R., PETRINI, M., BONDESAN, P., GARBELLI, S., MANTOVANI, S., BENDOTTI, C. and TARELLA, C., 2011. Repeated courses of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Clinical and biological results from a prospective multicenter study. Muscle & Nerve, 43 (2), pp. 189-195. ISSN 0148-639X

NEWTON, A., 2011. The Licensing Act 2003, five years on: taking stock and stumbling into the future. Safer Communities, 10 (1), pp. 20-30. ISSN 1757-8043

NG, G.Y., 2011. A discipline of judicial governance? Utrecht Law Review, 7 (1), pp. 102-116. ISSN 1871-515X

KLUMPES, P.J.M. and SCHUERMANN, S., 2011. Corporate, Product and Distribution Strategies in the European Life Insurance Industry. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice, 36 (1), pp. 50-75. ISSN 1018-5895

CHEN, Y., ZOU, X. and HE, J., 2011. Drift conditions for estimating the first hitting times of evolutionary algorithms. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 88 (1), pp. 37-50. ISSN 0020-7160

AFAZOV, S.M., BECKER, A.A. and HYDE, T.H., 2011. FE prediction of residual stresses of investment casting in a bottom core vane under equiaxed cooling. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 13 (1), pp. 30-40. ISSN 1526-6125

BUTTON, L.A., ROBERTS, S.E., EVANS, P.A., GOLDACRE, M.J., AKBARI, A., DSILVA, R., MACEY, S. and WILLIAMS, J.G., 2011. Hospitalized incidence and case fatality for upper gastrointestinal bleeding from 1999 to 2007: a record linkage study. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 33 (1), pp. 64-76. ISSN 0269-2813

AFAZOV, S.M., NIKOV, S., BECKER, A.A. and HYDE, T.H., 2011. Manufacturing chain simulation of an aero-engine disc and sensitivity analyses of micro-scale residual stresses. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 52 (1-4), pp. 279-290. ISSN 0268-3768

HOUGH, J.P., PAPACOSTA, E., WRAITH, E. and GLEESON, M., 2011. Plasma and salivary steroid hormone responses of men to high-intensity cycling and resistance exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25 (1), pp. 23-31. ISSN 1064-8011

CLARK, I., 2011. Private equity, 'union recognition' and value extraction at the Automobile Association: the GMB as an emergency service? Industrial Relations Journal, 42 (1), pp. 36-50. ISSN 0019-8692

HEALEY, N., 2011. The 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes and organisational learning at the University of Canterbury: does practice make perfect? Journal of Management and Organization, 17 (6), pp. 850-856. ISSN 1839-3527

ROWBOTHAM, J., CHARLESWORTH, L. and KANDIAH, M., 2011. 2nd Biennial War Crimes Conference [War Crimes II]: Justice? - Whose Justice? Punishment Mediation or Reconciliation? Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, 3-5 March 2011 [conference report]. Law, Crime & History, 1 (2), pp. 194-214. ISSN 2045-9238

KRZYSTYNIAK, M. and FERNANDEZ-ALONSO, F., 2011. Ab initio nuclear momentum distributions in lithium hydride: assessing nonadiabatic effects. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Material Physics, 83 (13), p. 134305.

ECCLES, T., 2011. Accounting for service charges in the UK commercial sector: barriers to change and the quest for best practice. Property Management, 29 (1), pp. 7-33.

ACAMPORA, G., CADENAS, J.M., LOIA, V. and MUNOZ, E., 2011. Achieving memetic adaptability by means of agent-based machine learning. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 7 (4), pp. 557-569. ISSN 1551-3203

ROWLETT, P., 2011. Acting on the recommendations from the HE mathematics curriculum summit. MSOR Connections, 11 (3), pp. 4-7.

HAY, A., 2011. Action learning in international settings: possibilities for developing organising insight. The International Journal of Management Education, 9 (3), pp. 23-36. ISSN 1472-8117

ROBERTS, K.L. and HUMPHREYS, G.W., 2011. Action-related objects influence the distribution of visuospatial attention. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64 (4), pp. 669-688. ISSN 1747-0218

SUNDERLAND, C., TAYLOR, E., PEARCE, E. and SPICE, C., 2011. Activity profile and physical demands of male field hockey umpires in international matches. European Journal of Sport Science, 11 (6), pp. 411-417. ISSN 1746-1391

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and KUSS, D.J., 2011. Adolescent social networking: should parents and teachers be worried? Education and Health, 29 (2), pp. 23-25. ISSN 2049-3665

TAYLOR, A.M., BOYDE, A., WILSON, P.J., DAVIDSON, J.S., JARVIS, J.C., HUNT, J.A., RANGANATH, L.R. and GALLAGHER, J.A., 2011. Advanced ochronosis of articular cartilage in aku provides an extreme model of focal unloading of bone due to stress shielding. Bone, 48 (s2), S173-S174. ISSN 8756-3282

SMITH, R. and MCELWEE, G., 2011. After the fall: developing a conceptual script based model of shame in narratives of entrepreneurs in crisis! International Journal of Sociology and Sociology and Social Policy, 31 (12), pp. 91-109.

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MACUTKIEWICZ, D. and SUNDERLAND, C., 2011. The use of GPS to evaluate activity profiles of elite women hockey players during match-play. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29 (9), pp. 967-973. ISSN 0264-0414

CURRAN, J.M., PU, F., CHEN, R. and HUNT, J.A., 2011. The use of dynamic surface chemistries to control msc isolation and function. Biomaterials, 32 (21), pp. 4753-4760. ISSN 1878-5905

BURTON, A.M., LIU, H., BATTERSBY, S., BROWN, D., SHERKAT, N., STANDEN, P. and WALKER, M., 2011. The use of motion tracking technologies in serious games to enhance rehabilitation in stroke patients. International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL), 1 (4), pp. 60-73. ISSN 2155-6849

BRESCO, E., PITAK, M., COLES, S.J., PILKINGTON, M. and WALLIS, J.D., 2011. The use of the triptycene framework for observing O---C=O molecular interactions. CrystEngComm, 13, pp. 6978-6984.

BURTON, K., HALL, C., WELLS, C. and BILLETT, E., 2011. The validation of infrared thermography as a non-invasive tool to assess welfare in the horse (Equus caballus). Advances in Animal Biosciences. Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work, 2 (1), p. 20. ISSN 2040-4700

GRITT, A. and PARK, P., 2011. The workhouse populations of Lancashire, 1881. Local Population Studies (86), pp. 37-65. ISSN 0143-2974

ROWLETT, P., 2011. A year with the national HE STEM programme. Mathematics Today, 47 (4), p. 177. ISSN 1361-2042

COCKER, E., 2011. The yes of the no! Drain, 14.

BERRY, E., 2011. The zone of interaction between partnerships, LLPs and human rights in United Kingdom law. Human Rights Law Review, 11 (3), pp. 503-526.

Authored book

RAMANATHAN, U., 2011. Role of information exchange in collaborative supply chains : analysing the role of information exchange for demand forecasting in collaborative supply chains. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 9783846544198

MEDJDOUB, B., 2011. Archiplan: Une approche CAO en architecture basée sur les contraintes: une méthode de conception fonctionelle en architecture. Saarbrücken: Éditions universitaires européennes. ISBN 9786131531583

HAGUE, R., 2011. Autonomy and identity: the politics of who we are. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415584685

MILLER, D., 2011. Black, grey and white: a book of visual sonnets. London: Veer Books. ISBN 9781907088322

BELBIN, D., 2011. Bone and Cane. Birmingham: Tindal Street Press. ISBN 9781906994136

WARD, A., 2011. Caryl Phillips, David Dabydeen and Fred D'Aguiar: representations of slavery. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719082757

TAYLOR, A., 2011. Comfort and joy. Ten Pages Press. ISBN 9781848612624

HUXLEY-BINNS, R., 2011. Criminal law concentrate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

GRAVELLS, J. and WALLACE, S., 2011. Dial M for mentor: lessons in mentoring from films,tv and literature. Information Age.

DRANSFIELD, R., SCOTT-THOMPSON, M. and WRIGHT, P., 2011. Economics for the Caribbean school certificate. Nelson Thornes.

WESTHEAD, P., WRIGHT, M. and MCELWEE, G., 2011. Entrepreneurship: contemporary perspectives and cases. Pearson.

MACINTYRE, E., 2011. Essentials of business law. Pearson/Longman.

BANYARD, P. and FLANAGAN, C., 2011. Ethical issues in psychology. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415429887

BREACH, M., 2011. Fundamental maths: for engineering and science. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230252080

HAMILTON, H., 2011. Green Gate Farm – 2010/11. Uisdean Mor Publishing. ISBN 9781447803560

SMITH, R., EL-ANIS, I. and FARRANDS, C., 2011. International political economy in the 21st Century: contemporary issues and analysis. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780582473683

ABDO, H. and WAKKAS, F., 2011. Islamic finance: understanding the risk management of the Islamic bonds, Sukuk. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 9783845437309

EL-ANIS, I., 2011. Jordan and the United States: the political economy of trade and economic reform in the Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris. ISBN 9781848854710

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2011. Manah: Omani Oasis, Arabian legacy; architecture and social history of an Omani Oasis settlement. Muscat: Historical Association of Oman & Liverpool University Press. ISBN 9781846311215

FRASER, I. and WILDE, L., 2011. The Marx dictionary. London: Continuum. ISBN 9781441178329

REYNOLDS, C., 2011. Memories of May'68: France's convenient consensus. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. ISBN 9780708324158

SHORTHOSE, J. and MAYCROFT, N., 2011. New spectacles for Juliette: values and ethics for creative business. Nottingham: Nottingham Creative Network. ISBN 9781842331460

CARTER, S., 2011. Ovidian myth and sexual deviance in early modern English literature. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230244238

PASTOR, M., 2011. PFC//01. Architecture. Graduation Projects. Madrid: Universidad Camilo Jose Cela. ISBN 9788495891532

RAMONE, J., 2011. Postcolonial theories. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

SIEBERS, L.Q., 2011. Retail internationalization in China: expansion of foreign retailers. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

BELBIN, D., 2011. Secret gardens. Nottingham: Five Leaves Publications. ISBN 1907869220

CHADWICK, E., 2011. Self-determination in the post-9/11 era. Abingdon: Routledge Research in International Law. ISBN 9780415550048

HENHAM, R., 2011. Sentencing and the legitimacy of trial justice. Abingdon: Routledge.

CHAN, C.K., 2011. Social security policy in Hong Kong: from British colony to China's special administrative region. Lanham: Lexington Books.

MILLER, D., 2011. Spiritual letters (series 1-5). Tucson, Arizona: Chax Press. ISBN 9780925904980

FUGGLE, S., 2011. Student essentials: essay writing. Richmond: Crimson Publishing. ISBN 9781844552733

PEART, S. and ATKINS, L., 2011. Teaching 14-19 learners in the lifelong learning sector. Exeter: Learning Matters. ISBN 9781844453658

WALLACE, S., 2011. Teaching, tutoring and training in the lifelong learning sector. Exeter: Learning Matters. ISBN 9780857250629

EDWARDS, E., 2011. Textiles and dress of Gujarat. London: V&A Publishing in association with Mapin Publishing. ISBN 9781851776450

PARRY, R., AYLIFFE, J. and SHIVJI, S., 2011. Transaction avoidance in insolvencies. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199583799

BLACK, G., 2011. Transforming museums in the 21st century. London: Routledge.

THOMPSON, C., 2011. Travel writing. Abingdon: Routledge.

ABDO, H. and AGUIAR, M., 2011. Understanding discursive resources and strategic decision making: a study of the Portuguese textile industry. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 9783844318654

SICKERT, W. and STEVENS, B., 2011. Vernet's Dance Hall: Daily Mirror. Sylph Editions. ISBN 9780956509246

HAYNES, J., HOUGH, P., MALIK, S. and PETTIFORD, L., 2011. World politics. Harlow: Pearson (Longman). ISBN 1408266555

JACKSON, C., CUNNINGHAM, S. and KANDHOLA, M., 2011. Wounding the black male [exhibition catalogue]. New Jersey, USA: TCNJ Gallery.

CHRISTENSEN, S. and JUDD, B., 2011. The edge of reason [exhibition catalogue]. Sandnes, Norway: KINOKINO.

KERRY, M., 2011. The holiday and British film. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230301047

THACKER, A., 2011. The imagist poets. Tavistock: Northcote House. ISBN 9780746310625

TAYLOR, A., 2011. The lights will inspire you. Oakland, California: Full of Crow Press.

WOODS, G., 2011. An ordinary dog. Manchester: Carcanet. ISBN 9781847770783

Book contribution

WATERMAN, R., 2011. [14 poems]. In: New poetries V. Carcanet.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., SUSSMAN, S., LISHA, N., SMITH, G. and LEVENTHAL, A., 2011. Addiction. In: Oxford bibliographies online. New York: Oxford University Press.

UNSPECIFIED 2011. Catalogue note on Taner Ceylan's 1879 (2011). In: Sotheby's contemporary art / Turkish [auction catalogue, 7 April 2011]. London: Sotheby's, pp. 16-17.

COCKER, E., 2011. [Commissioned essay]. In: Beginnings. Vivid Publishing.

WARD, A., 2011. Fred D'Aguiar. In: UNSPECIFIED The Literary Encyclopedia.

LEE, J., 2011. Ian Helliwell. In: Telenesia [exhibition catalogue]. Southampton: Hidrazone/Southampton Solent University, p. 16. ISBN 9780956314031

AWOJIDE, O., 2011. MTN's race for Africa. In: E. GOMES, Y. WEBER, C. BROWN and S.Y. TARBA, eds., Mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances: understanding the process. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 49-52. ISBN 9780230285361

HAMILTON KNIGHT, M., 2011. [Photographs]. In: 61/11 Continuous collective: BDP. [United Kingdom]: BDP. ISBN 9780956352316

Chapter in book

ALADE, T., ZHU, H. and OSMAN, H., 2011. Spectral efficiency analysis of distributed antenna system for in-building wireless communication. In: 2011 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall). IEEE. ISBN 9781424483280

OSMAN, H., ZHU, H. and ALADE, T., 2011. Wireless distributed antenna systems in high buildings. In: 2011 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall). IEEE. ISBN 9781424483280

ALADE, T., ZHU, H. and OSMAN, H., 2011. Spectral efficiency analysis of distributed antenna systems for in-building mobile communication. In: 2011 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011) [proceedings]. Piscatawy, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1-5. ISBN 9781424492688

COLLINS, A., 2011. Sexual leisure markets. In: S. CAMERON, ed., Handbook on the economics of leisure. Elgar original reference . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781848444041

BULL, M. and BROWN, T., 2011. Implementing change. In: E. FINCH, ed., Facilities change management. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 108-122. ISBN 9781405153461

ALADE, T., ZHU, H. and OSMAN, H., 2011. Spectral efficiency analysis of distributed antenna system for in-building wireless communication. In: 2011 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2011) [proceedings]. Piscatawy, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), pp. 2075-2079. ISBN 9781457713460

OSMAN, H., ZHU, H., ALADE, T. and WANG, J., 2011. Downlink transmission of distributed antenna systems in high building environments. In: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). IEEE. ISBN 9781612842325

OSMAN, H., ZHU, H. and ALADE, T., 2011. Deployment of distributed antenna systems in high buildings. In: 2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring). IEEE. ISBN 9781424483327

ALADE, T., ZHU, H. and OSMAN, H., 2011. Performance analysis of distributed antenna system for high building wireless communication. In: 2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring). IEEE. ISBN 9781424483327

ABUBAKRE, M., CRISPIN, C. and JAYAWARDHENA, C., 2011. Information system diffusion in organizations - a control mechanism perspective. In: A. GHONEIM, M. THEMISTOCLEOUS, D. KOUFOPOULOS and M. KAMAL, eds., Proceedings of the European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems 2011 (EMCIS 2011), Athens, Greece, 30-31 May 2011. EMCIS. ISBN 9781902316857

ZHANG, Z. and CIRAVEGNA, F., 2011. Named Entity Recognition for Ontology Population using Background Knowledge from Wikipedia. In: W. WONG, W. LIU and M. BENNAMOUN, eds., Ontology learning and knowledge discovery using the Web: challenges and recent advances. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 79-104. ISBN 9781609606251

OLAJIDE, F. and SAVAGE, N., 2011. On the extraction of forensically relevant information from physical memory. In: 2011 World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2011). IEEE, pp. 248-252. ISBN 9781424488797

ÇAKIRLAR, C. and DELICE, S., 2011. Catalogue note on Taner Ceylan's 1879 (2011). In: Contemporary art / Turkish 07 April 2011. London: Sotheby's, pp. 16-17.

REINWALD, Y., HOWDLE, S. and SHAKESHEFF, K.M., 2011. Biomedical devices. In: M.S. SILVERSTEIN, N.R. CAMERON and M.A. HILLMYER, eds., Porous polymers. Wiley, pp. 324-357.

LEO, J.C. and SKURNIK, M., 2011. Adhesins of human pathogens from the genus Yersinia. In: D. LINKE and A. GOLDMAN, eds., Bacterial adhesion. Advances in experimental medicine and biology (715). Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9789400709393

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2011. Adolescent gambling. In: B. BRADFORD and M. PRINTSTEIN, eds., Encyclopedia of adolescence. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 11-20.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., PARKE, J., KING, D. and DELFABBRO, P.H., 2011. Adolescent gambling on the Internet: a review. In: L. FIRTH, ed., Issues: the gambling problem. Cambridge: Independence Educational Publishers, pp. 16-18. ISBN 9781861685759

LIANG, H., 2011. Advanced optical imaging methods for investigating manuscripts. In: S. NEATE, D. HOWELL, R. OVENDEN and A.M. POLLARD, eds., The technological study of books and manuscripts as artefacts: research questions and analytical solutions. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 55-66. ISBN 9781407307671

PAN, G., HE, G. and ZHANG, M., 2011. Advances in Interfacial Adsorption Thermodynamics: Metastable-Equilibrium Adsorption (MEA) Theory. In: J.C. MORENO-PIRAJAN, ed., Thermodynamics - interaction studies - solids, liquids and gases. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, pp. 519-542. ISBN 9789533075631

ALLISON, S.A., HILLER, A. and ALLISON, C., 2011. Amy's story: a research agenda for smoking cessation in pregnancy. In: A. PATTERSON and S. OAKES, eds., Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference 2011. Helensburgh, Argyll: Academy of Marketing. ISBN 9780956112234

LEE, N.J.-Y., 2011. "Asia" as regional signifier and transnational genre-branding: the Asian horror omnibus movies Three (2002) and Three … extremes (2004). In: V.P.Y. LEE, ed., East Asian cinemas: regional flows and global transformations. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 103-117.

BELMONTE, M.K., 2011. Autism connects us. In: D.L. CUMBERLAND and B.E. MILLS, eds., Siblings and autism: stories spanning generations and cultures. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 93-111. ISBN 9781849058315

MAHMOUD, S., LOTFI, A. and LANGENSIEPEN, C., 2011. Behavioural pattern identification in a smart home using binary similarity and dissimilarity measures. In: 2011 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Environments. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 55-60. ISBN 9780769544526

UNDERWOOD, J., BARTOLOMÉ, A. and LEFRERE, P., 2011. Big issues: the example of learning platforms. In: R. CARNEIRO, P. LEFRERE, K. STEFFENS and J. UNDERWOOD, eds., Self-regulated learning in technology enhanced learning environments: a European perspective. Springer, pp. 141-149.

DAVIES, S. and HARDY, A., 2011. Blended Learning tools to support collaborative learning. In: J. HUGHES and W. KIDD, eds., Working with diverse groups of learners in the Digital Age. ESCalate.

MILLER, J. and RAMSAY, S., 2011. Botanical material from the O’Dell excavation. In: R.C. BARROWMAN, ed., The chapel and burial ground on St Ninian's Isle, Shetland: excavations past and present. Society for Medieval Archeaology Monographs (32). Wakefield: Society for Medieval Archeaology. ISBN 9781907975462

VELIZ, A., MEDJDOUB, B. and KOCATURK, T., 2011. Bridging the gap in constraint-based design. In: P. LECLERCQ, A. HEYLIGHEN and G. MARTIN, eds., CAAD Futures 2011: Designing Together: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design, University of Liège, Belgium, 4-8 July 2011. Liège, Belgium: Les Éditions de l'Université de Liège, pp. 133-147. ISBN 9782874561429

BROWN, D.J., LEY, J., EVETT, L. and STANDEN, P.J., 2011. Can participating in games based learning improve mathematic skills in students with intellectual disabilities? In: 2011 IEEE 1st International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH2011), Braga, Portugal, 16-18 November 2011. IEEE. ISBN 9781467304337

LLOMBART-BOSCH, A., RINGBORG, U., RUTELLA, S. and CELIS, J.E., 2011. Cancer: clinical background and key challenges. In: A. CESARIO and F. MARCUS, eds., Cancer systems biology, bioinformatics and medicine: research and applications. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 29-93. ISBN 9789400715660

BOULTON, H., 2011. [Chapters]. In: A. HRAMIAK and T. HUDSON, eds., Understanding teaching and learning in secondary schools. Pearson Education. ISBN 9781405899444

COOPER, T., 2011. Common assets and environment: the future contribution of consumption to progress and well-being. In: Rethinking progress and ensuring a secure future for all: what we can learn from the crisis. Trends in social cohesion (22). Strasbourg: Council of Europe, pp. 129-146. ISBN 9789287168894

SMITH, A., 2011. Community-led urban transitions and resilience: performing Transition Towns in a city. In: H. BULKELEY, V. CASTÁN BROTO, M. HODSON and S. MARVIN, eds., Cities and low carbon transitions. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 159-177. ISBN 9780203839249

HODGSON, N., 2011. Conflict and cohabitation: marriage and diplomacy between Latins and Cilician Armenians, c. 1097-1253. In: C. KOSTICK, ed., The crusades and the Near East: cultural histories. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 83-106.

COOPER, T., 2011. Consumer durables. In: D. SOUTHERTON, D. CRANE, K. EKSTROM, P. JACKSON, F. TRENTMANN, A. WARDE and R. WILK, eds., Encyclopaedia of consumer culture (Volume 1). Washington D.C.: CQ Press, pp. 261-263.

CASTELL, A.M., 2011. Contemporary approaches to leadership and management. In: A. BARNARD, ed., Key themes in health and social care. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415476386

GOUGH, B. and ROBERTSON, S., 2011. Content and discourse analysis. In: J.L. OLIFFE, ed., Design and research in gender, sex and health. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

MANU, E., ANKRAH, N.A., CHINYIO, E. and PROVERBS, D.G., 2011. Control influence on trust and relational governance in the client-contractor dyad. In: C. EGBU and E.C.W. LOU, eds., Proceedings of the 27th Annual ARCOM Conference, Bristol, 5-7 September 2011. Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM), pp. 455-463. ISBN 9780955239052

HERZIG, C. and SCHALTEGGER, S., 2011. Corporate sustainability reporting. In: J. GODEMANN and G. MICHELSEN, eds., Sustainability communication: interdisciplinary perspectives and theoretical foundations. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 151-169. ISBN 9400716966

DALLABONA, A., 2011. Creating Italian fashion. In: D. SCOTT, J. MC CARRRON, M. MANDERE, R. WARWICK and S. APPIAH, eds., Creative Connections: Exploring and Discovering Relationships. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, pp. 35-39. ISBN 9781842331453

BLOOD, K., 2011. Creative connections: discovering and exploring relationships. In: D. SCOTT, J. MC CARRON, M. MANDERE, R. WARWICK and S. APPIAH, eds., Creative Connections: Exploring and Discovering Relationships. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, pp. 13-16. ISBN 9781842331453

MCCAFFREY, E., 2011. Crimes of passion, freedom and a clash of Sartrean moralities in the Coen brothers’ No country for old men. In: J.P. BOULÉ and E. MCCAFFREY, eds., Existentialism and contemporary cinema: a Sartrean perspective. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 125-142. ISBN 9780857453204

EDLEY, N., 2011. Critical discursive psychology and the study of masculinity. In: N. BOZATZIS and T. DRAGONAS, eds., Social psychology: the discursive turn [in Greek]. Athens, Greece: Metaixmio Press, pp. 157-176. ISBN 9789605011628

SWANN, J., RICHARDS, S.E. and SHEN, Q., 2011. Culture independent analysis of the human gut microbiota and its activity [in press]. In: F.J. BRUIJN, ed., Handbook of molecular microbial ecology, Volume II: Metagenomics in different habitats. UNSPECIFIED.

BOULÉ, J.-P., 2011. Cédric Klapisch's 'The Spanish apartment' and 'Russian dolls' in 'Nausea's' mirror. In: J.-P. BOULÉ and E. MCCAFFREY, eds., Existentialism and contemporary cinema: a Sartrean perspective. Berghahn Books.

AL-GHALIB, A., MOHAMMAD, F.A., RAHMAN, M. and CHILTON, J.C., 2011. Damage and repair quantification in reinforced concrete beams using vibration data. In: M. GRANTHAM, V. METCHCHERINE and U. SCHNECK, eds., Concrete Solutions. London: CRC Press, pp. 575-583. ISBN 9.78E+12

WARD, A., 2011. David Dabydeen's 'A harlot's progress': re-presenting the slave narrative genre. In: L. MACEDO, ed., Talking words: new essays on the work of David Dabydeen. Kingston, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press, pp. 73-83. ISBN 9789766402570

WAKEMAN, I., LIGHT, A., ROBINSON, J., CHALMERS, D. and BASU, A., 2011. Deploying pervasive advertising in a farmers’ market. In: J. MÜLLER, F. ALT and D. MICHELIS, eds., Pervasive advertising. London: Springer, pp. 247-267. ISBN 9780857293510

REAVLEY, G., 2011. Did the Equal Rights Amendment ever have a chance of being ratified? In: The idea exchange, academic solutions. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio.

PREDA, I., COUDERC, H., FRÉCHETTE, M., SAVOIE, S., GAO, F., NIGMATULLIN, R., THOMPSON, S. and CASTELLON, J., 2011. Dielectric response of various partially cured epoxy nanocomposites. In: Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP 2011), Cancun, Mexico, 16-19 October 2011. IEEE conference publications, pp. 660-663. ISBN 9781457709869

SILCOCK, N., 2011. Disciplinary linkages: development on paper to development in the field. In: D. SCOTT, J. MC CARRON, M. MANDERE, R. WARWICK and S. APPIAH, eds., Creative Connections: Exploring and Discovering Relationships. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, pp. 65-69. ISBN 9781842331453

COLEMAN, D., 2011. Disintegrating the rock: Ian Paisley, British Shakespeare, and Ulster Protestantism. In: C. DE and A. GALEY, eds., Shakespeare, the Bible, and the form of the book: contested scriptures. London: Routledge, pp. 178-191.

COCKER, E., 2011. Distancing the if and then. In: N. GANSTERER, ed., Drawing a hypothesis: figures of research. Springer Verlag/Jan Van Eyck Academy, pp. 97-108.

HARDEN, G., 2011. Do academics make good key account managers? In: A. PATTERSON and S. OAKES, eds., Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference 2011: Marketing Fields Forever, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, 5-7 July 2011. Helensburgh, Argyll: Academy of Marketing. ISBN 9780956112234

HAYLEY, A., MCINNES, I., PARKER, M. and SCHENK, P., 2011. Drawing research and the implications for industrial practice and curriculum development. In: Knowhow2: thoughts on drawing and textiles studies. Reykjavik: European Commission, pp. 37-43. ISBN 9789979709961

EVETT, L., BURTON, A., BATTERSBY, S., BROWN, D., SHERKAT, N., FORD, G., LIU, H. and STANDEN, P., 2011. Dual camera motion capture for serious games in stroke rehabilitation. In: 2011 IEEE 1st International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH2011), Braga, Portugal, 16-18 November 2011. IEEE. ISBN 9781467304337

BEKOU, O. and CHADWICK, M., 2011. The EU Commitment to international criminal justice: achievements and possibilities? In: J.E. WETZEL, ed., The EU as a 'global player’ in human rights? Routledge research in human rights law . London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415730495

LEE, N.J.-Y., 2011. East Asian cinema 2010: general tendencies, industrial development and key films. In: Asie: catastrophes naturelles, dynamisme socio- économique et questionnements politiques. Paris: La Documentation Française, Asia, pp. 111-126.

DANDEKER, C. and MASON, D., 2011. Echoes of empire: addressing gaps in recruitment and retention in the British army by diversifying recruitment pools. In: T. TRESCH and C. LEUPRECHT, eds., Europe without soldiers? Recruitment and retention across the armed forces of Europe. Georgetown, Ontario: McGill-Queen's University Press. ISBN 9781553392460

HEASELL, S., 2011. Economic aspects of patient safety. In: J. TINGLE and P. BARK, eds., Patient safety, law policy and practice. London: Elsevier, pp. 97-109.

WILLIAMS, P., 2011. Edward W. Said. In: G. RITZER and J. STEPNISKY, eds., New Blackwell companion to major social theorists, Vol. II. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781444330786

WATERMAN, R., 2011. 'An Elsan culture threatens us': R. S. Thomas, England and the struggle for Welsh identity. In: Bonds and borders: critical essays. Cambridge Scholars.

KETTLEY, S., JONES, I. and DOWNES, T., 2011. Embodied textiles for expression and wellbeing. In: A. YOXALL, ed., Proceedings of the First European Conference on Design 4 Health 2011, Sheffield Hallam University, 13-15 July 2011. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University, pp. 189-205. ISBN 9781843873525

MCCAFFREY, E. and PRATT, M., 2011. Erasmus, exchange value and Euronormativity in Cédric Klapisch's L'auberge espagnole and Les poupées russes. In: J. MCCORMACK, M. PRATT and A. ROLLS, eds., Hexagonal variations: diversity, plurality and reinvention in contemporary France. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 433-435. ISBN 9789042032453

CHAPPELL, D.J. and TANNER, G., 2011. Estimating the validity of statistical energy analysis using dynamical energy analysis: a preliminary study. In: C. CONSTANDA and P.J. HARRIS, eds., Integral methods in science and engineering: computational and analytic aspects. New York: Springer, pp. 69-78. ISBN 9780817682378

WAHIDIN, A. and MOORE, L., 2011. Ethics and criminological research. In: P. DAVIES, P. FRANCIS and V. JUPP, eds., Doing criminological research. London: SAGE, pp. 287-306. ISBN 9781848606531

MCCAFFREY, E. and PRATT, M., 2011. Euronormativity and exchange values. In: J. MCCORMACK, M. PRATT and A. ROLLS, eds., Hexagonal variations: diversity, plurality and reinvention in contemporary France. Amsterdam: Rodopi. ISBN 9789042032453

HENHAM, R. and FINDLAY, M., 2011. Evaluating sentencing as a force for achieving justice. In: R. HENHAM and M. FINDLAY, eds., Exploring the boundaries of international criminal justice. Aldershot: Ashgate.

BETTS, L.R. and BICKNELL, A.S.A., 2011. Experiencing loneliness in childhood: consequences for psychosocial adjustment, school adjustment, and academic performance. In: S.J. BEVINN, ed., Psychology of loneliness. Nova.

MONTEITH, S., 2011. Exploiting civil rights: pulp movies in the 1960s. In: K. MCKEE and D. BARKER, eds., American cinema and the southern imaginary. Athens: University of Georgia Press, pp. 194-217. ISBN 9780820337104

MENG, H., APPIAH, K., HUNTER, A. and DICKINSON, P., 2011. FPGA implementation of Naive Bayes classifier for visual object recognition. In: Seventh IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW) 2011, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 20-25 June 2011. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), pp. 123-128. ISBN 9781457705298

CANT, R.J., LANGENSIEPEN, C.S. and PURCELL, J., 2011. Fictional simulation, automatic extraction of key scenes from novels. In: 2011 Thirteenth International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation. Washington, DC: IEEE, pp. 99-103. ISBN 9780769543765

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CHILTON, J.C. and MUNGAN, I., 2011. Timber spatial structures. In: I. MUNGAN and J.F. ABEL, eds., Fifty years of progress for shell and spatial structures. Madrid: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, pp. 325-344. ISBN 9781907132353

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2011. Tips on developing trust with work colleagues. In: S. ANTHONY, ed., Taking care: making the most of your consultant post. Leeds: Medical Protection Society, pp. 84-85. ISBN 9781903673263

WARD, A., 2011. Tracing significant footsteps: Ismith Khan and the Indian-Caribbean short story. In: L. EVANS, M. MCWATT and E. SMITH, eds., The Caribbean short story: critical perspectives. Leeds: Peepal Tree Press, pp. 95-109. ISBN 9781845231262

NEEDHAM, G., 2011. TransAmerica: the road to the multiplex after New Queer Cinema. In: H. RADNER and R. STRINGER, eds., Feminism at the movies: understanding gender in contemporary popular culture. New York: Routledge.

WUSTENBERG, J., 2011. Transforming Berlin’s memory: non-state actors and GDR memorial politics today. In: D. CLARKE and U. WÖLFEL, eds., Remembering the German Democratic Republic: divided memory in a united Germany. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230275508

PRATT, M., 2011. 'Un jeu avec le jeu': Frédéric Beigbeder and the value of the authorial paratext. In: A. ROLLS and M. VUAILLE-MARCAN, eds., Masking strategies: unwrapping the French paratext. Berne: Peter Lang, p. 85. ISBN 978303437468

GENZ, S., 2011. Under the knife: feminism and cosmetic surgery in contemporary culture. In: M. WATERS, ed., Women on screen: feminism and femininity in visual culture. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 123-135. ISBN 9780230229655

PUTEH, S., LANGENSIEPEN, C. and LOTFI, A., 2011. University office simulator for energy and comfort optimisation. In: ECMS 2011 Proceedings. Caserta, Italy: ECMS, pp. 430-435. ISBN 9780956494429

DONOVAN, N., 2011. Us and them: seeking the autoethnographic 'we'. In: D. SCOTT, J. MC CARRON, M. MANDERE, R. WARWICK and S. APPIAH, eds., Creative Connections: Exploring and Discovering Relationships. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, pp. 40-45. ISBN 9781842331453

GOUGH, M., 2011. User involvement: user led approaches in adult care – who is in charge? In: A. BARNARD, ed., Key themes in health and social care. A companion to learning. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 329-344.

ROWLETT, P., 2011. Using art gallery problems to develop mathematical and employability skills in a higher education group project. In: J. WALDOCK, ed., Developing graduate skills in HE mathematics programmes – case studies of successful practice. MSOR Network, pp. 30-31.

GLACKIN, M. and SERRET, N., 2011. Using local outdoor spaces for learning. In: M. HOLLINS, ed., ASE guide to secondary science education. Hatfield: The Association for Science Education. ISBN 9780863574375

PRATT, M. and ROLLS, A., 2011. Variations on the hexagon: getting the measure of culture change in contemporary France. In: J. MCCORMACK, M. PRATT and A. ROLLS, eds., Hexagonal variations: diversity, plurality and reinvention in contemporary France. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 21-42. ISBN 9789042032453

KING, D., DELFABBRO, P.H. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2011. Video game addiction. In: B. BRADFORD and M. PRINTSTEIN, eds., Encyclopedia of adolescence. Oxford: Elsevier.

BANYARD, P., UNDERWOOD, J., KERLIN, L. and STILLER, J., 2011. Virtual Learning Environments: personalising learning or managing learners? In: M. THOMAS, ed., Digital education: opportunities for social collaboration. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 123-141. ISBN 9780230111585

REAVLEY, G., 2011. Was immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries beneficial to America? In: The idea exchange, academic solutions. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio.

BOULÉ, J.-P., 2011. What can philosophers teach politicians? In: J.-P. BOULÉ and B. O'DONOHOE, eds., Jean-Paul Sartre: mind and body, word and deed. Cambridge Scholars Press.

RAMONE, J., 2011. What really matters is the story: interview-article with Andrew Smith. In: J. RAMONE and H. COUSINS, eds., The Richard and Judy Book Club reader: popular texts and the practices of reading. London: Ashgate.

FERRIS, G. and HUXLEY-BINNS, R., 2011. What students care about and why we should care. In: P. MAHARG and C. MAUGHAN, eds., Affect and legal education: emotion in learning and teaching the law. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 195-210. ISBN 9781409410263

COCKER, E., 2011. Without rhyme or reason. In: V. HORVAT, ed., In other words in other's words and other words. Norway: Bergen Kunsthall, pp. 15-17.

CAVEN, V. and DIOP, M., 2011. Women and equality in architecture: an Anglo-French comparative study. In: C. EGBU, ed., Proceedings of 27th Annual ARCOM Conference, Association of Researchers in Construction Management, Bristol, September 2011. UNSPECIFIED.

BEART, K., WHITEHEAD, G. and BARNARD, A., 2011. Working with people. In: A. BARNARD, ed., Key themes in health & social care: a companion to learning. London: Routledge.

WILLIAMS, P., 2011. 'An act of confidence in the freedom of men': Jean-Paul Sartre and Ousmane Sembene. In: J.P. BOULÉ and E. MCCAFFREY, eds., World cinema and existentialism. New York: Berghahn. ISBN 9780857453204

GAMBLE, R., 2011. The artist as host: participatory performance in hybrid space. In: D. SCOTT, J. MC CARRON, M. MANDERE, R. WARWICK and S. APPIAH, eds., Creative Connections: Exploring and Discovering Relationships. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, pp. 46-51. ISBN 9781842331453

PATON, D. and COOKE, A., 2011. The changing demands of leisure time: the emergence of Twenty20. In: S. CAMERON, ed., Economics of leisure. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

HILLER, A., 2011. A conceptualisation of ethical consumption from a value perspective. In: A. PATTERSON and S. OAKES, eds., Academy of Marketing Conference. Helensburgh, Argyll: Academy of Marketing. ISBN 9780956112234

ALLWOOD, G. and WADIA, K., 2011. The crisis of multiculturalism in the UK. In: M. LABELLE, J. COUTURE and F. REMIGGI, eds., La communauté politique en question. Regards croisés sur l'immigration, la diversité et la citoyenneté. Montreal: Presses de l'Université du Québec, pp. 97-119.

KETTLEY, S., 2011. The design of technical textiles. In: A. BRIGGS-GOODE and K. TOWNSEND, eds., Textile design: principles, advances and applications. Woodhead Publishing series in textiles (112). Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, pp. 323-353. ISBN 9781845696467

CUI, J., GOODHEW, S., FEWKES, A. and CHILTON, J., 2011. A discussion on the occupancy-related indoor environment and electricity use in a UK residential building. In: V. SOEBARTO, ed., Driving better design through simulation: proceedings of the 12th Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association 2011. IBPSA / AIRAH, pp. 2170-2177. ISBN 9870646565101

O'CONNOR, P. and PETCH, M., 2011. The embodied writer: Merleau-Ponty, writing groups and the possibilities of space. In: L. CLUGHEN and C. HARDY, eds., Writing in the disciplines: building supportive cultures for student writing in UK higher education. Bingley: Emerald.

ROWBOTHAM, J., 2011. The gendered dock: reflections on the impact of gender stereotyping in the criminal justice system. In: J. JONES, A. GREAR, R.A. FENTON and K. STEVENSON, eds., Gender, sexualities and law. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415574396

COULBERT, E., 2011. 'The glory of motion' and 'The open road': a comparative study of three travel narratives from the horse-drawn epoch and the age of the motorcar. In: D. SCOTT, J. MC CARRON, M. MANDERE, R. WARWICK and S. APPIAH, eds., Creative Connections: Exploring and Discovering Relationships. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, pp. 23-28. ISBN 9781842331453

COULSON, B. and HALLAM, B., 2011. The individual in society. In: A. BARNARD, ed., Key themes in health and social care: a companion to learning. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 34-49. ISBN 9780415476386

DADZIE, A., UREN, V., ZHANG, Z. and WEBSTER, P., 2011. An integrated environment for semantic knowledge work. In: B. BERENDT, A. DE VRIES, W. FANG, C. MACDONALD, I. OUNIS and I. RUTHVEN, eds., Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '11), Glasgow, 24 October 2011. New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), pp. 2529-2532. ISBN 9781450307178

VOLBERG, R.A., GUPTA, R., GRIFFITHS, M.D., OLASON, D.T. and DELFABBRO, P., 2011. An international perspective on youth gambling prevalence studies. In: J.L. DEREVENSKY, D.T.L. SHEK and J. MERRICK, eds., Youth gambling: the hidden addiction. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 21-56.

CUI, J., 2011. An introduction to modelling in scientific research and its preliminary application in one PhD project. In: D. SCOTT, J. MC CARRON, M. MANDERE, R. WARWICK and S. APPIAH, eds., Creative Connections: Exploring and Discovering Relationships. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, pp. 29-34. ISBN 9781842331453

JONES, A., 2011. The learning and support preferences of older adults with Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). In: D. SCOTT, J. MC CARRON, M. MANDERE, R. WARWICK and S. APPIAH, eds., Creative Connections: Exploring and Discovering Relationships. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, pp. 52-58. ISBN 9781842331453

FRATIANNI, M. and MARCHIONNE, F., 2011. The limits to integration. In: M.N. JOVANOVIC, ed., International handbook on the economics of integration. Vol. 1, General issues and regional groups. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 204-225. ISBN 9781848443709

RAMONE, J., 2011. The lives of the storytellers: Richard and Judy read The Jane Austen Book Club. In: J. RAMONE and H. COUSINS, eds., The Richard and Judy Book Club reader: popular texts and the practices of reading. London: Ashgate.

GIBERT, M.V., 2011. The new European security architecture: an example of 'messy multilateralism'? In: T. CHAFER and G. CUMMING, eds., From rivalry to partnership? New approaches to the challenges of Africa. Ashgate, pp. 179-194. ISBN 9781409405177

CORBEANU, L., 2011. The novelty of the Romanian press. In: D. SCOTT, J. MC CARRON, M. MANDERE, R. WARWICK and S. APPIAH, eds., Creative Connections: Exploring and Discovering Relationships. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, pp. 17-22. ISBN 9781842331453

WARD, S.J. and MELFI, V., 2011. The positive reinforcement effect: reduction of an animal's latency to respond to keepers' cues. In: E.A. PAJOR and J.N. MARCHANT-FORDE, eds., Proceedings of the 45th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology (ISAE), Indianapolis, USA, 31 July - 4 August 2011. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 82. ISBN 9789086861798

WHITEHEAD, G., 2011. The practice of counselling. In: A. BARNARD, ed., Key themes in health & social care: a companion to learning. London: Routledge.

CUI, J., GOODHEW, S. and FEWKES, A., 2011. A preliminary case study in the built environment applying smart environment techniques of monitoring and data analysis. In: Proceedings: Intelligent Environments (IE): 2011 7th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE'11). California: Conference Publishing Services, pp. 366-369. ISBN 9781607507949

HARDY, D.A., KERROUCHE, A., ROAF, S.C. and RICHARDS, B.S., 2011. The search for building-integrated PV materials with good aesthetic potential: a survey. In: M.G. HUTCHINS and N. PEARSALL, eds., Proceedings of the 7th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference (PVSAT-7), Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 6-8 April 2011. Oxford: Oxford Brookes University, pp. 205-208. ISBN 9780904963779

GIBERT, M.V., 2011. The securitisation of the EU's development agenda in Africa: insights from Guinea-Bissau. In: X. KUROWSKA and P. PAWLAK, eds., The politics of European security policies. Routledge, pp. 128-144. ISBN 9780415689625

ROWBOTHAM, J., 2011. The shifting nature of blame: revisiting issues of blaming and shaming in the English criminal justice system [Russian translation]. In: M. MURAVYEVA, J. ROWBOTHAM and D. NASH, eds., Examining blame and shame in history [in Russian]. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences.

HEYES, J. and CLARK, I., 2011. The state and employment relations. In: K. TOWNSEND and A. WILKINSON, eds., Research handbook on the future of work and employment relations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 69-90. ISBN 9780857936363

LEONARD, P., 2011. A supreme heteronomy? Arche and topology in difficult freedom. In: S. HAND, ed., Facing the other: the ethics of Emmanuel Levinas. London: Routledge, pp. 121-139. ISBN 9780415592505

Conference contribution

BIERMANN, F., 2011. Task assignment with controlled and autonomous agents. In: The 20th Anniversary of the Center for the Study of Rationality, Jerusalem, Israel, 28-30 December 2011.

KUMAKO, S.K., GLOZAH, M.K. and BUADEE, M., 2011. Burnout as a mediator between job stress and turnover intentions among Ghanaian nurses. In: 1st Annual Joint Conference of the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Psychology, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana, November 2011.

BROWN, D.J., LEY, J., EVETT, L. and STANDEN, P., 2011. Can participating in games based learning improve mathematic skills in students with intellectual disabilities? In: IEEE 1st International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH), 2011, Braga, Portugal, 16-18 November 2011.

MCINNES, I. and SCHENK, P., 2011. Conveying the spontaneity of drawing through the knitted textile production process. In: TRIP International Symposium, School of the Arts, Loughborough University, Loughborough, 16-17 November 2011.

OTT, U.F., 2011. In the land of the blind..... a model for double-sided uncertainty in international negotiatons. In: Annual Conference of the INFORMS (Operations Management/Management Science Society), Charlotte, NC, USA, 13-16 November 2011.

MCINNES, I. and SCHENK, P., 2011. Drawing as a precursor for innovation in knitted textile design and production. In: 6th UNDICOM International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 5 October 2011.

NAZARIAN, M., PRICE, A.D.F. and DEMIAN, P., 2011. A review of different approaches to access and people circulation within health-care facilities and the application of modelling, simulation and visualisation. In: CIB-W096 Conference 2011, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 13-14 October 2011.

LIANG, H., LANGE, R., LUCIAN, A., HYNDES, P., TOWNSEND, J.H. and HACKNEY, S., 2011. Development of portable microfading spectrometers for measurement of light sensitivity of materials. In: International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC) Triennial Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 September 2011.

KENNEDY, M., BETTS, L. and UNDERWOOD, J., 2011. Do dads make a difference: a reassessment of their role in attachment theory? In: British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual Conference, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 13 September 2011.

FEARNALL-WILLIAMS, H., 2011. Governing the academic researcher. In: The 5th Quadrangular PhD Conference, Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster University, Lancaster, 20-21 September 2011.

SONNEX, C., ROE, C.A. and ROXBURGH, E.C., 2011. Meta-analysis of distant healing studies using non-whole human samples. In: 35th International Annual Conference of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR), University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 2-4 September 2011.

SONNEX, C., ROE, C.A. and ROXBURGH, E.C., 2011. Meta-analysis of distant healing studies using plant, animal, and ex-vivo human samples. In: British Psychological Society (BPS) Transpersonal Psychology Section, 15th Annual Conference, Scarborough, 16-18 September 2011.

SAICHEUA, V., COOPER, T. and KNOX, A., 2011. Public understanding towards sustainable clothing and the supply chain. In: Fashion Colloquia, London College of Fashion, London, 21 September 2011.

HALL, N.A. and VELEZ-COLBY, F., 2011. Responding to design industry skill gaps: a model of business practice education of undergraduate design students. In: 13th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (EPDE2011), City University London, London, 8-9 September 2011.

HOWARTH, R. and FREDERICKS, J., 2011. Sustainable SME intervention. In: Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, Leeds, 19-20 September 2011.

VELIZ, A., MEDJDOUB, B. and KOCATURK, T., 2011. Visual programming of customizable building components: review of three academic experiences. In: eCAADe 2011: The 29th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 21-24 September 2011.

MAVROVOUNIOTIS, M., 2011. An ant system with direct communication for the capacitated vehicle routing problem. In: The 11th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI), University of Manchester, Manchester, 7-9 September 2011.

JUSTICE, L.V., MORRISON, C.M. and CONWAY, M.A., 2011. The cognitive interview: a useful tool for distinguishing truth from lies? In: British Psychological Association Cognitive Psychology Section Conference, Keele University, Keele, 6-8 September 2011.

LOGUE, C., 2011. An early start. In: The Dublin Region Higher Education Alliance 'Future Voices' Competition, Dublin, Ireland, 7 September 2011.

SONNEX, C., ROE, C.A. and ROXBURGH, E.C., 2011. The effects of pagan healing practices on health and well-being. In: 3rd Exploring the Extraordinary Conference, York, 23-25 September 2011.

MEDJDOUB, B. and KUT, S., 2011. A mobile system for an indoor augmented reality in building services. In: ISEA2011: The 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art, Istanbul, Turkey, 14-21 September 2011.

BROWN, D. and ALDER, A., 2011. A virtual fieldtrip: supporting fieldtrips during lectures. In: 1st Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Trent University, College of Arts and Science, Nottingham, September 2011.

LOGUE, C., 2011. Evaluating an early childhood intervention using experimental and quasi-experimental methods. In: The Irish Society of New Economists (ISNE) 8th Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 18 August 2011.

ROXBURGH, E.C., 2011. An investigation into the prevalence and phenomenology of synchronicity experiences in the clinical setting. In: Parapsychological Association 54th Annual Convention, Curitiba, Brazil, 18-21 August 2011.

HOWARD, C.J. and HUMPHREYS, G.W., 2011. Parietal cortex and temporal precision in vision. In: Experimental Psychology Society Nottingham Meeting, School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 6-8 July 2011.

HOWARTH, R. and FREDERICKS, J., 2011. SME practice: a reflection on supply‐chain environmental management intervention. In: World Corporate Social Responsibility Symposium 2011 (CSR2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12 July 2011.

FEARNALL-WILLIAMS, H., 2011. The rise of "impact" and the future of "research": research at stake. In: 7th International Critical Management Studies Conference (CMS7 2011), University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, 11-13 July 2011.

BULL, R., BROWN, N. and FARUK, F., 2011. Findings from the DUALL project: lessons in engaging building users in energy reduction in a UK university. In: eceee 2011 Summer Study: Energy Efficiency First: the Foundation of a Low-Carbon Society, Belambra Presqu'île de Giens, France, 6-11 June 2011.

GOND, J., ORLITSKY, M., LOUCHE, C. and CHAPPLE, W., 2011. How national business systems shape stakeholder management: institutional replication or institutional substitution? In: Cross-cultural perspectives on corporate social responsibility, International Association for Business and Society, Bath, 23-26 June 2011.

SKOUNTI, M. and BETTS, L., 2011. Prevalence of ADHD subtypes worldwide. In: 3rd International Congress on ADHD: From Childhood to Adult Disease, Berlin, Germany, 18 May 2011.

GOODSON, S. and PEARSON, S., 2011. The boot is mightier than the gun! Virtual football elicits real strong emotional responses but virtual violence gives only despair in death: a dense array EEG comparison of football and violent video games. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Glasgow, May 2011.

BIERMANN, F.M., 2011. A measure to compare matchings in marriage markets. In: 16th Coalition Theory Network Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 3-5 February 2011.

RAMANATHAN, U., 2011. A systematic approach to analyse the information in supply chain collaboration: a conceptual framework. In: Northumbria University Research Conference, May 2011.

NDLOVU, T., 2011. Balancing the credit rating agency regulation pendulum swings: nonexistent vs excessive regulation- behavioural impacts. In: 47th British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference 2011, Aston Business School, Birmingham, 12-14 April 2011.

ROTENBERG, K.J., SAKAI, A., BETTS, L.R. and MAESHIRO, K., 2011. Development of a cross-cultural children’s trust belief scale. In: The Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Conference, Montreal, Canada, 29 March 2011.

NDLOVU, T., 2011. Impact of the 2007 financial crisis & the subsequent European Commission Credit Rating Agency, (CRA) regulations on UK market participants. In: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS) Conference 2011, Edinburgh, March 2011.

O'HARE, L. and HIBBARD, P., 2011. Visual discomfort and blur. In: Scottish Vision Group, Isle of Skye, 25-27 March 2011.

ROTENBERG, K.J., BETTS, L., EISENER, M., RIBEAUD, D., SAKAI, A. and MAESHIRO, K., 2011. A cross-cultural comparison of the components of children's trust. In: Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Conference, Montreal, Canada, 29 March 2011.

HOWARTH, R. and FREDERICKS, J., 2011. Supply chain SME practice. In: IEMA Knowledge Exchange Conference 2011, Kings House Conference Centre, Manchester, 19 January 2011.

WILLIAMS, G., HUMBERSTONE, A., HARRIS, T. and WADE, R., 2011. A 12-week participatory arts programme leads to enhanced well-being and reductions in mental ill-health [poster presentation]. In: WELL-BEING 2011: First International Conference Exploring the Multi-dimensions of Well-being, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, 18-19 July 2011, Birmingham.

HEALEY, N., 2011. The 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes and organisational learning at the University of Canterbury: does practice make perfect? In: Australia and New Zealand Academic of Management (ANZAM) 25th Annual Conference, University of Canterbury, Canterbury, New Zealand, December 2011, Canterbury, New Zealand.

HEALEY, N., 2011. The 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes: managing international students in a time of crisis. In: QS Asia-Pacific Professional Leaders in Education (QS-APPLE) 7th Annual Conference, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines, November 2011, Manilla, Philippines.

MAHMOUD, S., LOTFI, A. and LANGENSIEPEN, C., 2011. Abnormal behaviours identification for an elder's life activities using dissimilarity measurements. In: PETRA '11: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, Crete, Greece.

HEALEY, N., 2011. The “Academic Workforce Planning” project from New Zealand. In: Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Institutional Members’ Meeting, Deakin University, Melbourne, June 2011, Melbourne.

HENN, M., 2011. Achieving excellence in doctoral programmes: an overview of changes and other challenges in the organisation of UK PhD's over 20 years. In: Structuring Doctoral Education in Europe: Appraisal and Good Practices, Tetouan, 30 May 2011, Tetouan.

BOULTON, H., 2011. Action research: a methodology. In: NTU Pedagogy Research Methodologies Symposium, 31 March 2011, Nottingham.

BARTON, H., 2011. Adapting to the future: the application of new approaches to business process improvement: initial findings from a study of five UK police forces. In: European Operations Management Association Conference (EURoMA), July, 2011.

EMMITT, S., PASQUIRE, C. and MERTIA, B., 2011. Addressing the architect/contractor interface: a lean design management perspective. In: Proceedings of CIB-W096 Architectural Management Conference.

GOODRUM, A., 2011. Adroit with simplicity: the culture of female riding dress in interwar America. In: History of Women in the Americas Conference, Brunel University, London, 6 July 2011, London.

GODEMANN, J., HERZIG, C. and MOON, J., 2011. Advancing management education for sustainability: an empirical study of PRME signatories. In: 4th UNESCO Conference on Higher Education for Sustainable Development, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany, 14-16 September 2011.

LOVE, K., 2011. Alterritories: or how to keep a grip on the future. In: Alternative Futures Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 16 February 2011, Nottingham.

MALEKZADEH, M., BOUCHLAGHEM, D., WHEELER, A. and GILL, Z.M., 2011. Application and management of environmental technologies in UK schools: a case study. In: SET2011 - 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies; Istanbul, 4-7 September 2011, Istanbul.

HUANG, H.-D., ACAMPORA, G., LOIA, V., LEE, C.-S. and KAO, H.-Y., 2011. Applying FML and fuzzy ontologies to malware behavioural analysis. In: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, 27-30 June 2011.

CAVEN, V. and DIOP, M., 2011. Architecture: a ‘rewarding’ career? In: Working in the Creative Industries Workshop, University of Durham, Durham, February 2011, Durham.

BARTON, H., YAZDANI, B. and TIVEY, C., 2011. Assessing the impact of lean implementation within a UK university business school: a case study in action. In: European Operations Management Association Conference (EURoMA), July, 2011.

WILLIAMS, G., HUMBERSTONE, A., HARRIS, T. and WADE, R., 2011. Assessment of a participatory arts programme on the health, well-being, and quality of life for people with chronic health conditions. In: Community Psychology, Critical Issues: 8th ECCP European Congress of Community Psychology, York St John University, York, 15-16 September 2011, York.

PHILP, B. and NEGRU, I., 2011. At what point do intra-school differences become inter-school differences? Marxian economics as a case in point. In: Society for Heterodox Economists, Sydney, December 2011, Sydney.

WILKINSON, S. and SHELBOURN, M., 2011. An Australian/UK comparison of contemporary teaching and learning technologies. In: Australasian University Building Educators Association, Gold Coast, Australia, 28-29 April 2011, Gold Coast, Australia.

WILLIAMS, T., BOUCHLAGHEM, D. and LOVEDAY, D., 2011. Barriers to the adoption of renewable energy technologies by the UK construction industry: a UK design consultancy case study. In: Third International Conference on Applied Energy, Perugia, Italy, 16-18 May 2011, Perugia.

ODDEY, A., 2011. Beyond the gallery: the human foot as masterpiece of engineering, a work of art and window on our health. In: International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society, University of Berkley, California, USA, 20-22 January 2011.

ACKRILL, R. and KAY, A., 2011. Biofuels sustainability and WTO rules - learning how to avoid disputes. In: International Forum 'Towards Global Agreements on Environmental Protection and Sustainability: Frontiers of Future Economic Research', Business School, University of Exeter, 13-15 April 2011, Exeter.

O'HARE, P., BURKE, G.A., BYRNE, G., DOWLING, D., HUNT, J.A. and MEENAN, B.J., 2011. Biological evaluation of a novel room-temperature ha coating process for enhanced osseointegration of orthopaedic implants. In: 24th European Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference 2011 (ESB 2011), Dublin, Ireland, 5-8 September 2011.

BOULTON, H. and HRAMIAK, A., 2011. Blogging for beginners: using blogs to develop communities of practice with post-graduate students. In: Nottingham Trent University Communities Conference, Nottingham, 23-24 June 2011, Nottingham.

TANNER, G. and CHAPPELL, D.J., 2011. Boundary element dynamical energy analysis: a versatile high frequency method for two or three-dimensional problems. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 18).

ESTES, Z., GUEST, D., GIBBERT, M. and MAZURSKY, D., 2011. Brand suicide? Memory and liking of negative brand names [poster presentation]. In: 2011 Conference of the Association for Consumer Research.

COOPER, S.B., BANDELOW, S., NUTE, M.L., MORRIS, J.G. and NEVILL, M.E., 2011. Breakfast glycaemic index and exercise: the effects on adolescents' cognitive function across the school morning. In: ACSM Conference on Physical Activity, Cognitive Function and Academic Achievement: Moving Students to Better Performance, Washington DC, USA, 17-18 November, 2011, Washington DC.

SMITH, D.J., EHRET, M. and MCDONALD-JUNOR, D., 2011. Business models and biotech: a case study from the East Midlands region of the UK. In: Sustainable Futures: Enterprising Landscapes and Communities, 34th ISBE Annual Conference, The Octagon, Sheffield, 9-10 November 2011.

PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2011. Capitalism’s crisis of containment: perspectives from Deleuze and Guattari. In: Deleuze Studies Conference, Copenhagen, June 2011.

HEALEY, N., 2011. Career development workshop for early career researchers: surviving your first five years. In: Australia and New Zealand Academic of Management (ANZAM) 25th Annual Conference, University of Canterbury, Canterbury, New Zealand, December 2011, Canterbury, New Zealand.

HRAMIAK, A. and BOULTON, H., 2011. Cascading web 2.0 technologies in schools: does it really flow? In: The Computer Assisted Learning Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, 13-15 April 2011, Manchester.

IZARD, R.M., GREEVES, J.P., NEGUS, C.H., SALE, C. and FRASER, W.D., 2011. Changes in tibial density and geometry in infantry trainees following initial military training. In: American Society of Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, September 2011, San Diego, USA.

ODDEY, A., 2011. Changing cinematic spaces. In: Avanca Film Festival and Conference, Portugal, 2011.

NICHOLSON, A., 2011. Child slavery: perceptions of the child and effective human rights protection. In: The Institute for the Study of Slavery Visiting Speaker Series, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 3 March 2011, Nottingham.

COOPER, T., 2011. Christians in environmental discourse: leaders or followers? In: The Gospel's Green Light, West Yorkshire School of Christian Studies Conference, Leeds, 26 March 2011, Leeds.

WILSON, A. and COSTELLO, A., 2011. Chronic victims of crime and 'disorder': making sense of the complex world of multiple repeat calls to the police. In: British Society Criminology Annual Conference, Economies and Insecurities of Crime and Justice, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 3-6 July 2011, Newcastle upon Tyne.

HARDY, C. and BRYSON, C., 2011. The Class of 2012: engaged students or consumers? In: Inaugural RAISE Conference: Engaging Students in Challenging Times, Nottingham Conference Centre, Nottingham, 15-16 September 2011.

TOWNSEND, K., 2011. Closely held secrets: transgressing the surface. In: TRIP (Textiles Research in Progress): an international symposium exploring the role and relevance of traditional ‘hand skills’ in contemporary textiles, and the value and status of craft process, School of the Arts, Loughborough University, 16-17 November, Loughborough.

BYROM, T. and HINDLEY, D., 2011. Coming out of the closet: engaging students with feedback. In: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Learning and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 30 March 2011.

HOPEGOOD, L., COLLINS, S.N. and REILLY, J.D., 2011. Comparison of the zonal moisture content of the Stratum medium of donkey hoof horn to the zonal moisture content of the Stratum medium of horse hoof horn. In: Animal Science Conference 2011, Nottingham.

BARTON, H. and BARTON, L., 2011. Competitive advantage through entrepreneurial marketing: a case study of a small independent winery of the Côtes du Rhône, France. In: European Academy of Management (EURAM), June, 2011.

GOND, J.-P., GRUBNIC, S., HERZIG, C. and MOON, J., 2011. Configuring management control systems: theorising strategic orientation toward sustainability. In: Management Accounting Research Group Conference, Aston Business School, Birmingham, 17-18 November 2011, Birmingham.

BIRON, C. and KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., 2011. Considering context and process in organisational interventions for work-related health [symposium]. In: APA/NIOSH Conference: Work, Stress, and Health 2011: Work and Well-Being in an Economic Context, Orlando, Florida, 19-22 May 2011, Orlando, Florida.

MURPHY, P. and JONES, M., 2011. Corporate recovery and strategic turnaround in local government - a comparison with strategic turnaround in the private sector. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Birmingham, 14 September 2011, Birmingham.

MURPHY, P. and JONES, M., 2011. Corporate recovery and strategic turnaround in public and private organisations. In: Alternative Futures Conference, Chaucer Building, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 16 February 2011, Nottingham.

BARTON, L., PAINBENI, S. and BARTON, H., 2011. Crafting growth niches in mature industries through entrepreneurial marketing: a case study of a small independent winery of the Côtes du Rhône, France. In: 9th Rural Entrepreneurship Conference, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK, 2011, Nottingham.

ACKRILL, R., 2011. Creating and sustaining biofuels markets: a comparative analysis of policy in the EU, US, and Brazil. In: Seminar to staff at the Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence, Florida International University, Miami, 16 September 2011, Miami.

ACKRILL, R., 2011. Creating and sustaining biofuels markets: an analysis of EU policy capacity. In: Internal Staff Seminar, European Commission (hosted by DG-ENERGY), Brussels, 12 December 2011, Brussels.

KING, D., 2011. Creating change and transforming organizations: the case of a critical management consultant. In: Critical Management Studies, Naples, Italy, July 2011, Naples, Italy.

MURPHY, P. and GREENHALGH, K., 2011. Creating the new national framework for fire and rescue services. In: The Public Administration Committee (PAC) Annual Conference, International Conference Centre, Birmingham, 5-6 September 2011, Birmingham.

DUNN, A.K., 2011. The David Beckham effect [invited talk]. In: Lincoln University, Lincoln.

GLAZZARD, M. and BREEDON, P., 2011. Designing a knit methodology for knitted textiles. In: 1st International Conference on Smart Design, Nottingham Trent University, 22 -24 November 2011, Nottingham.

HOPEGOOD, L., COLLINS, S.N. and REILLY, J.D., 2011. Determination of the sorption and desorption isotherms of donkey hoof horn. In: Animal Science Conference 2011, Nottingham.

WHEELER, A., BOUCHLAGHEM, D. and MALEKZADEH, M., 2011. Developing a child-friendly post-occupancy assessment methodology for sustainable schools. In: Third International Conference on Applied Energy, Perugia, Italy, 16-18 May 2011, Perugia.

BOULTON, H., MCNEIL, J. and EYITAYO, R., 2011. Developing a framework for digital literacies using a model of apprenticeship. In: Association for Learning Technology Conference, Leeds University, 6-8 September 2011, Leeds.

BARTON, H. and WANKABE, P., 2011. Developing a performance measurement model for the UK Police Service in an era of financial constraint. In: Public Administration Conference (PAC), University of Birmingham, 5-6 September, 2011, Birmingham.

PHILP, B., 2011. Developing a strategic response to the hegemony of mainstream economics. In: IIPPE Conference, Istanbul, May 2011, Istanbul.

MORREY, N., PASQUIRE, C.L. and DAINTY, A.R.J., 2011. Developing a strategy to enact lean. In: 19th Annual Conference, International Group for Lean Construction, Lima, Peru, July 2011, Lima.

HARRIS, L., TUCKMAN, A., WATLING, D. and DOWNES, B., 2011. Developing and sustaining employee engagement for organisational performance: evidence for the Innovative Workplace project. In: ESRC Workplace Employee Engagement Strategies and Leadership Interventions: Do They Make a Difference?, Cardiff University, 24 October 2011, Cardiff.

BOULTON, H., 2011. Developing reflective practice for new academics using an ePortfolio. In: SEDA Spring Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference, Holyrood Hotel, Edinburgh, 5-6 May 2011, Edinburgh.

DAVIES, S. and HARDY, A., 2011. Developing the use of blended learning and e-moderation to support students' transition into higher education learning. In: SRHE (Society for Research into Higher Education) Newer Researchers' Conference: New Communities, Spaces and Places: Inspiring Futures for Higher Education, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, South Wales, 6-7 December 2011, Newport, South Wales.

THOMPSON, C. and COOKE, S., 2011. Development of a DBT informed emotion regulation group. One year on. In: International Conference on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, St Andrews Hospital, Northampton, 2011, Northampton.

MORRIS, R.H., 2011. Development of magnetic nanoparticle strategies for use in tagging & imaging stem cell therapies for orthopaedics [poster presentation]. In: UK-Israel Regenerative Medicine Conference, Israel, 2011, Israel.

GOUGH, M., 2011. Different kinds of love: faith and sexual orientation in social work education. In: Beyond Belief Religion and Belief in Professional Practice, Bradford.

MINSHULL, C., WILLIAMSON, D. and GLEESON, N.P., 2011. Differential effects of joint angle and fatigue on volitional and magnetically-evoked neuromuscular performance. In: The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK 2010), Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre, Aalborg, Denmark, 16-19 June 2010, Aalborg.

SIOZIOS, A., ZOUBOS, H., KOUTSOGEORGIS, D.C., LIDORIKIS, E. and PATSALAS, P., 2011. Diffusion and kinetic processes controlling the plasmonic behaviour of nanocomposite multifunctional thin films. In: 8th International Conference on NanoSciences & NanoTechnologies (NN11), Vellidis Congress Centre, Thessaloniki, Greece, 12-15 July 2011.

ABDO, H. and AGUIAR, M., 2011. Discursive resources: top managers' identities and the long-term survival of their organizations. In: 11th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations, Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, 15-17 June 2011, Madrid.

LOVE, K., 2011. Dispositions: ecologies of philosophy. In: Ecotone Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 27-28 June 2011, Nottingham.

LARKIN, R.F., 2011. Do children use morphological spelling strategies? In: Dutch-British Symposium on Morpho-Phonology, Amsterdam, 2011, Amsterdam.

HARRADINE, D. and PROWLE, M., 2011. Doctors and the budgetary process. In: ACIPFAL, Birmingham, 2011, Birmingham.

ABDELHADI, A., WHYSALL, P. and FOSTER, C., 2011. Does software piracy always represent consumer misbehaviour? In: 16th Conference of the European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution, University of Palma, Palma de Mallorca, Spain,, June 2011.

CHAPPELL, D.J., TANNER, G., MAKSIMOV, D.N., SONDERGAARD, N., RENNO, J. and MACE, B., 2011. Dynamical energy analysis for built-up structures and interface problems. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Computational Modelling and Analysis of Vehicle Body Noise and Vibration.

BUGLEAR, J., 2011. E-Traffic news: what can we learn about the first year student journey from patterns of electronic engagement? In: 6th European Conference on the First Year Experience. University of Manchester, 19-20 June 2011, Manchester.

TSILIGIRIS, V., 2011. EDUQUAL: measuring cultural influences on students’ expectations and perceptions in cross-border higher education. In: 4th Annual UK and Ireland Higher Education Institutional Research (HEIR) Conference, Kingston University, London, 16-17 June 2011, London.

EVETT, L., BROWN, D., COLVEN, D., LYSLEY, A. and ANDRICH, R., 2011. ETNA: European Thematic Network on Assistive Information Technologies. In: Accessibility Reaching Everywhere Conference Proceedings: 2nd International AEGIS Conference and Final Workshop, Brussels.

CASAMAYOR, J.L. and SU, D., 2011. Eco-design of lighting products: a study about integration of detailed/screening LCA software-based tools into design processes. In: Ecodesign 2011: 7th Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Kyoto, Japan, 30 November - 2 December 2011.

OXBORROW, L. and BRINDLEY, C., 2011. Eco-innovation in SMEs - drivers of a holistic process of change. In: 18th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Hull, 24-26 June 2011, Hull.

JACHNA, T., LAM, Y.Y. and TZVETANOVA YUNG, S., 2011. Education into industry: collaboration, transition, mutation. In: DesignEd Asia Conference, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, 29-30 November 2011, Hong Kong.

CRISP, A.R., ARTHUR, L. and HARDY, C., 2011. Education: innovation? In: 13th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (EPDE2011), City University London, London, 8-9 September 2011.

SALE, C., GREEVES, J.P., JONES, T., VARLEY, I., HOBSON, R.M., DUTTON, J. and FRASER, W.D., 2011. Effect of carbohydrate feeding on the bone metabolic response to exhaustive running. In: American Society of Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, September 2011, San Diego, USA.

SAUNDERS, B., SALE, C., HARRIS, R.C. and SUNDERLAND, C., 2011. Effect of sodium bicarbonate supplementation on cycling capacity at 110% of maximum power output. In: 58th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, USA, May 2011, Denver, USA.

GREEVES, J.P., COSTA, R.S.J., WALSH, N.P., SALE, C., HOBSON, R.M., DUTTON, J. and FRASER, W.D., 2011. Effect of timing of post-exercise carbohydrate and protein ingestion on markers of bone turnover. In: American Society of Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, September 2011.

SAUNDERS, B., SALE, C., HARRIS, R.C. and SUNDERLAND, C., 2011. Effect of ß-alanine supplementation on repeated sprint performance during the Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test. In: International Congress on Carnosine in Exercise and Disease, Ghent, Belgium, July 2011, Ghent, Belgium.

PU, F., RHODES, N.P., VAN VEEN, T. and HUNT, J.A., 2011. Efficiency of ex vivo expansion of mononuclear cells and cell fractions derived from human umbilical cord blood and bone marrow. In: 24th European Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference 2011 (ESB 2011), Dublin, Ireland, 5-8 September 2011.

STACK, M.M. and RAVISHANKAR, G., 2011. Efficiency of foreign direct investment: a stochastic frontier analysis of potential direct investment. In: Economic Society of South Africa, Stellenbosch, South Africa, September 2011, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

SCHIPANI, D., ELIA, M. and ROSENTHAL, J., 2011. Efficient evaluation of polynomials over finite fields. In: Proceedings Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW).

LOVE, K., 2011. Eidos and unobjects. In: Society for European Philosophy Annual Conference, York, 1-3 September 2011, York.

DIAS, T., 2011. Electronically active yarns. In: Smart Fabrics 2011 Proceedings, London.

HARRIS, L., FOSTER, C. and SEMPIK, A., 2011. Employers' policies for third age employment – the case for action and the rational for reaction. In: CIPD Centres' Conference 2011, Keele University, Keele, 22-24 June 2011.

OXBORROW, L. and BRINDLEY, C., 2011. Enabling the SME is sustainable procurement: a case study. In: ISBE (Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship) Annual Conference, Sheffield, November 2011, Sheffield.

FERRIS, G. and HUXLEY-BINNS, R., 2011. Encouraging student competence in legal education: use of the global commons. In: NTU Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Trent University, April 2011, Nottingham.

PEART, S., 2011. Engaging reluctant learners - reflection on what works. In: INTED, 2011, International Association for Technology Education and Development, Valencia, 2011, Valencia.

GARRATT, D. and HEASELL, S., 2011. Enhancing the use of international data by students of economics. In: Developments in Economics Education (DEE) Conference, Higher Education Academy: Economics Network, London School of Economics, September 2011, London.

SALE, C., 2011. Ergogenic potential of ß-alanine supplementation. In: International Congress on Carnosine in Exercise and Disease, Ghent, Belgium, July 2011, Ghent, Belgium.

MCCAFFREY, E., 2011. Ethics and crisis. In: Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle Conference, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, 3-5 March 2011, Cork.

SURTEES, J., KNIGHT, L. and SHIPTON, H., 2011. Evaluating interorganizational innovation teams in the health-care technology sector. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference 2011, Birmingham, 13-15 September 2011, Birmingham.

DUNN, A.K. and CHAMBERS, L., 2011. Evaluating own health status shifts female body shape preferences in men and women [oral presentation]. In: 28th BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, Keele University, Keele, 6-8 September 2011.

HENHAM, R., 2011. Evaluating the contribution of sentencing to social justice: some conceptual problems. In: International Conference, Transitional Justice and Restorative Justice: Potential, Pitfalls and Future, Durham Law School, St John’s College, University of Durham, September 2011, Durham.

BROWN, D.J., EVETT, L., RIDLEY, A., SHOPLAND, N., MERRITT, P., HARRISON, M. and VAN ISACKER, K., 2011. Evaluation of Haptic RIA Maps and other navigational support systems for people who are blind. In: Accessibility Reaching Everywhere Conference Proceedings: 2nd International AEGIS Conference and Final Workshop, Brussels.

BRYAN, N., ASHWIN, H., BAYON, Y. and HUNT, J.A., 2011. Evaluation of the inflammatory response characteristics, magnitude and kinetics for implantable synthetic and tissue-based biologic biomaterials in a subcutaneous tissue in vivo model. In: 24th European Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference 2011 (ESB 2011), Dublin, Ireland, 5-8 September 2011.

COOPER, S.B., BANDELOW, S., NUTE, M.L., MORRIS, J.G., BOWMER, J. and NEVILL, M.E., 2011. Exercise and cognitive function in adolescent school children. In: ECSS Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK, 6-9 July, 2011, Liverpool.

ACAMPORA, G., LOIA, V. and VITIELLO, A., 2011. Exploiting timed automata based fuzzy controllers for voltage regulation in smart grids. In: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, 27-30 June 2011.

HRAMIAK, A. and BOULTON, H., 2011. Exploring perceptions and uses of feedback for post graduates: a collaborative investigation into how trainee teachers manage the transition from under to post graduate in their use of feedback to improve their academic work. In: Sheffield Hallam University Research Conference, Sheffield, 20 June 2011, Sheffield.

BOULTON, H. and HRAMIAK, A., 2011. Exploring student and tutor perceptions of feedback in Post Graduate study. In: Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference, Newport, 7-9 December 2011, Newport.

RAIDÉN, A.B. and CAVEN, V., 2011. Exploring the limitations of traditional approaches to work-life balance for supporting professional and managerial staff. In: 6th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation, Copenhagen, Denmark, 13-15 April 2011, Copenhagen.

FOSTER, C., PUNJAISRI, K. and CHENG, R., 2011. Exploring the relationship between corporate, internal and employer branding - an empirical study. In: 7th Global Brand Conference of the Academy of Marketing SIG, University of Oxford, Oxford, April 2011.

SIWALE, J. and RITCHIE, J., 2011. Failure by design: the rise and fall of a microfinance institution in Zambia – a case of pride Zambia. In: Second European Research Conference on Microfinance, Groningen University, Groningen, Netherlands, 16-18 June 2011.

LO, S.-Y., HOLCOMBE, A.O. and HOWARD, C.J., 2011. Feature based attentional interference revealed in errors and lags. In: Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 2011.

DEPAUW, S., BOSCH, G., BECKER, A., HESTA, M., WHITEHOUSE-TEDD, K., HENDRIKS, W.H. and JANSSENS, G.P.J., 2011. Fermentation characteristics of various animal tissues by cheetah faecal inoculums. In: European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition Annual Congress, Zaragova, Spain.

MURPHY, P., GREENHALGH, K. and PARKIN, C., 2011. The Fire Cover Review in Nottinghamshire [working paper 2 - interim findings of stage 3]. In: Annual Conference on Fire-Related Research and Developments 2011 (RE11), National Fire Services College, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, 17 November 2011.

MURPHY, P. and GREENHALGH, K., 2011. Fire and rescue reconfiguration in an era of austerity: Nottinghamshire Fire Cover Review [working paper 1]. In: Public Service - Smaller Goverment, The Public Administration Committee (PAC) Annual Conference, International Conference Centre, Birmingham, 5-6 September 2011, Birmingham.

MURPHY, P. and GREENHALGH, K., 2011. Fire and rescue service reconfiguration in an era of austerity: a case study of the Fire Cover Review at NFRS. In: The Public Administration Committee (PAC) Annual Conference, International Conference Centre, Birmingham, 6 September 2011, Birmingham.

KUSS, D.J., 2011. For the horde! Qualitative online research on social interaction in MMORPGs. In: Multi.player – International Conference on the Social Aspects of Digital Gaming, Stuttgart, Germany, July 2011, Stuttgart.

AL-SHAMI, A., LOTFI, A., LAI, E. and COLEMAN, S., 2011. Forecasting macro-knowledge competitiveness; integrating panel data analysis and computational intelligence. In: Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF 2011), Prague, Czech Republic, 26-29 June 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

EMHAMAD, H., ARTHUR, L., SU, J.D. and ANGELO, B., 2011. Fostering innovation in product design through business incubators in the Arab world. In: The 6th European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, 15-16 September 2011.

EL-ANIS, I. and SMITH, R., 2011. Freshwater security, conflict and cooperation: the case of the Red Sea-Dead Sea Conduit Project. In: Communities Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 23-24 June 2011, Nottingham.

HARRISON, O., 2011. From 'self-valorization' to 'dignity': reflections on the theory of revolutionary subjectivity in Antonio Negri and John Holloway. In: Manchester Workshops in Political Theory, The University of Manchester, 31 August 2011, Manchester.

ACAMPORA, G. and LOIA, V., 2011. Fuzzy markup language: a new solution for transparent intelligent agents. In: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agent, Paris, France, 11-15 April 2011.

LÁNYI, C.S., BROWN, D.J., STANDEN, P., LEWIS, J., BUTKUTE, V. and DROZDIK, D., 2011. GOET European project of serious games for students with intellectual disability. In: 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 2011.

TINNEY, J., HARDY, A. and BOYD, P., 2011. 'Gamification' - encouraging and rewarding student engagement. In: SRHE (Society for Research into Higher Education) Newer Researchers' Conference: New Communities, Spaces and Places: Inspiring Futures for Higher Education, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, South Wales, 6-7 December 2011, Newport, South Wales.

LU, C., HODGMAN, C.H. and WU, P., 2011. Gene Regulatory Networks to investigate nitrogen use efficiency in crops. In: International Workshop on Molecular Breeding of Ultra Sustainable Crops, Hangzhou, China, 27-29 May 2011.

COOPER, T., 2011. Getting the focus right: waste prevention through product longevity. In: Absolute Zero Waste: Putting Waste Prevention into Practice, CIWM 2011 Annual Conference, London, 14-15 June 2011, London.

DAVIES, S. and HARDY, A., 2011. Getting to know you: design and technology education students' transition into higher education learning. In: NTU Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2011: Learning and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, 30 March 2011, Nottingham.

DAVIES, S. and HARDY, A., 2011. Getting to know you: design and technology education students' transition into higher education learning. In: PATT 25 & CRIPT 8: Perspectives on Learning in Design Technology Education, Goldsmiths, University of London, 1-5 July 2011, London.

KIRK, S.J., 2011. Global mobility choices: the role of human resource management. In: EURAM Conference, June 2011.

ARTHUR, L. and CRISP, A., 2011. Going for a walk whilst sitting down. In: 13th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (EPDE2011), City University London, London, 8-9 September 2011.

ACKRILL, R. and KAY, A., 2011. Governing the transition to a biofuels economy in the US and EU: accommodating value conflicts, implementing uncertainty. In: Agricultural Economics Society Annual Conference, University of Warwick, 18-20 April 2011, Warwick.

ROYSTON, P. and POON, J., 2011. Graduate attribute requirements for real estate consultancies: perspectives from human resource managers. In: European Real Estate Society (ERES) Conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 2011, Eindhoven.

COOPER, T., 2011. Green economics. In: The Approaching Perfect Storm: Churches Together in Cumbria Environment Group Conference, Carlisle Cathedral, 11 June 2011, Carlisle.

ZHANG, X., CHEYNE, A. and LOAN-CLARKE, J., 2011. Guanxi’s influence on academics’ working relationships. In: Proceedings of the 37th European International Business Academy Annual Conference, Bucharest, Romania, December 2011, Bucharest, Romania.

PAINTER-MORLAND, M. and DESLANDES, G., 2011. HRM as human relationship mediation: the possibility of ethics as the practice of freedom within performance management. In: Ethics and HRM Workshop, hosted by EABIS and Monash University, Johannesburg, April 2011.

SHAHTAHMASSEBI, G., 2011. High frequency financial data analysis via particle filters. In: RSC 2011, Cambridge, Cambridge.

WHYSALL, Z. and WALSH, K., 2011. High performing teams [invited symposium presentation convened at the Annual Meeting of the European Congress of Sport Psychology]. In: European Congress of Sport Psychology, Madeira, Portugal, 2011, Madeira, Portugal.

BARTON, H., 2011. Hitting the crossroads: implications for the future of diversity management within the UK Police Service in an era of financial restraint? In: VIII International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Seville, Spain, May, 2011, Seville, Spain.

MURPHY, P., GREENHALGH, K. and JONES, M., 2011. Housing and Council Tax benefits administration in England: a long-term perspective on the performance of the Local Government delivery system. In: ACIPFAL (Association of CIPFA Lecturers) Annual Conference, Birmingham, June 2011, Birmingham.

SOOD, K. and MISTRY, M., 2011. How leaders in schools are pushing the boundaries for innovative personal professional development. In: 7th International Symposium for Educational Reform (ISER), at The National Training Center for Secondary School Principals (NTCSSP) at East China Normal University, Shanghai to host the International Symposium on Educational Reform (ISER 2011), 11-17 June, Shanghai.

EVETT, L., ALLEN, T., AKHLAGHINIA, M.J. and SHOPLAND, N., 2011. I need assistance: smart phones as assistive devices. In: 4th Interactive Technologies and Games: Education, Health and Disability (ITAG-EHD) Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 25-26 October 2011, Nottingham.

HOPEGOOD, L., COLLINS, S.N. and REILLY, J.D., 2011. Identification of the influence of moisture content on the mechanical properties across the Stratum medium of donkey hoof horn. In: Animal Science Conference 2011, Nottingham.

SCHMITT, L., KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and SCHONFELD, I., 2011. Identifying publication outlets in occupational health psychology: an opinion survey [poster presentation]. In: APA/NIOSH Conference: Work, Stress, and Health 2011: Work and Well-Being in an Economic Context, Orlando, Florida, 19-22 May 2011, Orlando, Florida.

WILSON, A. and COSTELLO, A., 2011. Identifying vulnerability: why locating chronic victims of crime means finding weakness. In: Crime and the City: One Day Symposium, University of Sheffield, 4 February 2011, Sheffield.

ACKRILL, R., 2011. Implementing the sustainability criteria in EU biofuels policy: regulating international biofuels feedstock production and supply chains. In: 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition: From Research to Industry and Markets, Berlin ICC, 6-10 June 2011, Berlin.

ACKRILL, R. and KAY, A., 2011. Implementing the sustainability criteria in EU biofuels policy: regulating the production of sugarcane in Brazil. In: Workshop 'Implementing EU External Policy in Non-Member States', University of Bath, 6-7 May 2011, Bath.

ACAMPORA, G., AVELLA, P., LOIA, V., SALERNO, S. and VITIELLO, A., 2011. Improving ontology alignment through memetic algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, 27-30 June 2011.

BARTON, H. and VALERO-SILVA, N., 2011. Improving police performance through a partnership approach: a case study in crime prevention. In: British Academy of Management Conference (BAM), September, 2011.

HALL, N.A. and VELEZ-COLBY, F., 2011. Inclusive education: enhancing the student experience through simple learning technologies. In: Education in a Changing Environment: 6th International Conference, 2011.

COLEMAN, S., ALAGIDEDE, P. and CUESTAS, J.C., 2011. Inflationary shocks and common economic trends: Implications for West African monetary union membership. In: EEA Conference, New York, February 2011, New York.

COLEMAN, S., ALAGIDEDE, P. and CUESTAS, J.C., 2011. Inflationary shocks and common economic trends: Implications for West African monetary union membership. In: CSAE Annual Conference, 2011, Oxford University, March 2011, Oxford.

DENONCOURT, J., 2011. Innovations in teaching trade mark attorneys. In: 5th Annual European Intellectual Property Teachers Network (EIPTN) Conference, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-28 June 2011., Prague.

BOULTON, H., 2011. Innovative pedagogy and technology. In: Guardian Innovation in Education Conference, London, 17 November 2011, London.

GOND, J.-P., GRUBNIC, S., HERZIG, C. and MOON, J., 2011. Integrating sustainability into strategy: on the role and use of management control systems. In: Annual Conference of the German Academic Association for Business Research, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, 16-18 June 2011, Kaiserslautern, Germany.

HEALEY, N., 2011. International accreditation beyond AACSB. In: Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Institutional Members’ Meeting, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, December 2011, Wellington, New Zealand.

HEALEY, N., 2011. International partnerships in global higher education: inevitable trend or passing fashion? In: QS Asia-Pacific Professional Leaders in Education (QS-APPLE) 7th Annual Conference, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines, November 2011, Manilla, Philippines.

ABDO, H., WANG, J. and GOUVEIA, R., 2011. Investigating the development of Business Angel Networks in Portugal: a comparative study. In: Eurasia Business and Economics (EBES) Conference, Istanbul, 1-3 June 2011, Istanbul.

TURNER, M.D., 2011. [Invited speaker]. In: Advances in Inflammation and Translational Medicine, London, 2011, London.

WILLIAMS, M.D., RANA, N.P., DWIVEDI, Y.K. and LAL, B., 2011. Is UTAUT really used or just cited for the sake of it? A systematic review of citations of UTAUT's originating article. In: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems, Helsinki.

BUGLEAR, J., 2011. Is the Facebook generation turning its back on e-learning? What can we learn about the student journey from electronic engagement data? In: RAISE (Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement) Conference on Engaging Students in Challenging Times. Nottingham, 15-16 September 2011, Nottingham.

CHAN, C.K. and NGOK, K.L., 2011. Is workfare a wise approach for China? In: The 7th Social Policy International Forum and Seminar Series on Social Policy and Social Administration in China, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, 26-28 August 2011, Guangzhou.

PURSSORD, L., 2011. Just add furniture: transforming space to place. In: Space and Place 2 (international conference), Prague, 6-8 November 2011, Prague.

ECCLES, T., 2011. Just how smart is "smart regulation": evolving architectures in the governance of regulation? In: COBRA 2011, Salford, Salford.

PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2011. Leaking organizations: perspectives from Deleuze and Guattari. In: European Business Ethics Network Conference, Antwerp, September 2011.

O'CONNOR, P., 2011. Learning habits and teaching techniques: developing a handbook of practices. In: Foundations for the Future Conference, HEA-PRS, University of Greenwich, London, 13-14 July 2011.

HENHAM, R., 2011. Legitimacy and the role of international trial justice during transition: towards a more constructive engagement. In: Research seminar, Cambridge Transitional Justice Research Network, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, February 2011, Cambridge.

JONES, G., 2011. Long-term phonological knowledge explains accuracy & error patterns in children’s nonword repetition. In: British Psychological Society: Developmental Section Annual Conference, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 7-9 September 2011, Newcastle upon Tyne.

COOPER, T., 2011. Longer lasting products: a response to our throwaway society. In: 2degrees Webinar, 21 September 2011.

FLINT, K.J., 2011. Making history: a critical examination of assessment in professional doctorates. In: Challenging Assessment in Professional Doctorates, The Barn, Hendon Campus, Middlesex University, Hendon, 21 November 2011.

BLAGDEN, N., 2011. Making sense of denial in sexual offenders and its role in sexual offender treatment programmes [invited presentation]. In: National Offender Management Service steering committee [meeting], 2011.

BARTON, H. and YAZDANI, B., 2011. Managing 'lean': lean implementation within a UK business school. In: European Directors of Research Symposium, Reims Management School, France, 7-8 October, 2011, Reims, France.

WAHIDIN, A., 2011. Managing ageing offenders. In: Australian Correctional Leadership Program, Bush Farm Correctional Services Academy, Sydney, 9-11 October 2011, Sydney.

TSILIGIRIS, V., 2011. Managing quality in a globalised higher education: student expectations and perceptions. In: RESCON 11, Research Conference, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, 2011, Birmingham.

DE LEEUW, S., WIERS, V., COUWENBERG, C. and SMITS, M., 2011. Manpower planning strategies in times of financial crisis: evidence from logistics service providers and retailers in the Netherlands. In: Proceedings of the EurOMA 2011 Conference, Cambridge.

RESNICK, S. and CHENG, R., 2011. Marketing in SMEs: a proposed '4ps' model. In: Academy of Marketing Conference, University of Liverpool Management School, Liverpool, 5-7 July 2011, Liverpool.

ROWLETT, P., 2011. Mathematics lecturers' views of the advantages and disadvantages of electronic and traditional assessment. In: Proceedings of the Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham.

HUXLEY-BINNS, R., 2011. Mooting. In: National Law Students Forum 2011, Birmingham, June 22-23 2011, Birmingham.

BREEDON, P., 2011. Multidisciplinary design: in vivo implants and smart materials. In: Second Annual Art & Design and Built Environment Research Conference, Nottingham, 7 July 2011, Nottingham.

BILLING, J., CORDINGLEY, T. and ELLIOT, A., 2011. Museums of the mind: suitably sensory project. In: The Second Annual Art & Design and Built Environment Research Conference and Festival, Nottingham, 7 July 2011, Nottingham.

USMAN, M., RAHMAN, M. and AL-GHALIB, A., 2011. NDT based evaluation of rubber-modified self-compacting concrete. In: 4th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Dresden, 26-28 September 2011, Dresden.

GUEST, D., ESTES, Z. and GIBBERT, M., 2011. Negative brand names: the effect of using brand names with negative valence on memory and liking. In: 40th Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC2011), Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-27 May 2011, Ljubljana.

PHILP, B., HARVIE, D. and SLATER, G., 2011. New Labour and work-time regulation: a quantitative analysis of capitalism in the UK, 1992-2009. In: CofFEE 13th Path to Full Employment Conference, Newcastle (Australia), December 2011, Newcastle (Australia).

PUTEH, S., LANGENSIEPEN, C. and LOTFI, A., 2011. Occupancy pattern extraction and prediction in an inhabited intelligent environment using NARX networks. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE'10).

ELIA, M. and SCHIPANI, D., 2011. On Rabin signatures and forgery. In: Proceedings Workshop on Computational Security, Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM).

FONTEIN, F., MARSHALL, K., ROSENTHAL, J., SCHIPANI, D. and TRAUTMANN, A., 2011. On burst error correction and storage security of noisy data. In: Proceedings 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS).

BALDI, M., BIANCHI, M., CHIARALUCE, F., ROSENTHAL, J. and SCHIPANI, D., 2011. On fuzzy syndrome hashing with LDPC coding. In: Proceedings 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL).

SCHIPANI, D., ELIA, M. and ROSENTHAL, J., 2011. On the decoding complexity of cyclic codes up to the BCH bound. In: Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT).

SU, D. and PENG, W., 2011. Online gearbox condition monitoring supported by wireless communication techniques. In: 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, México, 19-25 June 2011.

BILLING, J. and CORDINGLEY, T., 2011. Open design: driving product design innovation through new collaborative working practices and professional models. In: Fifth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, 2-4 February 2011, Rome.

HIGGINS, D., 2011. [Oral presentation]. In: White Flowers + An Elephant in the Room, Bergen Academy of Art, Bergen, Norway, 2011, Bergen, Norway.

BROWN, M. and MALDE, S., 2011. Organisational slack, corporate reputation and financial performance. In: British Academy of Management Conference (BAM 2011), Aston University, Birmingham, 13-15 September 2011.

KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and MICHAELIDES, M., 2011. Organizational health propensity: development and validation of a measure of organisational context for work-related health and well-being. In: APA/NIOSH Conference: Work, Stress, and Health 2011: Work and Well-Being in an Economic Context, Orlando, Florida, 19-22 May 2011, Orlando, Florida.

THOMPSON, A., 2011. Part-time workers or part-time men? Exploring the interstices of masculinity, fragmented work and professional work status. In: CIPD Centres’ Conference, Keele University, Keele, 23-24 June 2011.

ABDEL BAKI, S.G., FENTON, A.A., ZEHTABCHI, S., BORDOLEY, M., DONNETT, J.G., MICU, A., RAZA, T., GRANT, A.C., CHARI, G. and OMURTAG, A., 2011. Performance of microEEG: a new portable wireless device. In: American Epilepsy Society (AES) 65th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 1-5 December 2011.

ATKINSON, S., KNOX, J. and HARDY, A., 2011. Performance/ability differences between those trained as Design and Technology teachers on undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programmes. In: PATT26, 1 July 2011.

FLINT, K.J., 2011. Play as a leading activity in the liminal space of Plato’s Cave: facing the monstrous arrivant in the information age. In: [keynote presentation], Philosophy at Play Conference, University of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, 2011.

BARTON, H., 2011. Police reform in England and Wales in an era of financial constraint. In: Conference on Public Administration in an Age of Austerity: The Future of the Discipline, Aston University, May, 2011, Birmingham, UK.

BARTON, H., 2011. Police reform in England and Wales: building high performance police systems (HPPS) in an era of financial constraint. In: British Academy of Management Conference (BAM), September, 2011.

ACKRILL, R., 2011. Policy capacity for the transition to a biofuels economy: a comparative study of the EU and USA. In: Staff Seminar to Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil, 20 September 2011.

ACKRILL, R., 2011. Policy capacity in US, EU and Brazilian biofuels policies: lessons for developing countries. In: Staff Seminar, 'Getting Biofuel Policies Finally Right?', The World Bank, Washington DC, 15 September 2011, Washington DC.

DU, P., BOUCHLAGHEM, D., EAMES, P., YOUNG, A. and GILL, Z.M., 2011. Post occupancy evaluation of decentralised energy systems. In: Sustainability in Energy and Buildings Conference, Marseille, 1-3 June 2011, Marseille.

BOULTON, H. and HRAMIAK, A., 2011. Post-graduate students' perceptions of feedback. In: European Conference on Educational Research, Berlin, 13-16 September 2011, Berlin.

PIEBALGA, A., 2011. [Poster exhibition]. In: Nottingham Trent University Research Conference, Nottingham 7 July 2011, Nottingham.

MENEZES, A.C., CRIPPS, A., BOUCHLAGHEM, D. and BUSWELL, R., 2011. Predicted vs. actual energy performance of non-domestic buildings. In: Third International Conference on Applied Energy, Perugia, Italy, 16-18 May 2011, Perugia.

KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and MICHAELIDES, M., 2011. Predicting employee turnover intentions: the role of intradepartmental interdependence and sense of community. In: 15th Conference of the European Association of Work & Organisational Psychology, Maastricht, 25-28 May 2011, Maastricht.

BIRON, C. and KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., 2011. Presenteeism and absenteeism: critical points on a continuum. In: 15th Conference of the European Association of Work & Organisational Psychology, Maastricht, 25-28 May 2011, Maastricht.

COCKER, E., 2011. Re - (repeat, rework, rewrite, remember). In: PSi # 17 Camillo: Memory, Technology, Performance Conference, Utrecht University, 25 -29 May 2011, Utrecht.

SAMRA-FREDERICKS, D., 2011. Re-thinking MBA learning through strategists’ everyday work: insights from an ethnomethodological study. In: Critical Management Studies Conference, Naples, Italy, July 2011.

AYRES, T. and WILSON, A., 2011. Recreational drug use in hard times: does purity and danger help to make sense of legal highs? In: British Society Criminology Annual Conference, Economies and Insecurities of Crime and Justice, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 3-6 July 2011, Newcastle upon Tyne.

AGYEKUM-MENSAH, G., KNIGHT, A. and COFFEY, C., 2011. Redefining sustainability in the built environment through project management. In: International Conference on Construction Management Based on Sustainable Development Concept, Architectural Society of China – Constructional Management Research Centre (ASC-CMRS), 29-30 October 2011.

KETTLEY, S., 2011. Reflections on a craft design protocol. In: Ambience11, Borås University, Borås, Sweden. 28-30 November 2011, Borås, Sweden.

SAUNDERS, B., SALE, C., HARRIS, R.C. and SUNDERLAND, C., 2011. Reliability of a high-intensity cycling capacity test. In: European College of Sport Science [conference], Liverpool, July 2011, Liverpool.

ACKRILL, R., 2011. Researching biofuels policies - the work of a qualitative economist. In: Nottingham Trent University BLSS Graduate School Research Student Conference, 12 May 2011, Nottingham.

KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and BIRON, C., 2011. Researching process and context issues in organizational interventions: some considerations. In: APA/NIOSH Conference: Work, Stress, and Health 2011: Work and Well-Being in an Economic Context, Orlando, Florida, 19-22 May 2011, Orlando, Florida.

PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2011. Response paper to Freeman et al’s "Stakeholder theory, the state of the art". In: Society for Business Ethics meeting, San Antonio, Texas, August 2011.

MACKINTOSH, C., 2011. Responses to the comprehensive spending review: findings from a Nottinghamshire PE and school sport survey. In: Political Studies Association Conference, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, 18 March 2011, Birmingham.

BRUNSDEN, V., 2011. Returning to work after trauma. In: Health and Wellbeing @ Work, NEC Birmingham, Birmingham, 8-9 March 2011., Birmingham.

HARRISON, O., 2011. Revolutionary subjectivity in post-Marxist thought: the case of Laclau and Badiou. In: The Relevance of Marx and Marxism to Contemporary Global Society, Newcastle University, 29-30 January 2011, Newcastle.

BRINDLEY, C. and HUMBERT, A., 2011. Risk and women’s entrepreneurship: the Irish context. In: ISBE (Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship) Annual Conference, Sheffield, November 2011, Sheffield.

KING, D. and BREEDON, P., 2011. Robustness and stagnation of a swarm in a cooperative object recognition task. In: International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, Chongqing, China, 2011, Chongqing, China.

PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2011. Role of internal audit in supporting your organization’s ethics strategy [keynote address]. In: MIS Training Institute’s Super Strategies Conference, Chicago, Illinois, May 2011.

HOLLIMAN, A.J., WOOD, C. and WILLIAMS, G.J., 2011. Screening for potential reading difficulties: a new test of speech rhythm sensitivity. In: Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Society of the Scientific Study of Reading, Florida, July 2011.

EDMONDS, A., BAGULEY, T. and LANSDALE, M., 2011. Semantic association and distinctiveness of cues: examining the exclusivity effect in location memory. In: XXVIII Annual Cognitive Section Conference, Keele University, 2011, Keele, Staffordshire.

ABBAS, J., AL-HABAIBEH, A. and SU, D., 2011. Sensor fusion for condition monitoring system of end milling operations. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacture (ADM2010), Nottingham.

ALDER, A., 2011. Shadow woodland surveys on Big Moor PDNP [poster]. In: Animals, man and treescapes: the interactions between grazing animals, people and wooded landscapes, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, September 2011.

PUTEH, S., LANGENSIEPEN, C. and LOTFI, A., 2011. Similarity pattern mining in intelligent office environments (IC 2011). In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE'11).

LEWIS, J., BROWN, D., CRANTON, W. and MASON, R., 2011. Simulating visual impairments using the Unreal Engine 3 game engine. In: IEEE 1st International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH), 2011.

TOWNSEND, K., 2011. Simultaneous design: synthesising advanced and digital crafting methods in fashion and textiles [invited speaker]. In: Postgraduate Research Lecture, Wolverhampton School of Art & Design, March 2011, Wolverhampton.

CRISP, A.R., DALE, J. and ARTHUR, L., 2011. Sketch book as palette. In: RECTO - VERSO - Redefining the Sketchbook Conference, The Collection, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, 10-11 February 2011.

BUNCE, G. and HAMBLIN, F., 2011. Skill development in textile design education: transition and play through manual and digital process. In: TRIP: Textiles Research In Process Conference, Loughborough University, Loughborough, 2011.

PAINTER-MORLAND, M. and DESLANDES, G., 2011. Slow news, no news: an ethical analysis of newsroom managers’ responses to the international crisis. In: European Media Management Conference (EMMA), Moscow, June 2011.

RESNICK, S. and CHENG, R., 2011. Small business marketing: taking a bigger teaching perspective. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Aston Business School, Birmingham, 13-15 September 2011, Birmingham.

SMITH, G.W. and BOWE, M., 2011. Social capital and alcohol use behaviours in England: a population based study [oral presentation]. In: 37th Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society, Melbourne, Australia, 11-15 April 2011, Melbourne.

CHING, J., 2011. Solicitors' CPD: time to change from regulatory stick to regulatory carrot. In: Association of Law Teachers: 46th Annual Conference: Crossing Borders: Legal Education United, Cardiff, 18-20 April 2011, Cardiff.

FLINT, K.J., WAITE, E. and COSTLEY, C., 2011. Space for empowerment?: An archaeology of biopower, governmentality and technologies of the self at the workplace. In: Work and Education Intersections: Power, Politics and Education. 7th International Conference of Researching Work and Learning, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 2011.

LOVE, K. and REID, D., 2011. Spaces and objects in object oriented ontology. In: Summer Conference of the International Institute of Applied Aesthetics, Helsinki University, Lahti, Finland, 17-19 June 2011, Lahti, Finland.

PROWLE, M. and HARRADINE, D., 2011. Statutory financial accounting frameworks in the UK public sector: relevance and cost? In: ACIPFAL, Birmingham, July 2011, Birmingham.

HARRIS, T., 2011. Stockholm, Stockholm! Stad i varlden: music in Stockholm schools. In: School of Education Research Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 23 September 2011.

SIEBERS, L.Q., 2011. Strategic responses of retail TNCs to external environment challenges in emerging markets. In: EAERCD Conference, Parma, Italy, 29 June - 1 July 2011, Parma.

MURPHY, P., GREENHALGH, K. and BOWLER, I., 2011. Strategies and strategic planning in the public, private and third sectors. In: Alternative Futures Conference, Chaucer Building, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 16 February 2011, Nottingham.

HERZIG, C., SCHALTEGGER, S. and HARMS, D., 2011. Striving towards integrative sustainability management: the case of German large-scale companies. In: Annual Conference of the 'Sustainability Management' Commission of the German Academic Association for Business Research, Technical University of Berlin, Germany, 5-7 October 2011, Berlin, Germany.

RAHMAN, M., JONES, M. and EVANS, R., 2011. Structural assessment of in-service doweled concrete pavement joints. In: 5th International Conference Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1-3 June 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece.

RAHMAN, M., STONECLIFFE-JONES, M. and EVANS, R.D., 2011. Structural assessment of in-service dowelled concrete pavement joints. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference “Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements”, Thessaloniki, Greece.

WILSON, A., 2011. Subcultural style, image, and action: finding the right fit. In: Subcultures, Popular Music and Social Change: a Cross-Disciplinary Symposium, London Metropolitan University, London, 15-16 September 2011, London.

BILLING, J., CORDINGLEY, T. and ELLIOT, A., 2011. 'Suitable sensory'; museums of the mind. In: European Conference Design 4 Health, Sheffield, 13-15 July 2011, Sheffield.

PEART, S., 2011. Supporting black male students. In: Nottingham Trent University School of Education, Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, Nottingham.

IBRANI, L., ALLEN, T., BROWN, D., SHERKAT, N. and STEWART, D., 2011. Supporting students with learning and physical disabilities using a mobile robot platform. In: 4th Interactive Technologies and Games: Education, Health and Disability (ITAG-EHD) Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 25-26 October 2011, Nottingham.

BOULTON, H. and HRAMIAK, A., 2011. Supporting the transition into postgraduate study: students' perceptions of feedback. In: Higher Education Annual Conference, Nottingham University, Nottingham, 5-6 July 2011, Nottingham.

PHILP, B. and LEONE, V., 2011. Surplus-value and aggregate concentration in the UK economy, 1987-2009. In: Association of Heterodox Economics Conference, Nottingham, July 2011, Nottingham.

HAY, A. and BLENKINSOPP, J., 2011. Surprise and sensemaking: understanding anxiety in MBA programmes. In: Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 12-16 August 2011, San Antonio, Texas.

COOPER, T., 2011. Sustainable consumption: the state of the art. In: Sustainable Consumption, Sustainable Design Network Workshop, Nottingham, 4 April 2011, Nottingham.

PIEBALGA, A., 2011. [Symposium]. In: Super vision: insight and interaction in graduate art and design research, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, 23 March 2011, Cardiiff.

ACAMPORA, G., 2011. A TSK neuro-fuzzy approach for modeling highly dynamic systems. In: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, 27-30 June 2011.

FLETCHER, D. and WHYSALL, Z., 2011. Taking it to the next level: recent developments in organizational psychology in elite sport and beyond [invited symposium presentation convened at the Annual Meeting of the European Congress of Sport Psychology]. In: European Congress of Sport Psychology, Madeira, Portugal, 2011, Madeira, Portugal.

NICHOLSON, A., HUXLEY-BINNS, R. and FERRIS, G., 2011. 'This is why I took a law degree in the first place. This is what I thought I would be doing. It is such hard work, but I am loving it': How CLT is changing our students. In: Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference, Cardiff, 18-20 April 2011, Cardiff.

FERRY, E., 2011. Tiles and taste: the search for Mrs Orrinsmith. In: William Morris Society, Kelmscott House, Hammersmith, London, February 2011, London.

ALLIN, S. and WALSH, C., 2011. Towards a comparative understanding of strategic spatial planning practices in Europe. In: Regional Studies Association Annual Conference 2011 'Regional Development and Policy - Challenges, Choices and Recipients', Newcastle-upon-Tyne, April 2011, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

ACAMPORA, G., VITIELLO, A., TATANIA, K. and KARAMAN, P., 2011. Towards application of FML in suspicion of noncommon diseases. In: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, 27-30 June 2011.

ZIMINA, D. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2011. Tracking the dependencies between companies' commercial behaviour and their institutional environment. In: 19th Annual Conference, International Group for Lean Construction, Lima, Peru, July 2011, Lima.

ACAMPORA, G., LOIA, V., PERCANNELLA, G. and VENTO, M., 2011. Trainable estimators for indirect people counting: a comparative study. In: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, 27-30 June 2011.

HARDY, A., 2011. Trainee teachers' perceptions of CAD/CAM in schools [seminar paper]. In: The Design and Technology Association Education & International Research Conference 2011. 8 July 2011.

TANNER, G., CHAPPELL, D.J. and MAKSIMOV, D.N., 2011. Transport of vibro-acoustic wave energy through multi-component structures- dynamical energy analysis and hybrid methods. In: Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2011.

MAHMOUD, S., AKHLAGHINIA, M., LOTFI, A. and LANGENSIEPEN, C., 2011. Trend modelling of elderly lifestyle within an occupancy simulator. In: 2011 UkSim 13th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSim 2011).

TASHAN, T. and ALLEN, T., 2011. Two stage speaker verification using self organising map and multilayer perceptron neural network. In: Proceedings of 31st SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications in Artificial Intelligence (AI2011), Cambridge.

ACKRILL, R., 2011. US policy capacity and a comparison of US and EU biofuels policies. In: Internal Staff Seminar, US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Washington DC, USA, 13 September 2011.

AL-SHAMI, A., LOTFI, A., LAI, E. and COLEMAN, S., 2011. Unified knowledge economy competitiveness index using fuzzy clustering model. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics (CIFEr 2011), Paris, France.

BARTON, H., 2011. United Kingdom (UK) Police Service reforms: the potential impact of financial constraints on ensuring/maintaining diversity management initiatives throughout the UK police service. In: Public Administration Conference (PAC), University of Birmingham, 5-6 September, 2011, Birmingham.

PAINTER-MORLAND, M. and DESLANDES, G., 2011. Unsustainable speed. In: The Vincentian Conference, New York, October 2011.

KUSS, D.J., 2011. Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten von Glücksspielsucht und Computerspielabhängigkeit [Differences and similarities of pathological gambling and computer game addiction]. In: 3 Symposium des Fachverbands Medienabhängigkeit, Köln, Germany, September 2011, Köln.

BOULTON, H., 2011. Using blogs to provide peer support for students on work experience through a community of practice. In: Nottingham Trent University Learning and Teaching Conference, 29 March 2011, Nottingham.

FERGUSON, N., PLANT, A. and HARDY, C., 2011. Venturing abroad - from my computer in Nottingham: researching student engagement with the internationalization agenda from a student perspective. In: Inaugural RAISE Conference: Engaging Students in Challenging Times, Nottingham Conference Centre, Nottingham, 15-16 September 2011.

BROWN, L.A., 2011. Verbal coding and strategy use in visual working memory. In: Working Memory Discussion Group Meeting, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, June 2011, Edinburgh.

LU, C., 2011. Vertical farming in UK. In: 2nd High-Level International Forum on Protected Horticulture, Shouguang, China, 19-22 April 2011.

MCELWEE, G., 2011. Village sustainability. In: ISBE, November 2011.

O'HARE, L. and HIBBARD, P., 2011. Visual discomfort and blur. In: European Conference of Visual Perception 2011, Toulouse, France, 28 August - 1 September 2011.

GILCHRIST, I.D., HOWARD, C.J., PHARAON, R.G. and KÖRNER, C., 2011. Visual search in the real world: evidence for the formation of distracter representations. In: ECEM 2011: 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, University of Provence, Marseille, France, 21-25 August 2011.

TASHAN, T., ALLEN, T. and NOLLE, L., 2011. Vowel based speaker verification using self organizing map. In: 11th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2011), Innsbruck, Austria, 14-16 February 2011, Innsbruck.

KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., WEYMAN, A. and DANFORD, A., 2011. Well-being at work: what does it mean and for whom? In: 15th Conference of the European Association of Work & Organisational Psychology, Maastricht, 25-28 May 2011, Maastricht.

BLAGDEN, N., 2011. What can be done with incarcerated sexual offender in denial? Is it time for a rethink? [invited workshop]. In: NOTA Conference, Scotland, 5-6 May 2011, Scotland.

BUGLEAR, J., 2011. What does higher education retention research tell us about the international student experience? In: BMAF I-SIG Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 23-24 June 2011, Nottingham.

MOFFATT, P., KING, M., BOLD, D. and BLOOMER, S., 2011. What's new in the graduate recruitment process for would-be solicitors? A round up. In: AGCAS Biennial Conference, 13 September 2011.

HUXLEY-BINNS, R., 2011. "What’s the Q for?" [keynote speech]. In: Crossing Borders: Legal Education United, Cardiff, 18-20 April 2011, Cardiff.

HEWES, L., HOLCOMBE, A.O. and HOWARD, C.J., 2011. When you can only track one object: roles for perceptual filtering and visual memory? In: Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 2011.

PASQUIRE, C.L. and CONNOR, P.R., 2011. Where does the theory informing the International Group for Lean Construction come from? In: 19th Annual Conference, International Group for Lean Construction, Lima, Peru, July 2011, Lima.

CRABBE, A., 2011. Where form follows function. In: 5th Design Principles & Practices Conference, La Sapienza University, Rome, Rome.

AYRES, T. and WILSON, A., 2011. Why legality matters: the influences making legal highs the drug of choice. In: Critical Perspectives on Crime, Deviance, Disorder and Social Harm, York Deviancy Conference, University of York, York, 29 June - 1 July 2011, York.

FOSTER, C., BRINDLEY, C. and WHEATLEY, D., 2011. Women in marketing: a European exploration. In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, July 2011, Liverpool.

WHEATLEY, D., 2011. Women in marketing: self-employment in the EU. In: Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference, Newcastle, April 2011, Newcastle.

WHEATLEY, D., FOSTER, C. and BRINDLEY, C., 2011. Women’s careers in marketing: self-employment in Europe. In: Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, Newcastle University, Newcastle, April 2011.

WHEATLEY, D., 2011. Work, inequality, and the dual career household. In: AHE Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, July 2011, Nottingham.

HIGGINS, D., 2011. [Workshop]. In: UNSPECIFIED, Dlezew, Poland.

HENN, M. and FOARD, N., 2011. Young people and politics in Britain. In: Annual Conference of the Labour Party, BT Convention Centre and Echo Arena in Liverpool, 28 September 2011, Liverpool.

HENN, M. and FOARD, N., 2011. Young people and politics in Britain today. In: Michigan State University 'Political Science Summer Programme', Contemporary Political Activity in Britain, London, 21 July 2011, London.

HENN, M. and FOARD, N., 2011. Young people and politics in Britain: how do young people participate in politics and what can be done to strengthen their political connection? In: Pacific Northwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, 13-15 October 2011, Seattle.

HENN, M. and FOARD, N., 2011. Young people, political participation and trust in Britain. In: Annual Conference of the Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) Specialist Group (Political Studies Association), University of Exeter, 9-11 September 2011, Exeter.

ACAMPORA, G., MUNOZ, E., GAETA, M. and VITIELLO, A., 2011. An adaptive multi-agent memetic system for personalizing e-learning experiences. In: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, 27-30 June 2011.

ACKRILL, R. and KAY, A., 2011. The best of intentions: are EU biofuels policies on the right road? In: UACES Arena Seminar, Edelman Centre, Brussels, 21 April 2011, Brussels.

ACKRILL, R., 2011. The budget for the CAP going forward [keynote address]. In: Westminster Food and Nutrition Forum Keynote Seminar, 'Reforming the Common Agricultural Policy: Implications for UK Agriculture and Rural Areas', hosted by the Royal Society, London, 29 November 2011, London.

MISTRY, M. and SOOD, K., 2011. The challenges of preparing teachers of early years(EY) for leadership: a comparison between early and experienced early years teachers in England. Alternative models for professional development: what constitutes effective collaboration to help make a school more effective? In: 7th International Symposium for Educational Reform (ISER), at The National Training Center for Secondary School Principals (NTCSSP) at East China Normal University, Shanghai to host the International Symposium on Educational Reform (ISER 2011), 11-17 June, Shanghai.

ACAMPORA, G., LOIA, V. and VITIELLO, A., 2011. A cognitive multi-agent system for emotion-aware ambient intelligence. In: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agent, Paris, France, 11-15 April 2011.

EMHAMAD, H. and ARTHUR, L., 2011. The concept of innovation in Libya. In: ECIE 2011: 6th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, September 2011.

HARRISON, O., 2011. The (continued) spectre of communism: the post-Marxism of Antonio Negri and Alain Badiou. In: Alternative Futures I, Nottingham Trent University, 16 February 2011, Nottingham.

ALLIN, S., 2011. A critical review of housing market and urban development polices in the city of Erfurt. In: ERES Annual Conference 2011, Eindhoven, Netherlands, June 2011, Eindhoven.

SIMPSON, T., HOOPER, C., HILL, R. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2011. The development of evaluation strategies to measure the impact of NFRS community safety interventions. In: Annual Conference on Fire-Related Research and Developments 2011 (RE11), National Fire Services College, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, 17 November 2011, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.

SIMPSON, T., BRUNSDEN, V., HILL, R. and HOOPER, C., 2011. The development of strategies to evaluate NFRS' community safety initiatives. In: Public Administration Committee (PAC) Annual Conference, International Conference Centre, Birmingham, 5-6 September 2011, Birmingham.

ABUBAKRE, M., CRISPIN, C. and JAYAWARDHENA, C., 2011. The diffusion of management information systems in organizations - an organizational sub-culture perspective. In: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2011), Aalto University School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland, 9-11 June 2011., Helsinki, Finland.

ACKRILL, R., 2011. The dynamics and drivers of agricultural and biofuels policies. In: Staff Seminar delivered to the Agri-Business and Rural Development Section, University College Dublin, 25 May 2011, Dublin.

ACKRILL, R., 2011. The dynamics of biofuels markets and policies: do governments' policies match their market ambitions? In: Inaugural Professorial Lecture, Nottingham Trent University, 5 May 2011, Nottingham.

ACKRILL, R., 2011. The dynamics of biofuels markets and policies: do governments' policies match their market ambitions? In: Seminar to Department of Economics, University of Sheffield, 30 March 2011, Sheffield.

BOULTON, H. and TEPPER, J., 2011. e-Learning in action: from deep student learning to efficient assessment and feedback. In: Nottingham Trent University Learning and Teaching Conference, 30 March 2011, Nottingham.

BOULTON, H., 2011. ePortfolios in initial teacher education. In: European Conference on e-Learning, Brighton, 9 November 2011, Brighton.

BOULTON, H., 2011. ePortfolios in teaching and teacher education: friend or foe? In: Association for Learning Technology Conference, Leeds University, 6-8 September 2011, Leeds.

ALLIN, S., HENNEBERRY, J., KESKIN, B., MELL, I. and HEHL-LANGE, S., 2011. The economic value of green infrastructure - an application of the Contingent Valuation Method. In: ERES Annual Conference 2011, Eindhoven, Netherlands, June 2011, Eindhoven.

HOPEGOOD, L. and HORNCASTLE, S., 2011. The effect of a static magnetic rug on the heart rate of horses [poster presentation]. In: Cnference of the International Society of Equitation Science, October 2011.

STANNARD, R.L. and ROBINS, M., 2011. The effect of expertise on coordination variability during a discrete multi-articular action. In: 18th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Barcelona, Spain, 2011.

EVANS, R.D. and FROST, M.F., 2011. The effect of moisture on ground penetrating radar (GPR) data from asphalt pavements. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference “Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements”, Thessaloniki, Greece.

CHEN, R., BAYON, Y. and HUNT, J.A., 2011. The effects of ageing cold oxygen and nitrogen plasma treated PET/PP with respect to protein adsorption and leukocyte activation. In: 24th European Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference 2011 (ESB 2011), Dublin, Ireland, 5-8 September 2011.

JONES, A. and VALERO-SILVA, N., 2011. An evaluation of the customer satisfaction monitoring system in a decent homes programme. In: 27th Annual ARCOM Conference, UK Association of Researchers in Construction Management, Bristol, 5-7 September 2011, Bristol.

CLOUGH, L.J. and SMITH, G.W., 2011. An evaluation of the effectiveness of problem based learning as a method of engaging year one law students [oral presentation]. In: Learning in Law Conference, Warwick, January 2011, Warwick.

GOWOREK, H. and COOPER, T., 2011. An exploration of own brand retailers' perspectives on sustainable consumption of clothing. In: Emerging Issues in Uncertainty and Ethical Consumption, University of Glasgow Workshop, 13 June 2011, Glasgow.

FERRIS, G. and HUXLEY-BINNS, R., 2011. A few of my favourite things; three rules of thumb for module design informed by self-determination theory. In: Learning in Law Annual Conference, Warwick, 28 January 2011, Warwick.

SALVATIERRA-GARRIDO, J. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2011. The first and last value model: sustainability as a first value delivery of lean construction practice. In: 19th Annual Conference, International Group for Lean Construction, Lima, Peru, July 2011, Lima.

HARDY, A., LAWE, B., DAVIES, S., BOYD, P. and TINNEY, J., 2011. A framework for undergraduate secondary teacher training. In: SRHE (Society for Research into Higher Education) Newer Researchers' Conference: New Communities, Spaces and Places: Inspiring Futures for Higher Education, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, South Wales, 6-7 December 2011, Newport, South Wales.

ACKRILL, R., KAY, A. and RICHARDSON, B., 2011. The global governance of trade and production: exploring the role of non-state actors. In: British International Studies Association Annual Conference, Manchester Conference Centre 27-29 April 2011, Manchester.

STACK, M.M. and RAVISHANKAR, G., 2011. The gravity model of international trade: a stochastic frontier analysis of potential trade. In: Scottish Economic Society, Perth, Scotland, April 2011, Perth, Scotland.

ACAMPORA, G., LOIA, V., CADENAS, J.M., MUNOZ, E., DE PRISCO, R. and ZACCAGNINO, R., 2011. A hybrid computational intelligence approach for automatic music composition. In: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, 27-30 June 2011.

BARTON, H., 2011. The impact of United Kingdom (UK) government reforms on public services: the case of the Police Service in England and Wales. In: Symposium on Comparative Public Policy and Government Innovation, Renmin State University, Beijing, China, 2011, Beijing, China.

SIMBA, A., WANG, J. and NESHAMBA, F., 2011. The impact of knowledge networks and clusters on the innovative capabilities of bio-entrepreneurs. In: 34th ISBE Conference: Sustainable Futures: Enterprising Landscapes and Communities (ISBE 2011), The Octagon, Sheffield, 9-10 November 2011, Sheffield.

ABBAS, J., AL-HABAIBEH, A. and SU, D., 2011. The investigation of prediction surface roughness from machining forces in end milling processes. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacture (ADM2011), Kunming.

HARTY, D., 2011. luminous//black//dust. In: Kaleidoscope: New Perspectives on the Humanities, Warwick University, 28-29 May 2011, Warwick.

WOODALL, T., 2011. The more we see it the less it means: a value-for-the-customer perspective on value-in-use. In: Academy of Marketing Conference: Marketing Fields Forever, University of Liverpool, 5-7 July 2011.

KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and MICHAELIDES, G., 2011. A multilevel perspective on understanding the relationships between the organisation, the leader, and employee well-being. In: BPS Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference, Stratford-upon-Avon, 12-14 January 2011, Stratford-upon-Avon.

WOOD, A.G., 2011. A new model to determine the relative importance of processes influencing polar cap patches. In: Autumn MIST 2011, Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, 25 November 2011, London.

VALERO-SILVA, N., 2011. The notion of recovery and Foucault's history of the present. In: 29th Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism, SCOS, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011, Istanbul.

BATES, M., BROWN, D., CRANTON, W. and LEWIS, J., 2011. The optimal level of student participation in the design of games-based learning. In: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Games-Based Learning (ECGBL), Athens.

RESNICK, S., CASSIDY, K. and FOX, C., 2011. A perspective on relationship quality in drug treatment services using patient to patient research. In: 19th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing (ICRM 2011), Saunders College of Business, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, 27-30 September 2011, Rochester, New York.

PAINTER-MORLAND, M. and DESLANDES, G., 2011. A philosophical analysis of contemporary challenges to media professionals’ integrity. In: European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) Research Ethics Conference, Dublin, June 2011.

BOULTON, H., 2011. The 'portability' of ePortfolios in teacher education. In: European Conference on Educational Research, Berlin, 13-16 September 2011, Berlin.

BRYAN, N., BAYON, Y., SCARBOROUGH, N. and HUNT, J.A., 2011. The prediction of the acute inflammatory characteristics of prospective implantable biomaterials using in vitro chemiluminescence. In: 24th European Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference 2011 (ESB 2011), Dublin, Ireland, 5-8 September 2011.

BROWN, D. and ALDER, A., 2011. A proposed seasonal sundial at Gardom's Edge. In: SEAC Voyages in Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy: a Meeting of Different Worlds, Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal, September 2011, Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal, September 2011.

LOVE, K., 2011. The question of education. In: Institute of Education Seminar, University of London, March 2009, London.

KEEGAN, J. and BRINDLEY, C., 2011. A retailer’s perspective of customer loyalty. In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, July 2011, Liverpool.

HEYM, N., 2011. The role of Gray’s revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory in the psychoticism-psychopathy continuum. In: Bienninal Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID), London, 25-28 July 2011.

FOSTER, C. and RESNICK, S., 2011. The role of age and gender in the retail service encounter. In: 16th Conference of the European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution, University of Palma, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, June 2011.

FOSTER, C. and RESNICK, S., 2011. The role of gender in service quality. In: European Association of Education and Research in Commercial Distribution (EAERCD) 16th International Conference on Research in the Distributive Trades, Parma, Italy, 29 June - 1 July 2011, Parma, Italy.

FERRIS, G. and HUXLEY-BINNS, R., 2011. The role of self-determination theory in achieving student engagement: a case study. In: Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE) Annual Conference, Nottingham Conference Centre, Nottingham, 15-16 September 2011, Nottingham.

EL-ANIS, I., 2011. The roots of the Arab spring. In: Democracy and Justice: The Case of the Middle East Conference, University of Derby, 4 April 2011, Derby.

SABET, E., GALANAKIS, K. and YAZDANI, B., 2011. A scenario-based stochastic model for strategic capacity design and planning in manufacturing industry. In: The OR Society 53rd Annual Conference (OR53), East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, 6-8 September 2011, Nottingham.

RAHMAN, M., MATHAVAN, S. and JONES, M., 2011. A self-organising map for concrete pavement joint evaluation. In: DAWG Forum, 90th Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA, 24-28 January 2011.

GOODRUM, A., 2011. A severity of plainness: the culture of female riding dress in America during the 1920s and 1930s. In: 10th Australian and New Zealand Association of Leisure Studies (ANZALS) Conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 6-8 December 2011, Dunedin, New Zealand.

CURRAN, J., CHEN, R., PU, F. and HUNT, J.A., 2011. The specification and fabrication of dynamic surface chemistries to enhance material induced control of human mesenchymal stem cells. In: 24th European Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference 2011 (ESB 2011), Dublin, Ireland, 5-8 September 2011.

STRATTON, R., 2011. The strategic management of demand uncertainty: a longitudinal case study. In: EurOMA 18th International Annual Conference, Cambridge, July 2011, Cambridge.

LEA, H., KAY, Z. and BURTON, E., 2011. A study into the effects of including a novel yeast cell wall technology in broiler diets on their gut histology. In: 18th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition. Cesme, Turkey, 31 October 2011, Cesme, Turkey.

WANG, Y., TU, W. and GROUT, V., 2011. A survey of energy-efficient routing protocols in wireless sensor networks. In: Seventh Collaborative Research Symposium on Security, E-Learning, Internet and Internet (SEIN 2011), Furtwangen, Germany, 27-29 October 2011, Furtwangen, Germany.

TARCZYNSKI-BOWLES, M.L., WOOD, C., HOLLIMAN, A.J., VOUSDEN, J. and WILLIAMS, G.J., 2011. A task validation study investigating school aged children’s speech rhythm sensitivity and its relation to reading ability. In: Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Society of the Scientific Study of Reading, Florida, July 2011.

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, L., 2011. The uses and abuses of prediction markets in the prevention of terrorism. In: Business and Economics Society International Conference, Split, Croatia, July 2011, Split.

BALDI, M., BIANCHI, M., CHIARALUCE, F., ROSENTHAL, J. and SCHIPANI, D., 2011. A variant of the McEliece cryptosystem with increased public key security. In: Proceedings 19th International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC).

EVETT, L., BATTERSBY, S., SULE, A., MERRITT, P., BROWN, D. and RIDLEY, A., 2011. The virtual cane mark II: improved orientation feedback and controls. In: 4th Interactive Technologies and Games: Education, Health and Disability (ITAG-EHD) Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 25-26 October 2011, Nottingham.

KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and HARDY, C., 2011. 'The workplace makes a difference: how can we develop healthy work environments?' A workshop to support good practice with rigorous evidence, Nottingham Conference Centre, 28 July 2011 [workshop]. In: UNSPECIFIED, Nottingham.

Devices and products

BILLING, J., CORDINGLEY, T. and ELLIOT, A., 2011. Suitably sensory loans box [scheme for mental health groups]. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University; Nottingham City Museums & Galleries.

Edited book

RICHARDSON, J., 2011. From recession to renewal: the impact of the financial crisis on public services and local government. Bristol: Policy Press. ISBN 9781847426994

PAINTER-MORLAND, M. and BOS, R.T., 2011. Business ethics and continental philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781139502078

KUNEV, S., GALANAKIS, K. and GKIOURKA, P., 2011. Case studies book on entrepreneurship and innovation & business creation and anagement. Ruse, Bulgaria: Ruse University. ISBN 9789547125179

SCOTT, D., MCCARRON, J.P., MANDERE, M., WARWICK, R. and APPIAH, S., 2011. Creative connections: exploring and discovering relationships. Research Practice Course Third Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, May 2011. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University. ISBN 9781842331453

NIVEN, B., 2011. Die Wilhelm Gustloff: Geschichte und Erinnerung eines Untergangs. Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag. ISBN 9783898127813

KOCATÜRK, T. and MEDJDOUB, B., 2011. Distributed intelligence in design. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781444333381

BRAGANCA, M. and WILSON, S., 2011. E/Change: transitions et transactions dans la littérature française. Oxford: Peter Lang.

GALANAKIS, K. and GKIOURKA, P., 2011. Enterprise education: practice-based activities for encouraging the entrepreneurial mind. Ruse, Bulgaria: Ruse University. ISBN 9789547125155

MURAVYEVA, M., ROWBOTHAM, J. and NASH, D., 2011. Examining blame and shame in history [in Russian]. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences.

BOULÉ, J.-P. and MCCAFFREY, E., 2011. Existentialism in contemporary cinema: a Sartrean perspective. Oxford: Berghahn Books. ISBN 9780857453204

HENHAM, R. and FINDLAY, M., 2011. Exploring the boundaries of international criminal justice. Aldershot: Ashgate.

DAVEY, R.H., 2011. Figuring Light 2: Colour: shifting boundaries [exhibition catalogue]. Leicester: Creative Hinkley, DeMontfort University.

ROWLETT, P., 2011. HE mathematics curriculum summit: a report on the summit held at the University of Birmingham on 12 January 2011. MSOR Network.

MCCORMACK, J., PRATT, M. and ROLLS, A., 2011. Hexagonal variations: diversity, plurality and reinvention in contemporary France. Amsterdam: Rodopi. ISBN 9789042032453

BOULÉ, J.-P. and O'DONOHOE, B., 2011. Jean-Paul Sartre: mind and body, word and deed. Cambridge Scholars Press.

DAVEY, R.H., 2011. John Lancaster: Armonia [exhibition catalogue]. Frascati, Italy: Scuderie Aldobrandini.

WERHANE, P.H. and PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2011. Leadership, gender and organization. Springer. ISBN 9789048190140

DAVEY, R.H., 2011. Lisa Wright: Walking through beautiful [exhibition catalogue]. St. Ives, Cornwall: Millennium Gallery.

GRAHAM, A. and MONTEITH, S., 2011. Media. The new encyclopedia of southern culture, 18 . Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 9780807871430

FROST, H. and SADLER, L., 2011. Mould map 2. London: Landfill Editions.

TINGLE, J. and BARK, P., 2011. Patient safety, law policy and practice. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415557313

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, L., 2011. Prediction markets: theory and applications. London: Routledge.

FELL, T., FLINT, K. and HAINES, I., 2011. Professional doctorates in the UK 2011. Lichfield: UK Council for Graduate Education. ISBN 9780952575183

RAMONE, J. and COUSINS, H., 2011. The Richard and Judy Book Club reader: popular texts and the practices of reading. London: Ashgate.

CARNEIRO, R., LEFRERE, P., STEFFENS, K. and UNDERWOOD, J., 2011. Self-regulated learning in technology enhanced learning environments: a European perspective. Rotterdam: Sense. ISBN 9789460916526

BARTOLOMÉ, A., BERGAMIN, P., PERSICO, D., STEFFENS, K. and UNDERWOOD, J., 2011. Self-regulated learning in technology enhanced learning environments: problems and promises. Aachen: Springer.

BRIGGS-GOODE, A. and TOWNSEND, K., 2011. Textile design: principles, advances and applications. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing; The Textile Institute.

CHAN, C.K. and NGOK, K.L., 2011. Welfare reform in East Asia: towards workfare? London: Routledge.

FOUST, E. and FUGGLE, S., 2011. Word on the street: competing discourses of public space. London: Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies. ISBN 9780854572298

PARRY, R., 2011. The reform of international insolvency rules at European and national level. Nottingham: INSOL Europe. ISBN 9780955836497


WILLIAMS, G., MAIER, D., PLOWMAN, J. and STREETEN, N., 2011. 2nd Supper. The Monks Gallery, Lincoln, 4 November 2011.

HAYLEY, A., MCINNES, I., PARKER, M. and SCHENK, P., 2011. Drawing research and the implications for industrial practice and curriculum development. Reykjavik National Museum and Conference Centre, Reykjavik, Iceland, November 2011.

MCINNES, I., 2011. The interplay of integral and applied patterning in weft knitted textiles combining digital print and selective needle patterning. Scottish Academy of Fashion Showcase Exhibition, Centre for Informatics, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, July 2011.

PEPPER, A., 2011. 140 Characters [group exhibition]. Moss Public Library, Moss, Norway, February 2011. .

HAMBLIN, F., 2011. Archaeology of practice. Archipelago Exhibition, Bonington Gallery, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 2011.

PIEBALGA, A., 2011. Archipelago, Bonington Gallery, Nottingham, 16 January - 10 February 2011. .

WILLIAMS, G., 2011. The Collected Works. Handel Street Projects, Holborn, London, 25 February – 31 March 2011.

PEPPER, A., 2011. Contemporary Sculpture: Transit [group exhibition]. Nottingham Trent University, School of Art and Design, Bonington Building, Nottingham, 1-13 December 2011. .

PATEL, R., 2011. [Design exhibit] 'Transformation and Revelation': the UK design for performance exhibition 2007-2011. .

HIGGINS, D., 2011. Down on the Farm [installation]. .

SPRAWSON, D., 2011. Erase & rewind. The Refectory Gallery, Nottingham City Artists, Nottingham, 2011.

MAIER, D., 2011. Evolution of Stitch [group exhibition]. .

HIGGINS, D., 2011. Flowers Violence Landscapes. .

PEPPER, A., 2011. Garden of Light [group exhibition]. Gallery 175, Seoul, South Korea, 1-18 November 2011. .

ODDEY, A., 2011. Greet the feet. Dame Laura Knight Studio, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 2011.

PEPPER, A., 2011. Holograms 2 [group touring exhibition]. Banbury Museum, Banbury, Oxfordshire, 23 July - 30 September 2011. .

PEPPER, A., 2011. Holograms 2 [group touring exhibition]. The Oxfordshire Museum, Woodstock, Oxfordshire, 15 January - 6 March 2011. .

PIEBALGA, A., 2011. Immortal. Wayward Gallery, London, June 2011. .

MCCAFFREY, E., 2011. Introduction to screening of Jean Genet’s 'Un chant d’amour'. Jean Genet Exhibition, Nottingham Contemporary Art, Nottingham, 28 July 2011 .

MAIER, D., 2011. Landscape vs Land-Scape [group exhibition]. .

HIGGINS, D., 2011. Losing Darkly. .

HIGGINS, D., 2011. Losing Darkly. .

JUDD, B., 2011. Love video 2011. Group exhibition held at Center of Contemporary Art of Tbilisi, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2011. .

PEPPER, A., 2011. Miniment(s) [group exhibition]. Nottingham Trent University, School of Art and Design, Bonington Building, Nottingham, 13 April - 20 May 2011. .

MAIER, D., 2011. Miniments(s). .

BILLING, J., CORDINGLEY, T. and ELLIOT, A., 2011. Museums of the mind: suitably sensory project exhibition. The Second Annual Art & Design and Built Environment Research Conference and Festival, Nottingham, 7 July 2011. .

JUDD, B., 2011. Mysterium. Exhibition held at James Taylor Gallery, London, 2011. .

PIEBALGA, A., 2011. Parallel connections art exhibition, London, 2 April 2011. .

FISHER, C., 2011. Pile [curatorial project]. .

FISHER, C., 2011. Pile [group exhibition]. .

FISHER, C., 2011. Reckless Behaviour [solo exhibition]. .

PIEBALGA, A., 2011. Shaping the ride. The power of making exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, September 2011. .

BUSSON, S., HORRIGAN, J., HUNT & DARTON, , THEODORAKI, M. and JUDD, B., 2011. Stephanie Busson, Jefford Horrigan, Hunt & Darton, Maria Theodoraki, Ben Judd. Group exhibiton held at James Taylor Gallery, London, 2011. .

BILLING, J., CORDINGLEY, T. and ELLIOT, A., 2011. 'Suitable sensory'; museums of the mind. Sheffield Institute of the Arts Gallery, Sheffield, Sheffield, 11-15 July 2011. .

JUDD, B., 2011. Superhybrid. Group exhibition held at Highlight Club, Leeds, 2011. .

HIGGINS, D., 2011. Tracing Mobility: Cartography and Migration in Networked Space. .

HIGGINS, D., 2011. Unloud: Down on the Farm [solo exhibition]. .

LOVE, K., 2011. Untitled in the aesthetic dimension. Exhibition held at the Royal College of Art (with live webcast), London, 30 June 2011. .

RUMNEY, P., 2011. Wanderlust exhibition, Bonington Gallery, Nottingham Trent University, 2011. .

KANDHOLA, M. and HAWTHORNE, M., 2011. Wanderlust. Bonington Gallery, Nottiingham Trent University, Nottingham, January - February 2011. .

KANDHOLA, M., GOODHEW, S., NEWLING, J., MOTTRAM, J. and EVANS, P., 2011. Wonder Cabinet. Newton Building, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, April 2011 - January 2013. .

KANDHOLA, M., JACKSON, C. and CUNNINGHAM, S., 2011. Wounding the Black Male. TCNJ Art Gallery, Ewing, NJ, USA, March 2011. .

KANDHOLA, M., 2011. Wounding the Black Male. [Former] Church of St. Barnabas King Square, London, 22 April - 31 July 2011. .

FISHER, C., 2011. X YEARS [group exhibition]. .

JUDD, B. and CHRISTENSEN, S., 2011. The edge of reason. Group exhibition held at KINOKINO, Sandnes, Norway, 2011 [curators]. .

JUDD, B., 2011. The edge of reason. Group exhibition held at KINOKINO, Sandnes, Norway, 2011. .

SPRAWSON, D., 2011. The island of 20,000 saints. All Saints Church, Laughton, Lincolnshire, 2011.

JUDD, B., 2011. The spirit is a radium in decay. Group exhibition held at Apiary Projects, London, 2011. .

BROWN, A., 2011. The way back [Wanderlust group show]. .

Journal editorship

CROSS, R., LAPORTE, N., MORGAN, K. and WORLEY, M., 2011. 1968 and after - between crisis and opportunity. London: Lawrence & Wishart. ISBN 9781907103285

PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2011. [Editor-in-chief]. Charlottesville, Virginia: Philosophy Documentation Center.

GRIGOLO, M., HERMANIN, C. and MÖSCHEL, M., 2011. Ethnic and Racial Studies [Special issue: Should and does race count in fighting discrimination in Europe?]. Abingdon: Routledge.

JACKSON, S.E., RENWICK, D.W.S., JABBOUR, C.J.C. and MULLER-CAMEN, M., 2011. Green HRM: German Journal of Human Resource Management (Zeitschrift für Personalforschung). London: Sage.

ABEL, J.F. and CHILTON, J.C., 2011. Heinz Isler - 50 years of 'New shapes for shells' [special issue]. Madrid: IASS.

MOFFATT, P., 2011. Insolvency and Restructuring Bulletin. Hogan Lovells LLP.

KAMOCHE, K., 2011. Introduction [guest editor]. UNSPECIFIED.

PASQUIRE, C.L. and BALLARD, H.G., 2011. Lean construction [special edition]. UNSPECIFIED.

LEE, J., 2011. Pam Flett Press. Brighton: Pam Flett Press/Joanne Lee.

LEE, J., 2011. Pam Flett Press. Brighton: Pam Flett Press/Joanne Lee.

DINGWALL, R., 2011. Symbolic Interaction [Editor]. UNSPECIFIED.

BENNETT, M., 2011. Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire. Nottingham: Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire.

SPENCE, J. and WOOD, J., 2011. Youth and Policy. Blaydon on Tyne: Youth and Policy.

ODDEY, A., 2011. [associate editor]. Common Ground Publishing.

Newspaper or popular journal contribution

GRIFFITHS, M., 2011. Attracting new punters: the role of trust, personalisation and context. i-Gaming Business Affiliate, p. 60.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2011. Who and what is an online casino gambler? i-Gaming Business Affiliate, pp. 36-37.

JACOBS, A., 2011. What’s in a name: the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy. Fair Observer. ISSN 2372-9112

GRIFFITHS, M., 2011. Is there a ‘gambling personality’? i-Gaming Business Affiliate, pp. 38-39.

PELL, C., 2011. Call centre welfare: coalition plans to dehumanise the state. openDemocracy.

HARRIS, T., 2011. CoMA: the next generation. CoMA (Contemporary Music for All) News (14), pp. 9-10.

ANDERSEN, E., 2011. Emily Andersen's best shot [photograph and interview]. The Guardian (G2 Section), p. 23.

LOCK, G., 2011. Fast girl. .

JACKSON, S., 2011. 'Host'. , p. 24.

JACKSON, S., 2011. 'I have not discovered yet' and 'Vocal chords'. , pp. 142-143.

LEE, N.J.-Y., 2011. Korean cinema today: popular genre dominates. Bulletin of the Calcutta International Film Festival, pp. 1-2.

LEE, N.J.-Y., 2011. Korean independent films (and youth) in Jeonju: The 12th Jeonju International Film Festival. Senses of Cinema.

BENNETT, M., 2011. Raise a glass to Yuri Gagarin. Nottingham Evening Post.

COCKER, E., 2011. Review of Anti Festival, Kuopio. .

COCKER, E., 2011. Review of Hanne Darboven and Raphael Hefti, Camden Arts Centre. .

JACKSON, S., 2011. Review: Christ Preddle's 'Cattle console him' and Andrew McNeillie's 'In mortal memory'. .

LEE, J., 2011. Soon all your neighbours will be artists. , p. 29. ISSN 0261-3425

RAMONE, J., 2011. Trixie Delicious on the bus home from Derby at twilight. .

LEE, J., 2011. Voodoo Chanel. , p. 13. ISSN 0261-3425

Patent/Published patent application

SHIN, D.H., FLUEGEL, H.L. and PETERSON, R.J., 2011. Package. US 2011/0100855A1.

DIAS, T., BEATTY, P.C.W., HURLEY, W., MITCHAM, K., GRIFFITHS, A. and RAMGULAM, R.B., 2011. Contact sensors. CA2623171.

DIAS, T., BEATTY, P.C.W., HURLEY, W., MITCHAM, K., GRIFFITHS, A. and RAMGULAM, R.B., 2011. Contact sensors. EP1976429.

DIAS, T., BEATTY, P.C.W., HURLEY, W., MITCHAM, K., GRIFFITHS, A. and RAMGULAM, R.B., 2011. Contact sensors. NZ566921.

DIAS, T., BEATTY, P.C.W., HURLEY, W., MITCHAM, K., GRIFFITHS, A. and RAMGULAM, R.B., 2011. Contact sensors. WO2007036741.

DIAS, T., BEATTY, P.C.W., HURLEY, W., MITCHAM, K., GRIFFITHS, A. and RAMGULAM, R.B., 2011. Contact sensors. GB2444203.

DIAS, T., BEATTY, P.C.W., HURLEY, W., MITCHAM, K., GRIFFITHS, A. and RAMGULAM, R.B., 2011. Contact sensors. US2009203984.

DIAS, T., BEATTY, P.C.W., HURLEY, W., MITCHAM, K., GRIFFITHS, A. and RAMGULAM, R.B., 2011. Contact sensors. AU2006296395.

DIAS, T., HURLEY, W. and MITCHAM, K., 2011. Knitting techniques. UK GB2444443.

HURLEY, P.T., KRYSZCZUK, K., SCHEIBLER, R. and SCHIPANI, D., 2011. Method and system for computing Fourier series coefficients for mask layouts using FFT. US 2011/0271240.

RICHARDS, S.E. and LAWLER, D., 2011. A method to assess dogs for joint failure using serum assay protocol. USA 10736159.4 -1223 PCT/US20100000270.


HIGGINS, D., 2011. Antiphony fuge. .

BROWN, A., 2011. Beating the bounds [Summer Lodge]. .

BROWN, A., 2011. Consequences. .

COCKER, E. and GANGSTERER, N., 2011. Drawing on drawing a hypothesis. .

COCKER, E. and GANGSTERER, N., 2011. Drawing on drawing a hypothesis. .

COCKER, E. and GANGSTERER, N., 2011. Drawing on drawing a hypothesis. .

BROWN, A., 2011. Hartington walk [Winter Lodge]. .

BROWN, A., 2011. Instructions for a walk [Wanderlust group show]. .

BROWN, A., 2011. Kiss me [Wanderlust group show]. .

Professional or trade journal contribution

MURPHY, P., GREENHALGH, K. and JONES, M., 2011. The performance of the Housing Benefits and Council Tax Benefits services in England 1993 - 2011. IRRV INSIGHT (May).

CHING, J., 2011. Class act. , pp. 31-35.

MURPHY, P. and GREENHALGH, K., 2011. Creating the new national framework for fire and rescue services. FIRE, 103 (1341), pp. 2-4. ISSN 0142-2510

BELCHER, S., 2011. Has the internet changed the way we look at and criticize art? An interview with Matthew Collings. , pp. 64-69. ISSN 2047-9328

TORRANCE, M. and FIDALGO, R., 2011. Learning writing strategies. , pp. 18-19. ISSN 2041-9236

BURCH, S., 2011. Narva: past, present and future. , pp. 10-11. ISSN 1744-5744

SIMPSON, T. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2011. New evaluation of community safety initiatives for Nottinghamshire. FIRE, pp. 44-45.

SIMPSON, T. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2011. New evaluation of community safety initiatives for Nottinghamshire. Resilience, pp. 34-35.

CHING, J., 2011. Points mean prizes. , p. 554. ISSN 0306-6479

BRUNSDEN, V., 2011. Research methods series: research dissemination – an ethical issue? , pp. 23-24.

MONETA, A., 2011. ScenArchitettura: un contributo per la ri-definizione delle discipline dello spazio. Contemporary Scenography, pp. 1-4.

HINDLEY, D., 2011. Sport and social inclusion: engaging students in evaluating the social impact of sport. LINK (Learning through Innovations, Networks and Knowledge) Newsletter (27), pp. 22-23.

WHYSALL, Z. and CROSS, J., 2011. Star gazing: talent is closer than you think. , pp. 6-8.

MURPHY, P. and GREENHALGH, K., 2011. Strategic review offers unique opportunity. FIRE, 103 (1333), pp. 34-35. ISSN 0142-2510

CHING, J., 2011. Trust me, I'm a paralegal. , pp. 29-31.

BRUNSDEN, V. and MURPHY, P., 2011. The new International Journal of Emergency Services interview. FIRE, 103 (1342), p. 3. ISSN 0142-2510

Research report for external body

WILLIAMS, G., HUMBERSTONE, A., HARRIS, T. and WADE, R., 2011. Arts and health programme for Nuneaton 2010-2011. Report of evaluation of the pilot programme on behalf of Warwickshire County Council April 2011. Nottingham Trent University.

BULL, R., OZAWA-MEIDA, L. and HOLLAND, C., 2011. Briefing paper: Sustainable procurement and carbon management: the potential for savings. London: JISC.

ANIUS, D., 2011. Broadband in St. Kitts and Nevis: strength in depth. Washington, D.C.: infoDEV/World Bank.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., PARKE, J., DEREVENSKY, J., KING, D. and DELFABBRO, P., 2011. Children's online gambling: a brief review of the empirical literature. London: UK Council For Child Internet Safety.

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and KUSS, D.J., 2011. Children's online gaming: a brief review of the empirical literature. London: UK Council For Child Internet Safety.

WARD, J., 2011. Concurrent planning - report of a scoping exercise carried out for Faith in Families, Nottingham. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

HERZIG, C. and MOON, J., 2011. Corporate social responsibility, the economic recession and the financial sector. Nottingham: Financial Services Research Forum.

OZAWA-MEIDA, L., BULL, R., BROCKWAY, P., LETTEN, K. and FLEMING, P.D., 2011. De Montfort University’s comprehensive consumption-based carbon footprint and sustainability initiatives. Leicester: De Montfort University.

GOUGH, M. and KERLIN, L., 2011. Evaluating the training and implementation of the Mental Capacity Act in residential care for Leicester City Council. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

MURPHY, P. and GREENHALGH, K., 2011. Final report of the independent appraisal of data collection, systems and modelling for the Fire Cover Review. Nottingham: The Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire Authority.

BOWPITT, G., DWYER, P., SUNDIN, E. and WEINSTEIN, M., 2011. The HOME Study: Comparing the priorities of multiply excluded homeless people and support agencies. Saldford: University of Salford.

NOBLE, H., WHITE, D., WINN, J., FOSTER, D., BLACH, D., KAHN, K., HALL, R. and BULL, R., 2011. Heuristics for designing sustainable energy dashboards. London: JISC.

GANPAT, S.M., GRANATH, S., HAGSTEDT, J. and KIVIVUORI, J., 2011. Homicide in Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden: a first study on the European Homicide Monitor Data. Stockholm: Brottsförebyggande rådet/The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention.

ZIMINA, D. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2011. IMMPREST project report. UNSPECIFIED.

CHAPPLE, W. and MOON, J., 2011. The IMPACT handbook: conceptual and empirical framework. European Union.

COX, T., HASSARD, J. and HASSARD, T., 2011. Identifying and describing databases relevant to health and safety at work. Bootle: HSE Books.

DEN BESTEN, H., RICHTER, J., BAKHUYS ROOZEBOOM, M., KWANTES, J.-H., EECKELAERT, L., DE MEYER, S., JOHNSON, P., BUTLER, C., GERVAIS, R., LÓPEZ NUNES, I., FARIN, K., PECILLO, M., MŁODZKA-STYBEL, A., JACHOWICZ, M., KUDÁSZ, F., HASSARD, J., COX, T., PAPALE, A., WILLIAMS, A., WILHELM, H., LAAMANEN, I. and ELSLER, D., 2011. Innovative solutions to safety and health risks in the construction, healthcare and HORECA sectors. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

MURPHY, P. and GREENHALGH, K., 2011. Interim report of the independent appraisal of data collection, systems and modelling for the Fire Cover Review. Nottingham: The Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire Authority.

WHYSALL, Z. and BENJAMIN, N., 2011. Internal communications: is it giving your organization the performance edge? A Lane4 White Paper. Bourne End, Buckinghamshire: Lane4 Management Group Ltd..

ZIMINA, D. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2011. LCM project report. UNSPECIFIED.

ZIMINA, D. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2011. Lean games report. UNSPECIFIED.

ABBOTT, C., BROWN, D., EVETT, L., STANDEN, P. and WRIGHT, J., 2011. Learning difference and digital technologies: a literature review of research involving children and young people using assistive technologies 2007-2010. London: King's College London.

MOON, J., GOND, J.-P., GRUBNIC, S. and HERZIG, C., 2011. Management control for sustainability strategy. London: Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.

COPSEY, S., ROMMEL, A., CLEAL, Y., KÄRMENIEMI, P., STENGÅRD, J., BLOBNER, K., SCHMITZ-FELTEN, E., KOUKOULAKI, T., LIDDLE, M., KOUVONEN, A., WONG, V., FELTEN, C., KUDÁSZ, F., BUDAVÖLGYI, A., PAPALE, A., VAN DER BEEK, D., SYE, T., STARREN, A., DRUPSTEEN, L., NUNES, I., CABEÇAS, J.M.M., ŁUCZAK, A., PLATON, S.N., COX, T., HASSARD, J. and TAYLOR, T.N., 2011. Managing risks to drivers in road transport. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

HASSARD, J., COX, T., MURAWSKI, S., DE MEYER, S., MUYLAERT, K., FLINTROP, J. and PODNIECE, Z., 2011. Mental health promotion in the workplace – a good practice report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

COATES, J. and SAYAL, K., 2011. Parenting programme mapping survey report: Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire. Nottingham: Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care – Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire (CLAHRC-NDL).

BREMNER-HARRISON, S. and CYPHER, B.L., 2011. Reintroducing San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) to vacant or restored lands: identifying optimal source populations and candidate foxes. Sacramento, California: Central Valley Project Conservation Program.

LAWTON, C., 2011. Report 4: Employment and skills [prepared by The Economic Strategy Research Bureau]. Derby: D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership.

LAWTON, C., 2011. Report 5: Education and training [prepared by The Economic Strategy Research Bureau]. Derby: D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership.

LAWTON, C., 2011. Report 6: Review of D2N2 research & strategy and gap analysis [prepared by The Economic Strategy Research Bureau]. Derby: D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership.

HERZIG, C., MOON, J., KUISMA, M. and HALME, M., 2011. Report of company self-presentations: report for the European Commission’s seventh Framework Programme (FP7) ‘CSR IMPACT’. UNSPECIFIED.

CHING, J., 2011. Response to ILEX/IPS consultation paper on work-based learning outcomes and scheme. Nottingham: ILEX/IPS.

ROBSON, J. and CHING, J., 2011. Response to Joint Advocacy Group consultation on regulatory changes to support the Quality Assurance Scheme for Advocates (Crime) proposed changes and questions. London: BSB; SRA, ILEX Professional Standards.

KNOX, A., OXBORROW, L., HILL, H., ROBINET, P. and BACHMANN, J.-M., 2011. SERVice Oriented Intelligent Value Adding nEtwork for Clothing-SMEs embarking in Mass-Customisation [as a result of the Automatic knitting Sites pilot, Task D6.2a]. CORDIS. CORDIS.

ECCLES, T., 2011. Service charge operating report 2010-11. Property Solutions (UK) Ltd..

HARRIS, L., TUCKMAN, A., WATLING, D. and DOWNES, B., 2011. Unlocking engagement: a review of the ‘Innovative Workplaces’ initiative. London: Acas.

KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., MICHAELIDES, G. and HARDY, C., 2011. Work & well-being – in context. Feedback reports to 17 UK organizations. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

MACKINTOSH, C., 2011. An external evaluation of a London based outdoor table tennis pilot scheme run by the English Table Tennis Association. Notttingham: Nottingham Trent University.

JACOBS, A.D., 2011. A fragmented Europe in a frail Congo. Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zurich Center for Security Studies (CSS).

ROWLETT, P., 2011. The mathematical sciences HE curriculum innovation project. Bournemouth: Bournemouth University, p. 6.

HARRADINE, D., PROWLE, M.J. and LOWTH, G., 2011. A method for assessing the effectiveness of NHS budgeting: its application to a National Health Service Foundation Trust. London: CIMA.

KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., HARDY, C., MICHAELIDES, G. and WARDLE, M., 2011. The workplace makes a difference: developing healthy work environments for employee well-being: guidance for employers (v1.0). Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.


MEDJDOUB, B., 2011. Paul Coates: Programming architecture. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 12 (4), pp. 463-464. ISSN 1389-2576

SHEPPARD, E., 2011. Autism and the edges of the known world: sensitivities, language and constructed reality by O. Bogdashina [book review]. British Journal of Psychology, 102 (2), pp. 275-276. ISSN 2044-8295

BLAJ-WARD, L., 2011. Book review: Action research in teaching and learning: a practical guide to conducting pedagogical research in universities (Norton, L.S., 2008). International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 14 (4), pp. 327-335. ISSN 1364-5579

CHADWICK, E., 2011. Book review: Evolutionary psychology: a critical Introduction, edited by Viren Swami. Psychology Learning & Teaching (PLAT), 10 (3), pp. 277-278. ISSN 1475-7257

CARTER, S., 2011. Book review: Jane Kingsley-Smith, 'Cupid in early modern literature and culture' (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010). Cahiers Élisabéthains, 79.

BLAJ-WARD, L., 2011. Book review: Learning development in higher education (Hartley, P., et al., 2010). .

HUNT, K.J., 2011. Else/where: mapping: new cartographies of networks and territories [book review]. Material Culture, 43 (1), pp. 122-125. ISSN 0883-3680

WANG, J., 2011. Ian Chaston, 'Entrepreneurial management in small firms' [book review]. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 12 (2), pp. 151-152.

BURCH, S., 2011. Impressionist and Modern Art Galleries, National Museum Cardiff [exhibition review]. Museums Journal, 111 (4), pp. 46-47. ISSN 0027-416X

DENONCOURT, J., 2011. Invaluable for trade mark owners, in-house, specialist, and non-specialist trade mark lawyers. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 6 (6), pp. 412-414. ISSN 1747-1532

JASPAL, R., 2011. Priscila, (white) queen of the desert, by Damien Riggs: New York, Peter Lang, 2006, ISBN 0820486582. Psychology and Sexuality, 2 (1), pp. 99-102. ISSN 1941-9899

BURCH, S., 2011. Ude godt, men hjemme bedst: Dansk og Nordisk kunst 1750-1900 [exhibition review]. Danske Museer, 24 (5), pp. 9-13. ISSN 0416-7120


LEAHY, C.B.L., 2011. Electronic role-play as a manifestation of open task computer-assisted language learning: a case study. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

GOODSON, R.P., 2011. Writing The see-through man: poetry and commentary. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

Website content

WEBB, J., BYROM, N., CHING, J., MAHARG, P., SHERR, A., SUSSKIND, R., THOMSON, S. and WILSON, R., 2011. Website of the SRA/BSB/IPS Legal Education and Training Review. SRA/BSB/IPS.

BALDI, M., BIANCHI, M., CHIARALUCE, F., ROSENTHAL, J. and SCHIPANI, D., 2011. Enhanced public key security for the McEliece cryptosystem.

MOLTHAN-HILL, P., 2011. Green procurement. London: Henry Stewart Talks Ltd.

ELIA, M. and SCHIPANI, D., 2011. Improvements on Cantor-Zassenhaus factorization algorithm.

WEBB, J., CHING, J., MAHARG, P. and SHERR, A., 2011. Legal Education and Training Review research phase briefing and discussion papers. Legal Education and Training Review (LETR).

HASSARD, J. and COX, T., 2011. Mental health at work. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).

ELIA, M. and SCHIPANI, D., 2011. On the Rabin signature.

LANGE, R., LIANG, H., HOWARD, H. and SPOONER, J., 2011. Optical coherence tomography and spectral imaging of a wall painting. SPIE Newsroom.

ELIA, M., PIVA, M. and SCHIPANI, D., 2011. The Rabin cryptosystem revisited.

SMEETON, J., 2011. Research - raising the bar? Evaluation of the social pedagogy pilot in residential children's homes. Sutton: CommunityCare.

GEHRKE, A. and HASSARD, J., 2011. Work-life balance - managing the interface between family and working life. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).

HASSARD, J. and COX, T., 2011. Work-related stress: nature and management. Bilbao, Spain: EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety & Health at Work).

Working paper

BIERMANN, F.M., 2011. A measure to compare matchings in marriage markets. Jerusalem: Center for the Study of Rationality, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

JACOBS, A.D., 2011. Civilian CSDP missions: the curious case of German institutions. Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik.


BENNETT, M., 2011. 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s spaceflight [Frances Finn Show, 12 April 2011]. BBC Radio Nottingham.

BREEDON, P., 2011. Animatronic head as developmental aid to help stroke victims [07.11.11]. BBC Radio Nottingham.

PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2011. Becoming-Afrikaner [commentary piece]. London: V&A.

JUDD, B., 2011. Celebrating: ritual and performance [invited public lecture].

BENNETT, M., 2011. City centre protesters [Mark Dennison Show, 25 October 2011]. BBC Radio Nottingham.

DE FREITAS, S. and MAHARG, P., 2011. Digital games and learning [series editor]. Abingdon: Routledge.

RUMNEY, P., 2011. DreamPlay [writer of interactive performance for 3-4 Year olds, 2011-2012]. Big Window Theatre.

DEO, M.E., MAHARG, P. and MERTZ, E., 2011. Emerging legal education [series editor]. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.

COCKER, E., 2011. Field notes: extracts from an event [text work] [In: Hirvanen, M., ed. Edge of Europe. Finland: Kiasma, pp. 126 -133].

COLEMAN, S. and SIRICHAND, K., 2011. Fractional integration and volatility of UK interest rates. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Business School, Economics Division.

BENNETT, M., 2011. History cold case. Series Two: ‘The York 113’. BBC2.

GILLESPIE, T., HOPKINS-BURKE, K. and MELLETT, J., 2011. Honour based violence and the multi-agency approach in Nottingham: response of local agencies to honour based violence. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

COLEMAN, S., 2011. Inflation dynamics and poverty rates: regional and sectoral evidence for Ghana. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Business School, Economics Division.

LAWTON, C., 2011. Interview - on trends in vacancies and unemployment [4.11.2011]. Nottingham: BBC East Midlands Today.

LAWTON, C., 2011. Interview - responding to an ONS monthly labour market statistics release [14.12.2011]. Nottingham: BBC Radio Nottingham.

COLEMAN, S. and SIRICHAND, K., 2011. Investigating business cycle synchronization in West Africa. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Business School, Economics Division.

ABDELMONEM, M.G., MCKAY, S., HADJRI, K. and MCGARRY, M., 2011. Local area plans: best practice manual. Dublin: Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government.

MURPHY, P., 2011. NTU Emergency Services Research Unit Biannual Newsletter. Nottingham: NTU Emergency Services Research Unit.

BENNETT, M., 2011. Naseby Battlefield Project: restricted sight tour [contributions to tracks: one, two, three, five and seven]. The Naseby Project.

ARTHUR, L. and MARTIN, P., 2011. The National Capstone Project. Nottingham Trent University.

COCKER, E., 2011. Pay attention to the footnotes Kuopio [text work] [In: Hirvanen, M., ed. Edge of Europe. Finland: Kiasma, pp. 35 -51].

WHEATLEY, D. and WU, Z., 2011. Work, inequality, and the dual career household. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Business School, Economics Division.

BENNETT, M., 2011. The class divide? [Frances Finn Show, 4 May 2011]. BBC Radio Nottingham.

KARANIKA-MURRAY, M. and MICHAELIDES, G., 2011. A questionnaire to assess enabling work environments for psychological health (Manual v 1.0) [questionnaire].

This list was generated on Sat Oct 19 11:05:22 2024 UTC.