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Journal article

FARNWORTH, M.J., 2007. Optimal foraging theory: enhancing student understanding through role play and strategy gaming. Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching, 33 (4), pp. 22-25. ISSN 1539-2422

CHMURA, T., KAISER, J. and PITZ, T., 2007. Simulating complex social behaviour with the genetic action tree kernel. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 13 (4), pp. 355-377. ISSN 1381-298X

HE, J., REEVES, C., WITT, C. and YAO, X., 2007. A note on problem difficulty measures in black-box optimization: classification, realizations and predictability. Evolutionary Computation, 15 (4), pp. 435-443. ISSN 1063-6560

ZHOU, Y. and HE, J., 2007. Convergence analysis of a self-adaptive multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on grids. Information Processing Letters, 104 (4), pp. 117-122. ISSN 0020-0190

ADAIKALAKOTESWARI, A., BALASUBRAMANYAM, M., RAVIKUMAR, R., DEEPA, R. and MOHAN, V., 2007. Association of telomere shortening with impaired glucose tolerance and diabetic macroangiopathy. Atherosclerosis, 195 (1), pp. 83-89. ISSN 0021-9150

JONES, K., DALEY, D., HUTCHINGS, J., BYWATER, T. and EAMES, C., 2007. Efficacy of the Incredible Years basic parent training programme as an early intervention for children with conduct problems and ADHD. Child: Care, Health and Development, 33 (6), pp. 749-756. ISSN 0305-1862

WALLER, B.M., BARD, K.A., VICK, S.-J. and SMITH PASQUALINI, M.C., 2007. Perceived differences between chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and human (Homo sapiens) facial expressions are related to emotional interpretation. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 121 (4), pp. 398-404. ISSN 0735-7036

WUSTENBERG, J., 2007. Towards a new kind of legitimacy? Jan Gross’s neighbors and Poland’s reckoning with the past. CEU Political Science Journal, 2 (2), pp. 152-174. ISSN 1992-3147

CHEAH, E.T., CHAN, W.L. and CHIENG, C.L.L., 2007. The corporate social responsibility of pharmaceutical product recalls: an empirical examination of U.S. and U.K. markets. Journal of Business Ethics, 76 (4), pp. 427-449. ISSN 0167-4544

MONETA, A., 2007. I prodotti edilizi della trasformazione a Roma: un'indagine su come fattori Demografici, Sociali, ed Economici stiano influenzando le trasformazioni urbane della Capitale attraverso nuovi prodotti edilizi. Hortus, 1 (1). ISSN 2038-6095

FULLER, A., UNWIN, L., FELSTEAD, A., JEWSON, N. and KAKAVELAKIS, K., 2007. Creating and using knowledge: an analysis of the differentiated nature of workplace learning environments. British Educational Research Journal, 33 (5), pp. 743-759. ISSN 0141-1926

ZHOU, Y. and HE, J., 2007. A runtime analysis of evolutionary algorithms for constrained optimization problems. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 11 (5), pp. 608-619. ISSN 1089-778X

DANESE, S., SCALDAFERRI, F., VETRANO, S., STEFANELLI, T., GRAZIANI, C., REPICI, A., RICCI, R., STRAFACE, G., SGAMBATO, A., MALESCI, A., FIOCCHI, C. and RUTELLA, S., 2007. Critical role of the CD40 CD40-ligand pathway in regulating mucosal inflammation-driven angiogenesis in inflammatory bowel disease. Gut, 56 (9), pp. 1248-1256. ISSN 0017-5749

FATTORUSSO, J., SKOVORODA, R., BUCK, T. and BRUCE, A., 2007. UK executive bonuses and transparency - a research note. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45 (3), pp. 518-536. ISSN 0007-1080

TURAN KATIRCIOGLU, S., KAHYALAR, N. and BENAR, H., 2007. Financial development, trade and growth triangle: the case of India. International Journal of Social Economics, 34 (9), pp. 586-598. ISSN 0306-8293

LEONE, A.M., GALIUTO, L., GARRAMONE, B., RUTELLA, S., GIANNICO, M.B., BRUGALETTA, S., PERFETTI, M., LIUZZO, G., PORTO, I., BURZOTTA, F., NICCOLI, G., BIASUCCI, L.M., LEONE, G., REBUZZI, A.G. and CREA, F., 2007. Usefulness of Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor in Patients With a Large Anterior Wall Acute Myocardial Infarction to Prevent Left Ventricular Remodeling (The Rigenera Study). The American Journal of Cardiology, 100 (3), pp. 397-403. ISSN 0002-9149

DICKINS, T.E. and DICKINS, B.J.A., 2007. [Open peer commentary] Designed calibration: naturally selected flexibility, not non-genetic inheritance. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30 (04), pp. 368-369. ISSN 0140-525X

PAUKNER, A., ANDERSON, J.R., FOGASSI, L. and FERRARI, P.F., 2007. Do facial gestures, visibility or speed of movement influence gaze following responses in pigtail macaques? Primates, 48 (3), pp. 241-244. ISSN 0032-8332

BOUZIGON, E., ULGEN, A., DIZIER, M.-H., SIROUX, V., LATHROP, M., KAUFFMANN, F., PIN, I. and DEMENAIS, F., 2007. Evidence for a pleiotropic QTL on chromosome 5q13 influencing both time to asthma onset and asthma score in French EGEA families. Human Genetics, 121 (6), pp. 711-719. ISSN 0340-6717

OLIVETO, P.S., HE, J. and YAO, X., 2007. Time complexity of evolutionary algorithms for combinatorial optimization: a decade of results. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 4 (3), pp. 281-293. ISSN 1476-8186

PARR, L.A., WALLER, B.M. and VICK, S.J., 2007. New developments in understanding emotional facial signals in chimpanzees. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16 (3), pp. 117-122. ISSN 0963-7214

DEVILAT, B., 2007. Prototipo Proyecto Tarapacá: una propuesta para la reconstrucción de la vivienda en poblados patrimoniales. CA Ciudad/Arquitectura (130): 6-7, pp. 32-35. ISSN 0716-3622

TASINKEVYCH, M. and DIETRICH, S., 2007. Complete wetting of pits and grooves. European Physical Journal E, 23 (1), pp. 117-128. ISSN 1292-8941

FELSTEAD, A., FULLER, A., JEWSON, N., KAKAVELAKIS, K. and UNWIN, L., 2007. Grooving to the same tunes?: Learning, training and productive systems in the aerobics studio. Work, Employment and Society, 21 (2), pp. 189-208. ISSN 0950-0170

CORTEZ, J., ANGHIERI, A., BONNER, P.L.R., GRIFFIN, M. and FREDDI, G., 2007. Transglutaminase mediated grafting of silk peptides onto wool fabrics leads to improved physical and mechanical properties. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 40 (7), pp. 1698-1704. ISSN 0141-0229

PILCHER, J., 2007. Body work: childhood, gender and school health education in England, 1870—1977. Childhood, 14 (2), pp. 215-233. ISSN 0907-5682

SWAN, J., GOUSSEVSKAIA, A., NEWELL, S., ROBERTSON, M., BRESNEN, M. and OBEMBE, A., 2007. Modes of organizing biomedical innovation in the UK and US and the role of integrative and relational capabilities. Research Policy, 36 (4), pp. 529-547. ISSN 0048-7333

CURTI, A., PANDOLFI, S., VALZASINA, B., ALUIGI, M., ISIDORI, A., FERRI, E., SALVESTRINI, V., BONANNO, G., RUTELLA, S., DURELLI, I., HORENSTEIN, A.L., FIORE, F., MASSAIA, M., COLOMBO, M.P., BACCARANI, M. and LEMOLI, R.M., 2007. Modulation of tryptophan catabolism by human leukemic cells results in the conversion of CD25- into CD25+ T regulatory cells. Blood, 109 (7), pp. 2871-2877. ISSN 0006-4971

PAUKNER, A., ANDERSON, J.R., DONALDSON, D.I. and FERRARI, P.F., 2007. Cued repetition of self-directed behaviors in macaques (Macaca nemestrina). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 33 (2), pp. 139-147. ISSN 0097-7403

HUTCHINGS, J., BYWATER, T., DALEY, D., GARDNER, F., WHITAKER, C., JONES, K., EAMES, C. and EDWARDS, R.T., 2007. Parenting intervention in Sure Start services for children at risk of developing conduct disorder: pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 334: 678. ISSN 0959-8138

ADDICOAT, M.A., BUNTINE, M.A., METHA, G.F., GILBERT, A.T.B. and GILL, P.M.W., 2007. BFW: a density functional for transition metal clusters. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 111 (13), pp. 2625-2628. ISSN 1089-5639

ENG TUCK CHEAH, J., 2007. Baldrige Award announcement and long memory in shareholder wealth. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 18 (1-2), pp. 209-218. ISSN 1478-3363

LANE, P., ASHLEY, C., SEITSONEN, O., HARVEY, P., MIRE, S. and ODEDE, F., 2007. The transition to farming in eastern Africa: new faunal and dating evidence from Wadh Lang'o and Usenge, Kenya. Antiquity, 81 (311), pp. 62-81. ISSN 0003-598X

DE CANDIA, E., PECCI, A., CIABATTONI, G., DE CRISTOFARO, R., RUTELLA, S., YAO-WU, Z., LAZZARESCHI, I., LANDOLFI, R., COUGLIN, S. and BALDUINI, C.L., 2007. Defective platelet responsiveness to thrombin and protease-activated receptors agonists in a novel case of gray platelet syndrome: correlation between the platelet defect and theα-granule content in the patient and four relatives. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 5 (3), pp. 551-559. ISSN 1538-7933

GANPAT, S.M., 2007. Huiselijk geweld en middelengebruik. Verslaving, 3 (1), pp. 34-35. ISSN 1574-1842

DIXON, R., RITCHIE, J. and SIWALE, J., 2007. Loan officers and loan 'delinquency' in microfinance: a Zambian case. Accounting Forum, 31 (1), pp. 47-71. ISSN 0155-9982

BALASUBRAMANYAM, M., ADAIKALAKOTESWARI, A., MONICKARAJ, S.F. and MOHAN, V., 2007. Telomere shortening & metabolic/vascular diseases. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 125 (3), pp. 441-450. ISSN 0971-5916

FURLOTTI, M., 2007. There is more to contracts than incompleteness: a review and assessment of empirical research on inter-firm contract design. Journal of Management and Governance, 11 (1), pp. 61-99. ISSN 1385-3457

SANTONOCITO, C., CAPIZZI, R., CONCOLINO, P., LAVIERI, M.M., PARADISI, A., GENTILESCHI, S., TORTI, E., RUTELLA, S., ROCCHETTI, S., DI CARLO, A., DI STASIO, E., AMEGLIO, F., ZUPPI, C. and CAPOLUONGO, E., 2007. Association between cutaneous melanoma, Breslow thickness and vitamin D receptor BsmI polymorphism. British Journal of Dermatology, 156 (2), pp. 277-282. ISSN 0007-0963

SELTEN, R., CHMURA, T., PITZ, T., KUBE, S. and SCHRECKENBERG, M., 2007. Commuters route choice behaviour. Games and Economic Behavior, 58 (2), pp. 394-406. ISSN 0899-8256

BONANNO, G., MARIOTTI, A., PROCOLI, A., CORALLO, M., RUTELLA, S., PESSINA, G., SCAMBIA, G., MANCUSO, S. and PIERELLI, L., 2007. Human cord blood CD133+ cells immunoselected by a clinical-grade apparatus differentiate in vitro into endothelial- and cardiomyocyte-like cells. Transfusion, 47 (2), pp. 280-289. ISSN 0041-1132

WOODALL, P., BRERETON, P. and BUDGEN, D., 2007. Investigating service-oriented system performance: a systematic study. Software: Practice and Experience, 37 (2), pp. 177-191. ISSN 0038-0644

VICK, S.-J., WALLER, B.M., PARR, L.A., SMITH PASQUALINI, M.C. and BARD, K.A., 2007. A cross-species comparison of facial morphology and movement in humans and chimpanzees using the facial action coding system (FACS). Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 31 (1), pp. 1-20. ISSN 0191-5886

MONTEITH, S., 2007. Southern like us? The Global South, 1 (1-2), pp. 66-74. ISSN 1932-8648

DONG, H., HE, J., HUANG, H. and HOU, W., 2007. Evolutionary programming using a mixed mutation strategy. Information Sciences, 177 (1), pp. 312-327. ISSN 0020-0255

REYNOLDS, C., 2007. May 68: a contested history. Sens-Public.

CHADWICK, E., 2007. The 2005 Terrorism Convention: a flexible step too far? Nottingham Law Journal, 16 (2), pp. 29-43. ISSN 0965-0660

JOHNSON, P., GRIFFITHS, R. and GILL, S., 2007. The 24 hr product: from concept to interactive model in less than a day. International Journal of Design Engineering, 1 (1), pp. 56-70. ISSN 1751-5874

BONATI, M.L.M., JOYNER, R.W. and STOCKENHUBER, M., 2007. An A1 K-edge EXFAS and in-situ FTIR study of the activation of Mo03/ZSM-5 catalyst precursors. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 104, pp. 97-102.

MURALI-GANESH, R., POWE, D.G., PANCHOLI, A., BALL, G.R., RAKHA, E. and ELLIS, I.O., 2007. ALCAM is an independent predictor of survival in unselected breast cancer. Ejc Supplements, 5 (3), pp. 28-29. ISSN 1359-6349

MITCHELL, M.J., WISHART, G., BLAMEY, R.W., BALL, G.R. and ELLIS, I.O., 2007. Absolute gain. Ejc Supplements, 5 (3), p. 35. ISSN 1359-6349

WOOLLARD, D., ZHANG, M. and JONES, O., 2007. Academic enterprise and regional economic growth: towards an enterprising university. Industry and Higher Education, 21 (6), pp. 387-403.

DIAS, T., MONARAGALA, R. and SOLEIMANI, M., 2007. Acoustic response of curved active PVDF paper/fabric speaker for active noise control of automobile interior noise. Measurement Science & Technology, 18, pp. 1521-1532.

MCKNIGHT, S., 2007. Acquisition and cataloguing processes: changes as a result of Customer Value Discovery. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 2 (4), pp. 22-35.

WOOD, R.T.A., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PARKE, J., 2007. Acquisition, development, and maintenance of online poker playing in a student sample. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 10, pp. 354-361.

PAOLELLA, A. and QUATTRONE, G., 2007. Addressing cultural, social and environmental sustainability in architecture. The approach of five contemporary Australian architects. Design Principles and Practices: an International Journal, 1 (3), pp. 39-45. ISSN 1833-1874

SLACK, L.K., MUTHANA, M., HOPKINSON, K., SUVARNA, S.K., ESPIGARES, E., MIRZA, S., FAIRBURN, B. and POCKLEY, A.G., 2007. Administration of the stress protein gp96 prolongs rat cardiac allograft survival, modifies rejection-associated inflammatory events, and induces a state of peripheral T-cell hyporesponsiveness. Cell Stress & Chaperones, 12 (1), pp. 71-82. ISSN 1355-8145

BUCZKIEWICZ, M., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and RIGBYE, J., 2007. Adolescent attitudes towards gambling: some preliminary findings. Education and Health, 25 (1), pp. 6-9. ISSN 0265-1602

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and WOOD, R.T.A., 2007. Adolescent internet gambling: preliminary results of a national survey. Education and Health, 25 (2), pp. 23-27. ISSN 0265-1602

DIAS, T., MONARAGALA, R. and SOLEIMANI, M., 2007. Analysis of active PVDF-paper/fabric speaker for active noise control. Journal of Information and Computing Science, 2 (2), pp. 137-144.

BUDIMIR, N., WESTON, D.J. and CREASER, C.S., 2007. Analysis of pharmaceutical formulations using atmospheric pressure ion mobility spectrometry combined with liquid chromatography and nano-electrospray ionization. Analyst, 132, pp. 34-40. ISSN 0003-2654

IANAKIEV, A. and LIM, K.K., 2007. Analysis of rotational moulding process parameters and warpage on cycle times'. Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 36 (10), pp. 455-462. ISSN 1743-2898

DIAS, T., MONARAGALA, R., NEEDHAM, P. and LAY, E., 2007. Analysis of sound absorption of tuch spacer fabrics to reduce automotive noise. Measurement Science & Technology, 18, pp. 1-10.

SHUTTLEWORTH, I.G., 2007. Analysis of the (3x3)-H/Cu(111) system using eikonal-level helium atom scattering simulations. Surface Review and Letters, 14 (6), pp. 1089-1093. ISSN 0218-625X

DIAS, T., MONARAGALA, R. and LAY, E., 2007. Analysis of thick spacer fabrics to reduce automobile interior noise. Measurement Science & Technology, 18, pp. 1979-1991.

KAUR-ATWA, G., WESTON, D.J., GREEN, P.S., CROSLAND, S., BONNER, P.L.R. and CREASER, C.S., 2007. Analysis of tryptic peptides using desorption electrospray ionization combined with ion mobility spectrometry and time-of-flight mass spectrometry for high-throughput protein identification. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 21 (7), pp. 1131-1138.

PYATT, F.B., BARKER, G.W., RABETT, R.J., SZABO, K. and WILSON, B., 2007. Analytical examination of animal remains from Borneo: the painting of bone and shell. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology.

ANDREWS, K., 2007. Ann Yearsley: a literary career reconsidered. Literature Compass, 5 (1), pp. 90-105. ISSN 1741-4113

KRZYSTYNIAK, M., CHATZIDIMITRIOU-DREISMANN, C.A., LERCH, M., LALOWICZ, Z.T. and SZYMOCHA, A., 2007. Anomalous neutron Compton scattering cross sections in ammonium hexachlorometallates. Journal of Chemical Physics, 126 (12), p. 124501. ISSN 0021-9606

DAWSON, P., DOBSON, S., GODDARD, J.A. and WILSON, J., 2007. Are football referees really biased and inconsistent? Evidence on the incidence of disciplinary sanction in the English Premier League. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 170 (1), pp. 231-250. ISSN 0964-1998

DAWSON, P., DOBSON, S., GODDARD, J.A. and WILSON, J., 2007. Are football referees really biased and inconsistent? Evidence on the incidence of disciplinary sanction in the English Premier League. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 170 (1), pp. 231-250. ISSN 0964-1998

TILBUREY, G.T., PATWARDHAN, S.V., HUANG, J., KAPLAN, D. and PERRY, C.C., 2007. Are hydroxyl-containing biomolecules important in biosilicification? A model study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 111 (17), pp. 4630-4638. ISSN 1520-6106

FINNEGAN, D.P., QUINN, M.F., HUMPHREYS, M., LAPPIN, T.R.J., MCMULLIN, M.F., THOMPSON, A. and BALL, G.R., 2007. Artificial neural network analysis identifies novel patterns of HOX gene expression in prognostic subgroups of acute myeloid leukaemia. British Journal of Haematology, 137, p. 67. ISSN 0007-1048

MANSFIELD, J.R. and ROYSTON, P., 2007. Aspects of valuation practice in Central and Eastern European economies. Property Management, 25 (2), pp. 150-163.

EVANS, R., FROST, M., STONECLIFFE-JONES, M. and DIXON, N., 2007. Assessment of in situ dielectric constant of pavement materials. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2037), pp. 128-135.

DAVIES, S.G., GARNER, A.C., GODDARD, E.C., KRUCHININ, D., ROBERTS, P.M., SMITH, A.D., RODRIGUEZ-SOLLA, H., THOMSON, J.E. and TOMS, S.M., 2007. Asymmetric synthesis of 3,4-anti- and 3,4-syn-substituted aminopyrrolidines via lithium amide conjugate addition. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 5 (12), pp. 1961-1969.

KUKSA, I., 2007. At the interface of art and technology: the dilemma of the modern theatre. Scenography International, 10.

MARTIN, P., PARKER, S.C., SAYLE, D.C. and WATSON, G.W., 2007. Atomistic modelling of multilayered ceria nanotubes. Nanoletters, 7 (3), pp. 543-546.

MOORE, D., PALMER, A.R., HALL, D.A. and SUMNER, C., 2007. Auditory cortex 2006: the listening brain [editorial]. Hearing Research, 229 (12), pp. 1-2.

GREENWOOD, J.R., NORRIS, J.E. and WINT, J., 2007. Authors' reply to written discussion by Dr. A.K. Goodwin. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 160 (1), pp. 51-53. ISSN 1353-2618

SENIOR, J., ALLISON, I. and TEPPER, J., 2007. Automated software quality visualisation using fuzzy logic techniques. Communication of the IIMA, 7 (1), pp. 25-40. ISSN 1543-5970

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Avoiding PhD burnout (a few handy tips). PsyPAG Quarterly (65), pp. 28-29.

SMITH, S., 2007. Beckett in occupied Paris, August 1942 [poem]. An Sionnach: a Journal of Literature, Arts, and Culture, 3 (1).

SHUTTLEWORTH, I.G., 2007. Benchmarking Patterson analysis in helium atom scattering. Surface Review and Letters, 14 (1), pp. 1-4. ISSN 0218-625X

MCKAY, J., 2007. The Berlin land election 2006. German Politics, 16 (4), pp. 518-525. ISSN 0964-4008

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PARKE, J., 2007. Betting on the couch: a thematic analysis of Internet gambling using case studies. Social Psychological Review, 9 (2), pp. 29-36.

SMITH, A.J. and COLLINS, L.A., 2007. Between a rock and a hard place? Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 14 (4), pp. 567-581. ISSN 1462-6004

KEMSHALL, H. and WOOD, J., 2007. Beyond public protection: An examination of community protection and public health approaches to high-risk offenders. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 7 (3), pp. 203-222.

CHAN, C.K., COLE, B. and BOWPITT, G., 2007. 'Beyond silent organisations': a reflection of the UK Chinese people and their community organisations. Critical Social Policy, 27 (4), pp. 509-533. ISSN 0261-0183

CHAN, C.K., COLE, B. and BOWPITT, G., 2007. 'Beyond silent organisations': a reflection of the UK Chinese people and their community organisations. Critical Social Policy, 27 (4), pp. 509-533. ISSN 0261-0183

MCTIGUE, P., 2007. Beyond the contractual veil: agency workers, employee status and commercial reality. Nottingham Law Journal, 16 (1), p. 54. ISSN 0965-0660

DAVIES, K., 2007. Blake in the Times Digital Archive. Blake - an Illustrated Quarterly, pp. 45-46. ISSN 0006-453X

WALLACE, R. and DRAŠAR, P., 2007. Boloñský proces se odráží i v budoucnosti chemicky orientovaných stredních škol. Chemické Listy, 101, pp. 337-363. ISSN 0009-2770

KHOUMBATI, K., DWIVEDI, Y.K., LAL, B. and CHEN, H., 2007. Broadband adoption in Pakistan. Electronic Government: an International Journal,, 4 (4), pp. 451-465.

DIAMOND, J., LIDDLE, J., ROWE, M. and SOUTHERN, A., 2007. Building castles in the sky? Regions Magazine, 265 (1), p. 3.

CHAPPLE, W. and MOON, J., 2007. CSR agendas for Asia. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 14 (4), pp. 183-188. ISSN 1535-3958

TURNER, M.D., FULCHER, F.K., SMITH, B.T., VELASQUEZ, C.R., AGANNA, E., PARTRIDGE, C.J., HITMAN, G.A., CLARK, A. and PATEL, Y.M., 2007. Calpain facilitates actin reorganization during glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 352, pp. 650-655.

TRIGG, R., JONES, R.W. and SKEVINGTON, S.M., 2007. Can people with mild to moderate dementia provide reliable answers about their quality of life? Age and Ageing, 36 (6), pp. 663-669. ISSN 0002-0729

WILSON, G. and WILSON, S.J., 2007. Can the general fraud offence 'get the law right'? Some perspectives on the 'problem' of financial crime. Journal of Criminal Law, 71 (1), pp. 36-53. ISSN 1740-5580

MCHALE, G., 2007. Cassie and Wenzel: were they really so wrong? Langmuir, 23 (15), pp. 8200-8205. ISSN 0743-7463

CHING, J., 2007. Cause of action first: freezing injunction after: Fourie v le Roux (case and comment). Nottingham Law Journal, 16 (2), pp. 78-92. ISSN 0965-0660

SMITH, S., 2007. Centenary celebrations: Wystan Hugh Auden, Edith Smith [poem]. The English Association Newsletter, 185, p. 13. ISSN 1359-5202

DIAS, T. and DELKUMBURAWATTE, G.B., 2007. Changing porosity of knitted structures by changing tightness. Fibre and Polymers, 8, pp. 107-114.

HAGEN, R. and LIDDLE, J., 2007. Changing strategic direction for executive development in the public sector: opportunities for top business schools? International Journal of Public Sector Management, 20 (4), pp. 325-340. ISSN 0951-3558

MATHAROO-BALL, B., HUGHES, C., LANCASHIRE, L., TOOTH, D., BALL, G., CREASER, C., ELGASIM, M., REES, R., LAYFIELD, R. and ATIOMO, W., 2007. Characterization of biomarkers in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) using multiple distinct proteomic platforms. Journal of Proteome Research, 6 (8), pp. 3321-3328. ISSN 1535-3893

YOUNG, G., 2007. Clarifying 'familiarity': examining differences in the phenomenal experiences of patients suffering from prosopagnosia and Capgras delusion. Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, 14 (1), pp. 29-37.

PARR, L.A., WALLER, B.M., VICK, S.J. and BARD, K.A., 2007. Classifying chimpanzee facial expressions using muscle action. Emotion, 7 (1), pp. 172-181. ISSN 1528-3542

CUMMINGS, L., 2007. Clinical pragmatics: a field in search of phenomena? Language and Communication, 27 (4), pp. 396-432. ISSN 0271-5309

MATHAROO-BALL, B., BALL, G. and REES, R., 2007. Clinical proteomics: Discovery of cancer biomarkers using mass spectrometry and bioinformatics approaches - A prostate cancer perspective. Vaccine, 25. ISSN 0264-410X

EDWARDS, E., 2007. Cloth and community: the local trade in resist-dyed and block-printed textiles in Kachchh district, Gujarat. Textile History, 38 (2), pp. 179-197. ISSN 0040-4969

LAWS, K.R. and DICKINS, T., 2007. Cognitive science: the State of the Art. History and Philosophy of Psychology.

MASSON, E., LE, M., LEVY, P., CHUZHANOVA, N., COOPER, D.N., CHEN, J.M. and FÉREC, C., 2007. Coinheritance of a novel deletion of the entire SPINK1 gene with a CFTR missense mutation (L997F) in a family with chronic pancreatitis. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 92, pp. 168-175.

NOLLE, L. and SCHAEFER, G., 2007. Colour map design through optimisation. Engineering Optimization, 39 (3), pp. 327-343. ISSN 0305-215X

MOORE, C., 2007. Combating terrorism in Russia and Uzbekistan. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 20 (2).

MATHAROO-BALL, B., HUGHES, C., LANCASHIRE, L., TOOTH, D., BALL, G., CREASER, C., ELGASIM, M., REES, R.C., LAYFIELD, R. and ATIOMO, W., 2007. Combinational proteomic characterization of biomarkers in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Journal of Proteome Research, 6 (8), pp. 3321-3328.

GOUGH, B., 2007. Coming out in the heterosexist world of sport: a qualitative analysis of web postings by gay athletes. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy, 11 (12), pp. 153-174.

VASSY, C., DINGWALL, R. and MURCOTT, A., 2007. Comment analyser l'absence d'anticipation des risques? Le cas de la canicule 2003 en France. Sociologie et Sociétés, 39 (1), pp. 161-180.

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SMITH, D., 2007. The politics of innovation: why innovations need a godfather. Technovation, 27 (3), pp. 95-104. ISSN 0166-4972

SMITH, D., 2007. The politics of innovation: why innovations need a godfather. Technovation, 27 (3), pp. 95-104. ISSN 0166-4972

TOWNSEND, S., CAUBILLA-BARRON, J., LOC-CARRILLO, C. and FORSYTHE, S., 2007. The presence of endotoxin in powdered infant formula milk and the influence of endotoxin and Enterobacter sakazakii on bacterial translocation in the infant rat. Food Microbiology, 24 (1), pp. 67-74.

LAI, L.C.W., YUNG, P., LI, R.Y.M. and HO, E.C.K., 2007. The private supply of and public demand for planning: compliance with planning conditions in the absence of direct statutory enforcement measures. Planning Practice and Research, 22 (4), pp. 535-557. ISSN 0269-7459

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. The psychology of love. Psychology Review, 12 (3), pp. 5-6.

WIDYANTO, L., GRIFFITHS, M.D., BRUNSDEN, V. and MCMURRAN, M., 2007. The psychometric properties of the Internet related problem scale: a pilot study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 6 (2), pp. 205-213.

DRAKE, D., 2007. The public and the private in the lives of Jean-Paul Sartre. French Cultural Studies, 18 (2), pp. 237-250.

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and WOOD, R.T.A., 2007. A qualitative investigation of problem gambling as an escape-based coping strategy. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 80, pp. 107-125. ISSN 1476-0835

TYLER, C. and SUNDERLAND, C., 2007. The reliability and validity of a 90-minute preloaded treadmill time-trial in hot and moderate ambient temperatures. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39 (5). ISSN 0195-9131

CUTTING-DECELLE, A.F., YOUNG, B.I., DAS, B.P., CASE, K., RAHIMIFARD, S., ANUMBA, C.J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, D.M., 2007. A review of approaches to supply chain communications: from manufacturing to construction. ITcon, 12, pp. 73-102.

ASSUDANI, D.P., HORTON, R.B.V., MATHIEU, M.G., MCARDLE, S.E. and REES, R.C., 2007. The role of CD4(+) T cell help in cancer immunity and the formulation of novel cancer vaccines. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, 56 (1), pp. 70-80. ISSN 0340-7004

BRYSON, C. and HAND, L., 2007. The role of engagement in inspiring teaching and learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 44 (4), pp. 349-362. ISSN 1470-3300

FARRINGTON-FLINT, L. and WOOD, C., 2007. The role of lexical analogies in beginning reading: insights from children's self-reports. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99 (2), pp. 326-338. ISSN 0022-0663

FARRINGTON-FLINT, L., CANOBI, K.H., WOOD, C. and FAULKNER, D., 2007. The role of relational reasoning in children's addition concepts. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 25 (2), pp. 227-246. ISSN 0261-510X

SHUTTLEWORTH, I.G., 2007. The saturated (3x3)-H/Cu(111) system: a structural study using medium-energy ion scattering and helium atom scattering. Surface Review and Letters, 14 (6), pp. 1191-1198. ISSN 0218-625X

VERBOON, P. and VAN DIJKE, M.H., 2007. A self-interest analysis of tax compliance: how distributive justice moderates the effect of outcome favorability. Journal of Economic Psychology, 28 (6), pp. 704-727. ISSN 0167-4870

FISHER, T., WALLACE, J. and DEARDEN, A., 2007. The significant other: the value of jewellery within the conception, design and experience of body focused digital devices. AI and Society, 22, pp. 53-62. ISSN 0951-5666

LYCOURIS, S., BILLING, J., CORDINGLEY, T. and BREEDON, P.J., 2007. The "snake" project: an interdisciplinary framework of discussion. Scope (Art), 2, pp. 42-65. ISSN 1177-5653

VESALA, K., PEURA, J. and MCELWEE, G., 2007. The split entrepreneurial identity of the farmer. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 14 (1), pp. 48-63.

HIX, G.B., CAIGNAERT, V., RUEFF, J.-M., LE PLUART, L., WARREN, J.E. and JAFFRÈS, P.-A., 2007. A supramolecular ladderlike structure formed by the auto-assembly of benzene-1,3,5-triphosphonic acid. Crystal Growth & Design, 7, p. 208.

BRADSHAW, P. and WOOLLARD, J., 2007. A tale of two ITTES. ITTE Newsletter, 1 (56), pp. 4-5. ISSN 1362-9433

TORRANCE, M., FIDALGO, R. and GARCÍA, J.N., 2007. The teachability and effectiveness of cognitive self-regulation in sixth grade writers. Learning and Instruction, 17 (3), pp. 265-285.

FIEHLER, C.M., CYPHER, B.L., BREMNER-HARRISON, S. and POUNDS, D., 2007. A theft-resistant adjustable security box for digital cameras. Journal of Wildlife Management, 71 (6), pp. 2077-2080. ISSN 0022-541X

DEVULDER, T., WILSON, R. and CHILTON, J.C., 2007. The thermal behaviour of buildings incorporating single skin tensile membrane structures. International Journal of Low Carbon Technologies, 2 (2), pp. 195-213. ISSN 1748-1317

SCRIVEN, P., BROWN, N.J., POCKLEY, A.G. and WYLD, L., 2007. The unfolded protein response and cancer: a brighter future unfolding? Journal of Molecular Medicine, 85 (4), pp. 331-341. ISSN 0946-2716

ROWLEY, E. and DINGWALL, R., 2007. The use of single-use devices in anaesthesia: balancing the risks to patient safety. Anaesthesia, 62, pp. 569-574.

MURPHY, J., HOUSTON, J.E. and SHEVLIN, M., 2007. The utility of latent class analysis in contemporary psychological research. Irish Journal of Psychology (8), pp. 26-38.

KNOX, K.T., 2007. The various and conflicting notions of information. Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology (IISIT), 4, pp. 675-689.

LERWILL, A., TOWNSEND, J.H., LIANG, H., HACKNEY, S. and THOMAS, J., 2007. A versatile microfadometer for lightfastness testing and pigment identification. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 6618. ISSN 0277-786X

MCGLAUGHLIN, A. and BOWEY, L., 2007. The youth crime reduction video project: evaluation of a pilot intervention targeting young people at risk of crime and school exclusion. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 45 (3), pp. 268-283. ISSN 0265-5527

Authored book

WALLACE, S. and GRAVELLS, J., 2007. An A-Z for all FE managers. London: Continuum.

HUNT, A. and JUDD, B., 2007. Abandoned protocol [exhibition catalogue]. London: Ritter/Zamet.

MOSES, G., 2007. Arching the divide: the Church of England and popular culture in rural England. Ceredigion: UNSPECIFIED.

PEARCE, A.J., 2007. British trade with Spanish America, 1763-1808. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. ISBN 9781846311130

NIVEN, B., 2007. The Buchenwald child: truth, fiction and propaganda. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer. ISBN 9781571133397

HAMILTON KNIGHT, M., 2007. Campus views: landscape and architecture. Nottingham: University of Nottingham. ISBN 9780853582342

LAMB, S.J., 2007. Cognitive factors affecting false belief understanding in three and four year olds. UNSPECIFIED.

RUMNEY, P. and SCRIVEN, N., 2007. Collaborators: UK Design for Performance [catalogue]. London: Victoria & Albert Museum.

BURNETT, K., 2007. Collaborators: UK Design for Performance, 2003 - 2007: exhibition catalogue. London: Society of British Theatre Designers. ISBN 9780952930945

FEATHERSTONE, M., 2007. Consumer culture and postmodernism. London: Sage. ISBN 9781412910149

JONES, R.W. and TRIGG, R., 2007. Dementia and serious sight loss. Thomas Pocklington Trust. ISBN 9780955446511

QUEK, R. and KONG, T., 2007. Design speculum - web interface in the architectural studio. UNSPECIFIED.

FRASER, I., 2007. Dialectics of the self: transcending Charles Taylor. Imprint Academic. ISBN 1845400453

BREACH, M., 2007. Dissertation writing for scientists and engineers. Harlow: Pearson Education.

COLEMAN, D., 2007. Drama and the sacraments in sixteenth-century England: indelible characters. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230535831

SANEI, S. and CHAMBERS, J.A., 2007. EEG signal processing. Chichester: John Wiley. ISBN 9780470025819

SCHOFIELD, W. and BREACH, M., 2007. Engineering surveying. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 9780750669498

HARGREAVES, S. and BERRY, E., 2007. European Union law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199282449

GOWOREK, H., 2007. Fashion buying. Oxford: Blackwell Science. ISBN 9781405149921

KANDHOLA, M., 2007. Flatland: a landscape of Punjab. Stockport: Dewi Lewis Publishing. ISBN 1904587399

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Gambling addiction and its treatment within the NHS. London: British Medical Association.

WALLACE, S., 2007. Getting the buggers motivated in FE. London: Continuum.

WORRALL, D., 2007. Harlequin empire: race, ethnicity and the drama of the popular enlightenment. Pickering & Chatto. ISBN 1851968512

HOCK, K., 2007. Hospital. [Exhibition catalogue]. Southend-on-Sea: Focal Point Gallery. ISBN 0954777778

MILLER, D., 2007. In the shop of nothing: new and selected poems. Brownsville, Vermont: Harbor Mountain Press. ISBN 0978600983

COCKER, E., 2007. Into the fray [commissioned essay]. Site Gallery.

HEMMINGWAY, E., 2007. Into the newsroom. Exploring regional television production in the digital age. Oxford: Routledge.

DRANSFIELD, R., 2007. Introduction to economics. Nelson Thornes.

WRIGHT, P., 2007. Iron Curtain: from stage to Cold War. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

JUDD, B. and DYKE, H., 2007. The Juddykes [exhibition catalogue]. London: John Jones.

WALLACE, S. and GRAVELLS, J., 2007. Leadership and leading teams in FE. Exeter: Learning Matters.

GILLESPIE, H., BOULTON, H., HRAMIAK, A.H. and WILLIAMSON, R., 2007. Learning and teaching with virtual learning environments. Learning Matters.

ALLEN, N., 2007. Making sense of the new adoption law: a guide for social and welfare services. Lyme Regis: Russell House. ISBN 1905541082

LOVE, K.J., 2007. Making sense: A study of meaning and desire around Emmanuel Levinas. UNSPECIFIED.

WALLACE, S., 2007. Managing behaviour. Exeter: Learning Matters.

TALBOT, M., 2007. Media discourse: representation and interaction. Edinburgh University Press.

VAN, L., 2007. Media technology: critical perspectives. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. ISBN 0335214479

WALLACE, S. and GRAVELLS, J., 2007. Mentoring in further education. Exeter: Learning Matters.

O'NIONS, H., 2007. Minority rights in international law: the Roma of Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate.

LAMBERT-HURLEY, S., 2007. Muslim women, reform and princely patronage: Nawab Sultan Jahan Begam of Bhopal. London: Routledge. ISBN 0415401925

MORRISH, L. and SAUNTSON, H., 2007. New perspectives on language and sexuality. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781403937964

WILSON, A., 2007. Northern soul: music drugs and subcultural identity. Cullompton, devon: Willan. ISBN 9781843922087

FISCHER, B. and JUDD, B., 2007. Odoo / Current [exhibition catalogue]. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Mongolian National Art Gallery.

COCKER, E., 2007. Open city [commissioned essay]. Nottingham: Nott Dance.

HEATHFIELD, A., 2007. Out of now: The life works of Tehching Hsieh. Thames and Hudson.

TAYLOR, A., 2007. Poetry & skin cream. Liverpool: erbacce Press.

SMITH, S., 2007. Poetry and displacement. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. ISBN 9781846311161

WILLIAMS, P. and MURPHY, D., 2007. Post-colonial African cinema. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

BONNER, P.L.R., 2007. Protein purification. Taylor Francis (Biosis). ISBN 0415385113

MURPHY, M., 2007. Proust and America. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. ISBN 9781846311147

DENONCOURT, J., 2007. Q&A intellectual property law, 2007-2008. Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish. ISBN 9780415432146

NG, G.Y., 2007. Quality of judicial organisation and checks and balances. Ius Commune Europaeum, 63 . Mortsel: Intersentia. ISBN 9789050956499

WOODS, G., 2007. Quidnunc. Manchester: Carcanet. ISBN 1857549465

ODDEY, A., 2007. Re-framing the theatrical: interdisciplinary landscapes for performance. Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0230524656

RICHARDS, G., ANDERSON, V. and DRURY, P., 2007. Responding to learners' views. London: LSN.

MOSES, G., 2007. Rural moral reform in nineteenth-century England: the crusade against adolescent farm servants and hiring fairs. Lampeter: Edwin Mellen. ISBN 9780773452770

LOVE, K.J., 2007. Slang: A prefatory essay. UNSPECIFIED.

BAILEY, S.H., CHING, J.P.L. and TAYLOR, N.W., 2007. Smith, Bailey and Gunn on the modern English legal system. London: Sweet & Maxwell. ISBN 9780421909106

HARRISON, B., HAKES, D. and VYMYATNINA, Y., 2007. Study guide to accompany 'Economics' by N. Gregory Mankiw and Mark P. Taylor. UNSPECIFIED.

YOUNGS, T. and HULME, P., 2007. Talking about travel writing: a conversation between Peter Hulme and Tim Youngs. Leicester: English Association. ISBN 0900232285

WALLACE, S., 2007. Teaching, tutoring and training in the lifelong learning sector. Exeter: Learning Matters.

TAYLOR, A., 2007. Temporary residence. Liverpool: erbacce Press.

NEEDHAM, D. and DRANSFIELD, R., 2007. The Times 100. London: MBA Publishing.

BROWN, A. and WETHERALL, P., 2007. Trial. Plymouth: University of Plymouth Press. ISBN 9781841021706

BARNES, P., 2007. UK fraud manual. Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.

HOCK, K., 2007. Umfeld Inwelt. Bonn: Frauenmusem Bonn.

MILES, J. and BANYARD, P., 2007. Understanding and using statistics in psychology: a practical introduction. London: Sage. ISBN 9780761943976

SENIOR, P., CROWTHER-DOWEY, C. and LONG, M., 2007. Understanding modernisation in criminal justice. Open University Press. ISBN 9780000000000

VAN DIJK, E., DE LEEUW, S. and DURLINGER, P., 2007. Voorraadbeheer in perspectief: zeven invalshoeken van het vak. Deventer: Slimstock. ISBN 9789079143023

WOODWARD, S., 2007. Why women wear what they wear. Oxford: Berg. ISBN 9781845206994

HODGSON, N., 2007. Women, crusading and the Holy Land in historical narrative. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.

KANDHOLA, M., 2007. The alchemy of shadows: [exhibition catalogue of Third Lianzhou International Photography Festival]. LIPF.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S. and JACKSON, I., 2007. The collection, the ruin and the theatre: architecture, sculpture and landscape in Nek Chand's rock garden. Chandigarh: Liverpool University Press. ISBN 9780000000000

TOMLINSON, J., 2007. The culture of speed: the coming of immediacy. London: Sage. ISBN 1412912024

NEWLING, J., 2007. An essential disorientation: an investigation into sacredness and its relation to contemporary art. Polish Museum of Contemporary Sacred Art. ISBN 9788392296409

CROWTHER, C., 2007. An introduction to criminology and criminal justice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781403912152

MALTBY, J., DAY, L. and WILLIAMS, G., 2007. An introduction to statistics for nurses. Harlow: Edinburgh Gate. ISBN 9780131967533

LAMB, S.J. and BIBBY, P.A., 2007. The nature of strategic change in collaborative interactions. UNSPECIFIED.

O'SHAUGHNESSY, M., 2007. The new face of political cinema: French film since 1995. Berghahn. ISBN 9781845453220

ZHANG, T., 2007. The origins of the modern Chinese press: the influence of the Protestant missionary press in late Qing China. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415380669

WORRALL, D., 2007. The politics of romantic theatricality, 1787-1832: the road to the stage. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230518025

LAMBERT-HURLEY, S., 2007. A princess's pilgrimage: Nawab Sikandar Begam's 'A pilgrimage to Mecca'. Karachi: Oxford University Press.

THOMPSON, C., 2007. The suffering traveller and the Romantic imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0199259984

Book contribution

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Addiction to Internet use [encyclopaedia entry]. In: Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media. New York: Sage, pp. 431-432.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Addiction to electronic games [encyclopaedia entry]. In: Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media. New York: Sage, pp. 263-264.

SMITH, S., 2007. Byron at Missolonghi, April 1824 [poem]. In: Speaking English: poems for John Lucas. Nottingham: Five Leaves Press.

NEEDHAM, G., 2007. [Encyclopedia entry]. In: 501 movie stars. Cassell.

NEEDHAM, G., 2007. [Encyclopedia entry]. In: 100 European horrors. BFI.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Gambling in Internet use [encyclopaedia entry]. In: Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media. New York: Sage, pp. 437-438.

COCKER, E., 2007. Interview with Clio Barnard. In: Clio Barnard [exhibition catalogue]. Herbert Read Gallery.

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. [Photographs]. In: Nottingham Trent University postgraduate prospectus for the School of Art and Design. Nottingham: NTU Publications.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Positive uses of electronic games [encyclopaedia entry]. In: Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media. New York: Sage, pp. 279-280.

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. Robert and Anita Corbin [photograph]. In: Travels of a Bothy boy. Potting Shed Publications.

BURNETT, K., 2007. United Kingdom national and architecture exhibit themes. In: Prague Quadrennial '07 [exhibition catalogue]. Prague: Theatre Institute, pp. 278-285. ISBN 9788070082126

Chapter in book

LETHERBY, G., BRADY, G. and BROWN, G., 2007. Working with the community: research and action. In: C.J. CLAY, M. MADDEN and L. POTTS, eds., Towards understanding community: people and places. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 123-136. ISBN 9780230542648

KHALID, A. and MEKID, S., 2007. Jacobian inversion analysis and extraction of dexterous workspace in PKMs. In: S. HINDUJA and K.-C. FAN, eds., Proceedings of the 35th International MATADOR Conference. London: Springer, pp. 293-296. ISBN 9781846289873

RENWICK, D., 2007. Reflections on the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), research methodology, and the case for reform. In: Proceedings of the British Academy of Management, 2007. British Academy of Management. ISBN 0954960831

DEVILAT, B. and LANUZA, F., 2007. Design strategies for thermal improvements in social housing: applications in the town of San Lorenzo de Tarapacá, Chile. In: R. D’ALENÇON, ed., 6th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies SET 07. Santiago: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, pp. 342-347.

INTRONA, L. and HAYES, N., 2007. International students and plagiarism detection systems: detecting plagiarism, copying, or learning? In: T.S. ROBERTS, ed., Student plagiarism in an online world: problems and solutions. IGI Global. ISBN 9781599048017

REZGUI, Y. and MEDJDOUB, B., 2007. A service infrastructure to support ubiquitous engineering practices. In: L. CAMARINHA-MATOS, H. AFSARMANESH, P. NOVAIS and C. ANALIDE, eds., Establishing the foundation of collaborative networks. IFIP TC 5 Working Group 5.5 Eighth IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Guimarães, Portugal, 10-12 September 2007. IFIP advances in information and communication technology (243). Springer, pp. 627-636. ISBN 9780387737973

HAYES, N. and WALSHAM, G., 2007. Participation in groupware-mediated communities of practice: a socio-political analysis of knowledge working. In: R.D. GALLIERS, M.L. MARKUS and S. NEWELL, eds., Exploring information systems research approaches: readings and reflections. Routledge, pp. 82-100. ISBN 9780415771962

HAYES, N. and CHIASSON, M., 2007. Research agenda for identity work and e-collaboration. In: N. KOCK, ed., Encyclopaedia of e-collaboration. IGI Global, pp. 521-526. ISBN 9781599040004

DEVULDER, T., CHILTON, J.C., WILSON, R. and BLUM, R., 2007. Advanced textile skins: predicting the thermal response of complex membrane constructions [conference paper]. In: H. BÖGNER-BALZ and A. ZANNELLI, eds., Ephemeral Architecture: Time and Textiles [Conference Proceedings]. Milan: Libreria CLUP, pp. 61-74. ISBN 9.79E+12

NEEDHAM, G., 2007. All that diaspora allows: film between queer and diaspora. In: O. BAILEY, M. GEORGIOU and H. HARANDRANATH, eds., Transnational lives and the media. Palgrave, pp. 231-248. ISBN 9.78023E+12

WOODS, G., 2007. Altered people. In: R. LABONTÉ and L. SCHIMEL, eds., First person queer: who we are (so far). Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp, pp. 176-180.

NOLLE, L., 2007. Application of computational intelligence to target tracking. In: Proceedings of ECMS 2007, 21st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 289-293. ISBN 9780955301827

JADHAV, A.V., PATWARDHAN, S.V., AHN, H.W., SELBY, C.E., STUART, J.O., ZHANG, X.K., KUO, C.M., SHEERIN, E., VAIA, R., SMITH, S.D. and CLARSON, S.J., 2007. Application of poly(styrene-b-methylphenyl siloxane) diblock copolymers for the steric stabilization of organic polymerizations in carbon dioxide. In: S.J. CLARSON, J.J. FITZGERALD, M.J. OWEN, S.D. SMITH and D. VAN, eds., The science and technology of silicones and silicone-modified materials. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

REAVLEY, G., 2007. The Ashcan school. In: D.R. GOLDFIELD, ed., Encyclopedia of American urban history. Sage, pp. 46-47. ISBN 0761928847

TAYLOR, L., 2007. Aspects of teacher generated language in the language classroom. In: S. BORG, ed., Language teacher research in Europe. TESOL, pp. 125-138. ISBN 9781931185370

TAYLOR, L. and FU, S., 2007. Aspects of teachers' feedback on students' contributions in class. In: B. BEVAN, ed., IATEFL 2006 Harrogate Conference selections. Canterbury: IATEFL, pp. 74-76. ISBN 1901095096

EVANS, C.R., ATHERTON, S., HUGHES, D.C., MCHALE, G. and NEWTON, M.I., 2007. Assessing sperm motility using acoustic plate mode devices. In: Proccedings of the 2007 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium - jointly with the 21st European Frequency and Time Forum. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 4-5. ISBN 9.78E+12

O'NEILL, M., 2007. Between democracy and deterrence. In: H.G. EHRHART, S. JABERG, B. RINKE and J. WALDMANN, eds., Die Europäische Union im 21. Jahrhundert. Theorie und Praxis europäischer Außen-, Sicherheits- und Friedenspolitik. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 287-301.

PAOLELLA, A. and QUATTRONE, G., 2007. Between regionalism and internationalism.The challenge of contemporary Australian architecture: five approaches. In: J. AL-QAWASMI, A. MAHMOUD and A. DJERBI, eds., Regional Architecture and Identity in the Age of Globalization. Amman: CSAAR - The Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region, pp. 47-66. ISBN 9788483631409

WHITTALL, M., 2007. Beyond European Works Council networks: the break-up of the Rover Group. In: M. WHITTALL, H. KNUDSEN and F. HUIJGEN, eds., Towards a European labour identity: the case of the European Works Council. London: Routledge, pp. 55-73. ISBN 9.78042E+12

WOODFIELD, R., 2007. Boots D90 Do_u Projesi. In: Sanat ve Bilim. Anarka: Sanart, pp. 157-161.

BAILEY, O.G. and JAMBIERO, O., 2007. Brazilian broadcast media: historical overview. In: J. LUGO, ed., The media in Latin America. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

BENNETT, M., 2007. Bring me the head of Oliver Cromwell! In: P. SEDDON, ed., Between two heads. Brighton: University of Brighton.

GOODRUM, A., 2007. British and unBritish fashion: authenticity and authorship in Anglo-Japanese fashion exports. In: UnAustralia Conference, Cultural Studies of Australasia Annual Conference, University of Canberra, December 2007. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 1740882539

SMITH, S., 2007. Broad-minded leftwingers and Marxian playboys: Wyndham Lewis, W.H. Auden and the literary left in the 1930s. In: C. CUNCHILLOS, ed., Wyndham Lewis the radical: essays on literature and modernity. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 219-241.

POCKLEY, A.G. and MULTHOFF, G., 2007. Cell stress proteins in extracellular fluids: friend or foe? In: The biology of extracellular chaperones. Novartis Foundation Symposium 2007. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 86-95.

LIDDLE, J. and OIKONOMOPOULOS, I., 2007. Change processes in Megara municipality, Greece. In: D. CRISTOFOLI and F. LONGO, eds., Strategic change management in the public sector: an EFMD European casebook. New York: John Wiley. ISBN 9780000000000

LYCOURIS, S., 2007. Choreographic environments: new technologies and movement-related artistic work. In: J. BUTTERWORTH and L. WILDSCHUT, eds., Choreography in contexts. New Jersey: J. Michael Ryan Publishing.

O'SHAUGHNESSY, M., 2007. Cinematic stardom, shifting masculinities. In: C.E. FORTH and B. TAITHE, eds., French masculinities: history, politics and culture. Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 190-205. ISBN 9.78023E+12

SHIPTON, H., 2007. Collective social phenomena. In: S.R. CLEGG and J. BAILEY, eds., International encyclopaedia for organizational studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN 9781412915151

SCHAEFER, G. and NOLLE, L., 2007. Colour quantisation by black-box optimisation. In: M. NACHTEGAEL, D. VAN and E.E. KERRE, eds., Soft computing in image processing - recent advances. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 3540382321

CROSS, S., 2007. Community and media. In: G. RITZER, ed., Blackwell dictionary of sociology. London: Blackwell, pp. 626-630.

MARCHANT, L., 2007. Concentrated vision: celebrity images of the 1930s and 1940s. In: K. KALLIONIEMI, K. KÄRKI, J. MÄKELÄ and H. SALMI, eds., History of stardom reconsidered: the refereed proceedings of the inaugural conference of IIPC, University of Turku, 09-11 November 2006. Turku: International Institute for Popular Culture.

WHITTY, M.T., 2007. Conclusion. In: M.T. WHITTY, A.J. BAKER and J.A. INMAN, eds., Online matchmaking. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 197-201. ISBN 9.7814E+12

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2007. [Conclusion]. In: S. BANDYOPADHYAY and N. TEMPLE, eds., Reflections on architectural research and building work. London: Black Dog Publishing, pp. 184-186. ISBN 9780000000000

PAOLELLA, A. and QUATTRONE, G., 2007. Contemporary Australian regional architecture. Environmental, technological, cultural issues in Richard Leplastrier's works. In: V Encuentro Internacional Ciudad Imagen y Memoria. Valencia: Editorial de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. ISBN 9789957860226

DWIVEDI, Y.K., LAL, B. and KHOUMBATI, K., 2007. Content validity of a survey instrument. In: Y.K. DWIVEDI, A. PAPAZAFEIROPOULOU and J. CHOUDRIE, eds., Handbook of research in global diffusion of broadband data transmission. Hershey, Philadelphia: IGI Global.

DIAMOND, J., LIDDLE, J., SOUTHERN, A. and TOWNSEND, A.R., 2007. Context: marking the transition. In: J. DIAMOND, J. LIDDLE, A. SOUTHERN and A.R. TOWNSEND, eds., Managing the city. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 9-15.

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NEWTON, A., 2007. Routing out the hot spots: toward using GIS and crime-place principles to examine criminal damage to bus shelters. In: S. WISE and M. CRAGLIA, eds., GIS and evidence-based policy making. Innovations in GIS (11). London: CRC Press, pp. 69-94. ISBN 9780849385834

DOUGHTY, D. and BARTON, H., 2007. The Russia house: an exploration of the increasing professionalisation of the role of HR in Russia. In: 9th International HRM Conference in Talinn, Estonia, 2007. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0978998589

NOLLE, L., 2007. SASS applied to automated Langmuir probe tuning. In: D. AL-DABASS, R. ZOBEL, A. ABRAHAM and S. TURNER, eds., Proceedings of AMS 2007, Asia Modelling Symposium 2007. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 421-425. ISBN 0769528457

BIRRINGER, J., 2007. Saira Virous: Game choreography in multiplayer online performance spaces. In: S. BROADHURST and J. MACHON, eds., Performance and technology: practices of virtual embodiment and interactivity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1403999074

RAMONE, J., 2007. Salman Rushdie. In: A. MAUNDER, ed., Companion to the British short story & short fiction. New York: Facts on File.

WOODFIELD, R., 2007. Sanat ve Çevre: Eski Tarti_ma,Yeni Konular. In: Sanat ve Çevre. Anarka: Sanart, pp. 33-40.

HAMILTON, J., 2007. ScreenDress a canvas for the moving image. In: Extreme fashion: pushing the boundaries of design, business and technology: IFFTI conference proceedings 2007. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 248-265. ISBN 9.78E+12

HALL, D.A. and PLACK, C.J., 2007. Searching for a pitch centre in human auditory cortex. In: B. KOLLMEIER, G. KLUMP, V. HOHMANN, M. LANGEMANN, M. MAUERMANN, S. UPPENCAMP and J. VERHEY, eds., Hearing: from sensory processing to perception. Berlin: Springer, pp. 83-93.

MIDGLEY, N.G., GLASSER, N.F. and HAMBREY, M.J., 2007. Sedimentology, structural characteristics and morphology of a Neoglacial high-Arctic moraine-mound complex: Midre Lovénbreen, Svalbard. In: M.J. HAMBREY, P. CHRISTOFFERSEN and N.F. GLASSER, eds., Glacial sedimentary processes and products. Blackwell, pp. 11-23. ISBN 9.78141E+12

AL-DABASS, D. and REN, M., 2007. Semantic mining dynamics for games language processing. In: D. AL-DABASS, R. ZOBEL, A. ABRAHAM and S. TURNER, eds., Ams 2007: First Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation Asia Modelling Symposium, Proceedings. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 313-318. ISBN 9781424403257

6, P., 2007. Sense and solidarities: politics and human well-being. In: J. HAWORTH and G.J. HART, eds., Well-being: individual, community and social perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 127-145.

PERRY, C.C., 2007. Silica. In: K. ROBERTS, ed., Handbook of plant science. Chichester: J. Wiley and Sons, pp. 164-168.

WHITE, C.A., 2007. Smart laboratories for new media. In: Space and theatre [translated into Portuguese]. Rio de Janeiro: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Press.

SAMRA-FREDERICKS, D., 2007. Social constructionism in management and organization studies. In: J.A. HOLSTEIN and J.F. GUBRIUM, eds., Handbook of constructionist research. Guildford Publications Inc.. ISBN 9.78E+12

DINGWALL, R., 2007. Sociology of law. In: G. RITZER, ed., Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 2560-2564.

PERIC, B., MARTIN-SIMPSON, M., SPRING, M. and LIANG, H., 2007. Spectral transparency of historic artists' pigments. In: J.H. TOWNSEND, L. TONIOLO and F. CAPPITELLI, eds., Conservation Science 2007, Milan, Italy, 10-11 May 2007. London: Archtype Publishing, pp. 185-186. ISBN 9781904982340

CLAY, C., 2007. Storm Jameson's journalism: the construction of a writer. In: J. BIRKETT and C. BRIGANTI, eds., Margaret Storm Jameson: writing in dialogue. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press.

KAMOCHE, K., 2007. Strategy, knowledge, appropriation and ethics in HRM. In: A. PINNINGTON, R. MACKLIN and T. CAMPBELL, eds., Human resource management: ethics and employment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

SANTOS, A., ANTONIOU, A.S. and KARANIKA, M., 2007. Stress in policing: a review of the literature and implications for practice. In: A.S. ANTONIOU, ed., Health psychology in occupational settings. Athens: Paschalidis.

LAMBERT-HURLEY, S., 2007. Subtle subversions and presumptuous interventions: reforming women's health in Bhopal State. In: A. GHOSH, ed., Behind the veil: resistance, women and the everyday in colonial South Asia. New Delhi;: Permanent Black.

BARTON, H. and BEYNON, M., 2007. Targeted criteria performance improvement: a comparison of two 'most similar' police forces. In: British Academy of Management, 2007. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0954960831

GOODRIDGE, J., 2007. 'That deathless wish of climbing higher': Robert Bloomfield on the 'Sugar Loaf'. In: D.W. DAVIES and L. PRATT, eds., Wales and the romantic imagination. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 161-179. ISBN 070832066X

HAYES, N., 2007. Things aren't what they used to be! Elites, and constructs of consensus and conflict in twentieth century English municipal politics. In: B. DOYLE, ed., Urban life and politics in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: regional perspectives. Cambridge Scholar Press.

GIBB, A.G.F., AUSTIN, S.A., DAINTY, A.R.J., DAVISON, N. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2007. Towards adaptable buildings: pre-configuration and re-configuration - two case studies. In: Manubuild - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 149-159. ISBN 8601771064

COURT, P., PASQUIRE, C.L., GIBB, A.G.F. and BOWER, D., 2007. Transforming traditional construction into a process of modern assembly using construction physics. In: 15th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Michigan State University, Michigan, July 2007. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 345-356. ISBN 9781427622792

CHAPPELL, D.J., HARRIS, P.J., HENWOOD, D. and CHAKRABARTI, R., 2007. Transient acoustic radiation from a thin spherical elastic shell. In: C. CONSTANDA and S. POTAPENKO, eds., Integral methods in science and engineering: techniques and applications. Boston: Birkhauser, pp. 47-54.

BAILEY, O.G., 2007. Transnational identities and the media. In: O.G. BAILEY, ed., Transnational lives and the media: re-imagining diaspora. London: Palgrave, pp. 212-230.

HOLLIN, C.R. and BLOXSOM, C.A.J., 2007. Treatments for angry aggression. In: T.A. GANNON, T. WARD, A.R. BEECH and D. FISHER, eds., Aggressive offenders' cognition: theory, research, and practice. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

CROSS, S., 2007. Under a cloud: morality, ambivalence and uncertainty in news discourse of cannabis law reform in Great Britain. In: P. MANNING, ed., Drugs and popular culture: drugs, media and identity in contemporary society. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 134-149.

TANSLEY, C., 2007. Using software for Qualitative Analysis. In: C. FISHER, ed., Researching and writing a dissertation for business students. 2nd ed. London: FT Prentice Hall. ISBN 9780273710073

EVANS, R., FROST, M., DIXON, N. and STONECLIFFE-JONES, M., 2007. Variation in information obtained from interpretation of ground penetrating radar (GPR) pavement investigation data. In: A. LOIZOS, T. SCARPAS and I.L. AL-QADI, eds., Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Characterization of Pavement and Soil Engineering Materials. London: Talyor & Francis, pp. 983-991. ISBN 9780415448826

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Videogame addiction: fact or fiction? In: T. WILLOUGHBY and E. WOOD, eds., Children's learning in a digital world. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 85-103.

BOULÉ, J.-P., 2007. Virilité in post-war France: intellectual masculinity, Jewishness and sexual potency. In: C.E. FORTH and B. TAITHE, eds., French masculinities: history, politics and culture. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 9.78023E+12

HOWARTH, M., 2007. Vom Kalten Krieg zum 'Kalten Frieden': Diplomatische Beziehungen zwischen Großbritannien und der DDR 1972/73-1975. In: P. BARKER, D. TATE and M.D. OHSE, eds., Views from Abroad: Überblick über die britische Forschung zur DDR. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, pp. 149-162. ISBN 9.78376E+12

SMITH, S., 2007. W.H. Auden: who's who. In: M. HANKE, ed., Fourteen English sonnets: critical essays. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, pp. 131-144.

IRIA, J. and XIA, L., 2007. WIT: web people search disambiguation using random walks. In: SemEval 2007: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, 23-24 June, Prague, Czech Republic. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 480-483.

GOODRUM, A., MOLLOY, M. and LARNER, W., 2007. Wear in the world? Auckland's designer fashion industry. In: L. WELTERS and A. LILLETHUN, eds., The fashion reader. Oxford: Berg, pp. 185-190.

OSMAN, T., THAKKER, D. and AL-DABASS, D., 2007. Web services hybrid dynamic composition models for the enterprise. In: W. LAM and V. SHANKARARAMAN, eds., Enterprise architecture and integration: methods, implementation and technologies. Idea Group Inc., pp. 225-239. ISBN 1591408873

SMITH, S., 2007. 'What the dawn will bring to light': credulity and commitment in the ideological construction of 'Spain'. In: T. KENDALL, ed., The Oxford handbook of British and Irish war poetry. Oxford: OUP, pp. 245-263.

FERRIS, G., 2007. Why is the law of undue influence so hard to understand and apply? In: E. COOKE, ed., Modern studies in property law. Oxford & Portland, Oregon: Hart, pp. 49-71. ISBN 9.78184E+12

TURNBULL, N., 2007. Wittgenstein's Leben: philosophy and the authority of the everyday. In: P. CHANDLER and C. CUNNINGHAM, eds., Belief and metaphysics. London: SCM Press, pp. 374-392. ISBN 334041376

LEE, K., SAKELLARIOU, R., PATON, N.W. and FERNANDES, A.A.A., 2007. Workflow adaptation as an autonomic computing problem. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS07), Monterey Bay, California, 25 June 2007. New York, NY: ACM, pp. 29-34. ISBN 9781595937155

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PARKE, A., 2007. Young people and internet gambling. In: You bet! Gambling educational materials for young people aged 11-16 years. Manchester: Tacade, pp. 102-111. ISBN 1902469194

BUCZKIEWICZ, M., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and RIGBYE, J., 2007. Young people's attitudes towards gambling. In: Just another game? Gambling educational materials for young people aged 13-19 years. Manchester: Tacade, pp. 80-83.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., WOOD, R.T.A. and PARKE, J., 2007. Young people's gambling. In: Just another game? Gambling educational materials for young people aged 13-19 years. Manchester: Tacade, pp. 72-79. ISBN 1902469208

GRIFFITHS, M.D., WOOD, R.T.A. and PARKE, J., 2007. Young people's gambling. In: You bet! Gambling educational materials for young people aged 11-16 years. Manchester: Tacade, pp. 84-101. ISBN 1902469194

WHITTY, M.T., 2007. The art of selling one's self on an online dating site: The BAR approach. In: M.T. WHITTY, A.J. BAKER and J.A. INMAN, eds., Online matchmaking. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 57-69. ISBN 9.7814E+12

FEATHERSTONE, M., 2007. The body in consumer culture [Polish translation]. In: Wiedza o kulturze. Czêœæ IV: antropologia cia³a. Warsaw University Press.

GOULD, K.C., 2007. The contest for control of urban centres in south-west France during the early years of the Wars of Religion. In: O.P. GRELL and B. HEAL, eds., Towards a Protestant society? The impact of the European reformations. Aldershot: Ashgate.

HOLLOWS, J., 2007. The cook and the feminist: Julia Child, Betty Friedan and domestic femininity. In: E. CASEY and L. MARTENS, eds., Gender and domestic consumption. Ashgate, pp. 33-48.

WANG, J., 2007. The dynamics of industrial clusters in China: the case of the Ningbo clothing cluster. In: R. SANDERS and Y. CHEN, eds., China's globalising economy - achieving harmony, sustaining growth. London: Routledge, pp. 170-184.

HUGHES, D., WALKERDINE, J. and LEE, K., 2007. The effect of viral media on business usage of P2P. In: M. HAUSWIRTH, A. MONTRESOR, N. SHAHMEHRI, K. WEHRLE and A. WIERZBICKI, eds., Proceedings: Seventh IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P 2007), Galway, Ireland, 2-5 September 2007. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 249-250. ISBN 9780769529868

O'NIONS, H., 2007. The effects of deterrence-based policies on vulnerable, traumatised asylum seekers and refugees. In: A. HOSIN, ed., Responses to traumatised children. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 277-302.

RICHARDSON, M. and JONES, G., 2007. The effects of interest, knowledge and label format on nutritional decision making. In: P. BUST, ed., Contemporary ergonomics (2007). London: Taylor & Francis.

FEWKES, A., 2007. The field testing of a rainwater harvesting system. In: B. ULANICKI, K. VAIRAVAMOORTHY, D. BUTLER and P.L.M. BOUNDS, eds., Proceedings of the combined international conference of computing and control for the water industry (CCW12007) and sustainable urban water management (SUWM2007). London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 643-649. ISBN 9780415454155

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2007. The foreigner, situated moments and topographic healing. In: S. BANDYOPADHYAY and N. TEMPLE, eds., Reflections on architectural research and building work. London: Black Dog Publishing, pp. 58-75. ISBN 9780000000000

ANDRIOTIS, K., 2007. A framework for the tourism planning process. In: A. RAJ, ed., Sustainability, profitability and successful tourism. New Delhi, India: Kanishka Publishers. ISBN 8173919194

MUTHANA, M. and POCKLEY, A.G., 2007. The immunoregulatory activities of extracellular stress proteins. In: S.K. CALDERWOOD, ed., Cell stress proteins. New York: Springer, pp. 309-320.

BROWN, D. and SALARIS, M., 2007. The impact of rotation on the evolution of low-mass stars. In: R.J. STANCLIFFE, J. DEWI, G. HOUDEK, R.G. MARTIN and C.A. TOUT, eds., Unsolved problems in stellar physics: a conference in honor of Douglas Gough. American Institute of Physics, pp. 315-319.

SERGEANT, M.J.T., LOUIE, J. and WYSOCKI, C.J., 2007. The influence of sexual orientation on olfactory function. In: J. HURST and R. BEYNON, eds., Chemical signals in vertebrates, XI. Springer.

FERRY, E., 2007. '… information for the ignorant and aid for the advancing …': Macmillan's 'Art at home series', 1876-1883. In: J. AYNSLEY and K. FORDE, eds., Design and the modern magazine. Manchester University Press, pp. 134-155.

BARTON, H. and TENG, W., 2007. An initial exploration of the extent and influence of guanxi on the process of HR selection within the Chinese public sector. In: 9th International HRM Conference in Talinn, Estonia, 2007. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0978998589

JOYCE, P., 2007. The integration of performance management into the London Borough of Lewisham. In: F. LONGO and D. CROISTOFOLI, eds., Strategic change management in the public sector: an EFMD case book. J. Wiley and Sons, pp. 285-309. ISBN 9.78047E+12

OSMAN, T., THAKKER, D., SCHAEFER, G. and LAKIN, P., 2007. An integrative semantic framework for image annotation and retrieval. In: The 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Fremont, CA, November 2007. IEEE, pp. 366-373. ISBN 9780769530260

PATWARDHAN, S.V., SHIBA, K., SCHRODER, H.C., MULLER, W.E.G., CLARSON, S.J. and PERRY, C.C., 2007. The interaction of 'silicon' with proteins: Part 2: The role of bioinspired peptide and recombinant proteins in silica polymerization. In: S.J. CLARSON, J.J. FITZGERALD, M.J. OWEN, S.D. SMITH and M.E. VAN DYKE, eds., The science and technology of silicones and silicone-modified materials. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society, pp. 328-347. ISBN 9780841239432

ZANGENEH, M., GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PARKE, J., 2007. The marketing of gambling. In: M. ZANGENEH, A. BLASZCZYNSKI and N.E. TURNER, eds., In the pursuit of winning: problem gambling theory, research and treatment. New York: Springer, pp. 135-153. ISBN 9780387721729

HEALEY, N., 2007. The multinational corporation. In: A. GRIFFITHS and S. WALL, eds., Applied economics. Addision-Wesley, pp. 114-137.

TOWNSEND, S. and FORSYTHE, S.J., 2007. The neonatal intestinal microbial flora, immunity and infections. In: J. FARBER and S.J. FORSYTHE, eds., Enterobacter sakazakii. ASM Press.

HENHAM, R., 2007. The normative context of sentencing for genocide. In: R. HENHAM and P. BEHRENS, eds., The criminal law of genocide: international, comparative and contextual aspects. Aldershot: Ashgate.

FERRY, E., 2007. 'A novelty among exhibitions': the loan exhibition of women's industries, Bristol 1885. In: E. DARLING and L. WHITWORTH, eds., Women and the making of built space in England, 1870-1950. Ashgate, pp. 51-66.

HUGHES, D., WALKERDINE, J. and LEE, K., 2007. An open tracing system for P2P file sharing systems. In: Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2007), Morne, Mauritius, 13-19 May 2007. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society, p. 3. ISBN 0769528449

CROWTHER-DOWEY, C., 2007. The police and drugs. In: M. SIMPSON, T. SHILDRICK and R. MACDONALD, eds., Drugs in Britain: supply, consumption and control. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 108-124. ISBN 9.7814E+12

WHITE, C.A. and ODDEY, A., 2007. The potentials of spaces. In: Space and theatre [translated into Portuguese]. Rio de Janeiro: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Press.

POCKLEY, A.G. and MUTHANA, M., 2007. The pro- and anti-inflammatory properties of the stress protein gp96. In: A. ASEA and A. DEMAIO, eds., Heat shock proteins: potent mediators of inflammation and immunity. New York: Springer, pp. 309-320.

BRABER, N., 2007. The processing of past tense verbs for L1 learners of English. In: B. TOMLINSON, ed., Language acquisition and development: studies of learners of first and other languages. Contiuum Books, pp. 46-60. ISBN 826486126

NEEDHAM, D. and FLINT, K., 2007. A question of being. In: D. ASPIN, ed., Framing lifelong learning in the twenty first century: towards a way of thinking. Springer.

GARWOOD-GOWERS, A., 2007. The right to bodily security vis-a-vis the needs of others. In: G. PINTOS and D. WEISSTUB, eds., Autonomy and human rights in healthcare. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

PATWARDHAN, S.V., SHIBA, K., SCHRODER, H.C., MULLER, W.E.G., CLARSON, S.J. and PERRY, C.C., 2007. The role of bioinspired peptide and recombinant proteins in silica polymerisation. In: S.J. CLARSON, J.J. FITZGERALD, M.J. OWEN, S.D. SMITH and D. VAN, eds., The science and technology of silicones and silicone-modified materials. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

PARKE, J. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. The role of structural characteristics in gambling. In: D. SMITH, D. HODGINS and R. WILLIAMS, eds., Research and measurement issues in gambling studies. New York: Elsevier, pp. 211-243.

YOUSAF, N., 2007. A southern sheriff's revenge: Bertrand Tavernier's 'Coup de Torchon'. In: R. GRAY and W. ZACHARASIEWICZ, eds., Translatlantic exchanges: the American South in Europe, Europe in the American South. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, pp. 221-238. ISBN 9.7837E+12

BELLAMY, C.A., RAAB, C.D. and 6, P., 2007. The use of personal data in the public sector. In: S. LACE, ed., The glass consumer. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 133-154.

FEWKES, A., 2007. The verification of a behavioural model for simulating the hydraulic performance of a rainwater harvesting system. In: Rainwater and Urban Design Conference 2007, Sydney, Australia, 21-23 August 2007. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 1877040614

BELMONTE, M.K., 2007. The yellow raincoat. In: S. TURKLE, ed., Evocative objects : things we think with. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 70-75. ISBN 9780262201681

Conference contribution

MARGETTS, R., 2007. Development of a helicopter drivetrain dynamics model in MSC ADAMS. In: MSC Software Virtual Product Development (VPD) Conference, 2007, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, October 2007.

MAO, L., 2007. China internal development 1949-1969. In: The European Schools – History Stage, Mol, Belgium, 27 September 2007.

ATKIN, C., O'GRADY, A. and ROSE, A., 2007. Do you think they’ll notice? An evaluation of the materials for embedded learning. In: 5th PASCAL Observatory International Conference: Life-Long Learning in the City-Region, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary, 23-25 September 2007.

MARGETTS, R. and PEETERS, B., 2007. In flight modal testing of an AW101 helicopter. In: NAFEMS Dynamics Testing and Analysis Workshop, Bristol, September 2007.

RENWICK, D.W.S., 2007. The UK REF: initial thoughts. In: 7th British Academy of Management Annual Conference (BAM2007), Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, 11-13 September 2007.

COOPER, L., BUTTON, L., WEBB, K., PHILLIPS, C., BUCK, R. and MAIN, C., 2007. What happens at work when you’re unwell? A qualitative investigation. In: British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 12 September 2007.

WEBB, K., BUCK, R., MAIN, C., PHILLIPS, C., VARNAVA, A., BUTTON, L., COOPER, L. and WYNNE-JONES, G., 2007. Health, well-being and work in Merthyr Tydfil: an interdisciplinary approach. In: European Health Psychological Society Annual Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, 14-18 August 2007.

HOWARD, C.J. and SUMNER, P., 2007. How does attention modulate crowding during spatial cueing and dual-task paradigms? In: Thirtieth European Conference on Visual Perception, Arezzo, Italy, 27-31 August 2007.

FURLOTTI, M., 2007. An empirical taxonomy of technology alliance contracts. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 3-8 August 2007.

COHEN, C., WATERS, B. and PHIPPS, J., 2007. Teaching diversity: Islamophobia, critical pedagogy and the education of criminal justice professionals. In: Second International Conference on Citizenship & Human Rights in Education: Education and Extremism, Roehampton University, London, 5-7 July 2007.

FURLOTTI, M., 2007. Planning for risk or planning for performance? Managing resource requirements and coordination concerns in technology alliance agreements. In: EMNet 2007 - International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 28-30 June 2007.

O'NEILL, M., 2007. Only connect: European studies and the re-imagination of political community. In: Inaugural lecture for Doctorate Honoris Causa, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 7 May 2007.

HOWARD, C.J. and SUMNER, P., 2007. Attentional modulation of crowding: an equivalent noise approach. In: Experimental Psychology Society Meeting, University of Cardiff, Cardiff, 10-12 April 2007.

HIELSCHER, S., FISHER, T. and COOPER, T., 2007. How often do you wash your hair? Design as disordering: everyday routines, human object theories and sustainability. In: 7th European Academy of Design Conference: Dancing with Disorder: Design, Discourse and Disaster, Izmir, Turkey, April 2007.

DIAS, T., 2007. 3D knitted technical textiles. In: Engineering of 3D Fabrics and their Applications, Manchester, February 2007, Manchester.

EVETT, L., TRANFIELD, G., SMITH, P., BROWN, D. and HIBBERD, R., 2007. Accessible for all: PowerPoints. In: NCRN 1st Seminar: SENS, 4 Jan 2007.

DUNN, A.K. and PRENDERGAST, H., 2007. Adaptation and the menstrual cycle on perceived body attractiveness and normality [oral presentation]. In: BPS Conference Cognitive Section, 2007.

FARRINGTON-FLINT, L. and COYNE, E., 2007. Adaptive strategy choice in children's early reading and spelling. In: Symposium at the Annual British Psychological Society Developmental Section Conference, Plymouth University, Plymouth, August 2007, Plymouth.

MCLEAN, S.N., MOORE, D.R. and WILLIAMS, A., 2007. Alleviation of poverty in rural Bangladesh through the sustainable production of durable building materials using solar technologies to process waste products. In: International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, Coventry, 11 June 2007, Coventry.

MOHAMMAD, F.A., 2007. Analysis and design of LR55 tram truck system. In: 11th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, St Julian, Malta, 18-21 September 2007.

IANAKIEV, A., 2007. Analysis of rotational moulding process parameters and warpage on cycle times. In: ANTEC 2007 Annual Technical Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 6-10 May, 2007, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

NAVA, C. and QUATTRONE, G., 2007. Antinomie e casi che raccontano. In: LUOGHInonLUOGHIsuperLUOGHI, Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Facoltà di Architettura, Reggio Calabria, 12-13 December 2007, Reggio Calabria.

BIRKIN, G., 2007. Art & complexity: an exploration of aesthetics. In: Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Creativity and Cognition 2007, Washington DC, USA.

MURPHY, J., SHEVLIN, M., ADAMSON, G. and HOUSTON, J., 2007. Assessing the impact of childhood traumatic experiences on dimensions of positive psychosis: a MIMIC analysis of the National Comorbidity Survey. In: Northern Ireland British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Carlingford, Republic of Ireland, 12 May 2007, Carlingford, Republic of Ireland.

BOULTON, H., 2007. Assessing work based learning on foundation degrees. In: HE - The Next Steps Conference, New College Nottingham, June, 2007, Nottingham.

EVANS, R., FROST, M., STONECLIFFE-JONES, M. and DIXON, N., 2007. Assessment of the in-situ dielectric constant of pavement materials. In: Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting: Compendium of Papers, Washington DC, 21-25 January 2007, Washington DC.

SIVASUBRAMANIAM, S., 2007. Assisting students to avoid plagiarism: the role of formative workshops. In: 2nd International Plagiarism Conference 2006 Proceedings, Newcastle.

BRUNSDEN, V., GOATCHER, J. and HILL, R., 2007. Attacks on firefighters. In: School of Social Sciences Research Fair, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 18 May 2007, Nottingham.

BRUNSDEN, V., 2007. Attacks on firefighters. In: Fire & Terror: Between Politics & Pathology, Nottingham University, Nottingham, 9 February 2007, Nottingham.

BARRETT, D.J.K., EDMONDSON-JONES, M. and HALL, D., 2007. Attention in hemi-neglect: assessing the degree of correspondence between visual and auditory impairment. In: Experimental Psychology Society, Edinburgh meeting, Edinburgh, July 2007, Edinburgh.

FOSTER, C. and TANSLEY, C., 2007. Attracting talent: the employer branding dimension. In: 3rd Annual Colloquium of the Academy of Marketing's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation SIG, Brunel University, London, September 2007., London.

WILSON, B. and PYATT, F.B., 2007. Bioaccumulation and partitioning of heavy metals in vegetation in the vicinity of abandoned copper and lead mines. In: Progress in Environmental Science and Technology, Beijing, China.

BROWN, D.J., EVETT, L., SHOPLAND, N., BATTERSBY, S.J. and LEWIS, J., 2007. Can serious games engage the disengaged? In: Proceedings of the European Conference and Games Based Learning (ECGBL), Paisley.

BURNETT, K., 2007. Capturing scenography. In: Prague Quadrennial, Vystaviste, Prague, June 2007, Prague.

HARRIS, T., 2007. Cardew in the community. In: Midlands Musicology Forum 2007, Wolverhampton University, Wolverhampton, March 2007.

BATES, M., BROWN, D., CRANTON, W. and LEWIS, J., 2007. Carving out a new approach to learning. In: Proceedings of the 1st European Conference and Games Based Learning (ECGBL), Paisley, Scotland.

GOODRUM, A., 2007. Celebrity and spectacle: the invention of New Zealand designer fashion [seminar presentation]. In: Environmental and Geographical Sciences Departmental Seminar Series, Manchester Metropolitan University, March 2007, Manchester.

KENNY, H., 2007. Challenging and subverting the existing practices of fashion journalism: by radically re-examining the concept of fashion. In: Current Perspectives on Fashion and Textiles, Dressing Rooms, Oslo University College in collaboration with the National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO) and the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology, Norway, 14-16 May 2007, Norway.

COCKER, E., 2007. Chasing shadows. In: Repeat Repeat, Chester.

COCKER, E., 2007. Chasing shadows. In: Repeat Repeat, Chester University School of Art and Design, 18 April 2007, Chester University School of Art and Design.

PEPIN, M., 2007. Cities and the destruction of human identity. In: EAD07 Dancing with Disorder: Design, Discourse, Disaster, Izmir, Turkey, April, 2007, Izmir, Turkey.

TRUEMAN, M., CORNELIUS, N. and LIDDLE, J., 2007. City branding with hard to reach communities in a post industrial city. In: EUGEO Conference, Amsterdam, 20-23 August, 2007, Amsterdam.

QUATTRONE, G., 2007. Climate, place, people, history: determinants of form in environmentally and culturally appropriate contemporary Australian architecture. In: Sources of Architectural Form: Theory & Practice, Kuwait City.

LARKIN, R.F. and ROWLANDS, A.M., 2007. Cognitive predictors of children's eye-witness recall [Poster presentation]. In: British Psychological Society Developmental Conference, Plymouth..

ECCLES, T., 2007. Collaboration and innovation within professions: the case of the UK construction industry. In: IACCM EMEA 2007 'Collaborate to Innovate' Conference: 3rd International Academic Symposium on Commercial Management, Savoy, London, 7-9 November 2007, London.

CROSS, R., 2007. Collaborative customer testing of MetaLib 4.0. In: SMUG-UKI, British Library, 6 March 2007, British Library, London.

KOSEOGLU, O., BOUCHLAGHEM, D. and KERR, D., 2007. Collaborative mobile visualisation in construction (MobVisCon) framework development and validation. In: 24th W78 Conference, Bringing ITC Knowledge to Work, 2007.

O'CONNOR, P., 2007. Community without measure: freedom and equality in Derrida’s rogues. In: Human Sciences Seminar, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, 18 October 2007, Manchester.

ARMOUR, J., HSU, A. and WALTERS, A., 2007. Comparative analysis of corporate rescue proceedings: lessons from the UK. In: INSOL Academics' Group Meeting, INSOL Regional Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, March, 2007, Cape Town, South-Africa.

SU, D., SONG, Y., QIN, D. and PENG, Z., 2007. Computer aided design and analysis and experimental investigation of cylindrical involute worm gear drives. In: Proceedings of the 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM2003), Tianjin, China.

HURST, A., HODGKINSON, M. and MUTCH, A., 2007. Construction managers - an underdeveloped resource? In: Built Environment Education Conference - BEECON 2007, London, 12-13 September 2007, London.

HOXLEY, M., KNIGHT, A. and GRADA, A., 2007. Construction professional services: a process model. In: Proceedings of the RICS COBRA Conference, Atlanta, USA.

DWIVEDI, Y.K., WILLIAMS, M.D., LAL, B. and BHATT, S., 2007. Consumer adoption of broadband in India: a pilot study. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Governance, Hyderabad, India.

KHOUMBATI, K., LAL, B. and CHEN, H., 2007. Consumer adoption of broadband in Pakistan. In: Proceedings of the 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Keystone, Colorado.

YUNG, P., 2007. Contractual loop of project team: a case study of an airport project in China. In: ICAN Conference 2007 - Mission Control: Power, Knowledge and Collaboration in Project Practice, Sydney, Australia, 29-30 November 2007, Sydney, Australia.

WHITE, C.A., 2007. [Convenor - PQSI Conference]. In: Prague Quadrennial World Theatre Design Exhibition and Competition, Prague, Czech Republic, 14-24 June, 2007, Prague.

WHITE, C.A., 2007. [Convenor]. In: Modes of Spectating Conference, Anglia Ruskin University, 31 March 2007.

MANGENA, M. and CHAMISA, E., 2007. Corporate governance and incidences of listing suspension by the JSE Securities Exchange of South Africa: an empirical analysis. In: British Accounting Association (BAA) Conference, London, April 2007, London.

ARMOUR, J., HSU, A. and WALTERS, A., 2007. Corporate insolvency in the UK: the impact of the Enterprise Act. In: Corporate Insolvency - Droit des Enterprises en Difficulté: 2nd European Company and Financial Law Review Symposium, Université Paris-Descartes, Paris, France, October, 2007, Paris, France.

WOOLLARD, D., ZHANG, M. and JONES, O., 2007. Creating entrepreneurial universities: insights from a new university business school. In: 30th Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 07-09 November, 2007, Glasgow.

MCTIGUE, P., 2007. Critiquing disability, affording legitimacy? In: Postgraduate and Early Career Academics Network of Scholars Conference, London.

WHITTY, M.T., 2007. Cyberspace relating: a fresh look at friends, lovers and singles online [invited symposium]. In: Xth European Congress of Psychology, Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic, 3 July, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic.

CRISP, A.R. and DALE, J., 2007. Design of tandem for cerebral palsy sufferer. In: International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 13-14 September, 2007, Newcastle upon Tyne.

TANSLEY, C., 2007. Developing effective strategic leadership in talent management. In: Workshop for HR Directors in the NHS in Scotland: Developing Effective Leadership in HR, Stirling Highland Hotel, Stirling, Scotland, 6-7 September 2007, Stirling.

GREENWOOD, J.R., 2007. Development and trials of a low cost, self erecting, flood and wave barrier. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, Ground Improvement and Geotechnics for Human Security and Environmental Preservation, Bangkok, Thailand.

REDGATE, S.E., HALL, S., COOPER, J.J. and HARRIS, P.A., 2007. Dietary experience changes feeding preferences in the domestic horse. In: 20th Equine Science Society Symposium, University of Maryland, Maryland, United States, 5-8 June 2007.

TALBOT, M., 2007. Disciplining the dinner ladies: Jamie Oliver's mediatised political activism. In: 8th Women's Studies Conference, University of Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 12-14 March, 2007, Madrid.

KEENAN, W.J.F., 2007. Do little things matter in the grand scheme of things? A panentheistic look at matter. In: Denton International Conference on Implicit Religion, Centre for the Study of Implicit Religion and Contemporary Spirituality (CSIRCS), Denton Hall, Ilkley, Yorkshire, 11-13 May 2007, Ilkley, Yorkshire.

BROWN, D., EVETT, L., ALLISON, I. and STANDEN, P., 2007. Do virtual tutors dream of electric students? In: Virtual Tutoring and Research Based Teaching, NTU's 7th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham, March 2007, Nottingham.

FISHER, T. and KEYTE, J., 2007. Durable design: an opportunity for contemporary studio jewellery. In: Seventh European Academy of Design Conference, Izmir, Turkey 10-13 April 2007, Izmir, Turkey.

MCCOLLIN, C., 2007. The ENBIS papers database, some preliminary results. In: Seventh Annual ENBIS Conference, Dortmund, 24-26 September 2007, Dortmund.

MURRAY, J., IRVING, B., FARRINGTON, D.P., COLEMAN, I. and BLOXSOM, C.A.J., 2007. Early risk factors for adult criminal behaviour in a 30-year longitudinal study. In: 7th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Bologna, Italy, September 2007.

KANDHOLA, M. and PANDA, A., 2007. East meets west [seminar]. In: Rhubarb Rhubarb International Photography Festival, July 2007.

SALE, C., GREEVES, J.P., SCOTT, J.P.R. and FRASER, W.D., 2007. Effect of energy restriction on bone turnover in physically active women. In: 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 2007, Honolulu.

O'CONNOR, P., 2007. Egalitarianism and pedagogy in the philosophy of Jacques Rancière. In: Galway Postgraduate Philosophical Society, NUI, Galway, Ireland, 24 February 2007.

DIAS, T., 2007. Electrically active textiles (EAT). In: AVANTEX Symposium, Frankfurt, June 2007, Frankfurt.

TEDMORI, S., JACKSON, T.W. and BOUCHLAGHEM, D., 2007. The Email Knowledge Extraction (EKE) System: discovering the limitations of natural language processing. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Software Quality Management, Stafford.

TZVETANOVA, S., 2007. Emotional design methodology. In: International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference (IASDR), Hong Kong, 12-15 November 2007, Hong Kong.

TZVETANOVA, S., TANG, M. and JUSTICE, L., 2007. Emotional web usability evaluation. In: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII, Beijing, China, 22-27 July 2007, Beijing.

FOSTER, C., WHYSALL, P. and HARRIS, L., 2007. Employee loyalty: a study of staff commitment levels towards retailing, the retailer and the store. In: 14th EAERCD International Conference, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, July, 2007, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.

TU, W., 2007. End host multicast algorithms for overlay networks [invited talk]. In: The University of New South Wales, 2007, New South Wales.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., OTHMAN, F., REDGATE, J. and RADWAN, N., 2007. Energy conservation in buildings: thermal behaviour of buildings in hot and cold climates. In: ASME Middle East Mechanical Expo Conference, Manama, Bahrain, 4-7 November 2007, Manama, Bahrain.

KETTLEY, S., 2007. Ensemble - a sound and jewellery work [extended exhibitions abstract]. In: New Craft - Future Voices, Dundee 4 - 6 July 2007, Dundee.

KETTLEY, S. and SMYTH, M., 2007. Ensemble: embodied experiences in a sound and jewellery installation. In: British Computer Society's CREATE 2007: Creative Inventions, Innovations and Everyday Designs in HCI Conference, London, June 2007, London.

GROS, L., DRAÅ¡AR, P., FRANKOWICZ, M., MACIEJOWSKA, I. and WALLACE, R., 2007. Equipping secondary school teachers with the tools for inspiring the next generation of young chemists. In: 2nd European Variety in Chemistry Education Conference, Prague, June 2007.

LIDDLE, J. and BROWN, B., 2007. Evaluating the robustness of partnership as a delivery mechanism for delivering the New Labour's ideological and economic aspirations. In: 7th Regeneration Management Research Network, University of Manchester, Manchester, 27 June, 2007, Manchester.

JONES, G., GOBET, F. and PINE, J.M., 2007. Examining the relative contributions of working memory capacity and long-term knowledge in developmental change. In: British Psychological Society: Developmental Section, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, 29-31 August 2007, Plymouth.

DWIVEDI, Y.K., KHOUMBATI, K., WILLIAMS, M.D., LAL, B. and GHARAVI, H., 2007. Examining the role of attitudinal, normative and control factors influencing behavioural intention to adopt broadband in Pakistan. In: Pre-ECIS 2007 e-DIGIT Workshop, St. Gallen, Switzerland, June 5 2007, St. Gallen, Switzerland.

BETTS, L.R., ROTENBERG, K.J. and TRUEMAN, M., 2007. Examining young children's peer acceptance and school adjustment using the Social Relations Model (SRM). In: British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual Conference, Plymouth University, August, 2007, Plymouth University.

CLARK, D.P.A., DUNN, A.K., BAGULEY, T. and LANSDALE, M., 2007. Exclusivity, directionality and spatial scaling in location memory [poster presentation]. In: BPS Conference Cognitive Section, 2007.

HILTON, C.E. and MINNITI, A.M., 2007. Exercise referral as a psychological treatment approach: preliminary results from a qualitative investigation. In: American Psychological Association Convention 2007, San Francisco, USA..

PHILP, B. and CUESTAS, J.C., 2007. Exploitation and the class struggle. In: Association of Heterodox Economics Conference, Bordeaux, July 2010, Bordeaux.

ZHANG, L., MUPPALA, J.K. and TU, W., 2007. Exploiting proximity in cooperative download of large files in peer-to-peer networks. In: Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW'07), Morne, Mauritius, 13-17 May 2007, Morne, Mauritius.

HENHAM, R., 2007. Exploring the relationship between international sentencing and governance in international criminal justice. In: Research Seminar, University of Oxford, Centre for Criminology, June 2007, Oxford.

CORK, C.R., 2007. Fabrics for ballistic protection. In: East Midlands Textile Association Workshop, The University of Derby, Derby, 10 May 2007, Derby.

WANG-COWHAM, C., 2007. Factors, integrated capability and the process of knowledge transfer. In: 2007 BAM Conference, Warwick Business School, Coventry 11-13 September 2007, Coventry.

MCELWEE, G., 2007. Farmers and strategic plans. What's the problem? In: The 5th Rural Entrepreneurship Conference University of Lincoln, February 2007, Lincoln.

TALBOT, M., 2007. Feminism and language: new horizons in language and gender studies. In: [Lecture for] Cornelia-Goethe-Centrum für Geschlechterforschung, Goethe University, Frankfurt, 28 November, 2007, Frankfurt.

COHEN, C., 2007. Feminism, governmentality and the political economy of male rape: why male rape is a feminist issue. In: British Society of Criminology Conference: Crime and Justice in an Age of Global Insecurity, London School of Economics, London, 18 September 2007.

BONNELL, S., BRIGHT, S., GILL, S. and KANDHOLA, M., 2007. Field notes and fine art photography [seminar on ideas on fine art photography]. In: Custard Factory, Birmingham, February 2007, Birmingham.

KANDHOLA, M. and WILSON, R., 2007. Flatland: a landscape of Punjab, working methodologies [interview and discussion with Rhonda Wilson]. In: Djanogly Arts Gallery, Nottingham, 20 September - 4 November 2007, Nottingham.

MCELWEE, G. and ATHERTON, A., 2007. Framing the rural enterprise economy. In: ISBE, Glasgow, Scotland, 7-9 November 2007, Glasgow.

MCELWEE, G., 2007. Framing the rural enterprise economy. In: The 5th Rural Entrepreneurship Conference University of Lincoln, February 2007, Lincoln.

FERRIS, G., 2007. Freedom of disposition. In: Annual Conference of the Society of Legal Scholars, Durham, 10-13 September 2007, Durham.

O'CONNOR, P., 2007. Friendship and finitude: Derrida’s politics of friendship. In: Friends and Foes Conference, Queen’s University Belfast, 16-18 November 2007, Belfast.

ALLIN, S., STEINEBACH, G. and STEPPER, H., 2007. Furthering sustainable urban development through increased effectiveness of formal planning processes by means of modern information and communication systems. In: Conference on The City and the Time Scales of Urban Development, PIDUD, Paris, 2007, Paris.

DIAS, T., 2007. Future intelligent textiles. In: Symposium for Space Applications of Wireless & RFID (SWIRF), NASA, Houston, May 2007, Houston.

HAWTHORN, M., 2007. [G]hosts in the frame - walking the periphery. In: Collision Symposium on Interarts, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 01 November, 2007, Victoria, Canada.

LEAMON, S.M., GREEVES, J.P., BUNTING, A., SALE, C., TIMOTHY, H., MUTALIK, C., BILZON, J. and BRAITHWAITE, M., 2007. Gender differences in injury risk in British army recruits. In: 54th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, New Orleans, USA, May 2007 (MSS 39(5), S.D.), New Orleans.

GRAEF, A., CHILTON, J.C. and EPPACHER, C., 2007. Generative scripting and form-finding in space grid systems [printed extended abstract; conference paper on CD-ROM]. In: Proceedings of IASS Symposium, Venice, 2007, Venice.

BELL, K.M., UGARTE, C.E., TUCKER, L.A. and THOMAS, D.G., 2007. Genistein and daidzein do not affect puberty onset or oestrus cycle parameters in the domestic cat (Felis catus). In: Joint Australian and New Zealand Nutrition Society Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 2007.

HEALEY, N., 2007. Globalisation, technology and demographics: the challenges for higher education [opening address]. In: QS Asia-Pacific Professional Leaders in Education (QS-APPLE) 3rd Annual Conference, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, July 2007, Hong Kong.

WILSON, B. and PYATT, F.B., 2007. Heavy metal bioaccumulation and partitioning in species associated with tungsten and copper mines [invited paper]. In: International Conference under the auspices of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Beijing Institute of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2007, Beijing.

WRIGHT, P., 2007. Heritage and the place of criticism [keynote presentation]. In: Heritage of the Recent Past, a colloquium organised by the Valuing Historic Environments Research Cluster, University of Leicester, 26 January, 2007, Leicester.

LOVE, K., 2007. Higher education, pedagogy and the customerisation of teaching & learning. In: Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Seminar, Sheffield University, Sheffield, 2007, Sheffield.

ATKINS, L., 2007. Hopes, dreams and reality: the limited possibilities for level 1 post-16 students. In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Institute of Education London, 5-8 September 2007, London.

HAMILTON, H., 2007. How a Private in the Coldstream Guards helped to use a French invention in creating a map that defeated the Germans on the Western Front by 1918. In: 7th International Conference on Military Geology and Geography, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 18-27 June 2007, Quebec, Canada.

JONES, M., 2007. How to do a DBA - outline of a proposed doctoral study into local government strategic turnaround. In: ACIPFAL (Association of CIPFA Lecturers) Annual Conference, Durham, June 2007, Durham.

MULTHOFF, G. and POCKLEY, A.G., 2007. Hsp70 export from tumour cells – a danger signal for the innate immune system. In: 7th World Congress on Trauma, Shock, Inflammation and Sepsis, Munich, Germany, 13-17 March 2007, Munich.

HENHAM, R., 2007. Human rights, accountability and the legitimacy of punishment in international trials. In: International Conference, Accountability for Human Rights Violations by International Organisations, Brussels, March 2007, Brussels.

MORRIS, R.H., 2007. Hyperpolarised 129Xe for use in medical imaging/spectroscopy [poster presentation]. In: NMR Symposium, Oxford, 2007, Oxford.

BYROM, T., 2007. 'I just needed someone to love me': the issue of teenage pregnancy in Nottingham city. In: BERA, London, September 2007, London.

REAST, T.R.J. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2007. The IET: evolutionary change for excellence case studies from the East Midlands region. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing.

BISHOP, J., MATSUMOTO, I., STAPLETON, J., GLASS, J. and BOUCHLAGHEM, D., 2007. Identifying the critical factors that determine the success of communities of practice within an engineering design consultancy. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference: Information and Knowledge Management.

CORK, C.R., 2007. Improved ballistic protection using narrow-fabric armour. In: 7th Narrow Fabrics Conference, Munich, Germany, September 2007, Munich.

PRYSE, S.E., WHITTICK, E.L., WOOD, A.G. and MIDDLETON, H.R., 2007. Influence of IMF Bz on the ionospheric plasma distribution at high latitudes in the European sector: radiotomography observations and the CTIP model. In: International Beacon Satellite Symposium, Boston College, Boston, United States, 11-15 June 2007, Boston, Massachusetts.

DIAS, T. and DELKUMBURAWATTE, G.B., 2007. Influence of porosity and moisture on heat transfer characteristics of knitted structures. In: Proceedings of the 85th Textile Institute World Conference, Sri Lanka.

CLARKE, E., WILKINSON, J., STEVENSON, A., KYRIAZAKIS, I. and ALEXANDER, L., 2007. Influence of presentation on diet selection in budgerigars and zebra finches. In: Proceedings of the European Association of Avian Veterinarians Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, 2007, Zurich.

NOWBATI, B., HASSAN, T.M. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2007. Information and knowledge visualisation, can it help the crisis in the UK construction industry? In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Knowledge Management in Organisations KMO' 2007 Conference, Lecce, Italy.

TEDMORI, S., JACKSON, T.W., BOUCHLAGHEM, D. and NEWCOMBE, M., 2007. Information seeking behaviour of a UK police force. In: 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Barcelona, 2007, Barcelona.

WALTERS, A., 2007. Insolvency law and consumer protection: some lessons from the consumer bankruptcy boom in England and Wales. In: New Developments in International Insolvencies, University of Hull, November, 2007, Hull.

HARLAND, R.G. and ANDREWS, B., 2007. Instigating a programme of research concerning graphic design and dyslexia. In: The Plus International Design Festival, Birmingham, UK, 17-19 October 2007, Birmingham, UK.

SODAGAR, B., CHILTON, J.C., GILROY-SCOTT, B. and LOWTHROP, N., 2007. Integration of teaching and research: design development for a range of autonomous buildings [mini paper]. In: 24th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Singapore, November 2007, Singapore.

MENDOZA, M., 2007. Interior lighting and the circadian system. In: First Global Professional Lighting Design Convention, London, 24-27 October 2007, London.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. The International Brigade Command Course (IBCC) for Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) : is it fit for purpose in response to the complex and paradoxical environments of new public service delivery? In: (New) Talent Management Agenda: a Response to Complexity and Paradox in Public Services: EFMD Conference on Public Sector Management Development, EOI BUsiness School, Madrid, Spain, 21-22 June, 2007, Madrid.

HAY, A.J., 2007. International action learning: a vehicle for developing criticality? In: Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 3-8 August 2007, Philadelphia, USA.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2007. [Invited session chair]. In: The Role of the Humanities in Design Creativity (international conference), University of Lincoln, Lincoln, 15-16 November 2007, Lincoln.

BILLING, J., BREEDON, P. and LYCOURIS, S., 2007. [Invited speakers]. In: Second International Conference for Digital Technologies and Performance Arts, University Centre, Doncaster, UK, June 2006.

HUGHES, A. and HUGHES, T., 2007. Involving the local population: a case study of a restoration and regeneration project in Transylvania's Saxon villages. In: INTBAU 2007: History, Heritage, Regeneration Conference, Sibiu, Romania, 23-25 September 2007, Sibiu, Romania.

WRIGHT, P., 2007. Iron Curtain: from stage to Cold War. In: Cultural and Historical Geography Research Seminar, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 28 November, 2007, Nottingham.

HALL, C.A., GOODWIN, D., HELESKI, C., RANDLE, H. and WARAN, N., 2007. Is there evidence of 'learned helplessness' in horses? [keynote paper]. In: 3rd International Society of Equitation Science conference, Michigan State University, USA, 2007, Michigan.

WHYSALL, P., FOSTER, C. and HARRIS, L., 2007. Job dissatisfaction among retail employees: a study of three leading UK retailers. In: 14th EAERCD International Conference, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, July, 2007, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.

TANSLEY, C., 2007. [Keynote speech]. In: CIPD East Midlands Regional Annual Conference: Talent Management - Growing Your Own Success, Trent Vineyard, Nottingham, 10 October 2007, Nottingham.

MOSS, K., MEALING, A., WESTBROOK, G. and TANG, S., 2007. Kit in a kase: outreach activities for all. In: Variety in Chemistry Education Conference, Leicester University, August 2007, Leicester.

WOOD, A.G., PRYSE, S.E. and MIDDLETON, H.R., 2007. Large scale structuring of polar cap plasma in the nightside ionosphere: the influence of the orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field. In: 13th International EISCAT Workshop, Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, Mariehamn, Finland, 6-10 August 2007, Mariehamn, Finland.

CRANTON, W.M., KOUTSOGEORGIS, D.C., RANSON, R.M., STEVENS, R., NEEDHAM, A., THORNE, M. and MAGON, A., 2007. Laterally emitting thin film electroluminescent device engineering for sunlight readable vehicular displays. In: Society For Information Display (SID) Vehicles and Photons 2007, 14th Annual Symposium on Vehicle Displays Digest of Technical Papers, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, Michigan, United States, 11-12 October 2007.

ROWBOTHAM, J., 2007. Laws of unexpected consequences: a case study of the Victorian Vaccination Acts and their long-term effects. In: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, University of Durham, 10-13 September, 2007, Durham.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Leading in multi-sector contexts: the case of UK neighourhood management and renewal. In: Leading the Future of the Public Sector: The Third Transatlantic Dialogue. ASPA/EGPA Transatlantic Dialogue: American Society for Public Administration and European Group of Public Administration Conference, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA,, Newark.

ANSELL, M., HOLMES, M., EVANS, R.J.E., PASQUIRE, C.L. and PRICE, A.D., 2007. Lean construction trial on a highways maintenance project. In: Proceedings IGLC-15, Michigan.

GREENALL, C., BONNER, P., BEATTIE, R. and MOSS, K., 2007. Learning styles – is what students say what they do? [poster]. In: 2nd Science Learning and Teaching Conference, Keele University, June 2007.

CLARKE, E., 2007. Long term use of the B-FIT guide to monitor body condition of budgerigars. In: 2nd International Symposium on Pet Bird Nutrition, Hannover, Germany, 4-5 October, 2007, Hannover.

ANDRIOTIS, K., 2007. Male visitors' experience to a sacred shrine. In: Extraordinary Experiences Conference, Bournemouth, UK, 3-4 September 2007.

HAGEN, R., 2007. Managing in a multiculturally diverse world: a paradigm Shift in management education [guest presenter]. In: 18th International Conference of the European SPACE Network 2007, 21-24 March 2007.

HAGEN, R., 2007. Managing in a multiculturally diverse world: a paradigm Shift in management education [guest presenter]. In: 2007 Guest External Annual Lecture at Konstanz University of Appplied Science, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Konstanz University of Appplied Science, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 11 June 2007.

PHILP, B., WHEATLEY, D. and HARDILL, I., 2007. Managing reductions in working hours. In: Association of Social Economics Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2007, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

TAURINGANA, V. and MANGENA, M., 2007. Materiality, good news and the extent of complementary narrative commentary of financial statements. In: European Accounting Association (EAA) Congress, Lisbon, April 2007, Lisbon.

TALBOT, M., 2007. Media interaction as representation: primetime authority and expertise. In: [Departmental lecture], Linguistics Department, Lancaster University, 24 January, 2007, Lancaster University.

WOODLAND, D., FRASER, S., KANJO, E., PAXTON, M. and BENFORD, S., 2007. Mobile (phone)s in schools: reflections on an exercise in participatory design with children in the wild. In: The Tenth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW), 2007.

ODDEY, A., 2007. Modes of spectating [keynote paper]. In: Different Directions Symposia 1-3 , Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, 2007.

GOODHEW, S., GRIFFITHS, R., DE, W. and SIMMONDS, T., 2007. Monitoring of straw bale and non-food-crop based walling systems. In: Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies Conference, Coventry, 11-13 June 2007, Coventry.

HODGES, S., 2007. National identity, politics & representation; Croatian national identity 1990-1992. In: 2007 CRONEM Conference: 'Nationalism and National Identities Today: Multidisciplinary Perspectives', University of Surrey, 2007.

KING, D., 2007. (Nearly) 40 years on: assessing the impact of the student protests on CMS. In: Critical Management Studies, Manchester, July 2007, Manchester.

BARNES, A. and MCCULLAGH, J., 2007. New Basford - a visual typographic terrain. In: Understanding Landscape through Creative Autoethnography, Event One: Writing Landscape.

MACKINTOSH, C., 2007. New Labour's sports development policy discourse: an emerging reinvigorated 'Third Way'? In: Sport in a Global World: Past, Present and Future, ISSA/ISPHES Conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 31 July - 5 August 2007, Copenhagen.

WILSON, A., 2007. Northern soul: an insider view as historical ethnography. In: British Society of Criminology Annual Conference - Crime & Justice in an Age of Global Insecurity, London School of Economics, 18-20 September 2007, London.

COCKER, E., 2007. Not yet there: endless searches and irresolvable quests. In: Telling Stories Conference, Loughborough University, School of Art and Design, 19 April, 2007, Loughborough.

ALLIN, S., STEINEBACH, G., HAGEN, H. and SCHELER, I., 2007. Objective function to generate a planning alternative. In: 7th Symposium of the International Urban Planning and Environment Association (IUPEA) 2007. World Class Cities: Environmental Impacts and Planning Opportunities? Bangkok, Thailand, 2007, Bangkok.

FISHER, T., 2007. Objects for peaceful disordering: indigenous designs and practices of protests. In: Seventh European Academy of Design Conference, Izmir, Turkey 10-13 April 2007, Izmir, Turkey.

DWYER, P., 2007. Older people and village services. In: Age Concern in the West Midlands Regional Conference: Fit and Ready for the Future, Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire, 2 November 2007, Droitwich Spa.

NOLLE, L., 2007. On a novel ACO-estimator and its application to the target motion analysis problem. In: Proceedings of AI-2007, 27th SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK.

HAY, A.J., 2007. On the challenges of using research to enhance teaching. In: Improving University Teaching Conference, Jaen, Spain, 4-7 July 2007, Jaen, Spain.

PALAIOLOGOU, I., 2007. Once upon a time... A story of a fairy tale. An interdisciplinary approach to fairy tales. In: Exploring Avenues to Cross Disciplinary Research, The University of Nottingham, School of Education, November, 2007, Nottingham.

WHITTY, M.T., 2007. Online dating: whose doing it and how successful are they at it? [keynote address]. In: The British Psychological Society, Wessex and Wight Branch AGM, Southampton Solent University, Southampton, 14 February, 2007, Southampton.

TEDMORI, S., JACKSON, T.W. and BOUCHLAGHEM, D., 2007. Optimising the Email Knowledge Extraction System to support knowledge work. In: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St Gallen, Switzerland.

MOHAMMAD, F.A., 2007. Optimum design of prestressed concrete trough for LR55 tram truck system. In: 7th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, COEX Seoul, Korea, 21-25 May 2007.

SHARIFI, S. and ZHANG, M., 2007. Organization transformation in transition economies: studying change from learning and complexity perspectives. In: EIASM (the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) 2nd Workshop on 'Organizational Change and Development in Transitional Countries', Vilnius, Lithuania, 18-19 October, 2007, Vilnius, Lithuania.

TARRANT, M., ELDER, T.J. and BETTS, L.R., 2007. Overcoming the intergroup sensitivity effect: evidence from crossed categorization and recategorization models. In: From taking it well to taking it personally: factors that shape responses to interpersonal and intergroup criticism. Symposium conducted at the British Psychological Society Social Section Annual Conference, Kent University, September, 2007., Kent University.

MENDOZA, M., 2007. Parametric analysis of the kinetic behaviour and geometry of angulated-scissor structures and their comparison with that of the retractable reciprocal frames structures. In: IASS 2007, Venice, Italy, 3 December 2007, Venice, Italy.

HILL, R. and WILLIAMS, G., 2007. Paths to commuter 'heaven' or 'hell'? The role of a positive psychological approach [poster presentation]. In: 1st Applied Positive Psychology Conference, University of Warwick, 18-20 April 2007, Warwick.

TU, W., 2007. Performance analysis for overlay multicast on tree and m-D mesh topologies. In: IEEE ICC 2007, Glasgow, 24-28 June 2007, Glasgow.

KOUTSOGEORGIS, D.C., CRANTON, W.M., RANSON, R.M. and THOMAS, C.B., 2007. Performance enhancement of ZnS:Mn thin film electro luminescent devices by combination of laser and thermal annealing [invited presentation]. In: ISMANAM 07, 14th International Symposium of Metastable and Nano Materials, Corfu, 26-30 August 2007.

PROWLE, M.J., 2007. Performance in NHS Trusts in Wales: benchmarking and improving performance. In: Seminar organised by Health Academy Wales, 2007.

WHITE, C.A., 2007. Performing censorship. In: Modes of Spectating Conference, Anglia Ruskin University, 31 March 2007.

ODDEY, A., 2007. Performing silence [keynote paper]. In: Sacred, Liminal and Secular Space Conference, Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, Faculty of Creativity and Culture, School of Arts and Media, 2007.

PALAIOLOGOU, I., 2007. Personal development planning: pedagogical value or academic chore? In: 3rd BESA Conference, July, 2007.

MCELWEE, G., 2007. Perspectives on entrepreneurship: cultures and contexts? In: Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland, 13 September 2007, Aberdeen.

FISHER, T., 2007. Plastics in everyday life - polymorphous (in)-authenticity. In: Plastics: Looking at the Future and Learning from the Past, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 23-25 May, 2007, Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

WOOD, A.G., MIDDLETON, H.R. and PRYSE, S.E., 2007. Polar cap patches around magnetic midnight. In: Royal Astronomical Society National Astronomy Meeting RAS NAM-UKSP, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, 16-20 April 2007, Preston, Lancashire.

BRUNSDEN, V., 2007. Positive fire-setting - how can this help us understand pathological fire-setting? In: The Function of Fire: Ritual and Eco-regulation, Nottingham University, Nottingham, 20 July 2007, Nottingham.

TANSLEY, C., 2007. [Presentation on talent management]. In: Eversheds Summer School: evidence-based HR, Henley Management College, Henley-on-Thames, Oxforshire, 5-6 July 2007, Henley-on-Thames.

TANSLEY, C., 2007. [Presentation on talent management]. In: Scottish Financial Enterprise event, The Tower, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland, 17 April 2007, Edinburgh.

SCOTT, J.P.R., GREEVES, J.P., CASEY, A., SALE, C., DUTTON, J. and FRASER, W.D., 2007. Preventing stress fractures in military recruits: weight bearing exercise and bone metabolism. In: 9th Great British R&D Roadshow, House of Commons, London, March 2007, London.

HENHAM, R., 2007. Problems of researching international criminal justice. In: Nottingham Trent University, College Research Students Conference, December 2007, Nottingham.

ZHANG, M. and JONES, O., 2007. Project evaluation as a process of learning: theory and practice. In: Lancaster Institute of Advanced Studies-Sponsored Symposium on 'Engaging HEIs in Business and the Community: A Learning Perspective', Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster, 22-23 May, 2007, Lancaster.

BULL, R., 2007. Public participation – a corporate social responsibility? In: [Conference], International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, 2007.

DUNN, A.K. and MUSTARD, H., 2007. Pulling faces? The effects of facial distortions on perceived attractiveness and health [oral presentation]. In: BPS Conference Cognitive Section, 2007.

KENNY, H., 2007. Questioning current notions of masculinity as constructed by the British lifestyle media. In: King Power, Designing Masculinities Symposium, School of Architecture and Design, RMIT University, [Melbourne], Australia, 16-17 August, 2007.

HENHAM, R., 2007. Reconceptualising punishment as governance. In: European Society of Criminology Conference, University of Bologna, Italy, September, 2007, Bologna, Italy.

HARLAND, R.G., 2007. Redefining the plural domains of graphic design and orienting the subject towards a model that links practice, education and research. In: International Association of Societies of Design Research, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design, 12-15 November 2007, Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design.

O'CONNOR, P., 2007. Redemptive remnants in Agamben. In: The Messianic Now, Lancaster University, Lancaster, 3-5 July 2007.

ROWBOTHAM, J., 2007. Reflecting on desistance amongst recidivist men and women, c1870-1914. In: ESRC-supported Seminar Series on Offending, University of Keele, 16 February, 2007, Keele.

KETTLEY, S., 2007. Reflection and transparency: rhythms in experiences with craft. In: Proceedings of New Craft - Future Voices, Dundee.

PHILP, B., HARVIE, D. and SLATER, G., 2007. Regional well-being and 'social productivity' in Great Britain. In: Regional Studies Association Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, April 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.

SELIM, G. and ABDELMONEM, M.G., 2007. Residential communities in United Arab Emirates. In: 3rd Housing Symposium: Neighborhoods Are More Than Houses, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 25-27 March 2007.

EROTOKRITAKIS, K. and ANDRIOTIS, K., 2007. Residents' perceptions towards tourism in a rural Cretan community. In: International Conference of Trends, Impacts and Policies on Tourism Development, Heraklion, Greece, 15-18 June 2007.

AL-AZMI, A. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2007. Responsive design of condition monitoring systems to detect tool wear in turning processes using novelty detection. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing.

YEBOAH, S.K. and DARKWA, K., 2007. Review of Ghana's strategic energy plan for 2006 - 2020. In: Integrator Doctoral Conference; a Technology and Management Conference, University of Nottingham, 2007.

GREEVES, J.P., LEAMON, S.M., BUNTING, A., SALE, C., TIMOTHY, H., MUTALIK, C., BILZON, J. and BRAITHWAITE, M., 2007. Risk factors for stress fracture injury in junior entry British army recruits. In: 54th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, New Orleans, USA, May 2007, New Orleans.

SALE, C., GREEVES, J.P., LEAMON, S.M., BUNTING, A., TIMOTHY, H., MUTALIK, C., BILZON, J. and BRAITHWAITE, M., 2007. Risk factors for stress fracture injury in standard entry British army recruits. In: 54th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, New Orleans, USA, May 2007, New Orleans.

HAMILTON, J., DANJOUX, M., WILLET, J. and LYCOURIS, S., 2007. ScreenDress. In: Research Seminar and Lecture, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, April 2007, Nottingham.

COOPER, T., 2007. Self-sufficiency or localization? Sustainability and ambiguity in Britain's food policy. In: Proceedings: Cases in Sustainable Consumption and Production: Workshop of the Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange (SCORE!) Network, Paris, 4-5 June 2007, Paris.

TENG, F.C., LOTFI, A. and TSOI, A.C., 2007. Self-tuning PD fuzzy logic controller with minimum number of rules. In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2007), Montreal, Canada, 07-10 October, 2007, Montreal, Canada.

OSMAN, T., THAKKER, D., SCHAEFER, G., LEROY, M. and FOURMIER, A., 2007. Semantic annotation and retrieval of image collections. In: Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Prague, Czech Republic.

THAKKER, D., OSMAN, T. and AL-DABASS, D., 2007. Semantic-driven matchmaking and composition of web services using case-based reasoning. In: 5th IEEE European Conference on Web Services -ECOWS 2007, Halle, Germany 26-28 November 2007, Halle, Germany.

HAWTHORN, M., 2007. Shanty - extemporising space into place. In: Imaging Place Conference, University of Florida, USA, 2007, Florida.

BAIRD, J., 2007. Shaping the invisible. In: Look Out!: Photography and the Worlds of Contemporary Art, Miami, Florida, USA, 15-18 March, 2007, Miami, Florida.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Sharing learning across public sector. In: Public Sector Skills: The 2007 National Conference, Queen Elizabeth 2nd Conference Centre, London, 03 December, 2007, London.

HUNT, K.J., 2007. Signs and structures in Ashcan School urban realism. In: Space, Place and Visuality Conference, Nottingham Art History Department and Nottingham Institute for Research in Visual Culture (NIRVC), 11 July 2007, Nottingham.

GRAU, S., ALLEN, T. and SHERKAT, N., 2007. Silog: speech input logon. In: Proceedings of 27th SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications in Artificial Intelligence (AI2007), Cambridge.

DE, W., GRIFFITHS, R., PILKINGTON, B. and GOODHEW, S., 2007. Simulation of heat flow from a line source in support of the development of a thermal probe. In: Sun, Wind and Architecture: PLEA 2007, 24th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Singapore, 22-24 November, 2007, Singapore.

BREEDON, P.J., LYCOURIS, S., BILLING, J. and CORDINGLEY, T., 2007. Snake robot. In: Emergent Objects Conference, Cultural and Performance Arts, University of Leeds, 17-19 December 2007, Leeds.

BREEDON, P.J., 2007. Snake robot, linking emotions to tecnology, muscles and technology. In: Ninth British Research Annual Reception, House of Commons, Westminster, London, 19 March, 2007, London.

BREEDON, P.J. and LYCOURIS, S., 2007. Snake robot: exploring the relationship between science and art and their similarities as innovative, research-based practice. In: Sci/Art Symposium, Derby University, Derby, 27 January, 2007, Derby.

CHAN, C.K., 2007. Social policy in a self-reliant society: the case of Hong Kong social security. In: International Symposium on Social Change and Social Development in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China, Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Bristol, Bristol, 19 July 2007, Bristol.

ANDRIOTIS, K., 2007. Sources of liability: tourism operators facing lawsuits. In: International Conference of Trends, Impacts and Policies on Tourism Development, Heraklion, Greece, 15-18 June 2007.

PEPIN, M., 2007. Spaces of identity: human shelter and conflict (global mediations). In: Trans, Pan, Intra: Cultures in contact. Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, Puebla, Mexico, April, 2007, Puebla, Mexico.

WRIGHT, P., 2007. Speaker at: 'Passionate Natures' conference. In: Passionate Natures, a conference held at the Centre for Research into the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Cambridge University, 22-24 June, 2007, Cambridge.

LARKIN, R.F., PATON, F. and SNOWLING, M., 2007. Speed of information processing, reading and language. In: The Summer Workshop, The University of York.(2007).

WHITTY, M.T. and BUCHANAN, T., 2007. Spoiled for matchmaking choices: characteristics of online daters and speed daters. In: BPS Annual Conference, York, 21-23 March, 2007, York.

MINNITI, A.M., 2007. Sport motivation: individual and team attribution retraining. In: Nottingham Trent University Conference on Psychology, Neuroscience and Sport Psychology, Nottingham, U.K..

KHATRI, N., SHIPTON, H., RATHERT, C., RONDEAU, K., SANDERS, K. and SCULLY, J., 2007. Strategic HRM in health-care: challenges and opportunities. In: Academy of Management Annual Conference 2007, Philadelphia, USA, 3-8 August 2007, Philadelphia.

TANSLEY, C., 2007. Strategic dimensions of talent management: maximising the benefits. In: Institute of Employment Studies Annual HR Conference: Talent Management: Unlocking the Potential, London Marriott Hotel, Grosvenor Square, London, 6 November 2007, London.

SHAW, N., BOUCHLAGHEM, D. and KERR, D., 2007. Strategic review of the production of a 4D construction sequencing model - the lessons learnt. In: 24th W78 Conference, Bringing ITC Knowledge to Work, 2007.

RICHARDS, G., 2007. Strengthening SEN support: measuring impact. In: TDA SEN Project Conference, London, 2007, London.

PROCTOR, G., 2007. Structure and sexuality: a history of the corset. In: University of the 3rd Age, Mansfield, UK, 2007.

PROCTOR, G., 2007. Structure: constraint and sexual provocation. In: Extreme Fashion Conference: Pushing the Boundaries of Design, Technology and Business, IFFTI Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2007.

CADMAN, D.M., BOYKO, C.T. and COOPER, R., 2007. Sustainability & stakeholders within the urban design & construction process: towards the development of a 'best practice' framework. In: Sustainable Social and Ecosystem Stewardship: International Conference of the Greening of Industry Network, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 15-17 June 15-17 2007, Waterloo, Ontario.

ABDELMONEM, M.G. and LEOHLEIN, G., 2007. Sustainability in traditional houses in the UAE: potentials and improvement of buildings abilities. In: Second International Conference of Dubai Conservation, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, March 2007.

GOODHEW, S., 2007. Sustainable building materials. In: Cutting the Costs: Towards Energy Efficient Controlled Environments. UK Controlled Environment Users' Group, University of Aberystwyth, 2007, Aberystwyth.

TANSLEY, C., 2007. Talent management research findings [workshops]. In: HR Directors Strategy Meeting, Radisson Hotel, London, September 2007, London.

HOLDEN, N. and TANSLEY, C., 2007. 'Talent' in European languages: philological analysis of semantic confusions in managment discourse. Stream: managment and philology: perspectives on languages. In: Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester Business School, 11-13 July 2007, Manchester, UK.

HUGHES, A. and HUGHES, T., 2007. Teaching architectural history & theory - a working model. In: INTBAU 2007: History, Heritage, Regeneration Conference, Sibiu, Romania, 23-25 September 2007, Sibiu, Romania.

MINNITI, A.M., 2007. Three C's of sport attribution retraining: controllability, concreteness, and creativity. In: American Psychological Association Convention 2007, San Francisco, USA..

MOSS, K., GREENALL, C., ROCKCLIFFE, A., CROWLEY, M. and MEALING, A., 2007. Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge in chemistry. In: Variety in Chemistry Education Conference, Leicester University, August 2007, Leicester.

MOSS, K., 2007. Threshold concepts in science. In: 2nd Science Learning and Teaching Conference, Keele University, June 2007.

ROCKCLIFFE, A., GREENALL, C. and MOSS, K., 2007. Threshold concepts, troublesome knowledge and knowledge gaps [poster]. In: 2nd Science Learning and Teaching Conference, Keele University, June 2007.

GRAISA, M. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2007. Total productive maintenance (TPM): case studies from human factor and technology perspectives. In: ASME Middle East Mechanical Expo Conference, Manama, Bahrain, 4-7 November 2007, Manama, Bahrain.

KAMOCHE, K. and MAMMAN, A., 2007. Toward a new theoretical perspective for understanding management innovations in Africa. In: International Academy of African Business and Development, London, May-June, 2007, London.

JONES, G., 2007. Towards an explanation of vocabulary deficits in children with SLI: capacity limited simulations of NWR performance. In: Experimental Psychology Society Edinburgh Meeting, University of Edinburgh, 4-7 July 2007, Edinburgh.

HARTLEY, J.K., 2007. Traffic modelling. In: Seventh Younger Mathematicians Conference, Birmingham, November 2007, Birmingham.

BYROM, T., 2007. Trajectory 'interruptions': the push and pull of habitus. In: BERA, London, September 2007, London.

WARD, A., 2007. Transforming documents into monuments: Beryl Gilroy's 'Stedman and Joanna'. In: Proccedings of the 2007 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium - jointly with the 21st European Frequency and Time Forum.

TALBOT, M., 2007. 'Transforming these school dinners is gonna be tough': Jamie's dinner ladies. In: MeCCSA/AMPE Annual Conference, Coventry University, 10-12 January, 2007, Coventry.

WHITE, C.A., 2007. Transliteracy [keynote address]. In: Prague Quadrennial World Theatre Design Exhibition and Competition, Prague, Czech Republic, 14-24 June, 2007, Prague.

PARSONS, E. and HOXLEY, M., 2007. Trends in building surveying education: a longitudinal study. In: Proceedings of the RICS COBRA Conference, Atlanta, USA.

CLARKE, E., KYRIAZAKIS, I., STEVENS, J., STEVENSON, A. and ALEXANDER, L., 2007. Trypsin inhibitors in parrot diets. In: 2nd International Symposium on Pet Bird Nutrition, Hannover, Germany, 4-5 October, 2007, Hannover.

MORRIS, R.H., 2007. Ultra-fast quantitative MRI of novel advection-free polysaccharide preparations, retaining high sensitivity to local fluid pressure using gas filled liposomes [poster presentation]. In: International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Aachen, 2007, Aachen.

DWIVEDI, Y.K., WILLIAMS, M.D., LAL, B. and BHATT, S., 2007. Understanding factors affecting consumer adoption of broadband in India: a pilot study. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on E-governance, Hyderabad, India.

MORGAN, A., RAIDÉN, A.B. and NAYLOR, G., 2007. Unlocking potential in construction skills: the case of the mislaid key. In: 8th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research & Practice across Europe, Oxford Brookes University, 27-29 June 2007, Oxford.

BOULTON, H. and BRADSHAW, P., 2007. Use of electronic tools with students on work placement. In: NTU Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, April, 2007, Nottingham.

BOULTON, H., HRAMIAK, A. and BRADSHAW, P., 2007. Use of online tools for collaboration. In: Annual Conference of IT in Teacher Education, ITTE, Leicester, July, 2007, Leicester.

UNSPECIFIED 2007. Use of vegetation to improve slope stability. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Eco-engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece.

BETTS, L.R., BOSTOCK, S., ELDER, T.J. and TRUEMAN, M., 2007. Using Turnitin as a method of teaching originality in academic writing. In: Higher Education Academy Psychology Network Innovative Technologies Workshop, York University, June, 2007, York University.

BETTS, L.R., 2007. Using Turnitin to teach psychology students good practice in academic writing. In: Teaching Innovation Day 2006-7, Keele University, May, 2007, Keele University.

ADEYEYE, O., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2007. Using digital information for hybrid project design. In: Proceedings for CIB World Building Congress, Cape Town.

NEEDHAM, D. and LOWE, N., 2007. Using reflexivity to construct a comparative analysis of tutor biographies between South Africa and the UK. In: International Learning and Literacy Conference in Education, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, June, 2007., Johannesburg, South Africa.

BRADSHAW, P., 2007. Validity of ICT assessment at 16. In: IT in Teacher Education Annual Conference, Leicester, July, 2007, Leicester.

BRUNSDEN, V., 2007. Violence at work: experiences of Fire & Rescue Service personnel. In: Fire Research and Related Developments (RE07), Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, November 2007, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.

DWYER, P. and ELLISON, N., 2007. 'We nicked stuff from all over the place'. Exploring the origins and character of active labour market policies in the UK. In: Social Policy Association Annual Conference, University of Birmingham, UK, 23 July 2007, Birmingham, UK.

TAYLOR, L. and TSUCHIYA, K., 2007. What makes English group discussion relevant in monolingual classes? In: IATEFL Annual Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, April, 2007, Aberdeen.

CHILTON, J.C., 2007. What makes structures environmentally compatible? [printed abstract; conference paper on CD-ROM]. In: Proceedings of the Structural Engineers World Congress 2007, Bangalore, Bangalore.

WRIGHT, D.L. and BRINDLEY, C.S., 2007. Women only programmes: a solution or a barrier? In: SBE Glasgow, November, 2007, Glasgow.

HARDY, C., 2007. Women's reading constructs and their impact on reading behaviours. In: Beyond the Book Conference, Birmingham University, Birmingham, 31 August - 2 September 2007.

DWYER, P., 2007. Work, welfare and retirement. In: ERA-AGE Fifth European Forum Meeting: Ageing and Migration, Research Ministry, Paris, France, 26-27 November 2007, Paris, France.

BROWN, D. and EVETT, L., 2007. Workshop on serious games. In: 27th BCS SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI-2007, Cambridge, December 2007, Cambridge.

ROWBOTHAM, J., 2007. An alternative perspective on the Whitechapel murders 1888: sexually motivated serial killings? In: Social History Society Conference, Exeter, 2007, Exeter.

SAYER, J. and MOOHAN, J.A.J., 2007. An analysis and evaluation of hedonic price valuations in local leasehold office markets. In: 13th Annual Conference of the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society, Curtin Business School, Perth, Western Australia, 2007, Perth, Australia.

MCGILLIGAN, C., GOODHEW, S., DE, W. and GOODHEW, S., 2007. An assessment of potential impact of article 7 of the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive on the UK household sector. In: Building Simulation in the SouthWest, IBPSA England Symposium, Plymouth, 16 November 2007 [CD-ROM], Plymouth.

LOVE, K. and LYCOURIS, S., 2007. The choreography of social movement [internal publication for the Government Office of the East Midlands]. In: UNSPECIFIED, Nottingham.

LOVE, K., 2007. The choreography of social movement. In: NTU School of Social Sciences, Politics and Sociology Divisional Research Seminar, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 2007, Nottingham.

HEMMINGWAY, E., COULDRY, N., VAN, L. and FARNSWORTH, J., 2007. The chronogram: analysing time in 'live' television reporting through actor network theory. In: British Sociological Conference, University of East London, London, 2007, London.

HURST, A., HODGKINSON, M. and MUTCH, A., 2007. The complexity of the nature of the relationship between construction industry employees and recruitment to higher education construction courses. In: CIB-TG62 2nd International Conference on Built Environment Complexity, Cape Town, South Africa, 14-19 May 2007, Cape Town.

ARMOUR, J., HSU, A. and WALTERS, A., 2007. The costs and benefits of secured creditor control in bankruptcy: evidence from the UK. In: American Law and Economics Association 17th Annual Meeting, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, USA, May, 2007, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

WIESEMES, R., KARANIKA, M. and COX, T., 2007. The cross-disciplinary research group: overcoming isolation, promoting communication and interdisciplinarity [tabled paper]. In: Creativity or Conformity? Building Cultures of Creativity in Higher Education Conference, Cardiff School of Art & Design, UWIC, in collaboration with the Higher Education Academy, Cardiff, 8-10 January 2007, Cardiff.

HUGHES, T. and HUGHES, A., 2007. The cultural dimension in Transylvania's Saxon villages: issues for restoration and regeneration initiatives. In: Intbau Conference 'History, Heritage and Regeneration in Eastern Europe', Sibiu, Romania, September, 2007, Sibiu, Romania.

HUGHES, T. and HUGHES, A., 2007. The cultural dimension in Transylvania's Saxon villages: issues for restoration and regeneration initiatives. In: ADGD 'Forms of Identity' Symposium, Nottingham Trent University, September, 2007, Nottingham.

CHO, N.J., 2007. 'The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended': the consolation of Victorian funeral hymns. In: The Day of Mourning: an Interdisciplinary Symposium, King's College London, 30 November 2007, London.

CHENG, R., HINES, T. and GRIME, I., 2007. The desired identity and perceived identity of fashion retailers. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Warwick, 11-13 September, 2007, Warwick.

ZHANG, L.Q., 2007. The determinants of expansion of foreign retailers in China: a newly developed framework. In: 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing (EIRASS), San Francisco, July 2007, San Francisco.

PEART, S., 2007. The educational experience of black males in FE. In: BERA Annual Conference, Institute of Education, University of London, 5-8 September 2007, London.

BELL, K.M., UGARTE, C.E., TUCKER, L.A. and THOMAS, D.G., 2007. The effect of soy isoflavones on feline growth, reproduction and hepatic function. In: 7th International Soy Symposium: Role of Soy in Health and Disease Prevention, Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.

SCOTT, J.P.R., GREEVES, J.P., CASEY, A., SALE, C., DUTTON, J. and FRASER, W.D., 2007. The effects of exhaustive running exercise on bone metabolism. In: 34th European Calcified Tissue Society Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2007, Copenhagen.

BROWN, P.I., JOHNSON, M.A. and SHARPE, G.R., 2007. The effects of inspiratory muscle training upon blood lactate concentration during volitional hyperpnoea at rest. In: 12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 2007, Jyvaskyla, Finland.

JOHNSON, M.A., SHARPE, G.R. and BROWN, P.I., 2007. The effects of inspiratory muscle training upon cycling time-trial performance and the Wlim-Tlim relationship. In: 12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 2007, Jyvaskyla, Finland.

TAIT, R.J., ALLEN, T.J., SHERKAT, N. and BELLETT-TRAVERS, M.D., 2007. An electronic tree inventory for arboriculture management. In: Proceedings of 27th SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications in Artificial Intelligence (AI2007), Cambridge.

DANJOUX, M., 2007. The emergent dress: fashion, performance and materiality. In: 9th Annual International Foundation of Fashion Textiles Institutes (IFFTI) Conference: Extreme Fashion, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, 12-15 April 2007, Toronto, Canada.

O'CONNOR, P., 2007. The end of the enemy is the end of the friend: Derrida’s politics of friendship. In: Workshops in Political Theory, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, 3-5 September 2007, Manchester.

ZHANG, L.Q. and WANG, X., 2007. The feasibility of Chinese retailer internationalisation. In: 24th Euro-Asia Management Studies Association Conference (EAMSA), University of Leeds, November 2007, Leeds.

CHO, N.J., 2007. The female soldier and the naked mountaineer: Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879)'s revision of feminine behaviour in her poetical works and life. In: Home, Nation, Empire: Readings of Gender from the Eighteenth Century to the Present Day Conference, University of Manchester, 16 July 2007, Manchester.

JAYNE, M., 2007. The function of an integrated and structured internship/work placement as an academic learning vehicle - the UK experience on RICS accredited honours degrees. In: 23rd Annual American Real Estate Society Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2007, San Francisco, USA.

HEALEY, N. and TODD, S., 2007. The future of higher education in a globalised world: a public university perspective. In: European Association of International Education 19th Annual Conference, Trondheim, September 2007, Trondheim.

HURST, A., HODGKINSON, M. and MUTCH, A., 2007. The implementation of continuing professional development for construction managers. In: 7th International Postgraduate Research Conference In The Built And Human Environment, Salford, 28-29 March 2007, Salford.

HURST, A., HODGKINSON, M. and MUTCH, A., 2007. The implementation of continuing professional development for construction managers. In: CIB-TG62 2nd International Conference on Built Environment Complexity, Cape Town, South Africa, 14-19 May 2007, Cape Town.

GOWOREK, H., 2007. The integration of primary research into professional practice within the fashion and textile design curriculum. In: Euorpean League of Institutes of the Arts Teachers' Academy, Research and Shaping the Curriculum, University of Brighton, 12 July, 2007.

LI, F., WANG, X. and ZHANG, L.Q., 2007. An introduction to retail internationalisation in China. In: 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing (EIRASS), San Francisco, July 2007, San Francisco.

SHAHTAHMASSEBI, B., ATRI, A.E., JAVAHERI, S.H. and SHAHTAHMASSEBI, G., 2007. The investigation of the rates of sport injuries incidence in Iranian elite girl artistic gymnasts during floor exercise. In: The Third International Congress on Sport Medicine, Exercise Science, Physical Education & Yogic Science, India, 2007, India.

HOUSTON, J., SHEVLIN, M., ADAMSON, G. and MURPHY, J., 2007. A latent class analysis of traumatic life events in a nationally representative sample. In: Northern Ireland British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Carlingford, Republic of Ireland, 12 May 2007, Carlingford, Republic of Ireland.

CRABBE, A., 2007. The limitations of the Minkowski picture of space-time. In: International Society for the Study of Time Conference, Asilomar, San Francisco, San Francisco.

DWIVEDI, Y.K., LAL, B., IRANI, Z. and WILLIAMS, M.D., 2007. A logistic regression analysis to examine factors affecting broadband adoption in UK households. In: 15th European Conference on Information Systems: ECIS 2007, St. Gallen, Switzerland, June 6-9 2007, St. Gallen, Switzerland.

WILLIAMS, G. and HILL, R., 2007. The moderating/mediating role of resilience and positive coping in protecting commuters from commuting-related stressors and strain. In: 1st Applied Positive Psychology Conference, University of Warwick, 18-20 April 2007, Warwick.

PRYSE, S.E., WHITTICK, E.L., WOOD, A.G. and MIDDLETON, H.R., 2007. A new model to predict large-scale structuring in the high-latitude ionosphere in real time. In: Proceedings of the International Beacon Satellite Symposium.

KNOX, K.T., 2007. The notion of information. In: InSITE (Informing Science and Information Technology Education) Conference, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22-25 June, 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

LOCK, A., 2007. [oral presentation]. In: Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, January 2007, Leeds.

FLINT, K.J., 2007. The political economy of performativity: some experiences of teachers in school improvement. In: Philosophy of Education Society for Great Britain, University of Sheffield, January 2007, Sheffield.

ACAMPORA, G. and LOIA, V., 2007. A proposal of an open ubiquitous fuzzy computing system for ambient intelligence. In: Computational intelligence for agent-based systems.

ACAMPORA, G. and LOIA, V., 2007. A proposal of multi-agent simulation system for membrane computing devices. In: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Singapore, 25-28 October 2007.

WANG-COWHAM, C., 2007. The role of HR management functions in knowledge transfer. In: Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester, 11-13 July 2007, Manchester.

SHOLIHIN, M., PIKE, R. and MANGENA, M., 2007. The role of procedural fairness and interpersonal trust on the relationship between supervisory evaluative styles and managers' attitudes and behaviours: a test of two models. In: British Accounting Association (BAA) Conference, London, April 2007, London.

KENETT, R., DE, F., TORT-MARTORELL, X. and MCCOLLIN, C., 2007. The statistical efficiency conjecture. In: Seventh Annual ENBIS Conference, Dortmund, 24-26 September 2007, Dortmund.

WRIGHT, P., 2007. The stone bomb [a talk presented at the Sylvia Pankhurst Festival]. In: The Sylvia Pankhurst Festival, Woodford Green, Essex, 08 July, 2007, Essex.

Confidential report for external body

LEE, L.W. and HAYES, D., 2007. Joint tourism Olympic strategy for British Columbia, Vancouver, Whistler, and Canada. Vancouver: Strategex Consulting Group.


PATEL, R., 2007. 'Romeo in the city' by Amber Lone [theatre design]. London: The Theatre Centre.

Digital or visual media

ABBOTT, F., 2007. Beyond the village of the damned: 5 minute video in the 'These four walls' programme of work entitled 'Do Billboards dream of electric Screens?' [DVD shown at Urban Screens International Conference, 11-14 October, 2007]. [Digital or Visual Media]

RUMNEY, P. and SCRIVEN, N., 2007. Crossing boundaries: the Icarus project. [Digital or Visual Media]

RUMNEY, P. and SCRIVEN, N., 2007. Dragon breath: theatre design course. [Digital or Visual Media]

NEWTON, R., 2007. Experience Nottingham DVD. [Digital or Visual Media]

REID, D., 2007. Mie, a film of Mie: an extraordinary music theatre experience, created and composed by Catherine Kontz. [Digital or Visual Media]

NEWTON, R., 2007. NTU International DVD. [Digital or Visual Media]

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. [Photographs]. [Digital or Visual Media]

NEWTON, R., 2007. School of Art & Design. [Digital or Visual Media]

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. [illustrations in] 'Baker and Spice: exceptional breads'. [Digital or Visual Media]

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. [illustrations in] 'Baker and Spice: exceptional cakes'. [Digital or Visual Media]

Edited book

ATKIN, C. and O'GRADY, A., 2007. Adult learning in Lincolnshire and Rutland: voices from practice. Nottingham: The University of Nottingham: UNESCO Centre for Comparative Education Research.

RAMONE, J. and TWITCHEN, G., 2007. Boundaries. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publications.

DENTON, H.G., IRESON, G.P. and TWIDLE, J., 2007. E-learning in science and design and technology. Loughborough: Loughborough University. ISBN 9780947974657

FARBER, J. and FORSYTHE, S.J., 2007. Enterobacter sakazakii. UNSPECIFIED.

GRAINGE, P., JANCOVICH, M. and MONTEITH, S., 2007. Film histories: an introduction and reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748619078

MOORE, P. and PETTIFORD, L., 2007. Foreign policies of the major powers: politics and diplomacy since World War II: China and Japan. London: I.B. Tauris. ISBN 9781860649295

WHITE, C. and PETTIFORD, L., 2007. Foreign policies of the major powers: politics and diplomacy since World War II: Europe. London: I.B. Tauris. ISBN 9781860649295

WORTH, O.N. and PETTIFORD, L., 2007. Foreign policies of the major powers: politics and diplomacy since World War II: The Soviet Union and Russia. London: I.B. Tauris. ISBN 9781860649295

EADIE, P. and PETTIFORD, L., 2007. Foreign policies of the major powers: politics and diplomacy since World War II: United States of America. London: I.B. Tauris. ISBN 9781860649295

ALLIN, S., STEINEBACH, G. and LINGNER, S., 2007. Gesellschaftliche Randbedingungen der Virtualisierung urbaner Lebenswelten [English translation of title: Social frameworks of the virtualisiation of urban living conditions] [text in German]. Europäische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH.

DARLISON, M.G., 2007. Inhibitory regulation of excitatory neurotransmission. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 9783540726012

GOODRIDGE, J., 2007. John Dyer, 'The fleece: a poem in four books' (1757). Cheltenham: Cyder Press.

BORIA, M. and RISSO, L., 2007. Laboratorio di nuova ricerca. Investigating gender, translation & culture in Italian studies. Leicester: Troubadour.

DAVEY, R., 2007. Louise McClary: Living in the midst of wonder [exhibition catalogue]. St Ives, Cornwall: New Millennium Gallery.

WHITTY, M.T., BAKER, A.J. and INMAN, J.A., 2007. Online matchmaking. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781403998491

GENZ, S. and BRABON, B.A., 2007. Postfeminist gothic: critical interventions in contemporary culture. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230005426

6, P., SQUIRE, C., TREACHER, A. and RADSTONE, S., 2007. Public emotions. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0230007198

GOODRIDGE, J. and LUCAS, J., 2007. Robert Bloomfield, selected poems. Nottingham: Trent Editions.

THOMPSON, C., 2007. Romantic-era shipwreck narratives: an anthology. Nottingham: Trent Editions.

DAVEY, R., 2007. Sarah Gillespie: Midwinter sun [exhibition catalogue]. London: Waterhouse and Dodd.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S. and TEMPLE, N., 2007. Thinking practice: reflections on architectural research and building work. London: Black Dog Publishing. ISBN 9780000000000

BAILEY, O.G., 2007. Transnational lives and media: re-imagining diasporas. London: Palgrave.

BAILEY, O.G., 2007. Understanding alternative media. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

BENNETT, J., CREWE, B. and WAHIDIN, A., 2007. Understanding prison staff. Cullompton: Willan Press. ISBN 9781843922742

MURPHY, M. and REES-JONES, D., 2007. Writing Liverpool: essays and interviews. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. ISBN 9781846310737

TORRANCE, M., VAN, W. and GALBRAITH, D., 2007. Writing and cognition: research and applications. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

HENHAM, R. and BEHRENS, P., 2007. The criminal law of genocide: international, comparative and contextual aspects. Aldershot: Ashgate.


HIGGINS, D., 2007. 58 Cinemas. .

JUDD, B., 2007. Abandoned protocol. Group exhibition held at Ritter/Zamet, London, 2007. .

FISHER, C., 2007. Among the Living [group exhibition]. .

HAWTHORN, M., 2007. Artery - the Trent map, Bonington Gallery, Nottingham Trent University, 2007. .

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. Bridge Art fair [group exhibition]. London, October 2007. .

HOCK, K., 2007. Buchenwald. Group exhibition held at the Frauenmuseum, Bonn, Germany, October - November, 2007. .

JUDD, B., 2007. Co-curated by. Group exhibition held at Galerie Vanessa Quang, Paris, France, 2007. .

PATEL, R., 2007. Collaborators. [Exhibition of theatre design]. .

RUMNEY, P. and SCRIVEN, N., 2007. Collaborators: UK Design for Performance. .

BURNETT, K., 2007. Collaborators: UK Design for performance, 2002 - 2006: exhibition of the Society of British Theatre Designers; Prague quadrennial and UK tour: 1851 Gallery, Nottingham; Northern Stage, Newcastle; IMAG, Inverness; Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 06 Nov. .

ROGUE, L., 2007. Collaborators: UK design for performance [exhibition of theatre design]. London: Society of British Theatre Designers, Victoria & Albert Museum, September 2007. .

ROGUE, L., 2007. Collaborators: UK design for performance [exhibition of theatre design]. Nottingham: Society of British Theatre Designers, Nottingham Trent University, January 2007. .

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. Contextuality (solo exhibition]. Mumford Fine Art, London, September - October 2007. .

CURRY, A., 2007. Costume design drawings for 'Macbeth', 'Romeo and Juliet' and 'Cabaret'. Society of British Theatre Designers SBTD Collaborators quadrennial exhibition, 1851 Gallery, Nottingham, and touring, 01 January, 2007 - 18 November, 2008. .

CUMMINS, S., 2007. Distance. APT Project Space, Deptford, London, 23 November - 09 December, 2007. .

MAIER, D., 2007. East wing collection 8. .

WILLIAMS, G., 2007. Fictional Neighbours. Parker's Box, New York, 2 March - 2 April 2007.

KANDHOLA, M., 2007. Flatland: a landscape of Punjab. Djanogly Art Gallery, Lakeside, University of Nottingham, September - November, 2007. .

SIMMONDS, G., 2007. Funny bones. Unpicked and dismantled exhibition, Kaunus Biennale, Lithuania, 30 November, 2007 - 03 March, 2008. .

FISHER, C., 2007. Hold Your Fire [solo exhibition]. .

HOCK, K., 2007. Hospital. Exhibition held at the Focal Point Gallery, Southend-on-Sea, June - July, 2007. .

JUDD, B., 2007. I will heal you. Exhibition held at Lugar a Dudas, Cali, Colombia, 2007. .

PATEL, R., 2007. Ireland. .

JUDD, B., 2007. The Juddykes. Group exhibition held at John Jones, London, 2007. .

JUDD, B. and DYKE, H., 2007. The Juddykes. Group exhibition held at John Jones, London, 2007 [curators]. .

DANJOUX, M., 2007. Klüver [organised by] DAP Lab. Design in Motion Festival, Prague Quadrennial, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2007.

LOCK, A., 2007. Lost Horizons. Lianzhou International Festival of Photography, Guangdong, China, December 2007. .

KANDHOLA, M., 2007. Luminous. Rhubarb-Rhubarb, Birmingham, July 2007 [a collaboration]. .

HUGHES, A., HUGHES, T. and DEVULDER, T., 2007. Netker 10: an architectural model for Bathing Beauties: a Hub Touring Exhibition, displayed at The Hub: National Craft & Design Centre, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, June - September 2007. .

JUDD, B., 2007. Odoo / Current. Group exhibition held at the Mongolian National Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 2007. .

LOCK, A., 2007. Orchard Park. Opera North, Leeds, April-July 2007. .

MAIER, D., 2007. Parade. .

FISHER, C., 2007. Parade: Stuff Happens [group exhibition]. .

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. Paradise lost and found. .

JUDD, B., 2007. Persona non grata. Group exhibition held at One in the Other, London, 2007. .

NEWLING, J., 2007. Preston market mystery project: Event 2: 'Voicing mysteries'. .

JUDD, B., 2007. Seeing is believing. Group exhibition held at The Photographers' Gallery, London, 2007. .

HAWTHORN, M., 2007. Shanty town, Festival of Extreme Building, Birmingham, July 2007. .

BREEDON, P.J., 2007. Snake robot. [Posters] House of Commons, Westminster, London, 19 March, 2007. .

GOULDING, R., 2007. 'Stitch formations' in Future voices: celebrating diversity [group exhibition held at the New Craft Future Voices International Conference held at the Cooper Gallery, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee, 4 July - 4 August, 2007]. .

FISHER, C., 2007. Things That Go Bump In The Night [group exhibition]. .

HIGGINS, D., 2007. Unloud [solo exhibition]. .

HIGGINS, D., 2007. Unloud [solo exhibition]. .

HIGGINS, D., 2007. Unloud [solo exhibition]. .

HIGGINS, D., 2007. Unloud [solo exhibition]. .

FISHER, C., 2007. Unpicked and Dis-mantled [group exhibition]. .

MAIER, D. and WILLIAMS, G., 2007. Unpicked and Dismantled. 6th Kaunas Art Biennale: Textile '07, M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art, Kaunas, Lithuania, 1 December 2007 - 3 March 2008.

PIEBALGA, A., 2007. Water pieces. 5th international media arts festival, Riga, Latvia. .

FISHER, C., 2007. Wunderkammer [group exhibition]. .

KANDHOLA, M., 2007. The alchemy of shadows. Third Lianzhou International Photography Festival, December 2007. .

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2007. The collection, the ruin and the theatre: Nek Chand's rock garden in Chandigarh. Principal curator of an exhibition held at Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Gallery, Liverpool, April-May 2007. .

FISHER, C., 2007. A comedy of errors. Exhibition held at Artspace, Sydney, Australia, 20 April - 19 May, 2007. .

BILLING, J., BREEDON, P.J., CORDINGLEY, T. and LYCOURIS, S., 2007. The snake project. Emergent objects: performing design colloquium. School of Performance and Cultural Industries, University of Leeds, 07-08 June, 2007. .

BILLING, J., BREEDON, P.J., CORDINGLEY, T. and LYCOURIS, S., 2007. The snake project. Emergent objects: performing design. School of Performance and Cultural Industries, University of Leeds, 17-19 December, 2007. .

TOWNSEND, K., 2007. The spatial garment [intallation and essay]. Future Voices - Celebrating Diversity, New Craft - Future Voices International Conference and Exhibition .

BRIGGS-GOODE, A., 2007. 'The spatial garment'. Future voices: celebrating diversity [group exhibition held at the New Craft Future Voices International Conference held at the Cooper Gallery, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee, 4 July - 4 August, 2007]. .

BUNCE, G., 2007. 'The spatial garment'. Future voices: celebrating diversity [group exhibition held at the New Craft Future Voices International Conference held at the Cooper Gallery, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee, 4 July - 4 August, 2007]. .

Journal editorship

ROWBOTHAM, J. and STEVENSON, K., 2007. Answering Baker: utilising 'best' evidence. The challenge for socio-legal studies [special edition]. Springer.

MOORE, D., PALMER, A., HALL, D.A. and SUMNER, C., 2007. Auditory cortex 2006: the listening brain [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

SLOMKA, M.J., PAVLIDIS, T., BANKS, J., SHELL, W., MCNALLY, A., ESSEN, S. and BROWN, I.H., 2007. Avian diseases. AAAP.

PRATT, M. and ROSELLO, M., 2007. Creolizing Europe [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

HARDILL, I., 2007. Demographic ageing [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

THORNTON, J., WALD, R., GREKO, M., TROMANS, S., ETHERINGTON, L., BELL, S. and NASH, M., 2007. Environmental Law Bulletin. UNSPECIFIED.

BELL, S. and ETHERINGTON, L., 2007. Environmental Law Reports. Sweet & Maxwell.

MILNES, A.S., STEWART, I., CLIFTON-HADLEY, F.A., DAVIES, R.H., NEWELL, D.G., SAYERS, A.R., CHEASTY, T., CASSAR, C., RIDLEY, A., COOK, A.J., EVANS, S.J., TEALE, C.J., SMITH, R.P., MCNALLY, A., TOSZEGHY, M., FUTTER, R., KAY, A. and PAIBA, G.A., 2007. Epidemiology and infection. Cambridge Journals.

PRATT, M., ELEFTHERIOTIS, D. and VANNI, I., 2007. European Visions and Voices [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

O'SHAUGHNESSY, M. and HAYES, G., 2007. French cinema and globalisation (special issue). UNSPECIFIED.

GOUZEVITCH, I. and INKSTER, I., 2007. Identity of engineers [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, L., 2007. The Journal Of Gambling Business And Economics. Buckingham: University of Buckingham Press.

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, L., 2007. The Journal of Prediction Markets. Buckingham: University of Buckingham Press.


CUMMINGS, L., 2007. Pragmatics and adult language disorders. New York: Thieme Medical Publishers.

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2007. Regeneration [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

LIDDLE, J. and DIAMOND, J., 2007. Regeneration management [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

WALLACE, S. and DRANSFIELD, R., 2007. Research into Teaching: NTU's journal of research-informed teaching and teaching-informed research. UNSPECIFIED.

SMITH, P.J. and VALLS-RUSSELL, J., 2007. The Royal Shakespeare Company complete works frestival [special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

ODDEY, A., 2007. Scenography & performance [guest editor]. UNSPECIFIED.

HARDILL, I., 2007. Teleworking [special issue]. Oxford: Blackwell.

WRIGHT, C.Y., 2007. Troublesome bodies: construction of black feminities and masculinities within school settings ['Foreign bodies' special issue]. UNSPECIFIED.

Newspaper or popular journal contribution

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. The psychology of gaming: what players really want. MCV, p. 16. ISSN 1469-4832

EVANS, J.P.O., 2007. A scatter enhanced X-ray scanner will help fit the final piece of the jigsaw to aircraft luggage screening. .

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Videogames: little evidence of adverse effects. Nottingham Evening Post, p. 6. ISSN 0957-3755

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Violence in games: banning games is not the way forward. MCV, p. 12. ISSN 1469-4832

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Virtual worlds, real research: game for anything? MCV, p. 16. ISSN 1469-4832

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Keeping the fun in the game. Casino Review, pp. 46-48.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Gambling entices our young and vulnerable: they need our help. The Guardian, p. 35. ISSN 0261-3077

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Will super-casinos fuel gambling among young? Young People Now, p. 12. ISSN 0956-2842

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. [9 photographs]. Emotion (July), pp. 36-43.

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. [9 photographs]. Emotion (July), pp. 36-43.

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. [9 photographs]. Emotion (July), pp. 36-43.

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. [9 photographs]. Emotion (July), pp. 36-43.

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. [9 photographs]. Emotion (July), pp. 36-43.

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. [9 photographs]. Emotion (July), pp. 36-43.

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. [9 photographs]. Emotion (July), pp. 36-43.

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. [9 photographs]. Emotion (July), pp. 36-43.

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. [9 photographs]. Emotion (July), pp. 36-43.

ARTHUR, L., MARTIN, P., BRIGGS, P. and TAYLOR, B., 2007. Art workshop thrills youngsters. Grapevine, 24, p. 18.

WILLIAMS, G. and HILL, R., 2007. Commuting to hell and back: like death and taxes, commuting appears to be one of life's certainties. .

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Dangerous games. Foreign Policy (161), pp. 14-15. ISSN 0015-7228

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Encouraging undergraduate student publishing. Higher Education Academy Psychology Network Newsletter (41), p. 3. ISSN 1745-2309

COCKER, E., 2007. Flagging possibilities, in conversation with Vlatka Horvat' [interview]. , pp. 23-29.

PRATT, M., 2007. Good students leave home [journalist, Peter Vincent]. , p. 6.

JACKSON, S., 2007. Key poet: 'Albert', 'Vanishing twin', 'Mormos and tea', 'A quarter to'. , pp. 48-53.

COCKER, E., 2007. Object action object: the work of Cool and Balducci [commissioned article]. , pp. 18-23.

WRIGHT, P., 2007. Omnipresent eye. , pp. 19-20.

MCCOMB, R., JAMES, P. and KANDHOLA, M., 2007. Out of the basement and into the spotlight: interview on the photographic collection at Birmingham Central Library. , pp. 3-7.

ARTHUR, L., 2007. Package made perfect. Grapevine, 23 (7), p. 22.

LEE, J., 2007. Pang. , pp. 36-39.

LEE, J., 2007. Review: 'Colour Out of Space Festival', Sallis Benney Theatre, Brighton. , p. 81. ISSN 0952-0680

KANDHOLA, M. and GRIMLY, T., 2007. Surprises of a green and pleasant land. Interview: 'Flatland: a landscape of Punjab'. , p. 13.

WRIGHT, P., 2007. Theatre of war. , p. 22. ISSN 0261-3077

JACKSON, S., 2007. 'Two mothers' and 'Holy cow'. , pp. 22-23.

COCKER, E., 2007. Unstable truths: Emma Cocker in conversation with Clio Barnard [commissioned interview]. , pp. 73-74.

COCKER, E., 2007. Wandering - straying from the habitual path [commissioned article]. , pp. 22-23.

LOCK, G., 2007. Wrong ends [short story]. Mezzanine Magazine.

WOODFIELD, R., 2007. The bookshelf. , p. 13.

JACKSON, S., 2007. 'The instant of my death' and 'Turn out the light'. , pp. 32-33.

BURCH, S., 2007. The past in pictures: a pre-coronation snapshot. , p. 81. ISSN 1469-8552

Patent/Published patent application

HUGHES, D., NEWTON, M.I. and MCHALE, G., 2007. Acoustic wave sperm test kit and assay. World WO2007085839 [published 2 August, 2007].

DIAS, T., 2007. Knitted transducer devices. South Africa ZA2005/09341.

BROWN, C.V., BRYAN-BROWN, G.P., JONES, J.C., MCDONNELL, D.G., BANCROFT, M.J., DUNN, P.E. and HASLAM, S.D., 2007. Liquid crystal with greyscale. World WO9804953.

TELCI, D., VERDERIO, E. and GRIFFIN, M., 2007. Novel screening method. Europe EP1592972.

DIAS, T., 2007. Precision delivery system. Europe EP1268903.


BROWN, A., DOUBLEDAY, K. and KENYON, S., 2007. Open city: Nottingham. .

Professional or trade journal contribution

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Supercasinos: good or bad? Leisure Management, p. 41. ISSN 0266-9102

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Manchester's gamble pays off. Leisure Opportunities, p. 2. ISSN 0952-8210

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Expert analysis. Casino International, pp. 78-80. ISSN 1467-9175

BRUNSDEN, V., 2007. Award-winning research reveals truth of attacks on firefighters. , pp. 41-43.

TAURINGANA, V. and MANGENA, M., 2007. Complementary narrative commentary in UK annual reports. , p. 12.

ANDERSEN, E., 2007. GDR factory [photograph]. , p. 18.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2007. Gambling addiction in adolescence. Licensing Circles, pp. 20-23.

LIDDLE, J., 2007. Leading the public sector: the need for new skills? Imagine (4), pp. 20-21.

HUXLEY-BINNS, R., 2007. Manslayers? The criminal liability of drug dealers. , pp. 15-16.

BRUNSDEN, V., 2007. Practice sharing: patchwork texts as a form of assessment. , pp. 4-5.

WHYSALL, Z., 2007. Present and infect. , pp. 54-56. ISSN 0958-479X

LAI, L.W.C., HO, D.C.W. and YUNG, P., 2007. Survey of the Pottinger Battery. , pp. 91-114.

BURCH, S., 2007. Talkback: Is the Art Fund the right sponsor for the former Gulbenkian prize for museums and galleries? , p. 17.

Research report for external body

HEMANS, E., 2007. A strategic analysis and review of the organisation: NTCG Nottingham. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

RICHARDSON, J., 2007. Providing Gypsy and Traveller sites: contentious spaces. Coventry: Chartered Institute of Housing.

GREEVES, J.P., SALE, C., SMITH, N. and WICKES, C., 2007. 12-month prevalence of spinal pain in helicopter rear aircrew. UNSPECIFIED.

6, P., BELLAMY, C. and RAAB, C., 2007. Appropriate information sharing: a proposal for guidance for local negotiators of local information sharing agreements and for trainers. Department for Communities and Local Government.

RAHMAN, M.M. and HEWITT, N., 2007. Area 8: A1 Beeston - pavement investigation and maintenance proposals [TRL unpublished report]. Highways Agency's Area 8 Managing Agent.

RAHMAN, M.M. and HEWITT, N., 2007. Area 8: A1 Stotfold northbound - pavement investigation and maintenance proposals [TRL unpublished report]. Highways Agency's Area 8 Managing Agent.

RAHMAN, M.M. and HEWITT, N., 2007. Area 8: A14 Wilby Way - pavement investigation and maintenance proposals [TRL unpublished report]. Highways Agency's Area 8 Managing Agent.

RAHMAN, M.M. and HEWITT, N., 2007. Area 8: A45 Stanwick Roundabout to Chowns Mill Roundabout (EB, WB) [TRL unpublished report]. Highways Agency's Area 8 Managing Agent.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2007. Automotive components industry: evolve, associate, and migrate to survive and prosper. KPMG, pp. 1-28.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2007. The BEN book of numbers (an automotive industry statistical handbook). BEN, pp. 1-90.

GANPAT, S.M., SOE-AGNIE, S., VAN DER POEL, A., VAN DER MEER, F. and BOON, B., 2007. Beleid op het gebied van middelengebruik in de forensisch psychiatrische instellingen. Rotterdam: IVO.

WAHIDIN, A., 2007. Bridging the gaps in offending learning: final evaluation for Hull University's Centre for Lifelong Learning, Hull City Council's Adult Education Service and HMP Hull. UNSPECIFIED.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., ORFORD, J., SPROSTON, K. and WARDLE, H., 2007. British Gambling Prevalence Survey 2007. London: National Centre for Social Research.

GRAHAM, I.J., PASQUIRE, C.L. and GIBB, A.G.F., 2007. Buildoffsite business case study 002: pipe modules for a hospital extension. UNSPECIFIED.

GRAHAM, I.J., PASQUIRE, C.L. and GIBB, A.G.F., 2007. Buildoffsite business case study 003: a modular corridor product for four airport projects. UNSPECIFIED.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2007. Business car expectations: fleet survey 2000. HSBC, pp. 1-90.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2007. Business car perceptions. Bearing Point Ltd., pp. 1-105.

KARANIKA, M., KOUVONEN, A., MARTIN, J., KOUKOULAKI, T., KUHL, K., BUFFET, M.A. and DIENSTBÜHL, I., 2007. Case studies report: Noise in the entertainment sector. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

HÜBNER, W., SMOLANDER, A., ALBERTSEN, K., KOUKOULAKI, T., LÓPEZ, J., KARANIKA, M., PAPALE, A. and BUFFET, M.A., 2007. Case studies report: Young workers and OSH. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

KOUVONEN, A., ERTEL, M. and KARANIKA, M., 2007. Checklist for the prevention of work-related stress in the education sector. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

LEE, J., 2007. Commissioned evaluation report on Axis' 'Dialogue' online publication. UNSPECIFIED.

HARRISON, B. and VYMYATNINA, Y., 2007. Currency substitution in a de-dollarising economy: the case of Russia. Bank of Finland Institute.

TREVORROW, T., 2007. DTI waste management in Greater Nottingham report. UNSPECIFIED.

HARRISON, B. and VYMYATNINA, Y., 2007. Demand for money during transition: the case of Russia. Department of Economics, European University at St Petersburg.

COCKER, E., 2007. Desiring to be led astray. AHRC Centre for Surrealism and its Legacies.

HMT–OGC [HM TREASURY - OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT COMMERCE], 2007. The Enabling Savings programme for the Department of Works and Pensions: a strategic assessment. London: Department of Works and Pensions.

HUGHES, A., TORRANCE, M. and GALBRAITH, D., 2007. Evaluation of the Pacific Institutes 'Go for it!' intervention for motivational development in students at Key Stage 4. Stoke-on-Trent: Staffordshire University.

HUGHES, A., TORRANCE, M. and GALBRAITH, D., 2007. Evaluation of the Pacific Institutes 'It's up to me!' intervention for motivational development in students at Key Stage 2. Stoke-on-Trent: Staffordshire University.

ATKIN, C., O'GRADY, A. and ROSE, A., 2007. Evaluation of the skills for life materials for embedded learning. London: National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy.

SUTTON, M., PERRY, B., PARKE, J. and JOHN-BAPTISTE, C., 2007. Getting the message across: using media to reduce racial prejudice and discrimination. London: Home Office.

ZHANG, M. and JONES, O., 2007. Greater Manchester urban knowledge arena: MMU report. Manchester: Centre for Enterprise, MMUBS.

SUTTON, M., LEVI, M. and FORREST, S., 2007. Handling stolen goods: Findings from the 2003 Crime and Criminal Justice Survey. Home Office Research Study.

EYRE, A., BRUNSDEN, V. and MURPHY, J., 2007. Humanitarian assistance in the UK: current capability and the development of best practice. London: HMSO.

HILL, R. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2007. Identifying the needs of relatives of Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service personnel. Inverness: Highlands & Islands Fire & Rescue Service.

UNDERWOOD, J., BAGULEY, T.S., BANYARD, P., FARRINGTON-FLINT, L. and SELWOOD, I., 2007. Impact 2007: personalising learning with technology. Final report. Coventry: British Educational Communication and Technology Agency.

COX, T., KARANIKA, M., MELLOR, N., LOMAS, L., HOUDMONT, J. and GRIFFITHS, A., 2007. Implementation of the management standards for work-related stress: process evaluation. Report to the Health & Safety Executive (SiP1 technical report T/6267). Nottingham: Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of Nottingham.

BOWPITT, G. and MCCARTHY, K., 2007. Improving the health of South Asian women in Nottingham. Nottingham: UNSPECIFIED.

FIESTAS, H., DHANARAJAN, S., MALPANI, R., KAMAL-YANNI, M., SAUNDERS, P. and ATKINS, S., 2007. Investing for life: meeting poor people's needs for access to medicines through responsible business practices [contributor Guest, D.]. Oxfam International.

GIBERT, M.V., 2007. Monitoring a region in crisis: the European Union in West Africa. Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies.

HMT–OGC [HM TREASURY - OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT COMMERCE], 2007. National Policing Improvement Agency: review of business case. London: Home Office.

WRIGHT, C.Y., 2007. Overcoming school exclusion and achieving successful youth transitions within African Caribbean communities [end of award report to Joseph Rowntree]. UNSPECIFIED.

SAS, K., SMOLANDER, A., LEINO, T., YLIKOSKI, M., SEDLATSCHEK, C., HÜBNER, W., DEBRUYNE, M. and KARANIKA, M., 2007. Policy overview: The inclusion of OSH concepts in formal education programmes and curricula of the Member States of the EU. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

KARANIKA, M., KOUVONEN, A., BERKELS, H., SMOLANDER, A. and PLETTE, R., 2007. Practical (evidence-based) assessment and intervention tools for work-related stress. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

MCGLAUGHLIN, A., 2007. Preventative approaches targeting young people in local authority residential care. Home Office.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2007. Rethinking used business vehicle disposal strategy. BCA Vehicle Remarking, pp. 1-32.

O'BRIEN, H.E., LABADZ, J.C. and BUTCHER, D.P., 2007. Review of management and restoration options for blanket bog. UNSPECIFIED.

HMT–OGC [HM TREASURY - OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT COMMERCE], 2007. Review of strategic assessment and investment decision: National Policing Improvement Agency. London: Home Office.

EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY and HEALTH AT WORK, 2007. Risk assessment in health care [e-Facts 18]. Bilbao, Spain: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

NEEDHAM, D. and FLINT, K.J., 2007. Single regeneration budget enterprise education. Nottingham: Evaluation, Nottingham City Council.

FRANSOO, J.C. and DE LEEUW, S., 2007. Supply chain challenges in the electronics industry. Boston: Moduslink.

TANSLEY, C., FOSTER, C., HARRIS, L., STEWART, J., SEMPIK, A., TURNER, P. and WILLIAMS, H., 2007. Talent management: research on practice. London: CIPD.

TANSLEY, C., FOSTER, C., HARRIS, L., STEWART, J., SEMPIK, A., TURNER, P. and WILLIAMS, H., 2007. Talent management: the executive view. London: CIPD.

TANSLEY, C., TURNER, P., FOSTER, C., HARRIS, L., STEWART, J., SEMPIK, A. and WILLIAMS, H., 2007. Talent: strategy, management, measurement. London: CIPD.

GATES, P., COWARD, S. and BYROM, T., 2007. Young participation in HE in Nottingham North. Bristol: HEFCE.

SALE, C., GREEVES, J.P., CASEY, A. and ELLIOTT, K.J., 2007. A brief review of the mechanisms by which tobacco smoking predisposes trainees to musculoskeletal injury during initial training. UNSPECIFIED.

TREVORROW, T., 2007. A demonstration project to increase the use of recycled resources in construction: A case study of greater Nottingham. UNSPECIFIED.

ALLYSE, F.D. and DINGWALL, R., 2007. The ethical implications of options for improving the folate intake of women of reproductive age. London: Food Standards Agency.

WOOD, J. and KEMSHALL, H., 2007. The operation and experience of Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA). London: Home Office.


BARTOLI, A., 2007. Working with parents of young people: research, policy and practice. Journal of Children's Services: Research Informing Policy and Practice, 2 (4), pp. 81-82. ISSN 1746-6660

DAVIES, L. and KANDHOLA, M., 2007. Best books to buy for Christmas: 'Flatland: a landscape of Punjab'. Daily Telegraph (Art & Culture).

GOODRUM, A., 2007. Book review: 'Fashion's world cities'. Gender Place and Culture: a Journal of Feminist Geography, 14 (5), pp. 617-625.

O'CONNOR, P., 2007. Book review: Peter Hallward, Out of this world: Deleuze and the philosophy of creation. Philosophy in Review/Comptes Rendus Philosophiques, 27 (3). ISSN 1206-5269

HARDY, C., 2007. Book review: Trevor Rayment, (ed.) 'The problem of assessment in art and design'. .

BYROM, T., 2007. Children at the margins: supporting children, supporting schools [book review]. Improving Schools, 10 (1).

LEE, J., 2007. Curio Island: review of 'Double Acts' exhibition, curated by Sally Lai, Phoenix Gallery, Brighton. .

BURCH, S., 2007. Equiano: an exhibition of an extraordinary life (Birmingham Museum) [exhibition review]. Museums Journal, 107 (12), pp. 44-45. ISSN 0027-416X

WOODWARD, S., 2007. Fashion foundations [book review]. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 13 (3), pp. 762-763.

KANDHOLA, M., 2007. 'Flatland: a landscape of Punjab: Belfast' [photographs, book review]. Source Magazine (53), p. 80. ISSN 1369-2224

KANDHOLA, M., 2007. 'Flatland: a landscape of Punjab: five rivers'. Exhibition interview & review. Nottingham Evening Post, p. 17.

BURCH, S., 2007. Hastings Museum and Art Gallery [exhibition review]. Museums Journal, 107 (11), p. 53. ISSN 0027-416X

BURCH, S., 2007. Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery (Glasgow) [exhibition review]. Museums Journal, 107 (8), pp. 38-39. ISSN 0027-416X

KANDHOLA, M. and SMYTH, D., 2007. Interior landscape: 'Flatland: a landscape of Punjab'. British Journal of Photography, pp. 14-18.

BYROM, T., 2007. Making modern lives: subjectivity, schooling, and social change [book review]. British Educational Research Journal, 32 (2).

DAVEY, R., 2007. Nicholas Mynheer [exhibition review]. Church Times (020307).

CAMPBELL, F. and WILDE, D., 2007. The Paraquest 3rd Annual Conference: a review. The Paranormal Review, 3, pp. 30-32. ISSN 1369-0426

IRESON, G.P., 2007. Review of 'Interactions in online education'. Physical Sciences Educational Reviews, 8 (2), pp. 32-33. ISSN 1756-9524

BOULÉ, J.-P., 2007. Review of Rowley, Hazel 'Tête-à-tête: the lives and loves of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre'. Times Literary Supplement. ISSN 0307-661X

DAVEY, R., 2007. Shanti Panchal: a contemplative eye on everyday things [exhibition review]. Church Times (260707).

BURCH, S., 2007. Wolverhampton Art Gallery [exhibition review]. Museums Journal, 107 (6), pp. 38-39. ISSN 0027-416X


HARRADINE, D., 2007. Accounting for negotiated order: a case study of a National Health Service hospital. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

KETTLEY, S., 2007. Crafting the wearable computer: design process and user experience: volume one. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

KETTLEY, S., 2007. Crafting the wearable computer: design process and user experience: volume two. UNSPECIFIED, Nottingham Trent University.

RENWICK, D.W.S., 2007. HR-line management work relations: politics, partnership and perception in inter-management relationships. PhD, University of Sheffield.

HETHERINGTON, T.J., 2007. List-colourings of near-outerplanar graphs. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

DAVIS, L.J., 2007. Metallosupramolecular chain-like assemblies. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

KUKSA, I., 2007. Scenography and new media technologies: history, educational applications and visualization techniques. PhD, Warwick University.

TAYLOR, L., 2007. V-Resort project. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

ROBBINS, J.A., 2007. The pioneer plant community: studies on roadside verges, glacier forelands and other disturbed habitats in southern Norway. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

MARRIOTT, M.R., 2007. A qualitative investigation of the relationship between psychosis, positive discontinuous experiences, and spiritual or religious beliefs. PhD, University of Sheffield.

WANG-COWHAM, C., 2007. The transfer of HR knowledge in MNCs in China, the perspective of Chinese HR managers. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

Website content

WOOLLARD, J. and BRADSHAW, P., 2007. 14-19 reform: a resource for the ICT tutors website. ICT Tutors.

RUST, C., MOTTRAM, J. and TILL, J., 2007. AHRC research review: practice-led research in art, design and architecture. London: Arts and Humanities Research Council.

COCKER, E., 2007. Are we there yet? [commissioned essay]. Sheffield: Bloc Gallery.

NEEDHAM, D., 2007. Differentiation.

JAYNE, M., 2007. Environmental auditing. RICS.

JAYNE, M., 2007. Glossary. RICS.

COCKER, E., 2007. Laying the bounds [commissioned essay].

KETTLEY, S., 2007. Leadership development and skills in the context of crafts, design and emerging technologies. Creative & Cultural Skills.

TOMLINSON, M., WALKER, R. and WILLIAMS, G., 2007. Measuring poverty in Britain as a multi-dimensional concept, 1991 to 2003. Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Oxford.

JAYNE, M., 2007. Overhead power lines and health. RICS.

BRUNSDEN, V., 2007. Psychology R&T case VIII: blending research and teaching in the classroom: using patchwork text assessments to simulate the research process.

BRUNSDEN, V., WILLIAMS, G. and HILL, R., 2007. Psychology R&T case VIII: blending research and teaching in the classroom: variants on enquiry based learning simulating the research process.

LEE, J., 2007. Review of ELIA Teacher's Academy papers. ADM-HEA (Art Design Media Subject Centre).

HAMILTON, H., 2007. Working with life, spelling and photography.

COTTON, T., 2007. Young, gifted and excluded. Education-Line.

SNODGRASS, A., 2007. Your money be wise. Usability by Design Ltd.

Working paper

TRUEMAN, M., ALI, B., CORNELIUS, N. and LIDDLE, J., 2007. Doing good in a post industrial city: public policy communications and regeneration. Bradford: Bradford University School of Management.

BAGOYOKO, N. and GIBERT, M.V., 2007. The European Union in Africa: the linkage between security, governance and development from an institutional perspective. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies.

PALERMO, O. and BISIGNANO, A., 2007. Understanding team creativity in entrepreneurship programmes. National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship.


RUMNEY, P., 2007. Animating literacy - toolbox or Pandora's box? www.Creative Partnerships.

TRIKIĆ, A., 2007. Benchmarking of e-Learning at Nottingham Trent University: November 2006 - April 2007. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

CETIN, R. and ACKRILL, R., 2007. Foreign investment and the export behaviour of foreign and local firms: an analysis of Turkish manufacturing. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

PRATT, M., 2007. The French presidential elections. 2SER2007.

RUMNEY, P. and SCRIVEN, N., 2007. The Icarus Project: theatre design course. Nottingham: Performance and Participatory Workshop Programme, Waverley Theatre, Nottingham Trent University.

RUMNEY, P. and SCRIVEN, N., 2007. The Icarus Project: theatre design course. Creative Partnerships.

BURNETT, K., 2007. K. Burnett interviewed by Elizabeth Wright for Oral History of British Theatre Design, part of National Life Stories. Sound Archive, British Library.

NEWLING, J., 2007. Sacred in the secular: survey lecture, Polish Museum of Contemporary Sacred Art, Kielce, Poland.

O'NEILL, M., 2007. The break-up of Britain? [six lectures on the UK's 'constitutional revolution']. Lille: Sciences Po Lille - Institut d'études politiques de Lille.

MCHALE, G., 2007. The material world: hydrophobicity [Radio 4 broadcast 29 November].

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