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Journal article

CASTLETON, C.W.M. and MIRBT, S., 2003. Ab initio study of neutral vacancies in InP using supercells and finite size scaling. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 340, pp. 407-411. ISSN 0921-4526

ELLIOTT, K.J., CABLE, N.T., REILLY, T. and DIVER, M.J., 2003. Effect of menstrual cycle phase on the concentration of bioavailable 17-β oestradiol and testosterone and muscle strength. Clinical Science, 105 (6), pp. 663-669. ISSN 0143-5221

BALASUBRAMANYAM, M., ADAIKALAKOTESWARI, A., KUMAR, R.S., MONICKARAJ, S.F., MAHESWARI, J.U. and MOHAN, V., 2003. Curcumin-induced inhibition of cellular reactive oxygen species generation: novel therapeutic implications. Journal of Biosciences, 28 (6), pp. 715-721. ISSN 0250-5991

SUN, M., BAKIS, N. and AOUAD, G., 2003. A collaborative design appraisal system for water treatment engineering projects. Advances in Engineering Software, 34 (11-12), pp. 737-743. ISSN 0965-9978

PILCHER, J., WILLIAMS, J. and POLE, C., 2003. 'Rethinking adulthood: families, transitions, and social change'. Sociological Research Online, 8 (4), pp. 181-185. ISSN 1360-7804

GOEHRING, L. and MICHAL, C.A., 2003. Nuclear spin polarization transfer across an organic-semiconductor interface. Journal of Chemical Physics, 119 (19), p. 10325. ISSN 0021-9606

ANDRIENKO, D., TASINKEVYCH, M., PATRÍCIO, P., ALLEN, M.P. and DA GAMA, M.M.T., 2003. Forces between elongated particles in a nematic colloid. Physical Review E, 68 (5): 051702. ISSN 1063-651X

NOIA, G., PIERELLI, L., BONANNO, G., MONEGO, G., PERILLO, A., RUTELLA, S., CAVALIERE, A.F., DE SANTIS, M., LIGATO, M.S., FOTUNATO, G., SCAMBIA, G., TERZANO, M., IANNACE, E., ZELANO, G., MICHETTI, F., LEONE, G. and MANCUSO, S., 2003. A novel route of transplantation of human cord blood stem cells in preimmune fetal sheep: the intracelomic cavity. Stem Cells, 21 (6), pp. 638-646. ISSN 1066-5099

SUMMERFIELD, A.Q., STACEY, P.C., ROBERTS, K.L., FORTNUM, H.M. and BARTON, G.R., 2003. Economic analysis and cochlear implantation. International Congress Series, 1254, pp. 313-319. ISSN 0531-5131

RHIE, A., KIRBY, L., SAYER, N., WELLESLEY, R., DISTERER, P., SYLVESTER, I., GILL, A., HOPE, J., JAMES, W. and TAHIRI-ALAOUI, A., 2003. Characterization of 2′-fluoro-RNA aptamers that bind preferentially to disease-associated conformations of prion protein and inhibit conversion. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278 (41), pp. 39697-39705. ISSN 0021-9258

MARSHALL, J., JENNINGS, P., SCOTT, A., FLUCK, R.J. and MCINTYRE, C.W., 2003. Glycemic control in diabetic CAPD patients assessed by continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS). Kidney International, 64 (4), pp. 1480-1486. ISSN 0085-2538

THOMPSON, P., ANDERSON, D.R., FISHER, R., THOMPSON, D. and SHARP, J.H., 2003. Process-related patterns in dioxin emissions: a simplified assessment procedure applied to coke combustion in sinter plant. Fuel, 82 (15-17), pp. 2125-2137. ISSN 0016-2361

RUTELLA, S., BONANNO, G., MARONE, M., DE RITIS, D.G., MARIOTTI, A., VOSO, M.T., SCAMBIA, G., MANCUSO, S., LEONE, G. and PIERELLI, L., 2003. Identification of a Novel Subpopulation of Human Cord Blood CD34-CD133-CD7-CD45+Lineage- Cells Capable of Lymphoid/NK Cell Differentiation After In Vitro Exposure to IL-15. The Journal of Immunology, 171 (6), pp. 2977-2988. ISSN 0022-1767

SHORE, S.E., SUMNER, C.J., BLEDSOE, S.C. and LU, J., 2003. Effects of contralateral sound stimulation on unit activity of ventral cochlear nucleus neurons. Experimental Brain Research, 153 (4), pp. 427-435. ISSN 0014-4819

MCCOLL, I.H., BLANCH, E.W., GILL, A.C., RHIE, A.G.O., RITCHIE, M.A., HECHT, L., NIELSEN, K. and BARRON, L.D., 2003. A new perspective on β-sheet structures using vibrational Raman optical activity: from poly(l-lysine) to the prion protein. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125 (33), pp. 10019-10026. ISSN 0002-7863

CASTLETON, C.W.M. and MIRBT, S., 2003. Structure of the [ZnIn-VP] defect complex in Zn-doped InP. Physical Review B, 68 (8), 085203. ISSN 1098-0121

HAROLD, D., PEIRCE, T., MOSKVINA, V., LOVESTONE, S., POWELL, J., FOY, C., ARCHER, N., WALTER, S., EDMONDSON, A., MCILROY, S., CRAIG, D., PASSMORE, P.A., GOATE, A., HARDY, J., O'DONOVAN, M., WILLIAMS, J., LIDDELL, M., OWEN, M.J., JONES, L., MYERS, A., JONES, S., HOLLINGWORTH, P. and MOORE, P., 2003. Sequence variation in the CHAT locus shows no association with late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Human Genetics, 113 (3), pp. 258-267. ISSN 0340-6717

GOODSON, S., HALFORD, J., JACKSON, H. and BLUNDELL, J., 2003. Paradoxical effect of sucrose: behaviour or metabolism? A reply to E.L. Gibson and L. Thibault. Appetite, 41 (1), pp. 105-106. ISSN 0195-6663

CARPENTER, A.I., CÔTÉ, I.M. and JONES, C.G., 2003. Habitat use, egg laying sites and activity patterns of an endangered Mauritian gecko (Phelsuma guentheri). Herpetological Journal, 13 (3), pp. 155-157. ISSN 0268-0130

TAVARES, J.M., TASINKEVYCH, M., DE LOS SANTOS, F. and DA GAMA, M.M.T., 2003. Orientational order in deposits of magnetic particles. Molecular Physics, 101 (11), pp. 1659-1666. ISSN 0026-8976

SUMNER, C.J., O’MARD, L.P., LOPEZ-POVEDA, E.A. and MEDDIS, R., 2003. A nonlinear filter-bank model of the guinea-pig cochlear nerve: rate responses. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 113 (6), p. 3264. ISSN 0001-4966

SALE, C., ELLIOTT, K.J. and CABLE, N.T., 2003. Effects of resistance training on functional capacity and muscle strength in post-menopausal women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 35 (5), S332. ISSN 0195-9131

BRODIE, E.E., WHYTE, A. and WALLER, B., 2003. Increased motor control of a phantom leg in humans results from the visual feedback of a virtual leg. Neuroscience Letters, 341 (2), pp. 167-169. ISSN 0304-3940

DE LOS SANTOS, F., TASINKEVYCH, M., TAVARES, J.M. and TEIXEIRA, P.I.C., 2003. Deposition of magnetic particles: a computer simulation study. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15 (15), S1291-S1304. ISSN 0953-8984

HE, J. and YAO, X., 2003. Towards an analytic framework for analysing the computation time of evolutionary algorithms. Artificial Intelligence, 145 (1-2), pp. 59-97. ISSN 0004-3702

HE, J. and YAO, X., 2003. Drift analysis in studying the convergence and hitting times of evolutionary algorithms: an overview. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 8 (1), pp. 143-154. ISSN 1007-1202

MEDJDOUB, B., RICHENS, P. and BARNARD, N., 2003. Generation of variational standard plant room solutions. Automation in Construction, 12 (2), pp. 155-166. ISSN 0926-5805

DRAKE, D.E. and HOUGARDY, S., 2003. A simple approximation algorithm for the weighted matching problem. Information Processing Letters, 85 (4), pp. 211-213. ISSN 0020-0190

SUMNER, C.J., LOPEZ-POVEDA, E.A., O’MARD, L.P. and MEDDIS, R., 2003. Adaptation in a revised inner-hair cell model. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 113 (2), pp. 893-901. ISSN 0001-4966

POLLOCK, C., FARRAR, J., TOMOS, D., GALLAGHER, J., LU, C. and KOROLEVA, O., 2003. Balancing supply and demand: the spatial regulation of carbon metabolism in grass and cereal leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany, 54 (382), pp. 489-494. ISSN 0022-0957

FERRANDINA, G., PIERELLI, L., PERILLO, A., RUTELLA, S., LUDOVISI, M., LEONE, G., MANCUSO, S. and SCAMBIA, G., 2003. Lymphocyte recovery in advanced ovarian cancer patients after high-dose chemotherapy and peripheral blood stem cell plus growth factor support: clinical implications. Clinical Cancer Research, 9 (1), pp. 195-200. ISSN 1078-0432

PICCIRILLO, N., DE MATTEIS, S., LAURENTI, L., CHIUSOLO, P., SORÀ, F., PITTIRUTI, M., RUTELLA, S., CICCONI, S., FIORINI, A., D'ONOFRIO, G., LEONE, G. and SICA, S., 2003. Glutamine-enriched parenteral nutrition after autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation: effects on immune reconstitution and mucositis. Haematologica, 88 (2), pp. 192-200. ISSN 0390-6078

PAGANO, L., MELE, L., FIANCHI, L., RUTELLA, S., PISCITELLI, R., LEONE, G., PULSONI, A., DE FABRITIIS, P., FOA, R., MANDELLI, F., VISANI, G., PICCALUGA, P., DI BONA, E., CERRI, R., TOSTI, M.E. and VENDITTI, A., 2003. Immunophenotypic analysis in 119 patients with acute myeloid leukemia following a previous malignancy: a comparison with the immunophenotype of 231 de novo AML. Haematologica, 88 (2), pp. 225-227. ISSN 0390-6078

BAKER, R.J. and JONES, C., 2003. [1,3-Di(mesityl)imidazole-2-ylidene]Gallium Iodide Dihydride. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 17, pp. 807-808.

BAKER, R.J., BETTENTRUP, H. and JONES, C., 2003. (2,6-Diisopropylphenyl)isopropyldeneammonium iodide. Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online, 59, pp. 538-539.

HOLMES, P., 2003. 50 years of statistics teaching in English schools: some milestones. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician), 52, pp. 439-463. ISSN 0039-0526

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. 7 top tips to beat techno-stress. Health and Wellness Magazine.

AIREY, G.D., RAHMAN, M.M. and COLLOP, A.C., 2003. Absorption of bitumen into crumb rubber using the basket drainage method. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 4 (2), pp. 105-119. ISSN 1029-8436

UNDERWOOD, J. and SZABO, A., 2003. Academic offences and e-learning: individual propensities in cheating. British Journal of Educational Technology, 34 (4), pp. 467-477. ISSN 0007-1013

ECCLES, T., 2003. Accounting practice in the post Enron era: the implications for financial statements in the property industry. Briefings in Real Estate Finance, 2 (4), pp. 326-340.

BARDELL, R., BALENDRAN, V. and SIVAYOGANATHAN, K., 2003. Accuracy analysis of 3D data collection and free-form modelling methods. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 133, pp. 26-33. ISSN 0924-0136

GRIFFITHS, M., 2003. Action plan - Problem gambling. Psychologist, 16 (11), pp. 582-584. ISSN 0952-8229

SMITH, G., 2003. Actions for damages against the police and attitudes of claimants. Policing and Society, 13 (4), pp. 413-422. ISSN 1043-9463

ANDRASSY, G., SZABO, A., DUNAI, A., SIMON, E., NAGY, T., TRUMMER, Z., TAHY, A. and VARRO, A., 2003. Acute effects of cigarette smoking on the QT interval in healthy smokers. American Journal of Cardiology, 92 (4), pp. 489-492. ISSN 0002-9149

DEMETRIOU, I.C. and EVANS, D.J., 2003. Adaptive preconditioned variational methods for solving self-adjoint partial differential equations. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (5), pp. 615-627. ISSN 0020-7160

SENEVIRATNE, M., 2003. Advocates' immunity in Scotland. Nottingham Law Journal, 12 (2), pp. 89-92.

DINGWALL, R. and KIDD, K., 2003. After the fall…: capitulating to the routine in professional work. Penn State Law Review, 108 (1), pp. 67-87.

WARREN, C.A.B., BARNES-BRUS, T., BURGESS, H., WIEPOLD-LIPPISCH, L., HACKNEY, J., HARKNESS, G., KENNEDY, V., DINGWALL, R., ROSENBLATT, P.C., RYEN, A. and SHUY, R., 2003. After the interview. Qualitative Sociology, 26 (1), pp. 93-111.

KOGURE, S., TODA, Y., CRABB, D., KASHIWAGI, K., FITZKE, F.W. and TSUKAHARA, S., 2003. Agreement between frequency doubling perimetry and static perimetry in eyes with high tension glaucoma and normal tension glaucoma. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 87 (5), pp. 604-608. ISSN 0007-1161

MIRZAEI, A.A., SHATERIAN, H.R., JOYNER, R.W., STOCKENHUBER, M., TAYLOR, S.H. and HUTCHINGS, G.J., 2003. Ambient temperature carbon monoxide oxidation using copper manganese oxide catalysts: effect of residual Na+ acting as catalyst poison. Catalysis Communications, 4 (1), pp. 17-20. ISSN 1566-7367

NORMAN, C. and CASSADAY, H.J., 2003. Amphetamine increases aversive conditioning to diffuse contextual stimuli and to a discrete trace stimulus when conditioned at higher footshock intensity. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 17 (1), pp. 67-76. ISSN 0269-8811

HART, H.C., PALMER, A.R. and HALL, D.A., 2003. Amplitude and frequency-modulated stimuli activate common regions of human auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 13 (7), pp. 773-781.

BAKER, R.J., JONES, C. and PLATTS, J.A., 2003. Analogies between the reactivities of an anionic gallium(I) heterocycle and N-heterocyclic carbenes towards metallocenes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125, pp. 10534-10535.

GRATTAN, J., ABU, K., HINE, D., TOLAND, H., GILBERTSON, D., AL-SAAD, Z. and PYATT, F.B., 2003. Analyses of patterns of copper and lead mineralization in human skeletons excavated from an ancient mining and smelting centre in the Jordanian desert: a reconnaissance study. Mineralogical Magazine, 60 (5), pp. 653-666. ISSN 0026-461X

GENG, Z.M., CHEN, J. and HULL, J.B., 2003. Analysis of engine vibration and design of an applicable diagnosing approach. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 45 (8), pp. 1391-1410. ISSN 0020-7403

CONNER, S.J. and HUGHES, D.C., 2003. Analysis of fish ZP1/ZPB homologous genes - evidence for both genome duplication and species-specific amplification models of evolution. Reproduction, 126 (3), pp. 347-352. ISSN 1470-1626

BELMONTE, M.K. and YURGELUN-TODD, D.A., 2003. Anatomic dissociation of selective and suppressive processes in visual attention. NeuroImage, 19 (1), pp. 180-189. ISSN 1053-8119

KRZYSTYNIAK, M., 2003. Anomalous pulse angle dependence of the single and double quantum echo in a photoinduced spin-correlated coupled radical pair. Applied Magnetic Resonance, 24 (34), pp. 447-465. ISSN 1613-7507

BYFORD, J.T., 2003. Anti-Semitism and the Christian Right in post-Milosevic Serbia: From conspiracy theory to hate crime. Internet Journal of Criminology.

CERIN, E., 2003. Anxiety versus fundamental emotions as predictors of perceived functionality of pre-competitive emotional states, threat, and challenge in individual sports. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 15 (3), pp. 223-238. ISSN 1041-3200

BAUM, A., CROSBY, N., GALLIMORE, P., MCALLISTER, P. and GRAY, A., 2003. Appraiser behaviour and appraisal smoothing: some qualitative and quantitative evidence. Journal of Property Research, 20 (3), pp. 261-280. ISSN 0959-9916

CHAWLA, M.M. and EVANS, D.J., 2003. Arithmetic complexity of direct solvers for banded systems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (4), pp. 473-478. ISSN 0020-7160

HOPGOOD, A.A., 2003. Artificial intelligence: Hype or reality? Computer, 36 (5), pp. 24-28. ISSN 0018-9162

LU, P. and ROSENBAUM, M.S., 2003. Artificial neural networks and Grey Systems for the prediction of slope stability. Natural Hazards, 30 (3), pp. 383-398. ISSN 0921-030X

WILLIAMS, A.A., MAHER, P. and SMITH, N.P.A., 2003. Assessment of pico hydro as an option for off-grid electrification in Kenya. Renewable Energy, 28 (9), pp. 1357-1369. ISSN 0960-1481

AICHER, A., BRENNER, W., ZUHAYRA, M., BADORFF, C., MASSOUDI, S., ASSMUS, B., ECKEY, T., HENZE, E., ZEIHER, A.M. and DIMMELER, S., 2003. Assessment of the tissue distribution of transplanted human endothelial progenitor cells by radioactive labeling. Circulation, 107 (16), pp. 2134-2139. ISSN 0009-7322

BUÑUEL, E., BULL, S.D., DAVIES, S.G., GARNER, A.C., SAVORY, E.D., SMITH, A.D., VICKERS, R.J. and WATKIN, D.J., 2003. Asymmetric synthesis of substituted 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acids via diketopiperazine methodology. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 1 (14), pp. 2531-2542.

CREASER, C.S., REYNOLDS, J.C., HOTELING, A.J., NICHOLS, W.F. and OWENS, K.G., 2003. Atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation ion trap mass spectrometry of synthetic polymers: a comparison with vacuum matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 9 (1), pp. 33-44. ISSN 1469-0667

WIGGINS, S. and POTTER, J., 2003. Attitudes and evaluative practices: category vs. item and subjective vs. objective constructions in everyday food assessments. British Journal of Social Psychology, 42 (4), pp. 513-531. ISSN 0144-6665

HALL, D.A. and MOORE, D.R., 2003. Auditory neuroscience: the salience of looming sounds. Current Biology, 13 (3), PR91-R93.

HALL, D.A., 2003. Auditory pathways: are 'what' and 'where' appropriate? Current Biology, 13 (10), pp. 406-408.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. The BPS social psychology conference and how to organize it. Social Psychological Review, 5, pp. 35-40. ISSN 1369-7862

LANSDALE, M.W. and PADOVANI, S., 2003. Balancing search and retrieval in hypertext: context-specific trade-offs in navigational tool use. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 58 (1), pp. 125-149. ISSN 1071-5819

GALE, T.M., LAWS, K.R., FRANK, R.J. and LEESON, V.C., 2003. Basic-level visual similarity and category-specificity. Brain and Cognition, 53, pp. 229-231. ISSN 0278-2626

ZHENG, P. and MARRIOTT, J.M., 2003. A Bayesian analysis of smooth transitions in trend. Bayesian Statistics, 7, pp. 733-740.

VAN, L., TINCKNELL, E. and CHAMBERS, D., 2003. Begging for it: 'new femininities', social agency and moral discourse in contemporary teenage and mens' magazines. Feminist Media Studies, 3 (1), pp. 44-63. ISSN 1468-0777

EDWARDS, E.G., BROWN, C.V., KRIEZIS, E.E. and ELSTON, S.J., 2003. Behaviour of a nematic liquid crystal cell containing a diffraction grating. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 400, pp. 13-19.

MATTEN, D., CRANE, A. and CHAPPLE, W., 2003. Behind the mask: revealing the true face of corporate citizenship. Journal of Business Ethics, 45 (1/2), pp. 109-120. ISSN 0167-4544

NIVEN, B., 2003. Bernhard Schlink's 'Der 'Vorleser' and the problem of shame. Modern Language Review, 98 (2), pp. 381-396. ISSN 0026-7937

DERIS, M.M., EVANS, D.J., SAMAN, M.Y. and NORAZIAH, A., 2003. Binary vote assignment on a grid for efficient access of replicated data. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (12), pp. 1489-1498. ISSN 0020-7160

BUDD, T.W., HALL, D.A., GONÇALVES, M.S., AKEROYD, M.A., FOSTER, J.R., PALMER, A.R., HEAD, K. and SUMMERFIELD, A.Q., 2003. Binaural specialisation in human auditory cortex: an fMRI investigation of interaural correlation sensitivity. NeuroImage, 20 (3), pp. 1783-1794.

PATWARDHAN, S.V., MUKHERJEE, N., STEINITZ-KANNAN, M. and CLARSON, S.J., 2003. Bioinspired synthesis of new silica structures. Chemical Communications (10), pp. 1122-1123. ISSN 1359-7345

PATWARDHAN, S.V., MUKHERJEE, N., STEINITZ-KANNAN, M. and CLARSON, S.J., 2003. Bioinspired synthesis of new silica structures [front inside cover]. Chemical Communications (10). ISSN 1359-7345

DINGWALL, R., NERLICH, B. and HILLYARD, S., 2003. Biological determinism and symbolic interaction: hereditary streams and cultural roads. Symbolic Interaction, 26 (4), pp. 631-644.

MASSEY, I., 2003. Body Language: an interview with Jill Calder. Association of Illustrators Journal. ISSN 1474-1679

BURCH, S., 2003. The Boningtons and Nottingham: from Arnold to Calais. The Nottinghamshire Historian, 70, pp. 11-14. ISSN 0808-6348

GRIFFITHS, M.D., DAVIES, M.N.O. and CHAPPELL, D., 2003. Breaking the stereotype: the case of online gaming. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 6 (1), pp. 81-91. ISSN 1094-9313

UMEH, K. and DIMITRAKAKI, V., 2003. Breast cancer detection in asymptomatic women: health beliefs implicated in secondary prevention. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 8 (2), pp. 96-115. ISSN 1071-2089

BOUCHLAGHEM, D. and REZGUI, Y., 2003. Briefing and design management in construction. IT in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 1 (1), pp. 5-7. ISSN 1570-7822

BARGIELA-CHIAPPINI, F. and HARRIS, S., 2003. Business as a site of language contact. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 23, pp. 155-169. ISSN 0267-1905

POON, J., POTTS, K. and MUSGROVE, P., 2003. CONBPS: an expert system to improve the efficiency of the construction process. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Research Papers, 4 (21).

POON, J., POTTS, K. and MUSGROVE, P., 2003. CONBPS: an expert system to improve the efficiency of the construction process. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Research Papers, 4 (21).

BROWN, C.V. and KRIEZIS, E.E., 2003. Calculation of the efficiency of polarisation-insensitive SSFLC diffraction gratings. Applied Optics, 42 (13), pp. 2257-2263.

LAI, H., YAN, Y.Y. and GENTLE, C.R., 2003. Calculation procedure for conjugate viscous flows about and inside single bubbles. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B - Fundamentals, 43 (3), pp. 241-265. ISSN 1040-7790

SHEVLIN, M., WALKER, S., DAVIES, M.N.O., BANYARD, P. and LEWIS, C.A., 2003. Can you judge a book by its cover? Evidence of self-stranger agreement on personality at zero acquaintance. Personality and Individual Differences, 35 (6), pp. 1373-1383. ISSN 0191-8869

SENEVIRATNE, M., 2003. Carry on Caldwell. Nottingham Law Journal, 12 (1), pp. 36-40.

HEALEY, N., ILIEVA, J. and HARRISON, B., 2003. Central bank independence: cases, measurement and future developments. European Business Journal, 15 (4), pp. 147-158.

WILHELM, K., DAWSON, D.A., GENTLE, L.K., HORSEFIELD, G.F., SCHOLTTERER, C., GREIG, C., EAST, M., HOFER, H., TAUTZ, D. and BURKE, T., 2003. Characterisation of spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) microsatellite loci. Molecular Ecology Notes, 3, pp. 360-362. ISSN 1471-8278

FRASER, I., 2003. Charles Taylor on transcendence: Benjamin, Bloch and beyond. Philosophy and Social Criticism, 29 (3), pp. 297-314. ISSN 0191-4537

FRASER, I., 2003. Charles Taylor, Marx and Marxism. Political Studies, 51 (4), pp. 759-774. ISSN 0032-3217

WYNN, P., 2003. The Chelmsford Gasholder Foundation failure. Historic Gas Times, 35, p. 5. ISSN 1475-617X

ROWBOTHAM, J., STEVENSON, K. and PEGG, S., 2003. Children of misfortune: parallels in the cases of child murderers Thompson and Venables, Barratt and Bradley. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 42 (2), pp. 107-142. ISSN 0265-5527

ROSENBAUM, M.S., MCMILLAN, A.A., POWELL, J.H., COOPER, A.H., CULSHAW, M.G. and NORTHMORE, K.J., 2003. Classification of artificial (man-made) ground. Engineering Geology, 69, pp. 399-409. ISSN 0013-7952

ANDRIOTIS, K., 2003. Coastal resorts morphology: the Cretan experience. Tourism Recreation Research, 28 (1), pp. 67-76.

JOWITT, C., 2003. Colonialism, politics and romanization in John Fletcher's 'Bonduca'. Studies in English Literature, 43 (2), pp. 475-494.

ROSENBAUM, M.S. and CULSHAW, M.G., 2003. Communicating the risks arising from geohazards. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 166 (2), pp. 261-270. ISSN 0964-1998

MUTCH, A., 2003. Communities of practice and habitus: a critique. Organization Studies, 24 (3), pp. 383-401. ISSN 0170-8406

WOODALL, T., 2003. Conceptualising 'value for the customer': an attributional, structural and dispositional analysis. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 2003 (12). ISSN 1526-1794

HUMPHREYS, D., PATERSON, M. and PETTIFORD, L., 2003. Conceptualising global environmental governance: from interstate regimes to counter hegemonic struggles. Global Environmental Politics, 3 (2), pp. 1-10. ISSN 1526-3800

MILLER, D., 2003. Concerning spiritual letters. Poetry Salzburg Review (4), pp. 61-63. ISSN 1561-5871

GONÇALVES, M.S. and HALL, D.A., 2003. Connectivity analysis with structural equation modelling: an example of the effects of voxel selection. NeuroImage, 20 (3), pp. 1455-1467.

SMITH, S., 2003. Constitutions of silence: Mr. Eliot's revolution. Paideuma: Studies in American and British Modernist Poetry, 32, pp. 15-38. ISSN 0090-5674

ELLIS, J.S., MCHALE, G., HAYWARD, G.L. and THOMPSON, M., 2003. Contact angle-based predictive model for slip at the solid-liquid interface of a transverse-shear mode acoustic wave device. Journal of Applied Physics, 94 (9), pp. 6201-6207. ISSN 0021-8979

MARTINS, M.M., EVANS, D.J. and TRIGO, M.E., 2003. Convergence of the interval and point TOR method. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (10), pp. 1227-1241. ISSN 0020-7160

PAINTER-MORLAND, M.J., HOFFMAN, W.M., FONTRODONA, J. and ROWE, M., 2003. Conversations across continents: teaching business ethics on-line. Journal of Business Ethics, 48, pp. 75-88. ISSN 0167-4544

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Coping and defending: age differences in maturity of defense mechanisms and coping strategies. Aging & Mental Health: An International Journal, 7 (2), pp. 123-132.

PYATT, F.B., METCALFE, M.R. and PYATT, A.J., 2003. Copper bioaccumulation by the freshwater snail Lymnaea peregra: a toxicological marker of environmental and human health? Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 22 (3), pp. 561-564. ISSN 0730-7268

PRINCE, C. and ALLISON, S., 2003. Corporate university developments in the UK SME sector. Journal of Worplace Learning, 15 (5), pp. 229-239. ISSN 1366-5626

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LESTER, P., 2003. Creative techniques. Polaroid International Photography Magazine, 25. ISSN 1086-9255

NICHOLAS, B., SMETHURST, P., VERDERIO, E., JONES, R. and GRIFFIN, M., 2003. Cross-linking of cellular proteins by tissue transglutaminase during necrotic cell death: a mechanism for maintaining tissue integrity. Biochemical Journal, 371 (2), pp. 413-422. ISSN 0264-6021

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Cyber-flirting: playing at love on the Internet. Theory and Psychology, 13 (3), pp. 339-357. ISSN 0959-3543

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Cyberaffairs- A new area for psychological research. OCR Revision Conference Guide, pp. 8-10.

SZABO, A. and UNDERWOOD, J.D.M., 2003. Cybercheats: is information and communication technology fuelling academic dishonesty? Active Learning in Higher Education, 5 (2), pp. 180-199. ISSN 1469-7874

WHITTY, M.T. and CARR, A.N., 2003. Cyberspace as potential space: considering the web as a playground to cyber-flirt. Human Relations, 56 (7), pp. 861-891. ISSN 0018-7267

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Daily lottery draw will be bad for health and wealth. Daily Telegraph, p. 29.

HEATON, R., 2003. Dealing in death. Criminal Law Review, pp. 497-509. ISSN 0011-135X

LANG, N.L., SMITH, S.R., BELLETT-TRAVERS, D.M., PIKE, E.B. and ROWLANDS, C.L., 2003. Decay of escherichia coli in soil following the application of biosolids to agricultural land. Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 17, pp. 23-28.

BURTON, C.L. and ROSENBAUM, M.S., 2003. Decision support to assist environmental sedimentology modelling. Environmental Geology, 43 (4), pp. 457-465. ISSN 0943-0105

FERRY, E., 2003. 'Decorators may be compared to doctors': an analysis of Rhoda and Agnes Garrett's Suggestions for house decoration in painting, woodwork and furniture (1876). Journal of Design History, 16 (1), pp. 15-33. ISSN 0952-4649

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2003. Delhi: urban space and human destinies. Global Built Environment Review, 3 (1), pp. 66-67. ISSN 1474-6824; 1474-6832

ANDRIOTIS, K., 2003. Dependency on tour operators. Problem faced by the Cretan tourism business and the views of their owners/managers. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Adminstration, 4 (3), pp. 23-48.

RODRIGUEZ, C. and CHILTON, J.C., 2003. Deployable rings with plates and straight bars. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures: IASS, 44 (3143), pp. 181-188. ISSN 0304-3822

HOWARTH, M., 2003. Der Juni-Aufstand und die Deutschlandpolitik der Westalliierten. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 23 (2), pp. 19-25. ISSN 0479-611X

CRABBE, A., 2003. Design against nature. Design Studies, 25 (4), pp. 415-423. ISSN 0142-694X

BIBBY, L., BOUCHLAGHEM, D. and AUSTIN, S., 2003. Design management in practice: testing a training initiative to deliver tools and learning. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 3 (4), pp. 217-229. ISSN 11471-4175

STANLEY, S., PERCIVAL, C.J., AUER, M., BRAITHWAITE, A., NEWTON, M.I., MCHALE, G. and HAYES, W., 2003. Detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using quartz crystal microbalances. Analytical Chemistry, 75 (7), pp. 1573-1577. ISSN 0003-2700

TANAKA, M., ISHINO, Y., SHIMADA, H., INOUE, T. and BARGIELA, A., 2003. Determination of decision boundaries for online signature verification. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2773, pp. 401-407.

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CRESSWELL, A.W. and BARTON, M.E., 2003. Direct shear tests on an uncemented, and a very slightly cemented, locked sand. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 36, pp. 119-132. ISSN 1470-9236

WATKINS, C. and WHITE, M., 2003. Directions in corporate real estate research. Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 21 (1), pp. 6-11.

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BUTTON, G., MASON, D. and SHARROCK, W., 2003. Disempowerment and resistance in the print industry? Reactions to surveillance-capable technology. New Technology Work and Employment, 18 (1), pp. 50-61. ISSN 0268-1072

HAGEN, R., MILLER, S. and JOHNSON, M., 2003. The `Disruptive Consequences' of Introducing a Critical Management Perspective onto an MBA Programme: The Lecturers' View. Management Learning, 34 (2), pp. 241-257. ISSN 1350-5076

DANDEKER, C. and MASON, D., 2003. Diversifying the uniform? The participation of minority ethnic personnel in the British armed services. Armed Forces and Society, 29 (4), pp. 481-507. ISSN 0095-327X

LASHLEY, C. and ROWSON, B., 2003. Divided by a common business? Francisor and franchisee relationships in the pub sector. Strategic Change, 12 (5), pp. 273-285. ISSN 1086-1718

CABLE, N.T., ELLIOTT, K.J., REILLY, T. and KINGSLAND, C., 2003. Do changes in the concentration of reproductive hormones during pregnancy influence maximum force production? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35 (5). ISSN 0195-9131

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Do videogames contribute to childhood obesity? British Medical Journal (Online).

HARDILL, I. and BAINES, S., 2003. Doing one's duty? Voluntary work and the 'new economy'. Local Economy, 18 (2), pp. 102-108. ISSN 0269-0942

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Dot cons: exploitation and fraud on the Internet - part 2. The Criminal Lawyer, 134, pp. 3-5. ISSN 0956-7429

DAVIES, S.G., GARNER, A.C., NICHOLSON, R.L., OSBORNE, J., SAVORY, E.D. and SMITH, A.D., 2003. Double diastereoselective [3,3]-sigmatropic aza-Claisen rearrangements. Chemical Communications (17), pp. 2134-2135.

UNDERWOOD, G., CHAPMAN, P., BERGER, Z. and CRUNDALL, D., 2003. Driving experience, attentional focusing, and the recall of recently inspected events. Transportation Research Part F, 6 (4), pp. 289-304.

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ACKRILL, R.W., 2003. EU enlargement, the CAP and the cost of direct payments: a note. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54 (1), pp. 73-78. ISSN 0021-857X

WHEAT, K. and REGEL, S., 2003. Early interventions following exposure to traumatic events: psychological debriefing and the law. Journal of Personal Injury Law, pp. 225-235. ISSN 1472-9490

MORLEDGE, R., 2003. Editorial. The Journal of Construction Procurement, 9 (1), p. 2. ISSN 1358-9180

BRUNSDEN, V. and HILL, R., 2003. Editorial: introduction to the special issue. Fire Safety, Technology and Management, 8 (3), p. 5.

ELLIOTT, K.J., CABLE, N.T., REILLY, T. and DIVER, M., 2003. Effect of cyclical changes in bioavailable oestradiol and testosterone on maximum force production in females. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35 (5). ISSN 0195-9131

SUNDERLAND, C., MARWOOD, S. and NEVILL, M., 2003. Effect of heat acclimatization on field hockey skill performance. Journal of Sports Sciences, 21 (4), p. 290. ISSN 0264-0414

SUNDERLAND, C. and NEVILL, M.E., 2003. Effect of the menstrual cycle on performance of intermittent, high-intensity shuttle running in a hot environment. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 88 (45), pp. 345-352. ISSN 1439-6319

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RUTELLA, S., PIERELLI, L., PICCIRILLO, N., SICA, S., SERAFINI, R., CHIUSOLO, P., PALADINI, U., LEONE, F., ZINIL, G., D’ONOFRIO, G. and LEONE, G., 2003. Efficacy of granulocyte transfusions for neutropenia-related infections: retrospective analysis of predictive factors. Cytotherapy, 5 (1), pp. 19-30. ISSN 1465-3249

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DUTT, J.S.N., CARDOSI, M.F. and DAVIS, J., 2003. Electrochemical tagging of urate: developing new redox probes. Analyst, 128 (7), pp. 811-813. ISSN 0003-2654

XU, W., CHITNIS, P., VALIEVA, A., VAN, D., PUSHKAR, Y., KRZYSTYNIAK, M., TEUTLOFF, C., ZECH, S.G., BITTL, R., STEHLIK, D., ZYBAILOV, B., SHEN, G. and GOLBECK, J.H., 2003. Electron transfer in cyanobacterial photosystem I. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278 (30), pp. 27864-27875. ISSN 0021-9258

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Elephants tears (Notes and Queries, G2). The Guardian, p. 18.

SUTTON, M. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Emails with unintended criminal consequences. The Criminal Lawyer, 130, pp. 6-8. ISSN 0956-7429

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Empirical studies in the social psychology of gambling. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 11, p. 222.

MCDONALD, F., TUSELMANN, H.J., HEISE, A. and WILLIAMS, D., 2003. Employment in host regions and foreign direct investment. Environment and Planning C-Government and Policy, 21 (5), pp. 687-701. ISSN 0263-774X

STANLEY, S., PERCIVAL, C.J., MOREL, T., BRAITHWAITE, A., NEWTON, M.I., MCHALE, G. and HAYES, W., 2003. Enantioselective detection of L-serine. Sensors and Actuators B - Chemical, 89, pp. 103-106. ISSN 0925-4005

BARRETT, D.J.K., BRADSHAW, M.F. and ROSE, D., 2003. Endogenous shifts of attention operate within multiple coordinate frames: evidence from a feature-priming task. Perception, 32 (1), pp. 41-52. ISSN 0301-0066

WALTHAM, A.C. and FOOKES, P.G., 2003. Engineering classification of karst ground conditions. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 36, pp. 101-118. ISSN 1470-9236

JEFFERSON, I.F., EVSTATIEV, D., KARASTANEV, D., MAVLYANOVA, N.G. and SMALLEY, I.J., 2003. Engineering geology of loess and loess-like deposits: a commentary on the Russian literature. Engineering Geology, 68, pp. 333-351. ISSN 0013-7952

AMIN, N. and SU, D., 2003. Enhancement of speed and efficiency of an Internet based gear design optimisation. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 3 (34), pp. 279-292. ISSN 1470-9511

HODGKINSON, M. and BROWN, G., 2003. Enhancing the quality of education: a case study and some emerging principles. Higher Education, 45 (3), pp. 337-352. ISSN 0018-1560

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HEESCHEN, C., AICHER, A., LEHMANN, M., FICHTLSCHERER, S., VASA, M., URBICH, C., MILDNER-RIHM, C., MARTIN, H., ZEIHER, A.M. and DIMMELER, S., 2003. Erythropoietin is a potent physiologic stimulus for endothelial progenitor cell mobilization. Blood, 102 (4), pp. 1340-1346. ISSN 0006-4971

AICHER, A., HEESCHEN, C., MILDNER-RIHM, C., URBICH, C., IHLING, C., TECHNAU-IHLING, K., ZEIHER, A.M. and DIMMELER, S., 2003. Essential role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase for mobilization of stem and progenitor cells. Nature Medicine, 9 (11), pp. 1370-1376. ISSN 1078-8956

DROUOT, V., BEANLAND, R., BUTTON, C.C., WANG, X.Y., DAVID, J.P.R., OUALI, F.F. and HOLDEN, A.J., 2003. Establishing MOVPE growth of InAs/GaAs quantum dots in a commercial 8x3'' multiwafer reactor for optoelectronic applications. Microscopy of semiconducting materials 2003 : proceedings of the Institute of Physics conference, 180, pp. 107-110. ISSN 0951-3248

WATSON, T.J., 2003. Ethical choice in managerial work: the scope for moral choices in an ethically irrational world. Human Relations, 56 (2), pp. 167-185. ISSN 0018-7267

IBRAHIM, G. and GALT, V., 2003. Ethnic business development: toward a theoretical synthesis and policy framework. Journal of Economic Issues, 37 (4), pp. 1107-1119. ISSN 0021-3624

KOSNICK, K., 2003. Ethnicizing the media: multicultural imperatives, homebound politics and Turkish media production in Germany. New Perspectives on Turkey, 2829, pp. 107-132.

HODGSON, C.J., PERKINS, J. and LABADZ, J.C., 2003. Evaluation of biotracers to monitor effluent retention time in constructed wetlands. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 36 (6), pp. 362-371.

SZABO, A. and GRIFFITHS, L., 2003. Evaluation of the motivational quality of music played during exercise at two fitness centres using the Brunel Music Rating Inventory. Journal of Sports Sciences, 21 (4), p. 360. ISSN 0264-0414

KNIGHT, A.D., GRIFFITH, A.P. and KING, A., 2003. Examining the dynamics of novation from the principal contractor's and architect's perspectives. The Australian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 3 (1), pp. 13-18.

BARGIELA, A., PEDRYCZ, W. and TANAKA, M., 2003. Exclusion/inclusion fuzzy classification network. Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Pt 1, Proceedings, 2773, pp. 1236-1241. ISSN 0302-9743

AL-HABAIBEH, A., GINDY, N. and PARKIN, R.M., 2003. Experimental design and investigation of a pin-type reconfigurable clamping system for manufacturing aerospace components. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B-Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 217 (12), pp. 1771-1777. ISSN 0954-4054

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Exploitation and fraud on the Internet: some common practices. The Criminal Lawyer, 132, pp. 5-7. ISSN 0956-7429

MARRIOTT, J.M., NAYLOR, J.C. and TREMAYNE, A.R., 2003. Exploring economic time series: a Bayesian graphical approach. Econometrics Journal, 6, pp. 1-22.

MUTCH, A., 2003. Exploring the practice of feedback to students. Active Learning in Higher Education, 4 (1), pp. 24-38. ISSN 1469-7874

CRUNDALL, D., CHAPMAN, P., PHELPS, N. and UNDERWOOD, G., 2003. Eye movements and hazard perception in police pursuit and emergency response driving. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 9 (3), pp. 163-174.

BARGIELA-CHIAPPINI, F., 2003. Face and politeness: new (insights) for old (concepts). Journal of Pragmatics, 35, pp. 1453-1469. ISSN 0378-2166

TODRYK, S., GOUGH, M.J. and POCKLEY, A.G., 2003. Facets of heat shock protein 70 show immunotherapeutic potential. Immunology, 110, pp. 1-9.

KANDHOLA, M., 2003. Far away so close: illustration of life. AG32 - The Journal of Photographic Art and Practice, 32, pp. 32-41. ISSN 1475-116X

HOLLOWS, J., 2003. Feeling like a domestic goddess: postfeminism and cooking. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 6 (2), pp. 179-202. ISSN 1367-5494

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Felt. The Guardian (Friday Review), p. 5.

WALLACE, S., 2003. Figuratively speaking: six accounts of the PhD viva examination. Quality Assurance in Education, 11 (2), pp. 100-108. ISSN 0968-4883

PEYSNER, J., 2003. Finding predictable costs. Civil Justice Quarterly, 22, pp. 349-370. ISSN 0261-9261

BARGIELA-CHIAPPINI, F., 2003. Five perspectives on intercultural business communication. Business Communication Quarterly, 66 (3), pp. 73-96. ISSN 1080-5699

ANSON, C.E., CREASER, C.S., MALKOV, A.V., MOJOVIC, L. and STEPHENSON, G.R., 2003. Flavonoid derivatives as organometallic bioprobes. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 668, pp. 101-122. ISSN 0022-328X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Flawed perspective. The Guardian (Life), p. 23.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2003. Fleet car wars: who dares wins. PWC Magazine.

WALKER, E., PRITCHARD, C. and FORSYTHE, S., 2003. Food handlers' hygiene knowledge in small food businesses. Food Control, 14 (5), pp. 339-343. ISSN 0956-7135

CUMMINGS, L., 2003. Formal dialectic in fallacy inquiry: an unintelligible circumscription of argumentative rationality? Argumentation, 17 (2), pp. 161-183. ISSN 0920-427X

LIU, X.W., HOPGOOD, A.A., USHER, B.F., WANG, H. and BRAITHWAITE, N.S.J., 2003. Formation of misfit dislocations in strained-layer GaAs/InxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructures during postfabrication thermal processing. Journal of Applied Physics, 94 (12), pp. 7496-7501. ISSN 0021-8979

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KNIGHT, M.G., WROBEL, L.C. and HENSHALL, J.L., 2003. Fracture response of fibre-reinforced materials with macro/microcrack damage using the Boundary Element Technique. International Journal of Fracture, 121, pp. 163-182. ISSN 0376-9429

HOWARTH, M., 2003. Freundschaft mit dem Klassenfeind. Die Image-Politik der DDR in Grossbritannien nach der diplomatischen Anerkennung. Deutschland Archiv, 1, pp. 25-34. ISSN 0012-1428

HOWARTH, M., 2003. Freundschaft mit dem Klassenfeind. Die Image-Politik der DDR in Großbritannien nach der diplomatischen Anerkennung. Deutschland Archiv, (1), pp. 25-34.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2003. From hunter to harvester. Fleet News Europe.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Fruit machine addiction in females: a case study. eGambling: Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues (EJGI) (8). ISSN 1494-5185

BELMONTE, M.K. and YURGELUN-TODD, D.A., 2003. Functional anatomy of impaired selective attention and compensatory processing in autism. Cognitive Brain Research, 17 (3), pp. 651-664. ISSN 0926-6410

DICKENSON, J.M., REEDER, S., REES, R., ALEXANDER, S. and KENDALL, D., 2003. Functional expression of adenosine A(2A) and A(3) receptors in the mouse dendritic cell line XS-106. European Journal of Pharmacology, 474 (1), pp. 43-51. ISSN 0014-2999

PEDRYCZ, W. and BARGIELA, A., 2003. Fuzzy fractal dimensions and fuzzy modeling. Information Sciences, 153, pp. 199-216. ISSN 0020-0255

WEBB, B.S., TINSLEY, C.J., BARRACLOUGH, N.E., PARKER, A. and DERRINGTON, A.M., 2003. Gain control from beyond the classical receptive field in primate primary visual cortex. Visual Neuroscience, 20 (3), pp. 221-230.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Gambling advertising and problem gambling: is there a relationship? Youth Gambling International Newsletter, 3, pp. 1-2.

HARRIS, L., 2003. Gathering the evidence: continuing professional development CIPD report. People Management, 9 (2), p. 67. ISSN 1358-6297

MIKULA, M., 2003. Gender and Videogames: The political valency of Lara Croft. Continuum, 17 (1), pp. 79-87. ISSN 1030-4312

LAWS, K.R., 2003. Gender differences in lexical size across categories. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, pp. 23-32. ISSN 0191-8869

RODGERS, L., 2003. Gender recognition: change at last? Student Law Review, 40, pp. 39-41. ISSN 0961-0391

MCHALE, G., 2003. Generalized concept of shear horizontal acoustic plate mode and Love wave sensors. Measurement Science and Technology, 14 (11), pp. 1847-1853. ISSN 0957-0233

CHAWLA, M.M., AL-ZANAIDI, M.A. and EVANS, D.J., 2003. Generalized trapezoidal formulas for the Black-Scholes equation of option pricing. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (12), pp. 1521-1526. ISSN 0020-7160

DINGWALL, R. and NERLICH, B., 2003. Genes, instincts and social interaction. Svensk Neuropsykologi, 15 (34), pp. 16-17.

ROSS, O.A., CURRAN, M.D., MIDDLETON, D., MCILHATTON, B.P., HYLAND, P., DUGGAN, O., ANNETT, K., BARNETT, C. and BARNETT, Y., 2003. Genetic damage and ageing T cells. Advances in Cell Aging and Gerontology, 13, pp. 191-215.

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COOKE, P.N.C., 2003. Global industry - local focus: the changing automotive industry. Fleet News Europe.

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HARDILL, I., 2003. Growing old in England: economic and social issues. Local Economy, 18 (4), pp. 337-346. ISSN 0269-0942

ROSS, O.A., CURRAN, M.D., REA, I.M., HYLAND, P., DUGGAN, O., BARNETT, C.R., ANNETT, K., PATTERSON, W., BARNETT, Y.A. and MIDDLETON, D., 2003. HLA haplotypes and TNF polymorphism do not associated with longevity in the Irish. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 124, pp. 563-567.

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GARDINER, T., PYE, M. and FIELD, R., 2003. Habitat preferences of three Chorthippus species (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in the Chelmsford area. Essex Naturalist, 20, pp. 83-91.

DEHKORDI, M., SHERKAT, N. and ALLEN, T., 2003. Handwriting style classification. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 6 (1), pp. 55-74. ISSN 1433-2833

WALKER, E., PRITCHARD, C. and FORSYTHE, S., 2003. Hazard analysis critical control point and prerequisite programme implementation in small and medium size food businesses. Food Control, 14 (3), pp. 169-174. ISSN 0956-7135

POCKLEY, A.G., 2003. Heat shock proteins and their role as regulators of the immune response. Lancet, 362, pp. 469-476.

MOHANTY, R.K., EVANS, D.J. and KUMAR, D., 2003. High accuracy difference formulae for a fourth order quasi-linear parabolic initial boundary value problem of first kind. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (3), pp. 381-398. ISSN 0020-7160

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. High stakes. The Guardian, p. 7. ISSN 0261-3077

BENNETT, M., 2003. History at Nottingham Trent University. History Review, 47, pp. 1-2. ISSN 0962-9610

HARRIS, L., 2003. Home-based teleworking and the employment relationship - managerial challenges and dilemmas. Personnel Review, 32 (4), pp. 422-437. ISSN 0048-3486

SUNDIN, E.C. and HOROWITZ, M.J., 2003. Horowitz's 'Impact of event scale'. Evolution of 20 years of use. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65 (5), pp. 870-876. ISSN 1534-7796

HENDERSHOTT, P., PRYCE, G. and WHITE, M., 2003. Household leverage and the deductibility of home mortgage interest: evidence from UK new borrowers. Journal of Housing Research, 14 (1), pp. 49-82.

GORFIN, L. and MCGLAUGHLIN, A., 2003. Housing for adults with a learning disability: 'I want to choose, but they don't listen'. Housing, Care and Support, 6 (3), pp. 4-8. ISSN 1460-8790

WILD, J., 2003. How many more must die before front-line issues are addressed? Community Care, pp. 24-27. ISSN 0307-5508

COOKE, P.N.C., 2003. How tightly do you manage the business car budget? Flota.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. How to increase your productivity. PsyPAG Quarterly, 49, pp. 11-12.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. How to stop Internet plagiarism. PsyPAG Quarterly, 46, pp. 68-71.

WANG, J., 2003. Huge current account deficits in the United States and its sustainability. Issues in International Trade (11), pp. 47-51.

RODGERS, L., 2003. Human bodies, inhuman uses: public reactions and legislative responses to the scandals of bodysnatching. Nottingham Law Journal, 12 (2), pp. 1-17. ISSN 0965-0660

ZAINUDDIN, Z., EVANS, D.J. and FADZIL, M.H.A., 2003. Human face recognition using accelerated multilayer perceptrons. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (5), pp. 535-558. ISSN 0020-7160

TURNER, C., KILLORAN, C., THOMAS, N., ROSENBERG, M., CHUZHANOVA, N., JOHNSTON, J., KEMEL, Y., COOPER, D. and BIESECKER, L., 2003. Human genetic disease caused by de novo mitochondrial-nuclear DNA transfer. Human Genetics, 112, pp. 303-309.

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GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PARKE, J., 2003. If music be the food of gambling. The Psychologist: Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 16, p. 514. ISSN 0952-8229

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GRIFFITHS, M.D. and SMEATON, M., 2003. Internet gambling and social responsibility. World Online Gambling Law Report, 2 (3), pp. 8-9. ISSN 1477-2922

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Internet gambling: issues, concerns, and recommendations. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 6 (6), pp. 557-568. ISSN 1094-9313

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RENWICK, D., 2003. Line manager involvement in HRM: an inside view. Employee Relations, 25 (3), pp. 262-280. ISSN 0142-5455

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GRIFFITHS, M.D., SHEVLIN, M., BANYARD, P. and DAVIES, M.N.O., 2003. Love me, love my lectures? Psy-PAG Quarterly, 47, pp. 35-38.

BAKER, R.J., EDWARDS, P.G., FARLEY, R.D., MURPHY, D.M., PLATTS, J.A. and VOSS, K.E., 2003. Low valent carbonylvanadium complexes of the triphosphorus macrocycle 12[ane]P3Et3. Journal of the Chemical Society-Dalton Transactions, 2003 (5), pp. 944-948.

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GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Mobile phone crime: a new area of concern for the criminal justice system? Justice of the Peace, 167, pp. 484-486. ISSN 0956-7429

PERRY, C.C. and KEELING-TUCKER, T., 2003. Model studies of colloidal silica precipitation using biosilica extracts from Equisetum telmateia. Colloid and Polymer Science, 281 (7), pp. 652-664. ISSN 0303-402X

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MATTHEWS, C.J., BROUGHTON, V., BERNARDINELLI, G., MELICH, X., BRAND, G., WILLIS, A.C. and WILLIAMS, A.F., 2003. Molecular bricklaying: the protonated benzimidazole moiety as a synthon for crystal engineering. New Journal of Chemistry, 27 (2), pp. 354-358. ISSN 1144-0546

CAI, Y.Z. and DAVIES, N., 2003. Monitoring the parameter changes in general ARIMA time series models. Journal of Applied Statistics, 30 (9), pp. 983-1001. ISSN 0266-4763

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. More tips on being child-friendly in health settings. British Medical Journal (Online).

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. More tips on listening skills. British Medical Journal (Online).

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and MCMURRAN, M., 2003. Motivating offenders to change: A guide to enhancing engagements in therapy. Social Psychological Review, 5, pp. 86-87.

BROWN, A., 2003. Moving in mysterious ways. Dance Theatre Journal, 19 (2), pp. 22-35. ISSN 0264-9160

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BARTON, H., 2003. 'National control' or 'constabulary independence'? The case of the British Police Service. American Academy of Management, 2003. ISSN 1543-8643

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LEONARD, P., 2003. New concepts for unknown lands: Deleuze and Guattari's non-nationalitarianisms. National Identities, 5 (2), pp. 193-208. ISSN 1460-8944

BARKER, G.W. and PYATT, F.B., 2003. The Niah Caves Project: the fourth (2003) season of fieldwork. Sarawak Museum Journal, 57 (79), pp. 45-120.

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LIM, K.K., IANAKIEV, A. and HULL, J.B., 2003. Numerical modelling for rotational moulding with non-isothermal heating. Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 32 (10), pp. 421-430. ISSN 1465-8011

MURUGESAN, K., DHAYABARAN, D.P., AMIRTHARAJ, E.C.H. and EVANS, D.J., 2003. Numerical strategy for the system of second order IVPs using RK method based on Centroidal Mean. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (2), pp. 233-241. ISSN 0020-7160

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Occupational health issues concerning internet use in the workplace. Work and Stress, 16, pp. 283-287.

BRUNSDEN, V., WOODWARD, L. and REGEL, S., 2003. Occupational stress and post-traumatic reactions in fire-fighters and control room staff. Fire Safety, Technology and Management, 8 (3), pp. 11-14.

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BELAVKIN, V.P. and KOLOKOLTSOV, V.N., 2003. On a general kinetic equation for many-particle systems with interaction, fragmentation and coagulation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 459 (2031), pp. 727-748. ISSN 1364-5021

FORD, J.M., CHEN, K. and EVANS, D., 2003. On a recursive schur preconditioner for iterative solution of a class of dense matrix problems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (1), pp. 105-122. ISSN 0020-7160

LI, X.M. and WANG, F.Y., 2003. On compactness of manifolds and existence of certain type functional inequalities. Infinite Dimensional Analysis Quantum Probability, 6, pp. 29-38. ISSN 0219-0257

KOLOKOLTSOV, V.N., 2003. On extensions of mollified Boltzmann and Smoluchowski equations to particle systems with a k-ary interaction. Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 10 (3), pp. 268-295. ISSN 1061-9208

WATTS, S. and STENNER, P., 2003. On normativity, meaninglessness and the centrality of the self: a reply to Good and Brown. Operant Subjectivity, 26 (3), pp. 182-189. ISSN 0193-2713

KOLOKOLTSOV, V.N., 2003. On the singular Schroedinger equations with magnetic fields. Matematicheskii Sbornik, 194 (6), pp. 105-126. ISSN 0368-8666

CREASER, C.S., LAMARCA, D.G., DOS, S., LOBIUNDO, G. and NEW, A.P., 2003. On-line biodegradation monitoring of nitrogen-containing compounds by membrane inlet mass spectrometry. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 78 (11), pp. 1193-1200. ISSN 0268-2575

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. One hit wonders. The Guardian (Friday Review), p. 3.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Online auction fraud: the fastest growing crime? Justice of the Peace, 167, pp. 621-622.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Online identity fraud. Justice of the Peace, 167, pp. 724-726.

GRIFFITHS, M. and COOPER, G., 2003. Online therapy: implications for problem gamblers and clinicians. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 31 (1), pp. 113-135. ISSN 0306-9885

SHEN, H., HAN, Y.J., PAN, Y. and EVANS, D.J., 2003. Optimal parallel algorithms for multiselection on mesh-connected computers. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (2), pp. 165-179. ISSN 0020-7160

CUNHA, M.P., KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, R., 2003. Organization improvisation and leadership: a field study in two computer-mediated settings. International Studies of Management and Organization, 33 (1).

CUNHA, J.V., KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, M.P., 2003. Organizational improvisation: a contextual approach. International Review of Sociology, 13 (3), pp. 567-589.

BULUT, H. and EVANS, D.J., 2003. Oscillations of solutions of initial value problems for parabolic equations by the decomposition method. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (7), pp. 863-868. ISSN 0020-7160

WOODS, G., 2003. Other avenues: the state of gay and lesbian poetry in Britain. Magma, 27, pp. 22-26. ISSN 1352-9269

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Outrageous stars. Q magazine, p. 6.

STEVENS, T., WILDE, D., HUNT, J. and AHMEDZAI, S.H., 2003. Overcoming the challenges to consumer involvement in cancer research. Health Expectations, 6 (1), pp. 81-88. ISSN 1369-7625

WOODS, A. and JOYCE, P., 2003. Owner-managers and the practice of strategic management. International Small Business Journal, 21 (2), pp. 181-195. ISSN 0266-2426

RIDGWAY, J.S., HULL, J.B. and GENTLE, C.R., 2003. A PRIME approach for the moulding of conduit ceramic parts. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 133, pp. 181-188. ISSN 0924-0136

JOWITT, C., 2003. 'Parrots and pieces of eight': recent trends in pirate studies. Literature Compass, 1, pp. 18-37.

ROWE, M. and DEVANNEY, C., 2003. Partnership and the governance of regeneration. Critical Social Policy, 23 (3), pp. 375-397. ISSN 0261-0183

INKSTER, I., 2003. Patents as indicators of technological change and innovation: an historical analysis of the Patent Data, 1830-1914. Transactions of the Newcomen Society, 73 (2), pp. 179-208.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Peer review: How objective is it? British Medical Journal (Online).

SAXTON, J.M., CLAXTON, D., WINTER, E. and POCKLEY, A.G., 2003. Peripheral blood leukocyte functional responses to acute eccentric exercise in man are influenced by systemic stress not exercise-induced muscle damage. Clinical Science, 104, pp. 69-77.

DOBSON, S. and GODDARD, J., 2003. Persistence in sequences of football match results: a Monte Carlo analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 148 (2), pp. 247-256. ISSN 0377-2217

GRIFFITHS, M.D., PARKE, A. and IRWING, P., 2003. Personality traits in pathological gambling: sensation-seeking, deferment of gratification and competitiveness as risk factors. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 11, p. 222.

MCARDLE, S.E., ALI, S.A., LI, G., MIAN, S. and REES, R.C., 2003. Phenotypic and functional differences of dendritic cells generated under different in vitro conditions. Methods in Molecular Medicine, 81, pp. 359-375.

NEDELCHEV, L.L., MATHARU, A.S., HVILSTED, S. and RAMANUJAM, P.S., 2003. Photoinduced anisotropy in a family of amorphous azobenzene polyesters for optical storage. Applied Optics, 42 (29), pp. 5918-5927. ISSN 0003-6935

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GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on ... how to increase productivity. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... Keeping fresh and motivated. British Medical Journal, 327 (142).

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... beating 'techno stress'. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... being successful in your job. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... business travel abroad. British Medical Journal, 327. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... creating time for yourself. British Medical Journal, 327. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... getting ahead. Student British Medical Journal, 11, p. 107. ISSN 0966-6494

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... getting ahead. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... giving poster presentations. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... leading a team. Student British Medical Journal, 11, p. 459. ISSN 0966-6494

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... leading a team. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... networking. British Medical Journal, 326. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... raising your profile at work. British Medical Journal, 327. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... supporting your colleagues. British Medical Journal, 327. ISSN 0959-535X

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Tips on... telephone skills. British Medical Journal, 327. ISSN 0959-535X

JOHNSON, T.S., EL-KORAIE, A.F., SKILL, N.J., BADDOUR, N.M., EL, N., NJLOMA, M., ADAM, A.G. and GRIFFIN, M., 2003. Tissue transglutaminase and the progression of human renal scarring. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 14 (8), pp. 2052-2062. ISSN 1046-6673

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GRIFFITHS, M.D. and LADOUCEUR, R., 2003. Understanding and treating the pathological gambler. Journal of Substance Use, 8 (1), p. 65. ISSN 1465-9891

TILLEY, N., 2003. Understanding crime, liberalism, and science. Criminal Justice Ethics, 22 (1), pp. 50-55. ISSN 0731-129X

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GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Videogames: advice for parents and teachers. Education and Health, 21 (3), pp. 48-49. ISSN 0265-1602

GRIFFITHS, M.D., PARKE, A. and PARKE, J., 2003. Violence in gambling environments: a cause for concern? Justice of the Peace, 167, pp. 424-426.

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BENNETT, M., 2003. What's in a name? The death of the English Civil War. History Review, 45, pp. 2-7. ISSN 0962-9610

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OMOLEHIN, J.O., IBIEJUGBA, M.A., ALABI, M.O. and EVANS, D.J., 2003. A new class of Adams-Bashforth schemes for ODEs. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (5), pp. 629-638. ISSN 0020-7160

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VERDERIO, E.A.M., TELCI, D., OKOYE, A., MELINO, G. and GRIFFIN, M., 2003. A novel RGD-independent cell adhesion pathway mediated by fibronectin-bound tissue transglutaminase rescues cells from anoikis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278 (43), pp. 42604-42614. ISSN 0021-9258

PERRY, C.C. and GARDENER, M., 2003. A novel form of thermochromism in silica sol-gels materials. Chemical Monthly, 134, pp. 381-385.

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MOHANTY, R.K. and EVANS, D.J., 2003. The numerical solution of fourth order mildly quasi-linear parabolic initial boundary value problem of second kind. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (9), pp. 1147-1159. ISSN 0020-7160

EVANS, D.J., ERGUT, M. and BULUT, H., 2003. The numerical solution of multidimensional partial differential equations by the decomposition method. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (9), pp. 1189-1198. ISSN 0020-7160

EVANS, D.J. and BULUT, H., 2003. The numerical solution of the telegraph equation by the Alternating Group Explicit (AGE) method. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (10), pp. 1289-1297. ISSN 0020-7160

LI, W.Z., YAN, Y.Y. and SMITH, J.M., 2003. A numerical study of the interfacial transport characteristics outside spheroidal bubbles and solids. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 29 (3), pp. 435-460. ISSN 0301-9322

OVENS, P., 2003. A patchwork text approach to assessment in higher education. Teaching in Higher Education, 8 (4), pp. 545-562. ISSN 1356-2517

WU, Z., 2003. The persistence of regional unemployment: evidence from China. Applied Economics, 35 (12), pp. 1417-1421. ISSN 0003-6846

HENHAM, R., 2003. The philosophical foundations of international sentencing. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 1 (1), pp. 64-85. ISSN 1478-1387

SATSANGI, M. and DUNMORE, K., 2003. The planning system and the provision of affordable housing in rural Britain: a comparison of the Scottish and English experience. Housing Studies, 18 (2), pp. 201-217. ISSN 0267-3037

HENHAM, R., 2003. The policy and practice of protective sentencing. Criminal Justice, 3 (1), pp. 57-82. ISSN 0887-7785

ATTILI, B.S. and EVANS, D.J., 2003. The potential of parallelism in the computation of simple turning points for boundary value problems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80 (6), pp. 781-788. ISSN 0020-7160

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. The probability of your number coming up (Notes and Queries, G2). The Guardian, p. 18.

LI, W.Z., YAN, Y.Y. and HULL, J.B., 2003. The propagnation of temperature and concentration fields around a deformed gas bubble rising in a quiescent hot or bi-solution liquid. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 13 (8), pp. 940-963. ISSN 0961-5539

SAMRA-FREDERICKS, D., 2003. A proposal for developing a critical pedagogy in management from researching organizational members' everyday practice. Management Learning, 34 (3), pp. 291-312. ISSN 1350-5076

REZGUI, Y., BOUCHLAGHEM, N., AUSTIN, A. and BARRETT, P., 2003. A proposed IT-based approach for managing the construction briefing effectively. IT in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 1 (1), pp. 25-38. ISSN 1570-7822

MIAN, S., BALL, G., HORNBUCKLE, J., HOLDING, F., CARMICHAEL, J., ELLIS, I., ALI, S., LI, G., MCARDLE, S.E., CREASER, C. and REES, R., 2003. A prototype methodology combining surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization protein chip technology and artificial neural network algorithms to predict the chemoresponsiveness of breast cancer cell lines exposed to Paclitaxel and Doxorubicin under in v. Proteomics, 3 (9), pp. 1725-1737.

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and AASVED, M., 2003. The psychodynamics and psychology of gambling. Addiction Today, 15 (82), p. 25.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. The psychology of risk: a reply to Easton. British Medical Journal (Online).

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PARKE, J., 2003. The psychology of the fruit machine. Psychology Review, 9 (4), pp. 12-16. ISSN 1764-6504

CORK, C.R., WILD, D.C., FANG-LU, L., BANKS, K. and CORK, C.R., 2003. The quantitative analysis of wear in archaeological textiles. Journal of Archaeological Science.

CHANDRA, S., KAPUR, R., CHUZHANOVA, N., SUMMEY, V., PRENTICE, D., BARKER, J., COOPER, D. and WILLIAMS, D.A., 2003. A rare complex DNA rearrangement in the murine steel gene results in exon duplication and a lethal phenotype. Blood, 102, pp. 3548-3555.

BAKER, R.J. and JONES, C., 2003. The reaction of 'GaI' with a 1,3-diyne: Synthesis, characterisation and reactivity of a novel C-C coupled ene-diyne-bis(gem-organodigallium(III)) complex. Chemical Communications, 2003 (3), pp. 390-391. ISSN 1359-7345

BAKER, R.J., BETTENTRUP, H. and JONES, C., 2003. The reactivity of primary and secondary amines, secondary phosphanes and N-heterocyclic carbenes towards group 13 metal(I) halides. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, pp. 2446-2451.

ADAMS, M., 2003. The reflexive self and culture: a critique. British Journal of Sociology, 54 (2), pp. 221-238. ISSN 0007-1315

JAYNE, M. and SKERRATT, G., 2003. The requirements of ethical fund managers and property investment. Property Management, 21 (2), pp. 136-152. ISSN 0263-7472

ROGERS, L., FORRESTER, G., WILSON, G.J., YARNELL, R. and CHEESEMAN, C., 2003. The role of setts in badger ecology and the epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis in badgers at Woodchester Park. Journal of Zoology, 260 (2), pp. 209-215. ISSN 0022-5460

ROACH, P. and WARMUTH, R., 2003. The room-temperature stabilization of bicyclo[2.2.2]oct-1-ene and bicyclo[3.2.1]oct-1-ene. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 42 (26), pp. 3039-3042. ISSN 1433-7851

MATTHEWS, C.J., ONIONS, S.T., MORATA, G., DAVIS, L.J., HEATH, S.L. and PRICE, D.J., 2003. A self-assembled tetracopper triple-stranded helicate: towards the controlled synthesis of finite one-dimensional magnetic chains. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 42 (27), pp. 3166-3169. ISSN 1433-7851

MATTHEWS, C.J., ONIONS, S.T., MORATA, G., DAVIS, L.J., HEATH, S.L. and PRICE, D.J., 2003. A self-assembled tetracopper triple-stranded helicate: towards the controlled synthesis of finite one-dimensional magnetic chains. Angewandte Chemie, 115 (27), pp. 3274-3277.

PAGE, P.C.B., SAZALI HAMZAH, A., LEACH, D.C., ALLIN, S.M., ANDREWS, D.M. and RASSIAS, G.A., 2003. A short and versatile route to a key intermediate for lactacystin synthesis. Organic Letters, 5 (3), pp. 353-355. ISSN 1523-7060

PAGE, P.C.B., LEACH, D.C., SAZALI HAMZAH, A., ALLIN, S.M., HAYMAN, C.M. and MCKEE, V., 2003. A short preparation of an advanced intermediate for lactacystin synthesis: the complete carbon skeleton of clasto-lactacystin dihydroxyacid. Synlett (7), pp. 1025-1027. ISSN 0936-5214

CAI, Y.Z. and DAVIES, N., 2003. A simple diagnostic method of outlier detection for stationary Gaussian time series. Journal of Applied Statistics, 30 (2), pp. 205-223. ISSN 0266-4763

STILLER, J., NETTLE, D. and DUNBAR, R.I.M., 2003. The small world of Shakespeare's plays. Human Nature, 14 (4), pp. 397-408. ISSN 1045-6767

HEAPHY, B., YIP, A.K.T. and THOMPSON, D., 2003. The social and policy implications of non-heterosexual aging. Quality in Ageing, 4 (3), pp. 30-35.

WOODS, G., 2003. The sodomitic reputation of Weimar Berlin. Gragoatá: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, 14, pp. 9-27. ISSN 1413-9073

HART, H.C., HALL, D.A. and PALMER, A.R., 2003. The sound-level dependent growth of auditory cortical activation, as measured using fMRI, is different for low- and high-frequency tones. Hearing Research, 179 (12), pp. 104-112.

EGLIN, D., ALI, S.A.M. and PERRY, C.C., 2003. A statistical study of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) crystallinity in poly(epsilon-caprolactone)-silica sol-gel materials and their in vitro calcium phosphate-forming ability. Polymer International, 52 (12), pp. 1807-1819. ISSN 0959-8103

STRATTON, R. and WARBURTON, R.D.H., 2003. The strategic integration of agile and lean supply. International Journal of Production Economics, 85 (2), pp. 183-198. ISSN 0925-5273

STRATTON, R. and WARBURTON, R.D.H., 2003. The strategic integration of agile and lean supply. International Journal of Production Economics, 85 (2), pp. 183-198. ISSN 0925-5273

BARGIELA, A., PEDRYCZ, W. and TANAKA, M., 2003. A study of uncertain state estimation. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part A - Systems and Humans, 33 (3), pp. 288-301. ISSN 1083-4427

BAKER, R.J., BETTENTRUP, H. and JONES, C., 2003. The synthesis of phosphorus heterocycles from tetra-tert-butyltetraphosphacubane. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 59 (9), m339-m341. ISSN 0108-2701

BONATI, M.L.M., JOYNER, R.W. and STOCKENHUBER, M., 2003. A temperature programmed desorption study of the interaction of acetic anhydride with zeolite beta (BEA). Catalysis Today, 81 (4), pp. 653-658. ISSN 0920-5861

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. The theraputic use of videogames in childhood and adolescence. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 8, pp. 547-554. ISSN 1359-1045

TIETZE, S. and MUSSON, G., 2003. The times and temporalities of home-based telework. Personnel Review, 32 (4), pp. 438-455. ISSN 0048-3486

GOTTLIEB, A., SHAW, C., SMITH, A., WHEATLEY, A. and FORSYTHE, S., 2003. The toxicity of textile reactive azo dyes after hydrolysis and decolourisation. Journal of Biotechnology, 101 (1), pp. 49-56. ISSN 0168-1656

CREASER, C.S., LAMARCA, D.G., DOS, S., NEW, A.P. and JAMES, P.A., 2003. A universal temperature controlled membrane interface for the analysis of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds. Analyst, 128 (9), pp. 1150-1156. ISSN 0003-2654

TRIGG, R. and WOOD, V.A., 2003. The validation of the subjective index of physical and social outcome (SIPSO). Clinical Rehabilitation, 17 (3), pp. 283-289. ISSN 0269-2155

DOAK, J., 2003. The victim and the criminal process: an analysis of recent trends in regional and international tribunals. Legal Studies, 23 (1), pp. 1-32.

Authored book

LASHLEY, C. and BEST, W., 2003. 12 steps to study success. Continuum.

BANYARD, P. and STAPLETON, M., 2003. AS psychology: student unit guides 2540/2541. Deddington, Oxfordshire: Philip Allan Updates.

MURPHY, M., 2003. Allotments. Nottingham: Shoestring Press.

GRIFFITH, A., KING, A.P. and KNIGHT, A.D., 2003. Best practice tendering for design and build projects. London: Thomas Telford. ISBN 9780727732187

YOUSAF, N., 2003. Chinua Achebe. Tavistock: Norhtcote House. ISBN 0746311214

WHITE, C.A. and CARVER, G.P., 2003. Computer visualisations: 3D modelling for theatre designers. Focal Press.

RICHARDS, G., 2003. Count me in FE. LSDA.

NEWLING, J., 2003. Currency and belief. Bretton: Yorkshire Sculpture Park. ISBN 1871480418

BARNES, P., 2003. Cyber crime and fraud as they affect business: problems and solutions. Fraud Advisory Panel.

WOODFIELD, R., 2003. Das Gombrich Lesebuch. Berlin: Phaidon Press.

BELBIN, D., 2003. De laatste maagd. Antwerp: Facet.

BELBIN, D., 2003. Dead teachers don't talk. Nottingham: Five Leaves.

MURPHY, M., 2003. Elsewhere. Shoestring Press. ISBN 1899549870

HEAD, K. and O'DELL, F., 2003. Games for vocabulary teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University.

OSLER, A. and VINCENT, K., 2003. Girls and exclusion: rethinking the agenda. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415303163

WOODFIELD, R., 2003. Gombrich l'essentiel. Paris: Phaidon Press.

BLISMAS, N.G., PASQUIRE, C.L. and GIBB, A.G.F., 2003. IMMPREST. Loughborough: Loughborough University. ISBN 094797413X

KANDHOLA, M., 2003. Illustration of life. Stockport: Dewi Lewis Publishing. ISBN 0935445285

REID, D., 2003. Improvise. Bristol: Cube Cinema.

AL-HABAIBEH, A., PARKIN, R.M. and JACKSON, M.R., 2003. International Conference on Mechatronics ICOM03. Bury St Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing. ISBN 1860584209

GOODERHAM, P.N. and NORDHAUG, O., 2003. International management: cross-boundary challenges. Oxford: Blackwell.

HEAPHY, B., YIP, A.K.T. and THOMPSON, D., 2003. Lesbian, gay and bisexual lives over 50: report on the project: 'The social and policy implications of non-heterosexual ageing'. Nottingham: York House Publications. ISBN 1897650132

WILLIAMS, A.A., 2003. Pumps as turbines: a user's guide. London: ITDG Publishing. ISBN 1853395676

MURPHY, E. and DINGWALL, R., 2003. Qualitative methods and health policy research. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

NAVA, C. and QUATTRONE, G., 2003. Recupero e riuso di manufatti, componenti e materiali in edilizia. Reggio Calabria: Falzea Editore.

COTTON, T., POLECHOVA, P., WILLUMSEN, J. and BAYEGO, M.S., 2003. Schools on the move - towards an inclusive society. Prague: Charles University.

FEATHERSTONE, M., 2003. Shohibunka to posutomodanizumu: part 2. Tokyo: Koseisha Koseikaku.

DRANSFIELD, R., BARNES, J. and BEST, S., 2003. Society, politics and the economy, and science and mathematics. Nelson Thornes.

BAXTER, M.J., 2003. Statistics in archaeology. London: Arnold. ISBN 0340762993

GOODEVE, T. and JUDD, B., 2003. Strangers: The First ICP Triennial of Photography and Video [exhibition catalogue]. New York: International Center of Photography.

DAWSON, A., 2003. Studying 'The matrix'. Leighton Buzzard: Auteur. ISBN 9781903663820

PETTIFORD, L. and HARDING, D., 2003. Terrorism: the new world war. London: Arcturus. ISBN 0572028717

NEEDHAM, D. and DRANSFIELD, R., 2003. The Times 100. London: MBA Publishing and Times Newspapers.

TAYLOR, A., 2003. Turn for home. Liverpool: The Brodie Press.

BARNES, P., 2003. UK fraud manual. Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.

JOWITT, C., 2003. Voyage drama and gender politics 1589-1642: real and imagined worlds. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719054516

HORNER, N., 2003. What is social work? contexts and perspectives. Exeter: Learning matters. ISBN 1903300827

FABES, R., PAYNE, B. and WOOD, J., 2003. Who says nothing ever happens around here? Leicester: National Youth Agency.

MILLER, D. and MCKEEVER, I., 2003. Wild poignancy. Poole: Arts Institute at Bournemouth.

BELBIN, D., 2003. Zadnja devica. Ljubjlana: Zalozba.

NEWLING, J., 2003. A short walk: the Now Festival catalogue. UNSPECIFIED.

Book contribution

THOMPSON, C., 2003. [Encyclopaedia entries]. In: Encyclopaedia of the literature of travel and exploration. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn.

MILLER, D., 2003. [Poems] Spiritual letters (series 3, no 2), Spiritual letters (series 3, no 3). In: In the company of poets: an anthology celebrating 21 years of readings at Torriano Meeting House. London: Hearing Eye, pp. 197-198. ISBN 1870841891

BURNETT, K., 2003. United Kingdom national exhibit theme. In: Prague Quadrennial 2003 [exhibition catalogue]. Prague: Theatre Institute, p. 198. ISBN 0807001449

Chapter in book

DRAKE, D.E. and HOUGARDY, S., 2003. Linear time local improvements for weighted matchings in graphs. In: K. JANSEN, M. MARGRAF, M. MASTROLILLI and J.D.P. ROLIM, eds., Experimental and efficient algorithms: Second International Workshop, WEA 2003, Ascona, Switzerland, May 26-28, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2647). Berlin: Springer, pp. 107-119. ISBN 9783540402053

LEES, M., LOGAN, B. and THEODOROPOULOS, G., 2003. Adaptive optimistic synchronisation for multi-agent distributed simulation. In: D. AL-DABASS, ed., ESM 2003: 17Th European Simulation Multiconference - Foundations for Successful Modelling and Simulation. SCS Europe: Ghent, pp. 77-82. ISBN 3936150257

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Adolescent gambling: risk factors and implications for prevention, intervention, and treatment. In: D. ROMER, ed., Reducing adolescent risk: toward an integrated approach. Thousand Oaks, Calif.;London: Sage Publications, pp. 223-238. ISBN 761928359

HENN, M., WEINSTEIN, M. and WRING, D., 2003. Alienation and youth in Britain. In: G. TAYLOR and M. TODD, eds., Democracy and protest. London: Merlin Press, pp. 196-217. ISBN 0850365384

CARBAYO-ABÉNGOZAR, M., 2003. Almudena grandes: sexo, amor y literatura. In: A.R. GOICOECHEA, ed., Mujeres novelistas: jóvenes narradoras de los noventa. Madrid: Narcea, pp. 13-31. ISBN 8427714211

CORDEN, R., 2003. Ambushed by partnership. In: M. GRIFFITHS, ed., Action for social justice. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

MORLEDGE, R. and ADNAN, H., 2003. Application of Delphi methods to research on critical success factors in joint venture projects in Malaysia. In: C.O. EGBU and C.O. TONG, eds., Proceedings of the First Scottish Conference for Postgraduate Researchers of the Built and Natural Environment. Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University, School of the Built and Natural Environment, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland, 18-19 November 2003, pp. 41-50. ISBN 1903661501

BELBIN, D., 2003. Bad presents. In: D. HAMLEY, ed., The young Oxford book of mystery stories. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 22-31.

COOPER, T., 2003. Beyond recycling. In: D. BOYLE and A. SIMMS, eds., News from somewhere. London: New Economics Foundation, pp. 71-74.

GREENWOOD, J.R., NORRIS, J.E., WINT, J. and BARKER, D.H., 2003. Bioengineering and the transportation infrastructure. In: Transportation geotechnics: proceedings of the symposium held at the Nottingham Trent University School of Property and Construction on 11 September 2003. London: Thomas Telford, pp. 205-220. ISBN 0727732498

PERRY, C.C., 2003. Biosilicification: structure, regulation of structure and model studies. In: P. JUTZI and U. SCHUBERT, eds., Silicon chemistry - from molecules fo extended systems. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, pp. 475-487.

BENNETT, M., 2003. British republic 1649-1660. In: D. LOADES, ed., Reader's guide to British history. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 194-195. ISBN 1579584266

SIMNER, J.C., BECK, S., WUWER, M., OSMAN, T. and AL-DABASS, D., 2003. CGI control of remote telecommunication equipment. In: Proceedings of the 17th European Simulation Multiconference,. Delft, Netherlands: SCS-European Publishing House, pp. 618-627. ISBN 3936150257

SIMNER, J.C., CONWAY, J., OSMAN, T. and AL-DABASS, D., 2003. Case study of 100% test coverage. In: Proceedings of the 17th European Simulation Multiconference. Delft, Netherlands: SCS-European Publishing House, pp. 628-635. ISBN 3936150257

ROWBOTHAM, J., 2003. Causing a sensation: media and legal representations of bad behaviour. In: J. ROWBOTHAM and K. STEVENSON, eds., Behaving badly: visible crime, social panics and legal responses - Victorian and modern parallels. Aldershot: Ashgate.

MASON, D., 2003. Changing ethnic disadvantage: an overview. In: D. MASON, ed., Explaining ethnic differences: changing patterns of disadvantage in Britain. Bristol: Policy. ISBN 1861344686

MASON, D., 2003. Changing patterns of ethnic disadvantage in employment. In: D. MASON, ed., Explaining ethnic differences: changing patterns of disadvantage in Britain. Bristol: Policy. ISBN 1861344686

GOODHEW, S., 2003. [Chapters concerning the moisture and thermal properties of light earth materials]. In: C. MORGAN, ed., Milestone 5: DTI report. UNSPECIFIED.

BENNETT, M., 2003. Civil wars: social issues. In: D. LOADES, ed., Reader's guide to British history. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 270-271. ISBN 1579584266

TAYLOR, L. and SPENCER, S., 2003. Coca-cola and communicative competence. In: J. GOLLIN, G. GIBSON-FERGUSON and H. TRAPPES-LOMAX, eds., Symposium for language teacher educators. Edinburgh: IALS, University of Edinburgh. ISBN 1871914036

TILLEY, N., 2003. Community policing, problem-oriented policing and intelligence-led policing. In: T. NEWBURN, ed., Handbook of policing. Cullompton: Willian, pp. 311-339. ISBN 1843920204

HARTLEY, J.K., 2003. Comparison of prediction methods for urban network link travel times. In: Proceedings of the 15th European Simulation Symposium. Erlangen, Germany: Gruner Druck, pp. 569-576. ISBN 3936150281

AL-HABAIBEH, A., PARKIN, R.M., JACKSON, M.R., WHITBY, D.R., MANSI, M. and COY, J., 2003. Condition based maintenance of machinery using autonomous infrared system. In: 16th International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, COMADEM 2003, Vaxjo, Sweden, 27 August 2003. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 535-544. ISBN 9176363767

NOTINI, L., AL-HABAIBEH, A., ZORRIASSATINE, F., PARKIN, R.M., JACKSON, M.R. and COY, J., 2003. Condition monitoring of belt based power transmission systems using low resolution thermal imaging. In: R.M. PARKIN, A. AL-HABAIBEH and M.R. JACKSON, eds., Proceedings of ICOM03, international conference on mechatronics. Bury St Edmunds: UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 1860584209

JAYNE, M. and WILBOURNE, P., 2003. Contaminated land. In: P. ASKHAM, ed., Valuation: special properties and purposes. London: Estates Gazette, pp. 97-125. ISBN 728204185

BOGUSZ, B. and KING, M., 2003. Controlling drug trafficking n Central Europe. In: A. EDWARDS and P. GILL, eds., Transnational organised crime: the policy and politics of the global crime problem. London: Routledge. ISBN 415300959

MCKAY, J., 2003. Corruption and scandal in German politics. In: J. NEWELL and M. BULL, eds., Corruption in contemporary politics. New York: Palgrave. ISBN 333802985

MORLEDGE, R. and ADNAN, M., 2003. Critical success factors in Malaysian joint venture projects. In: Proceedings of the Construction and Building Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Research Foundation. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 79-86. ISBN 1842191489

RHODES, D., CANT, R. and AL-DABASS, D., 2003. Current depth of field algorithms and techniques for games. In: Q. MEHDI, N. GOUGH and S. NATKIN, eds., Game-on 2003: 4Th International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 147-151. ISBN 9077381058

EVANS, R., 2003. Current themes, issues and challenges concerning the prediction of subsurface conditions. In: M.S. ROSENBAUM and A.K. TURNER, eds., Characterisation of the shallow subsurface: implications for urban infrastructure and environmental assessment. Dusseldorf: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3540437762

KHALIL, M. and PEYTCHEV, E., 2003. DIME-II: a computing framework for traffic systems. In: D. AL-DABASS, ed., ESM 2003: 17Th European Simulation Multiconference - Foundations for Successful Modelling and Simulation. SCS Europe: Ghent, pp. 595-600. ISBN 3936150257

NERLICH, B. and DINGWALL, R., 2003. Deciphering the human genome: the semantic and ideological foundations of genetic and genomic discourse. In: R. DIRVEN, R. FRANK and M. PÜTZ, eds., Cognitive models in language and thought: ideology, metaphors and meanings. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 395-428.

GOUGH, B., 2003. Deconstructing reflexivity. In: L. FINLAY and B. GOUGH, eds., Reflexivity: a practical guide for researchers in health & social sciences. Oxford: Blackwell Science.

HOWARTH, M., 2003. Der 17. Juni und die Westmachte. Perzeptionen und Reaktionen aus Grossbritannien. In: H. TIMMERMANN, ed., Juni 1953 in Deutschland. Der Aufstand im Fadenkreuz von Kaltem Krieg, Katastrophe und Katharsis. Munster: Lit-Verlag, pp. 69-89. ISBN 3825868907

CRABBE, A., 2003. Design against nature. In: Consciousness Reframed: 5th CAiiA International Research Conference. Caerleon: UWCN. ISBN 189927426X

CHOY, K.W., HOPGOOD, A.A., NOLLE, L. and O'NEILL, B.C., 2003. Design and implementation of an inter-process communication model for an embedded distributed processing network. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice. CSREA Press, pp. 239-245. ISBN 193241519X

PASQUIRE, C.L. and CONNOLLY, G.E., 2003. Design for manufacture and assembly. In: 11th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Blacksburg, USA, July 2003. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 184-194. ISBN 972125744

TANAKA, M., ISHINO, Y., SHIMADA, H., INOUE, T. and BARGIELA, A., 2003. Determination of decision boundaries for online signature verification. In: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. 7th International Conference, KES 2003. Oxford, UK, 3-5 September 2003. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 401-407. ISBN 3540408037

HOWARTH, M., 2003. Deutschlandvertrag und Pariser Verträge. Im Dreieck von Kaltem Krieg, deutscher Frage und europäischer Sicherheit. In: H. TIMMERMANN, ed., UNSPECIFIED Münster: UNSPECIFIED, pp. 12-129.

LOTFI, A. and HULL, J.B., 2003. Development of a smart technique in plastic identification independent of the components dimensions. In: CIMSA'03. 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications, 29-31 July 2003. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, pp. 223-226. ISBN 0780377834

JORDAN, J., 2003. Die literatur der minderheiten: sozio-literarische paradigmen für eine mehrkulturelle gesellschaft. In: P. WIESINGER, ed., Akten des X. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Wien 2000. Bd 8: kanon und kanonisierung als probleme der literaturgeschichtsschreibung; interpretation und interpretationsmethoden. Bern: Berlin; Brussels; Frankfurt; New York; Oxford; Vienna: Peter Lang, pp. 161-166.

NOLLE, L., 2003. Differential annealing: a new adaptation scheme for simulated annealing based on differential evolution. In: Proceedings of the 9th International MENDEL Conference on Soft Computing. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 53-58. ISBN 8021424117

MCKNIGHT, S., IMPAGLIAZZO, J., LEE, J.A.N. and MCLAURIN-SMITH, N., 2003. Digital libraries: quality resources for distance education. In: G. DAVIES and E. STACEY, eds., Quality Education @ a Distance: IFIP TC3/WG3.6 Working Conference on Quality Education @ a Distance, Geelong, Australia, 3-6 February 2003,. Boston, Mass.;London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 109-111. ISBN 1402075685

MCKNIGHT, S., 2003. Distance education and the role of academic libraries. In: M. MOORE and W. ANDERSON, eds., Handbook of distance education. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 377-386.

WRIGHT, P., 2003. Down in the dirt. In: J. KERR and A. GIBSON, eds., London: from punk to Blair. Reaktion Books.

BELLAMY, C., 2003. E-government. In: T. BOVAIRD and E. LÖFFLER, eds., Public management and governance. London: Routledge, pp. 113-126. ISBN 415252466

AL-DABASS, D., 2003. ESM2003: 17th European Simulation Multi-Conference 2003. In: D. AL-DABASS, ed., ESM2003: 17th European Simulation Multi-Conference 2003, The Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 9-11 June 2003. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 3936150257

ACKRILL, R.W., 2003. EU enlargement. In: G.B.J. ATKINSON, ed., Developments in economics: an annual review. Ormskirk: Causeway Press, pp. 1-24.

ANIUS, D., 2003. Enhancing innovation within a wireless grid. In: H.-W. CHU, ed., Proceedings of International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies (CCCT '03) and the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS '03), Orlando, Florida, 31 July - 2 August 2003. Orlando, Florida: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, pp. 336-340. ISBN 9806560051

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AL-HABAIBEH, A., WHITBY, D.R., PARKIN, R.M., JACKSON, M.R., MANSI, M. and COY, J., 2003. Smart restraint systems utlizing low cost infrared sensing. In: R.M. PARKIN, A. AL-HABAIBEH and M.R. JACKSON, eds., Proceedings of ICOM03, international conference on mechatronics. Bury St Edmunds: UNSPECIFIED, pp. 255-260. ISBN 1860584209

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HUGHES, N., 2003. Teaching transferable skills in Spanish area studies: introduction to contemporary Spain. In: M. FAY, ed., Learning from languages, Translang Project. University of Central Lancashire.

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BELBIN, D., 2003. Waking early, West Kirby. In: R. SMITH and T. MALAMUTE, eds., Lanterns. Nottingham: Launderette, pp. 74-79.

NIKOV, A.S., VASSILEVA, S., ANGELOVA, S., TZVETANOVA, S. and STOEVA, S., 2003. WebUse: an approach for web usability evaluation. In: Proceedings of 3rd Symposium on Production Research. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 511-518. ISBN 975695731X

MCKNIGHT, S., 2003. 'What else does an online student need?' The Deakin learning toolkit. In: Strategic planning for e-learning and digital content. Tai Chung, Taiwan: FCU Press, pp. 247-271.

SMITH, S., 2003. 'What like is it?': Duffy's 'Différance'. In: A. MCHELIS and A. ROWLAND, eds., The poetry of Carol Ann Duffy. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 143-168.

TALBOT, M., 2003. 'Women rule as a natter of fact': reproducing and challenging gender stereotypes. In: J. SANTAEMILIA, ed., Género, lenguaje y traducción. Valencia, Spain: University of Valencia Press.

FULFORD, T., 2003. Wordsworth's 'The Haunted Tree' and the sexual politics of landscape. In: P.J. KITSON, ed., Placing and displacing romanticism. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 33-44. ISBN 754606023

JORDAN, J., 2003. Zafer Senocak's essays and early prose fiction: from collective multiculturalism to fragmented cultural identities. In: T. CHEESEMAN and K. YESILADA, eds., Zafer Senocak. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 91-105. ISBN 708318118

PYATT, F.B., GILBERTSON, D. and GRATTAN, J.P., 2003. An anomalous calcium horizon in a fen peat core obtained from the Island of Anglesey (UK) - geochemical interpretation and environmental change. In: C.A. LIVADIE and F. ORTOLANI, eds., Variazioni climatico-ambientali e impatto sull'uomo nell'area circum-mediterranea durante l'Olocene. Ravello, Italy: Centro Universitario Europeo per I Beni Culturali, pp. 215-217.

WARBURTON, R.D.H., STRATTON, R. and MAKIN, G., 2003. The application of the newsvendor algorithm to compute the optimal quantity in quick response manufacturing for an on and offshore sourcing model. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Logistics. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 213-221. ISBN 0853581215

FEATHERSTONE, M., 2003. The body in consumer culture. In: D. CLARKE, M. DOEL and K. HOUSIAUX, eds., The consumption reader. Routledge.

LIDDLE, J., 2003. The business broker initiative: the UK business broker pilot initiative. Engaging the business community in neighbourhood renewal and social inclusion: early findings on the North East of England. In: Reinventing Regions in the Global Economy. RSA International Conference, Pisa Conference Centre, Pisa, Italy 12-15 April, 2003. Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 172-173. ISBN 897721218

ASHFORTH-FROST, S., 2003. A comparison between experimental and predicted flow profiles beneath a semi-confined axisymmetric impinging jet. In: Proceedings of ASME turbo expo power for land, sea and air. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 311-316. ISBN 0791836886

MCGLAUGHLIN, A. and GRAYSON, A., 2003. A cross sectional and prospective study of crying in the first year of life. In: S.P. SHOHOV, ed., Advances in psychological research. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 53-74.

AHEARNE, M., 2003. A dangerous obsession? Gambling and social stability. In: J. ROWBOTHAM and K. STEVENSON, eds., Behaving badly: social panic and moral outrage - Victorian and modern parallels. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 127-141. ISBN 754609650

AL-HABAIBEH, A., WHITBY, D.R., PARKIN, R.M., JACKSON, M.R., MANSI, M. and COY, J., 2003. The development of an Internet-based mechatronic system for remote diagnostic of machinery using embedded sensors. In: R.M. PARKIN, A. AL-HABAIBEH and M.R. JACKSON, eds., Proceedings of ICOM03, international conference on mechatronics. Bury St Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing, pp. 297-302. ISBN 1860584209

SMITH, S., 2003. The disconsolate chimera: T S Eliot and the fixation of modernism. In: M. THORMÄHLEN, ed., Rethinking modernism. Palgrave / Macmillan, pp. 180-203.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S. and SIBLEY, M., 2003. The distinctive typology of central Omani mosques: its nature and antecedents. In: Proceedings of the seminar for Arabian studies. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 99-116. ISBN 0308-8421; 2503506321

CURTHOYS, N., ECKERSLEY, P.M. and JACKSON, P., 2003. e-Government. In: P.M. ECKERSLEY, L. HARRIS and P. JACKSON, eds., e-Business fundamentals: managing organizations in the electronic age. Routledge e-Business . London: Routledge, pp. 227-258. ISBN 9780203402467

GRIFFITHS, M.D. and PARKE, J., 2003. The environmental psychology of gambling. In: G. REITH, ed., Gambling: who wins? Who loses? Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, pp. 277-292. ISBN 1591020735

WHITE, C.A., 2003. The function and perception of lighting and sound for performance art & science. In: Theatre: espace sonore, espace visuel. Lyon: Presses Universitaires De Lyon, pp. 351-358. ISBN 2729707379

BELBIN, D., 2003. The golden legend (after Magritte). In: J. TEUMA, ed., Man of Trent. Nottingham: Launderette, pp. 116-119.

SMITH, R., 2003. The implications of globalization on nutrition patterns: a case study of the Marshall Islands. In: K. LEE, ed., Health impacts of globalization: towards global governance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 86-104. ISBN 333794834

SUN, M., 2003. An integrated management system for reactive building maintenance projects. In: J. CHA, R. JARDIM-GONÇALVES and A. STEIGER-GARÇÃO, eds., Proceedings of the 10th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, Madeira, Portugal, 26-30 July 2003. Lisse, Netherlands: Swets &​ Zeitlinger, pp. 225-232. ISBN 9058096238

ZORRIASSATINE, F., AL-HABAIBEH, A., NOTINI, L., SALVAN, R.M., PARKIN, R.M., JACKSON, M.R. and COY, J., 2003. An integrated sensory system for intelligent condition monitoring of mail processing machines. In: 16th International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring amd Diagnostic Engineering Management, COMADEM 2003, Vaxjo, Sweden, 27 August 2003. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9176363767

GRATTAN, J.P., CONDRON, A., TAYLOR, S., KARAKI, L.A., PYATT, F.B., GILBERTSON, D.D. and AL SAAD, Z., 2003. A legacy of empires? An exploration of the environmental and medical consequences of metal production in Wadi Feynan, Jordan. In: H.C.W. SKINNER and A. BERGER, eds., Geology and health: closing the gap. Oxford University Press, pp. 99-105.

HOLLOWS, J., 2003. The masculinity of cult. In: M. JANCOVICH and A. ET, eds., Defining cult movies: the cultural politics of oppositional taste. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 35-53.

INKSTER, I., 2003. The national imperative. The state, science and technology, and policy evolution, 1400-2000. In: The encyclopedia of life support systems. Oxford: UNESCO;Eoloss.

RHODES, D., CANT, R. and AL-DABASS, D., 2003. A new depth of field algorithm with applications to games. In: Q. MEHDI, N. GOUGH and S. NATKIN, eds., Game-on 2003: 4Th International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 157-161. ISBN 9077381058

BENNETT, M., 2003. The officer corps and army command in the British Isles c1620-1660. In: D. TRIM, ed., The chivalric ethos and military professionalism. Boston: Brill, pp. 292-317. ISBN 90041290955

ONG, D., 2003. The progressive integration of environmental protection within offshore joint development agreements. In: M. FITZMAURICE and M. SZUNIEWICZ, eds., Exploitation of natural resources in the 21st century. The Hague: Kluwer Law International, pp. 113-141. ISBN 9041120637

MCQUEEN, T., HOPGOOD, A., TEPPER, J. and ALLEN, T., 2003. A recurrent self-organizing map for temporal sequence processing. In: A. LOTFI and J. GARIBALDI, eds., Applications and science in soft computing. Berlin: Springer, pp. 3-8. ISBN 9783540408567

HAYES, N. and WALSHAM, G., 2003. The role of information and communication technologies in knowledge management initiatives. In: M. EASTERBY-SMITH and M.A. LYLES, eds., The Blackwell handbook of organizational learning and knowledge management. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 54-77. ISBN 0631226729

BULLOCK, K. and TILLEY, N., 2003. The role of research and analysis: lessons from the crime reduction programme. In: J. KNUTTSON, ed., Problem-oriented policing: from innovation to mainstream. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press, pp. 147-181. ISBN 1881798372

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. The self as the basis of religious faith: spirituality of gay, lesbian, and bisexual Christians. In: L. DAVIE, L. WOODHEAD and P. HEELAS, eds., Predicting religion: Christian, secular and alternative futures. London: Ashgate, pp. 135-146. ISBN 754630099

TAYLOR, L., 2003. The silent revolution: reflection for personal change. In: J. GOLLIN, G. GIBSON-FERGUSON and H. TRAPPES-LOMAX, eds., Symposium for language teacher educators. Edinburgh: IALS, University of Edinburgh. ISBN 1871914036

CHINI, R., BROWN, D., HOFFMEISTER, V.H., MANTHEY, E., SCHEYDA, C.M., SCHMIDTHUISEN, O. and KRÜGEL, E., 2003. The stellar content of the young cluster in M 17. In: B. DE and D. VAN, eds., Galactic star formation across the stellar mass spectrum : proceedings of the 2002 international astronomical observatories in Chile workshop. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, pp. 415-420. ISBN 1583811303

RAIDÉN, A.B., DAINTY, A.R.J. and NEALE, R.H., 2003. A strategic employee resourcing framework (SERF) for construction. In: D.J. GREENWOOD, ed., Proceedings of the 19th Annual ARCOM Conference, University of Brighton, 3-5 September 2003. Reading: ARCOM, pp. 223-232. ISBN 0953416186

FULFORD, T., 2003. The taste of paradise: the bread-fruit, the bounty and Romantic Imperialism. In: D. GIGANTE, ed., Cultures of taste/Theories of appetite: Eating romanticism. New York: Palgrave, pp. 41-58. ISBN 312293011

KNIGHT, A.D., 2003. The use of Win Econ and an annotated bibliography as two tools to support the achievement of Masters Level learning outcomes in a post-graduate Construction Economics Unit. In: Best practice in building: section F: teaching and learning assessment. Coventry: Coventry University.

WILDE, L., 2003. The young Marx. In: D. BOUCHER and P. KELLY, eds., Political thinkers: from Socrates to present. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 404-418. ISBN 198781946

Conference contribution

CHAPPLE, W., 2003. Environmental taxation and frontier analysis: insights and implications of using DEA in the analysis of taxation. In: VIII European Workshop of Efficiency and Productivity, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain, 25-27 September 2003.

MEDJDOUB, B., 2003. Virtual reality in the design studio. In: Conference in Education, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, September 2003.

GREEN, B., TENGNAH, C., COLEMAN, C., JOHANSSON, I. and BUTTON, L., 2003. A comparative study of the impact of an international placement on the lives and practices of nurses. In: 5th International Collaborative Conversations Conference, Bournemouth, England, 8-11 September 2003.

CHAPPLE, W. and MOON, J., 2003. CSR in Asia and globalisation in international comparative perspectives on corporate social responsibility. In: Academy of Management Meeting 2003, Seattle, Washington, United States, 1-6 August 2003.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. From European Economic Community to European Union and beyond? Introducing the EU: a crash course from Community to Union. (1) From catharsis to community: the EEC in the making, 1945-1957. In: [Workshop organised by the European Studies Across Borders], Novi Sad, Serbia, August 2003.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Nothing succeeds like success: from European Community to European Union and beyond? In: [Workshop organised by the European Studies Across Borders], Novi Sad, Serbia, August 2003.

CHAPPLE, W., 2003. Accounting for waste in regional productivity measurement. In: European Association of Environmental Resource Economists (EAERE) 12th Annual Conference, Bilbao, Spain, 27-30 June 2003.

MEDJDOUB, B., 2003. Augmented reality and architectural communication. In: Design for Competitive Advantage Conference, Broadway cinema, Nottingham, June 2003.

ABDELMONEM, M.G. and SELIM, G., 2003. Contemporary Islamic architecture in the Arab world. In: 18th Middle East History and Theory Conference, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 9-10 May 2003.

PRATT, M., 2003. AIDS prevention and the politics of pre-independence in New Caledonia. In: Regional Integration in the Pacific Rim: The Political Impact, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 10-12 February, 2003, Sydney, Australia.

HARVIE, D., 2003. Academic labour: producing value and producing struggle. In: Marxism and Education: Renewing Dialogues II Seminar, Institute of Education, University of London, May 2003, London.

KHALFAN, M.M.A., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., ANUMBA, C.J. and CARRILLO, P.M., 2003. Achieving sustainability in construction projects through concurrent engineering. In: 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Loughborough University, Loughborough, 25-27 June 2003, Loughborough.

GUSEV, V.D., NEMYTIKOVA, L.A. and CHUZHANOVA, N.A., 2003. Adaptive algorithm of pattern matching in symbolic sequences. In: Proceedings of OGRW-6-2003 Workshop.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Addressing the state of the Union: the EU's constitutional end-game [public lecture]. In: Socrates/Erasmus Programme, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 14-16 October 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

JENNINGS, D. and CHANG, J., 2003. Adoption of discussion based teaching and assessment in teaching strategic management in Hong Kong. In: Association for Business Simulation and Experiental Learning, Baltimore, USA, 2003, Baltimore.

HARDILL, I., 2003. Ageing and urban regeneration. In: Regions for All Ages Conference, 11 March 2003.

ELNOKALY, A., CHILTON, J.C. and WILSON, R., 2003. Airflow around conic tensile membrane structures [printed refereed extended abstract; conference paper on CD-ROM]. In: Proceedings of IASS Symposium, Taipei, 2003, Taipei.

TALBOT, M., 2003. All the world and her handgun: empowerment with the NRA. In: Gender and Globalisation: Cultures, Identities and Development. Conference for Delhi-Sunderland Higher Education Link, University of Sunderland, Sunderland.

HOPEGOOD, L., COLLINS, S., LATHAM, R. and REILLY, J.D., 2003. Analyses of the moisture content of hoof horn from horses, donkeys and laminitic donkeys. In: BSAS Conference, 15-16 September 2003.

TANAKA, M., ISHINO, Y., SHIMADA, H., INOUE, T. and BARGIELA, A., 2003. Analysis of iterative procedure of matching two drawings by DP matching and estimation of time-variant transformation parameters. In: Proceedings of the 34th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and its Applications, Fukuoka, Japan.

BYFORD, J.T., 2003. Antisemitic hate crime in post-Milosevic Serbia: conspiratorial nature of contemporary anti-Semitism and the implications of hate crimes research. In: International Hate Crimes Conference, Nottingham Centre for the Study of Hate Crimes, Nottingham, UK, 22-23 February 2003, Nottingham.

MORLEDGE, R. and ADNAN, H., 2003. Application of Delphi methods to research on critical success factors in joint venture projects in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of the second international conference on construction in the 21st century :sustainability and innovation in management and technology, Hong Kong.

TOOR, S., 2003. Asian criminality: responding to racially motivated offending. In: International Hate Crimes Conference, Nottingham, UK, February 2003, Nottingham.

ALLAN, J., ALLEN, T. and SHERKAT, N., 2003. Automated assessment of children's handwritten sentence responses. In: Proceedings 7th International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference, Loughborough, UK.

AGAFONOV, E. and BARGIELA, A., 2003. Automation of interactions with terminal-based applications. In: UK SIM'2003, Oxford, 2003, Oxford.

NAM, T., LIEW, S.C., KOUTSOGEORGIS, D.C. and CRANTON, W.M., 2003. Barrier layers and pulsed laser annealing effects of TFEL device with Cu and Ag co-doped SrS blue phospher layer. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Meeting on Information Display, Daego, Korea, June 2003.

ADAIR, A., BERRY, J., MCGREAL, S., POON, J., HUTCHISON, N., WATKINS, C. and GIBB, K., 2003. Benchmarking urban regeneration property performance in the UK. In: 19th American Real Estate Society Conference, Monterey, California, USA, 2-5 April 2003, Monterey.

HARRIS, L., 2003. Best value review in local government - help or hindrance to organisational approaches to performance management? In: 7th Conference on International Human Resource Management, Limerick, Ireland, 3-7 June 2003, Limerick, Ireland.

ROYSTON, P., 2003. Beyond finance theory: how framing influences the behaviour of real estate investors. In: 10th European Real Estate Society Conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 2003, Helsinki, Finland.

TAN, Y.K., SHERKAT, N. and ALLEN, T., 2003. Blended multimodal interface for error recovery. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference of Multimodal Interface (ICMI2003), Vancouver, BC, Canada.

BIRRINGER, J., 2003. Body art and technological transformations: rhythms of real time. In: The Flesh Made Text: Bodies, Theories and Cultures in the Post-Millennial Era, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 14 May 2003, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of English.

HAY, A., 2003. Bridging the gap: using management research to inform MBA curriculum development. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Harrogate, UK, 15-17 September 2003, Harrogate.

COOPER, T., 2003. Britain's sustainable consumption strategy: signals at the starting line. In: Empowering the Consumer in the 21st Century: Institute of Consumer Sciences International Research Conference, Cardiff, July 2003, Cardiff.

WELLING, C., 2003. British photographic education at NTU. In: Forum of European Photography Courses, Bratislava Academy, Slovakia, November 2003, Bratislava Academy, Slovakia.

BOWDEN, P.R., 2003. Building a lexicon for a Kernewek MT system. In: Traitement Automatique des Langues Minoritaires et des Petits Langues, Batz-sur-Mer, France.

SHELBOURN, M., AOUAD, G. and HOXLEY, M., 2003. CAL for building surveyors - a prototype application. In: Proceedings of the CIB W89 International Conference on Building Education and Research (BEAR 2003).

CHENG, R., 2003. Can the application of Confucianism principles stimulate successful strategies for Hong Kong's declining manufacturing industry? In: Manchester Metropolitan University Business School Symposium, Manchester, March, 2003, Manchester.

GERMON, R., 2003. Capacity of millimetre-wave Broadband fixed wireless access systems. In: Wireless Broadband Forum 2003, Cambridge, UK, 26 November 2003.

DISNEY, J., 2003. Challenging assumptions in transport planning. In: TRICS Transport and Development Conference, London, November 2003, London.

BLISMAS, N.G., GIBB, A.G.F., PASQUIRE, C.L. and ALDRIDGE, G.B., 2003. Changing perceptions of value in construction standardisation and pre-assembly. In: 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Loughborough University, Loughborough, June 2003, Loughborough.

ORDAKOWSKI, A.L., DAVIDSON, H.P.B., REDGATE, S.E., HARRIS, P.A. and KRONFELD, D.S., 2003. Characteristics of foal feeding behaviour. In: Waltham International Science Symposium, Nature, Nurture and the Case for Nutrition, Bangkok, Thailand, 28-31 October 2003.

RIBES, A., BRETTEL, H., SCHMITT, F., LIANG, H., CUPITT, J. and SAUNDERS, D., 2003. Color and spectral imaging with the CRISATEL Acquisition System. In: PICS 2003: the PICS Conference: an International Technical Conference on the Science and Systems of Digital Photography, including the Fifth International Symposium on Multispectral Color Science, Rochester, NY, May 2003, Rochester, NY, USA.

HARVIE, D., 2003. Commons and community in higher education. In: Association of Heterodox Economists' Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, July 2003, Nottingham.

DILLON, G., UNDERWOOD, J. and OKUBAYASHI, T., 2003. Communicating by text messages: a return to flexible spelling? In: ECER, Hamburg, Germany, 17 September 2003.

BAXTER, M.J., BEARDAH, C.C., COOL, H.E.M. and JACKSON, C.M., 2003. Compositional data analysis in archaeometry. In: CoDaWork03: Compositional Data Analysis Workshop, Girona, Spain, 2003, Girona, Spain.

BEARDAH, C.C., BAXTER, M.J., COOL, H.E.M. and JACKSON, C.M., 2003. Compositional data analysis of archaeological glass: problems and possible solutions. In: CoDaWork03: Compositional Data Analysis Workshop, Girona, Spain, 2003, Girona, Spain.

SHELBOURN, M., AOUAD, G. and HOXLEY, M., 2003. Computer-aided-learning for building surveyors - a prototype application. In: International Conference on Building Education and Research, Salford,UK, 9-11 April 2003.

KAMARA, J.M., ANUMBA, C.J., CARRILLO, P.M. and BOUCHLAGHEM, N., 2003. Conceptual framework for live capture and reuse of project knowledge. In: Proceedings of the CIB W78's 20th International Conference on Information Technology for Construction, Auckland.

MILES, J.C., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., ANUMBA, C.J., CEN, M., TAYLOR, M. and SHANG, H., 2003. Concurrent conceptual design for the AEC industry. In: Proceedings of ASCE Structures Conference.

BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., ANUMBA, C.J., SHANG, H., CEN, M., MILES, J. and TAYLOR, M., 2003. Concurrent engineering at conceptual design stage in the AEC industry. In: Proceedings of the 10th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Madeira.

HENHAM, R. and FINDLAY, M., 2003. [Conference paper]. In: Colloquium on the International and Comparative Criminal Trial Project, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, September 2003, Freiburg, Germany.

BOULTON, H., 2003. [Conference presentation]. In: Using Discussion to Support Work Experience, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, April 2003, Nottingham.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2003. Conservation of an oasis settlement: the case of Manah. In: Regional Conference on the Conservation of Earthen Structures in Arab Countries. UNESCO/ Government of Oman, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 15-17 December 2003, Muscat.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Constitutionalising the European Union: towards finalite. Part one: confronting the EU's polity problem: democratic deficits, limited legitimacy, de-coupled institutions and global crises [public lecture]. In: Socrates/Erasmus Programme, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 14-16 October 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Constitutionalising the European Union: towards finalite. Part two: The European Convention on the Future of Europe - constitutionalising the Union [public lecture]. In: Socrates/Erasmus Programme, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 14-16 October 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

WRIGHT, P., 2003. Consultant and chair of: 'Buildings, Meanings and People' conference. In: Buildings, Meanings and People Conference, organised by the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Royal Institute of British Architecture, 25 October, 2003.

EVANS, S. and COOPER, T., 2003. Consuming to last: the complexities and contradictions of optimising product life in contemporary society. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference, York, April 2003, York.

PARKIN, R.M. and AL-HABAIBEH, A., 2003. Control of a heat patch monitoring system. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Maribor, Slovenia.

HARRIS, T., 2003. Cornelius Cardew: continuing the experiment. In: Birmingham Conservatoire Annual Research Conference, Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham, May 2003.

SOOD, K., 2003. Creating an inclusive culture: the involvement of teachers and other professionals. In: Athens Institute for Education and Research (AT.IN.E.R.), the Fifth International Conference in Athens, Greece, 23-25 May 2003, Athens.

ABBOTT, F., 2003. Curating digital arts. In: Public Seminar Series on Curation, 2003.

HARRIS, L., 2003. Cyber crime, organisational rules and perceived fairness. In: 5th Conference on Ethics and Human Resource Management, Selwyn College, Cambridge, UK, 7-8 April 2003, Cambridge.

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Cyber-flirting: an examination of how men and women flirt on the Internet. In: Broadening the Band:AOIR Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, 16-19 October, 2003, Toronto, Canada.

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Cyber-flirting: an examination of men's and women's flirting behaviour both offline and on the Internet [invited talk]. In: Trinity College, Ireland, 14 November, 2003, Ireland.

MUN, W.Y., CHUAH, K.S. and GERMON, R., 2003. Data interface for 42GHz DVB multimedia wireless system (MWS). In: PREP 2003, Exeter, UK, April 2003, Exeter, UK.

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Dealing with spam in the workplace. In: [a series of seminars on spam across Australia with SurfControl], Australia.

GOATCHER, J. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2003. Delivering large Level One modules: challenges and solutions. In: The Nottingham Trent University 5th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, Nottingham, 8 April 2003, Nottingham.

RODRIGUEZ, C. and CHILTON, J.C., 2003. Deployable rings with plates and straight bars. In: Proceedings of IASS Symposium, Taipei, 2003, Taipei.

MANGENA, M. and KINMAN, R., 2003. Determinants of the quantity of information disclosed in interim reports: UK evidence. In: British Accounting Association (BAA) Conference, Manchester Conference Centre, April 2003, Manchester.

HENHAM, R. and FINDLAY, M., 2003. Developing theory for the contextual analysis of trial process. In: Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, April 2003, Nottingham.

TAN, L.P., LOTFI, A. and LAI, E., 2003. Development and application of a fuzzy supervisory indirect learning predictive control. In: 3rd European Symposium of Intelligent Technologies, Oulu, Finland, 10-11 July 2003, Oulu, Finland.

HULL, J.B., SU, D. and JI, S., 2003. Development of a powerful software tool for collaborative design and manufacture over the Internet. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Tools, Bled, Slovenia.

DARKWA, K., 2003. Development of phase change drywall systems. In: Conference on Technological Developments in the Built Environment, BRE, Garston, Watford, UK, 23 September 2003, BRE, Garston, Watford.

6, P., 2003. Dirty institutions, costly workaround and fragile settlements: understanding lay knowledge. In: Max Planck Institute Conference on 'The Value of Inconsistency', Villa Olmo, Como, Italy, August 2003, Villa Olmo, Como.

CABLE, N.T., ELLIOTT, K.J., REILLY, T. and KINGSLAND, C., 2003. Do changes in the concentration of reproductive hormones during pregnancy influence maximum force production? In: 50th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, USA, 28 May 2003.

COOPER, T., 2003. Durability and the inconsistent consumer. In: Time in Design: Eternally Yours Conference, Eindhoven, October 2003, Eindhoven.

GOODHEW, S.M.R., TURPIN-BROOKS, S. and TAPP, T., 2003. E-learning in design, construction and property: case studies in motivation. In: CIB Working Commission W89, Building Education and Research (BEAR) Conference, Salford, March, 2003, Salford.

LE, H., 2003. Economic growth, inward foreign direct investment and trade policy in ASEAN countries: evidence from simultaneous-equation panel data estimation. In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference Academy of International Business; UK Chapter, 2003, Leicester.

WARREN, H.E., ENSER, M., RICHARDSON, R.I., WOOD, J.D. and SCOLLAN, N.D., 2003. Effect of breed diet on the total lipid and selected shelf-life parameters in beef muscle. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science, York, UK.

ELLIOTT, K.J., CABLE, N.T., REILLY, T. and DIVER, M., 2003. Effect of cyclical changes in bioavailable oestradiol and testosterone on maximum force production in females. In: 50th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, USA, 28 May 2003.

WARREN, H.E., ENSER, M., RICHARDSON, R.I., NUTE, G.R., WOOD, J.D., DHANOA, M.D. and SCOLLAN, N.D., 2003. Effect of diet, breed and age at slaughter on the fatty acid composition of total lipid in beef longissimus muscle. In: Proceedings of the 7th Research Conference of the British Grassland Society, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK.

JIA, W., ZHANG, C., LIN, L., TU, W. and JIAO, J., 2003. Effective real-time anycast flow connection algorithm and delay analysis. In: 2003 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP03), Taiwan, August 2003, Taiwan.

ELLIS, A.D., MERKENS, H.W., VISSER, E.K., SCHILDER, M.B.H. and VAN, R., 2003. Effects of high concentrate versus high fibre diets on equine digestive parameters in relation to performance, animal behaviour and welfare. In: 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Animal Science, Rome, Italy, 2003, Rome, Italy.

SALE, C., ELLIOTT, K.J. and CABLE, N.T., 2003. Effects of resistance training on functional capacity and muscle strength in post-menopausal women. In: 50th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, USA, 28 May 2003.

JIA, W., TU, W. and LIN, L., 2003. Efficient distributed admission control for anycast flows. In: 2003 International Conference on Computer Networks and Mobile Computing (ICCNMC-03), Shanghai, August 2003, Shanghai.

TALBOT, M., 2003. Eliminating discrimination in contemporary English. In: [Lecture for postgraduates] Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou Campus, China, March, 2003.

BRABER, N., 2003. Emotion and the use of modal particles in East and West Berlin. In: Proceedings of the 12th Postgraduate Linguistics Conference.

ELDER, C. and PRATT, M., 2003. Entanglement and the modern Australian rhythm method: Lantana's lessons in policing sexuality and gender. In: Institute for International Studies Annual Workshop (Art and Social Change), Rafferty's Resort, Lake Macquarie, NSW, Australia, 08-10 December, 2003, Lake Macquarie, NSW, Australia.

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CHILTON, J.C. and DEVULDER, T., 2003. Environmental aspects of the Inland Revenue amenity building, Nottingham, UK. In: TechTextil Symposium, Frankfurt, April, 2003 [conference proceedings], Frankfurt.

ELNOKALY, A., CHILTON, J.C. and WILSON, R., 2003. Environmental performance of spaces enclosed or semi-enclosed by fabric membrane structures. In: Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, CIMNE, Barcelona, 2003 [conference proceedings].

TAN, Y.K., SHERKAT, N. and ALLEN, T., 2003. Error recovery in a blended style eye gaze and speech interface. In: Proceedings of the International Conference of Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2003), Baltimore, MD, USA.

HIGHAM, P., 2003. Ethics for social work research. In: ESRC Training Workshop for Social Work PhD Students, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK, 2003, University of Bradford.

ALBERTSEN, K., LELEU, I. and KARANIKA, M., 2003. European examples of good practice in the prevention of work-relate stress. In: Work, Stress and Health: New Challenges in a Changing Workplace. Conference of the American Psychological Association in collaboration with NIOSH, Toronto, Canada, 20-22 March 2003, Toronto.

SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Evolution and olfaction; the role of sexual orientation in body odour. In: Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, 6 June 2003, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA.

SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Evolution and sexuality; the role of body odour in attraction. In: The London Metropolitan University [Conference], London, UK, 27 February 2003.

SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Evolution, olfaction and sexual orientation. In: Summer School on Human Olfaction, University of Dresden Medical School, Dresden, Germany, July 2003, University of Dresden Medical School, Dresden, Germany.

KENDALL, D., BINNER, J.M. and GAZELY, A., 2003. Evolutionary Strategies: a new macroeconomic policy tool? In: Modelling and Control of Economic Systems, Klagenfurt, Austria.

HAY, A. and HODGKINSON, M., 2003. Examining the relationships between formal learning, situated learning and manager effectiveness. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Harrogate, UK, 15-17 September 2003, Harrogate.

WANG, C., THORPE, R., SHAW, S. and TUSELMAN, H., 2003. Expatriation management and knowledge transfer in multinational companies in China. In: 7th Conference on International Human Resource Management, Limerick, June 2003, Limerick.

NEWELL, S., HUANG, J. and TANSLEY, C., 2003. Exploring knowledge integration in project teams: the importance of social networks. In: Fourth European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities, Organizational Knowledge and Learning Conference, IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Barcelona, 2003, Barcelona, Spain.

FOSTER, P.W., WICKRAMASINGHE, G.L.D., GUNASEKERA, U.S.W. and CORK, C.R., 2003. False-twist texturing - a new approach. In: Fiber Society Symposium: Advanced Flexible Materials and Structures: Engineering with Fibers, Loughborough University, Loughborough, 30 June - 2 July 2003, Loughborough.

PALMER-BROWN, D., LEE, S.W., TEPPER, J. and ROADKNIGHT, C.M., 2003. Fast learning neural nets with adaptive learning styles (invited paper). In: Proceedings of the 17th European Simulation Multiconference (ESM'2003), Nottingham, UK.

LE, H. and ATAULLAH, A., 2003. Financial liberalisation and technical efficiency of banks: case of India and Pakistan. In: International Economics and Finance Society - UK Chapter Annual Conference, City University, London, November 2003, London.

HILL, R. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2003. Firefighters as victims. In: Fire Service College Research Event, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, November 2003, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.

WEINSTEIN, M., 2003. First-time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. In: Conservative Party National Office Conference, 3 April 2003.

WEINSTEIN, M. and HENN, M., 2003. First-time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. In: Labour Party National Office, London, UK, 25 June 2003, London.

WEINSTEIN, M. and HENN, M., 2003. First-time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. In: Citizenship Foundation 'Post-16 Citizenship Seminar', London, UK, 4 July 2003, London.

WEINSTEIN, M. and HENN, M., 2003. First-time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. In: Liberal Democratic Party fringe event 'Generation Y', London, UK, 24 September 2003, London.

HENN, M. and WEINSTEIN, M., 2003. First-time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. In: Liberal Democratic Party National Office, London, UK, 5 June 2003, London.

HENN, M. and WEINSTEIN, M., 2003. First-time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. In: Conservative Party National Office, London, 3 April 2003, London.

KEENAN, W.J.F., 2003. Founders' tales: from hagiography to historiography in images of founders. In: BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Conference: Sacred Texts, University of Oxford, 9-12 April 2003, Oxford, UK.

UNSPECIFIED 2003. Founders' tales: from hagiography to historiography in images of founders'. In: BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Conference, Sacred Texts, University of Oxford.

BARTON, H. and DELBRIDGE, R., 2003. Frustration's the name, HRM's my game: a perspective on the role of HR managers in contemporary manufacturing. In: 7th Conference on International Human Resource Management, 2003.

PEDRYCZ, W. and BARGIELA, A., 2003. Fuzzy fractal dimension and fuzzy modelling. In: 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology, Cary, NC, September 2003, Cary, NC.

BARGIELA, A., 2003. Fuzzy hyperbox classification. In: WISC'2003, Warsaw, Poland, November 2003, Warsaw, Poland.

PRATT, M., 2003. Félix and the lighthearted affirmative gay road movie: critics, families and fathers. In: Australian Society of French Studies Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 2003, Brisbane, Australia.

WOOD, R.T.A., GRIFFITHS, M.D., DAVIES, M.N.O. and CHAPPELL, D., 2003. Gambling without money: electronic gaming and intrinsic motivation. In: 12th International Conference on Gambling and Risk-Taking, Vancouver, Canada, May, 2003, Vancouver, Canada.

TANSLEY, C., SACKS, R. and NEWELL, S., 2003. Generative knowledge integration in e-learning staff development courses. In: Organizational Knowledge and Learning Conference, Lancaster, UK, June 2003, Lancaster, UK.

GREENWOOD, J.R., 2003. Geosynthetics: protecting the environment. In: Proceedings of the 1st IGS UK Chapter National Geosynthetics Symposium, Nottingham.

HINDLEY, D., 2003. Good governance: an ethical approach to sport? In: 31st Annual Meeting of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport. Centre for Ethics, Equity and Sport, University of Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire, September 2003.

BARGIELA, A., 2003. Granular computing: algorithms of information granulation. In: Invited lecture, University of Bari, Italy, July 2003, Bari, Italy.

BARGIELA, A., 2003. Granular computing: granular worlds and applications. In: Invited lecture, University of Bari, Italy, July 2003, Bari, Italy.

BARGIELA, A., 2003. Granular computing: methodology and mathematical framework. In: Invited lecture, University of Bari, Italy, July 2003, Bari, Italy.

FISHER, T. and RUST, C., 2003. Growing our own - recruiting high quality research students by stealth. In: Proceedings of 3rd Conference on Doctoral Education in Design, Tsukuba, Japan.

TANSLEY, C., 2003. HR managers' trust relations and the development of HR enterprise-wide information systems. In: IT related transformative change: the perspectives of knowledge and innovation, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, 17 December 2003, Nottingham, UK.

ILES, P., YOLLES, M. and WANG, C., 2003. HRD, knowledge migration and the transfer of HRM/D knowledge in Sino-Western joint ventures: a viable systems approach. In: Academy of HRD Asian Human Resource Development Conference, Bangkok, November 2003, Bangkok.

LOVE, K.J., 2003. Heidegger and knowledge. In: Theory, Culture and Society Seminar, Nottingham, 2003, Nottingham.

BYFORD, J.T., 2003. Historical revisionism, repression and the representations of Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovic in contemporary Serbian culture. In: Annual Conference of the British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies, Cambridge, March 2003, Cambridge.

FERRY, E., 2003. Home and away: domesticity and empire in the work of Lady Barker. In: Women's History Network Conference, Aberdeen University, September 2003, Aberdeen.

ANDRIOTIS, K., 2003. Host, guests and transformation of the coast: implications for sustainable tourism development in Crete. In: International Scientific Conference: Sustainable Tourism Development and the Environment, University of the Aegean, Chios Island, Greece, 2-5 October 2003.

BYRON, C., 2003. Houses of twig and bone: Chaucer's Hous of Fame re-visioned. In: Manchester Middle English Seminar, Manchester, UK.

WALLACE, S., 2003. How far can the application of national standards be expected to address student disengagement? In: The FE Sussex Conference on Leadership and Management and the impact on Learning and Teaching, Eastbourne, June 2003.

UNDERWOOD, J., DILLON, G. and OKUBAYASHI, T., 2003. How technology shapes orthography: are conventional spellings on the way out (again)? In: CAL2003, Queens University, Belfast, 8 April 2003.

LE, H. and ATAULLAH, A., 2003. Human capital and foreign investment in ASEAN countries. In: International Economics and Finance Society - UK Chapter Annual Conference, City University, London, November 2003, London.

WILLIAMS, A.A., RODRIGUES, A., SINGH, P., NESTMANN, F. and LAI, E., 2003. Hydraulic analysis of a pump as a turbine with CFD and experimental data. In: IMechE seminar, Computational Fluid Dynamics for Fluid Machinery, London, UK, 18 November, 2003, London.

EATOUGH, V. and SMITH, J.A., 2003. I was like a wild person: An interpretive phenomenological analysis of female anger and aggression. In: International Human Science Research Conference, Stockholm.

ROWBOTHAM, J., 2003. 'I was like that when a lad': masculinity and culpability in convictions and sentencing, c1850-1900. In: International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice Conference, Paris, France, June 2003, Paris.

JACKSON, C.M., COOL, H.E.M. and BAXTER, M.J., 2003. Identifying group and meaning: am investigation of Roman colourless glass. In: Proceedings of the AFAV Colloquium, Marseilles, France.

CHEONG, S.P.C., ANUMBA, C.J., HILL, R. and BOUCHLAGHEM, D., 2003. Improving client satisfaction through functional briefing, winds of change: integration and innovation in construction. In: Proceedings ASCE Construction Research Congress, Honolulu.

CHEONG, S.P.C., ANUMBA, C.J., HILL, R. and BOUCHLAGHEM, D., 2003. Improving client satisfaction through whole life performance. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Postgraduate Research Conference, Lisbon.

KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, M.P., 2003. Improvisation, knowledge and the challenge of appropriation. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, August, 2003, Seattle.

FISHER, T. and SHIPTON, J., 2003. In and out of the twilight zone: understanding packaging re-use. In: Product Life and The Throwaway Society Conference, Centre for Sustainable Consumption, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, May, 2003, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield.

GENTLE, C.R., CRISP, A.R. and LORD, J., 2003. Inclusive product design (ethics and sustainability): project teaching using a major study project as the vehicle (School of Engineering, Nottingham Trent University). In: Conference, organised by IED working group for Design Education Teaching, Bournemouth University, September 2003, Bournemouth.

ROOT, D.S., BLISMAS, N.G. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2003. Increasing questionnaire responses from industry: practices surrounding the use of postal questionnaires. In: 19th Annual ARCOM Conference, University of Brighton, September 2003, Brighton.

RAMALHOTO, M.F., GÖB, R., PEIVATOLO, A., EVANDT, O., STEWARDSON, D. and MCCOLLIN, C., 2003. Industry academia interaction - examples and ways of improvement. In: Joint ENBIS and ISI Conference, Barcelona, Spain, August 2003, Barcelona, Spain.

MCKNIGHT, L., VONGPIVAT, P., SELIAN, A. and ANIUS, D., 2003. Innovating nations and regions. In: 44th Annual ISA Convention: The Construction and Cumulation of Knowledge, Portland, Oregon, 25 February - 1 March 2003.

OVENS, P., 2003. Inquiry into learning - an innovative 'study skills' module in a new undergraduate course. In: Collaborative Action Research Network International Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, 2003, Manchester Metropolitan University.

NESHAMBA, F., 2003. Insights into the value and real benefits of business development programmes for SME's. In: 26th ISBA Conference, University of Surrey, November, 2003, University of Surrey.

BUNCE, G., 2003. Integrating textile patterns and garment shapes. In: Surface Design Conference, Aarhus Tekniske Skole, Aarhus, Denmark, 26 September 2003, Aarhus Tekniske Skole, Aarhus, Denmark.

HENHAM, R. and FINDLAY, M., 2003. Integrating theory and methodology in the comparative contextual analysis of trial process. In: Workshop on Socio-Legal Research Methods, International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain, April 2003, Onati, Spain.

CHOY, K.W., HOPGOOD, A.A., NOLLE, L. and O'NEILL, B.C., 2003. Inter-process communication for SARNet [presentation]. In: The Embedded Systems Show ESS, London, 14-16 May, 2003, London.

O'NEILL, B.C., MOORE, P.W. and CLARK, S., 2003. Inter-processor communications for a distributed processing system. In: Embedded Systems Show, London, UK, 14-15 May 2003, London, UK.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. International governance for the new Century; the lessons of European integration. In: Postgraduate Seminar on European Integration, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolya University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2003, Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolya University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

ADAIR, A., BERRY, J., MCGREAL, S., POON, J., HUTCHISON, N., WATKINS, C. and GIBB, K., 2003. Investment performance within urban regeneration locations. In: 10th Conference of the European Real Estate Society, Helsinki, Finland, 10-13 June 2003, Helsinki.

ADAIR, A., BERRY, J., MCGREAL, S., POON, J., HUTCHISON, N., WATKINS, C. and GIBB, K., 2003. Investment performance within urban regeneration locations. In: UK Regional Property Investment Conference, London, July, 2003, London.

DINGWALL, R., 2003. [Invited speaker]. In: 6th Scandinavian Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Congress, Stavanger, Norway, 4-6 September 2003, Stavanger, Norway.

LARKIN, R.F. and SNOWLING, M.J., 2003. Is SLI a more severe form of dyslexia? A focus on children's spelling. In: The Summer Workshop, The University of York (2003).

LARKIN, R.F. and SNOWLING, M.J., 2003. Is SLI a severe form of dyslexia? A focus on children's spelling [Poster presentation]. In: British Psychological Society Developmental Conference, Coventry (2003).

TAN, Y.K., SHERKAT, N. and ALLEN, T., 2003. Is speech enough? We can use eye too! In: Proceedings of the Applied Voice Input/Output Society (AVIOS 2003), San Jose, California, USA.

HARDILL, I., SPRADBERY, J., ARNOLD-BOAKES, J. and MARRUGAT, M.L., 2003. Issues facing English speaking migrants who retire to Spain. In: Gerontology Conference, July 2003.

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. It's only on the Internet, no harm in having fun: representations of unfaithful Internet relationships. In: 8th European Congress of Psychology, Vienna, Austria, 6-11 July, 2003, Vienna, Austria.

BENNETT, M., 2003. James VI and I and the fringes of the enlarged kingdom. In: 1603: the Historical and Cultural Consequences of the Accession of James I, Centre for Renaissance Studies, Hull University, Hull, June 2003.

BENNETT, M., 2003. James VI and Patrick Stewart: demonization of the individual and government. In: Seventeenth Century Centre Conference, July 2003.

BENNETT, M., 2003. James VI and the fringes of the kingdom. In: James VI and I - Quartercentenary Perspectives, University of Reading, Reading, July 2003.

DIAS, T., WIJESIRIWARDANA, R. and MUKHOPADHYAY, S., 2003. Knitted strain gauges. In: SPIE's International Symposium on Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2003, May 2003.

KHALFAN, M., BOUCHLAGHEM, D., ANUMBA, C. and CARRILLO, P., 2003. Knowledge management for sustainable construction: the C-SanD project, winds of change: integration and innovation in construction. In: Proceedings ASCE Construction Research Congress, Honolulu.

KAMOCHE, K., 2003. Knowledge, improvisation and appropriation. In: XIth European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2003, Lisbon.

LEAHY, C., 2003. L2 output in the computer room. In: EUROCALL Conference, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, September, 2003, Limerick.

SOUTO, A., 2003. La búsqueda de una identidad nacional. Arquitectura en Mexico, 1920-1950. In: Congreso de Investigación y Extensión del Sistema Tecnológico de Monterrey, Dirección de Investigación y Extensión, Campus Monterrey, Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2003.

LI, X.M., 2003. Large time asymptotics of barycentres of Brownian motions on hyperbolic spaces. In: Proceedings of Analyse Stochastique et Theorie du Potential.

UNSPECIFIED 2003. Le manque de demarcation entre le travail et la maison: la dynamique familiale et les trajectoires chez des couples a double carriere. In: Habitat et vie urbaine, PUCA, Paris.

WRIGHT, P., 2003. Lecture at: 'The View from Imber' conference. In: The View from Imber Conference, held in the church at Imber on the army ranges at Salisbury Plain, and organised by Artangel in collaboration with the Ministry of Defence, 30 August, 2003, Salisbury Plain.

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Lesbian and gay Christians and relationship values. In: Leeds University Chaplaincy and Christian Focus Group & the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement Yorkshire and Cleveland Group Meeting, Leeds, UK, Leeds.

SMITH, G., 2003. Liability matters: Equality before the law and public accountability in the human rights era, policing the police: the challenges. In: Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland Conference, Belfast.

GORFIN, L. and MCGLAUGHLIN, A., 2003. Listening to the disempowered groups: a case study examining the expressed needs of adults with a learning disability. In: Proceedings of the British Psychological Society.

GORFIN, L. and MCGLAUGHLIN, A., 2003. Listening to the oppressed groups. In: Centre for Social Justice Annual Conference: Engaging with Local Communities, April 2003.

LIDDLE, J., 2003. Local strategic partnerships as experimental forms of governance: key emerging issues. In: University of Staffordshire Economics Research Seminar, University of Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent, 20 February 2003, Stoke-on-Trent.

WHITTY, M.T., 2003. Logging onto love: an examination of men and women's flirting behaviour both offline and on the Internet. In: SASP, Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia, 24-27 April, 2003, Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia.

GILL-BROWN, V., 2003. Looking cool - sunglasses and modern leisure. In: Conference of the Leisure Studies Association: 'Leisure and Visual Culture', Roehampton University of Surrey, July 2003, Surrey.

WOODWARD, S., 2003. Looking good: feeling right - aesthetics of the self. In: American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, November, 2003, Chicago, 2003.

COY, J., AL-HABAIBEH, A., PARKIN, R.M., JACKSON, M.R., WHITBY, D.R. and SENIOR, M., 2003. Low cost thermal imaging system for condition-based maintenance of mail sorting machines. In: Proceedings of the 15th international conference on postal automation, Windsor, UK.

BAIRD, J., 2003. Magic! Writing and transformation in photography. In: Image and Critique, Image-Thought-Text, Lakeside Arts Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 2003, Nottingham.

GOODRUM, A., 2003. Making it: inventing biography, globalising industry in New Zealand designer fashion. In: Geographies of Fashion Session, New Zealand Geographical Society Conference, University of Auckland, July 2003.

GOODRUM, A., 2003. Making it: inventing biography, globalising industry in New Zealand designer fashion. In: Australian Women's Studies Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, July 2003.

GOODRUM, A., 2003. Making it: inventing biography, individualising creativity and going global in the New Zealand designer fashion industry. In: Making an Appearance: Fashion, Dress and Consumption Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, July 2003.

SU, D., HULL, J.B. and HOU, J., 2003. Management of networked organizations using a Web-enabled collaborative environment. In: Proceedings of the 10th ISP International Conference on Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, Madeira, Portugal.

HAY, A., 2003. Manager learning and the MBA. In: Nottingham Business School Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham, UK, 26th June 2003, Nottingham.

DELBRIDGE, R. and BARTON, H., 2003. Managing Kaizen: the role of specialists in continuous improvement. In: 18th Annual Employment Research Unit Conference at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff, 2003, Cardiff.

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Managing dissident sexual identities: narratives of British non-heterosexual Muslims. In: The 6th Conference of the European Sociological Association, University of Murcia, Spain, 23 September, 2003, University of Murcia.

FOSTER, C. and HARRIS, L., 2003. Managing diversity and HR practice: challenges and constraints for the operational manager. In: Innovating HRM?, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.

FOSTER, C. and HARRIS, L., 2003. Managing diversity in organisations: easy to talk about but difficult to do. In: 11th IERA (International Employment Relations Association) Annual Conference, University of Greenwich, London, July, 2003, University of Greenwich.

FOSTER, C., 2003. Managing diversity in retailing: a layering approach to recognising individual differences. In: 7th Triennal AMS/ACRA Retailing Conference, Columbus, Ohio, USA, November, 2003, Columbus, Ohio.

SOOD, K., 2003. Marketing and initial teacher training in higher education: bridging the gap. In: Education Management Association of South Africa Annual Conference, Nelspruit, 12-14 March 2003, Nelspruit, South Africa.

BYFORD, J.T., 2003. Martyrdom as a 'replacement myth': evidence of repression in the social remembering of Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovic. In: International Conference on Nationalist Myths and Modern Media, London, UK, 2003, London.

TIVERS, J., 2003. Mass-participation running: sport as contemporary urban spectacle? In: LSA Annual Conference, London, 2003.

CORDEN, R. and OGDEN, A., 2003. Metacognition in young writers. In: UKLA Annual International Conference, Cambridge, 2003, Cambridge.

ARNOLD, J. and MILLER, H., 2003. Methods for a critical cyberpsychology: investigating the real world of the web. In: Virtual Methods Symposium, Guilford, UK, September 2003, Guilford.

BEARDAH, C.C., BAXTER, M.J., PAPAGEORGIOU, I. and CAU, M.A., 2003. 'Mixed-mode' approaches to the grouping of ceramic artefacts using S-Plus. In: The Digital Heritage of Archaeology: CAA2002, Hellenic Ministry of Culture.

HARDILL, I. and CRAMPTON, A., 2003. Moving experiences: representing urban living in a post industrial city. In: AAG Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA, March 2003, New Orleans.

KHALFAN, M., BOUCHLAGHEM, D., ANUMBA, C. and CARRILLO, P., 2003. Moving towards more sustainable construction. In: 3rd International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, 3-4 April 2003.

ZAINUL-ABIDIN, N., KHALFAN, M. and KASHYAP, M., 2003. Moving towards more sustainable construction. In: Proceedings of COBRA 2003 Conference, Wolverhampton.

ZAINUL-ABIDIN, N. and PASQUIRE, C.L., 2003. Moving towards sustainability through value management. In: CIB Joint International Symposium, Singapore, October 2003, Singapore.

MUN, W.Y., LAM, E.B. and GERMON, R., 2003. Multimedia wireless system for broadband access. In: SET for Britain, London, UK, November 2003, London, UK.

HUDSON, R.L., 2003. Multiplicative properties of double stochastic product integrals. In: Proceedings of Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis.

RIZZUTO, J.P. and CHILTON, J.C., 2003. Mutually supported cylindrical elements [printed refereed extended abstract; conference paper on CD-ROM]. In: Proceedings of IASS Symposium, Taipei, 2003, Taipei.

HAWTHORN, M., 2003. Narrative mapping. In: Consultancy with Suppose and Nottinghamshire County Council : Young People Produced Map, June 2003.

WILLIAMS, G. and ALBERY, I.P., 2003. Neuroticism biases work stressor-strain links and should be statistically controlled [poster presentation]. In: 5th Annual Conference of European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Berlin, 20-21 November 2003, Berlin.

MILLER, H., 2003. Objects and identity. In: British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section Conference, London, September 2003, London.

LEAHY, C., 2003. Observations in the computer-room: L2 output and learner behaviour. In: [Invited paper given at] UMIST, Manchester, November, 2003, Manchester.

DWYER, P., 2003. Older international migrants and social security in the European Union. In: European Science Foundation Scientific Network on Older Migrants in Europe, York, UK, 23-26 October 2003, York.

DWYER, P., 2003. Older migrants, the European Union and social policy. In: European Science Foundation Scientific Network on Older Migrants in Europe, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 15-18 May 2003, Dubrovnik.

SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. Olfaction and male sexual orientation. In: The Psychobiology Section of the British Psychological Society, Old Dungeon Ghyll, The Lake District, UK, 12 September 2003, Old Dungeon Ghyll, The Lake District.

NOLLE, L., 2003. On a new stepwidth adaptation scheme for simulated annealing and its practical application. In: Proceedings of AI-2003, 23rd SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK.

BRADSHAW, P. and POWELL, S., 2003. Online communities for school leaders. In: Virtual Communities Conference, July 2003.

TESFAGABER, G., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., ANUMBA, C.J., BALDWIN, A.N. and CUTTING-DECELLE, A.F., 2003. Ontology modelling of IDEF 3 process description for AEC applications interoperability. In: ASCE Construction Research Conference, Hawaii, 19-21 March 2003, Hawaii.

BLAND, J.A., 2003. Optimal layout using ant colony optimisation. In: OR Society Conference on Local Search, London, UK, 1-3 June 2003, London, UK.

BRUNSDEN, V., WOODWARD, L. and REGEL, S., 2003. Organisational stress in Fire Brigade's Union officials. In: Fire Service College Research Event, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, November 2003, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.

KAMOCHE, K., 2003. Organizational spirituality: toward a critical analysis. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, August, 2003, Seattle.

BROCKLEHURST, D., BOUCHLAGHEM, D., PITFIELD, D.E. and PALMER, G., 2003. Overview of design issues relating to racecourse circulation. In: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics Conference, University of Greenwich, 2003.

BOWPITT, G., HIGHAM, P. and PUNTHA, H., 2003. Parental involvement and the politics of Sure Start evaluation. In: [Conference], Coventry University Centre for Social Justice, 2003.

GILBERTSON, D.D., BIRD, M., HUNT, C., MCLAREN, S., STEPHENS, M., ROSE, J. and PYATT, F.B., 2003. Past human activity and geomorphological change in a guano-rich tropical cave: the late quaternary succession in the guano cave of Niah, Sarawak. In: [conference] University of Tapei, Taiwan, 2003, Taiwan.

DALETSKII, A. and KALYUZHNYJ, A., 2003. Permutations in tensor products of factors and L2 Betti numbers of configuration spaces. In: Proceedings of V International Conference 'Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Kiev, Ukraine.

WRIGHT, P., 2003. Plenary speaker at: 'Smart Bombs/Dumb Wars' conference. In: Smart Bombs/Dumb Wars Conference, organised jointly by University of East London and the Institute of Education, 08 November, 2003, London.

SMITH, G., 2003. Police crimes: offences committed by the police officers when falsely purporting to be in the execution of their duty. In: International Hate Crimes Conference, Nottingham.

BARTON, H., 2003. Policing at the crossroads. In: British Academy of Management, 2003.

WEINSTEIN, M., 2003. Political activity and youth in Britain. In: European Consortium for Political Research, Joint Sessions, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, April 2003, University of Edinburgh.

JAYNE, M. and SYMS, P., 2003. Potential environmental liabilities with industrial properties in the United Kingdom [prize winning paper]. In: American Real Estate Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, 2003, Monterey.

DISNEY, J., 2003. Practical implementation of a university inter-site bus service in the deregulated environment. In: Travel Plan Co-ordination Conference, University of Aston, Birmingham, UK, December 2003, University of Aston.

GARWOOD-GOWERS, A., 2003. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. In: Genomics Conference, Nottingham University, Nottingham, 2 September 2003, Nottingham University.

LIM, K.K., IANAKIEV, A. and HULL, J.B., 2003. Predictions of heating cycle for rotational moulding with non-isothermal heating. In: LUXFEM Conference (1st International Conference on Finite Element Application), Luxemburg, 2003, Luxemburg.

BENCSIK, M., BOWTELL, R. and BOWLEY, R., 2003. Problems with equating E with -dA/dt in assessing peripheral nerve stimulation due to switched magnetic field gradients. In: Workshop on Current Issues in MR Safety of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Münich, Germany, 2003.

BENCSIK, M., BOWTELL, R. and BOWLEY, R., 2003. Problems with equating E with -dA/dt in assessing peripheral nerve stimulation due to switched magnetic field gradients. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2003.

POON, J., 2003. Professional ethics for surveyors and construction project performance: what we need to know. In: Proceedings of the Construction and Building Research (COBRA) Conference, Wolverhampton.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Prospects for EU citizenship. In: Conference Proceedings of the 2nd European Cultural and Educational Forum, 18-21 December 2003, Bruges, Bruges.

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Queering religious texts: an exploration of non-heterosexual Christians' and Muslims' strategies in constructing sexuality-affirming hermeneutics. In: Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Study Group, Plater College, Oxford, UK, 09 April, 2003, Plater College, Oxford.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Reconciliation and peaceful co-existence seen through the lens of European integration studies: comparing the Western and Eastern European experiences [keynote paper]. In: Conference at the official launch of the Centre for Advanced European Studies and Research (CAESAR), November 2003.

QUATTRONE, G., 2003. Recupero e riuso di manufatti, componenti e materiali per il progetto tecnologico di insediamenti ambientalmente e socialmente efficienti - insediamenti rurali urbani. In: Verso un nuovo urbanesimo - Ecologia degli insediamenti, Verso un nuovo urbanesimo - Ecologia degli insediamenti, XIII Seminario di Architettura e Cultura Urbana, Camerino, Italy, 27-31 July 2003, Camerino.

PAOLELLA, A., NAVA, C. and QUATTRONE, G., 2003. Recupero e riuso di materiali, manufatti e componenti in sistemi tecnologici a basso impatto ambientale. Caso-studio: applicazione ad un insediamento rurale urbano in località S. Sperato a Reggio Calabria. In: La ricerca applicata nel campo del riciclo e gestione dei rifiuti, tecnologie e controllo ambientale. Seminario Ecomondo, Rimini, Italy, 22-25 October 2003, Rimini.

BOWTELL, R., BENCSIK, M. and BOWLEY, R., 2003. Reducing peripheral nerve stimulation due to switched transverse field gradients using an additional concomitant field coil. In: Workshop on Current Issues in MR Safety of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Münich, Germany, 2003.

BOWTELL, R., BENCSIK, M. and BOWLEY, R., 2003. Reducing peripheral nerve stimulation due to switched transverse field gradients using an additional concomitant field coil. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2003.

LIDDLE, J., 2003. Regional governance and eGovernment in the North East. In: Manchester Centre for eGovernment Seminar Series, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, Manchester, 8 May 2003, Manchester.

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. Researching non-heterosexual Muslims in Britain: methodological considerations and empirical themes. In: International Society for the Sociology of Religion Conference, University of Turin, Italy, 21 July, 2003, University of Turin.

DIAS, T., WIJESIRIWARDANA, R. and MUKHOPADHYAY, S., 2003. Resistive fibre-mesh transducers. In: 7th IEEE Conference of Wearable Computers, October 2003.

WELLING, C., 2003. Responding to change. In: APHE Conference, The Arts Institute at Bournemouth, Bournemouth, UK, May 2003, The Arts Institute at Bournemouth.

DOAK, J., 2003. Restorative cautioning: the experience of police-led pilots in Northern Ireland. In: Criminal Justice Reform: Looking to the Future, Queen's University, Belfast, 16-17 May 2002.

MCKNIGHT, S. and LIVINGSTON, H., 2003. Reuse of learning objects? Why, how and when. In: EDUCAUSE in Australasia 03: Expanding the Learning Community, Meeting the Challenges, Adelaide, Australia.

FULFORD, T., 2003. Romantic Biography Symposium. In: Romantic Biography Symposium, Paul Mellon Centre for British Art, Yale, 2003, Paul Mellon Centre for British Art, Yale.

NORRIS, J.E. and GREENWOOD, J.R., 2003. Root reinforcement on unstable slopes in Northern Greece and Central Italy. In: International Conference on Problematic Soils, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, July 2003, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK.

MCKAY, J., 2003. Round table: the state of the parties: the PDS. In: Association for the Study of German Politics Annual Conference, University of Strathclyde, April 2003, University of Strathclyde.

BARRETT, D.J.K. and ROSE, D., 2003. Scene-based and object-centered facilitation: evidence for attention at multiple levels of spatial description. In: 26th European Conference of Visual Perception, Paris, France, September, 2003, Paris, France.

ROBINSON, J. and WAKEMAN, I., 2003. The Scooby event-based pervasive computing infrastructure. In: 1st UK-UbiNet Workshop, Imperial College London, London, 25-26 September 2003.

ROBINSON, J. and WAKEMAN, I., 2003. The Scooby event-based pervasive computing infrastructure. In: 4th Annual Postgraduate Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting, John Moores University, Liverpool, 16-17 June 2003.

MOSS, K., 2003. Selling PDP to staff and students [presentation]. In: LTSN Physical Sciences Centre Workshop, Glasgow University, January 2003, Glasgow.

KEENAN, W.J.F., 2003. 'Shock and awe': mediations and mutations in 'The Arts' (sacred and profane). In: BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group. Sacred Texts, University of Oxford, 9-12 April 2003, Oxford, UK.

KEENAN, W.J.F., 2003. 'Shock and awe': mediations, meditations and mutations in 'the arts' (sacred and profane). In: BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Conference: Sacred Texts, Plater College, Oxford, 9-12 April 2003, Oxford.

MCKNIGHT, S. and LIVINGSTON, H., 2003. So what do customer value propositions and strategic planning have to do with teaching and learning. In: EDUCAUSE in Australasia 03: Expanding the Learning Community, Meeting the Challenges, Adelaide, Australia.

ALLISON, I. and MERALI, Y., 2003. Software process improvement: towards an emergent perspective. In: Proceedings of 8th Conference of the UK Academy of Information Systems, University of Warwick.

CHILTON, J.C. and DEVULDER, T., 2003. Some environmental aspects of tensile membrane enclosures. In: Textile Roofs 2003, Berlin, June, 2003 [conference proceedings].

NEALE, R.H., DAINTY, A.R.J., BAGILHOLE, B., DUNCAN, R. and RAIDÉN, A.B., 2003. Speaking the unspoken: tacit knowledge and the management of human resources. In: Joint International Symposium of CIB W55, W65 and W107 Working Commissions on Knowledge Construction, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 22-24 October 2003, Singapore.

NEWELL, S., HUANG, J. and TANSLEY, C., 2003. Stages of learning in Enterprise Resource Planning contexts. In: Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, USA, August 2003, Seattle, Washington, USA.

WHITE-SANSOM, L., 2003. Stalking and domestic violence: a matter of hate? In: International Hate Crimes Conference, Nottingham, UK, February 2003, Nottingham.

WALLACE, S., 2003. Standards for teaching and supporting learning in FE: the key to professionalism or a magic bullet? In: National Conference on Lifelong Learning: the UK post-16 challenge, London, February 2003.

WRIGHT, P., 2003. Stanley Spencer in China [lecture series]. In: English Department Lecture series, University of Newcastle, 12 February, 2003, Newcastle.

JENNINGS, D. and CHANG, J., 2003. Strategic management: an evaluation of the use of three learning methods in Hong Kong. In: Association for Business Simulation and Experiental Learning, Baltimore, USA, 2003, Baltimore.

ARISTODEMOU, E., PAIN, C., DE, O., GODDARD, A. and HARRIS, C., 2003. Subsurface properties determination from nuclear well-logging data using neural networks. In: Proceedings of the 44th Annual Symposium of the Society of Professional Well-Log Analysts, Galveston, Texas.

HUGHES, T., HARDY, M., HUGHES, A., MULTESCU, A. and PAUL, M., 2003. Sustainable development masterplan, Laslea, Romania. In: Transylvanian Village Development Workshop, Laslea, Romania.

GRIFFITHS, J.P., BROWN, R.J., ARNAL, A.A., APPLEBY, G. and WALLIS, J.D., 2003. Synthesis of substituted BEDT-TTF derivatives for the preparation of bifunctional materials. In: 5th International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Ferromagnets (ISCOM2003), Port Bourgenay, France, 21-26 September 2003, Port Bourgenay, France.

RUMNEY, P., 2003. Teaching and creativity. In: ACE Artsmark Awards, Northampton Theatre Royal, Northampton, 2003, Northampton.

WILLIAMS, G. and ALBERY, I.P., 2003. Testing the mediating/moderating role of neuroticism in stress-strain relationships among health care workers. In: Stress & Anxiety Research (STAR) Society 24th International Conference [on] Stress and Anxiety, Lisbon, Portugal, 10-12 July 2003, Lisbon.

RUMNEY, P., 2003. Theatre for Young People [keynote speaker]. In: Spark Festival, Leicester, 2003, Leicester.

DARKWA, K., 2003. Thermal assessment of integrated phase change drywall systems. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Portsmouth, USA.

ELNOKALY, A., CHILTON, J.C. and WILSON, R., 2003. Thermal performance of spaces enclosed by fabric membrane structures. In: Structural Membranes 2003, Barcelona, May, 2003 [conference proceeding], Barcelona.

REDGATE, S.E., WARAN, N.K., DAVIDSON, H.P.B. and MORGAN, C., 2003. Too close for comfort? Social facilitation and diet selection in the horse. In: International Society for Applied Ethology Regional Conference, York, 24-26 March 2003.

O'NEILL, M., 2003. Towards a meaningful European citizenship? Developments since the Treaty of Maastricht and into the far blue yonder! In: Bi-annual EU Policy Simulation Conference, Buffalo University, New York, USA, April 2003, Buffalo University, New York.

ANUMBA, C.J., RUIKAR, D., AZIZ, Z., CARRILLO, P. and BOUCHLAGHEM, D., 2003. Towards a web of construction knowledge and services. In: Proceedings 4th Joint International ASCE Workshop on IT in Civil Engineering, Nashville.

BARNES, P., 2003. Towards an economic theory of management fraud and corporate failure. In: Conference on Frauds, Fakes and Deceptions, Nottingham, UK, September 2003, Nottingham, UK.

HUGHES, T. and HUGHES, A., 2003. Transylvanian Village Development Workshop. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MCELWEE, G., 2003. Trends and emergent patterns in entrepreneurship and innovation. In: 26th ISBA National Small Firms Conference: SMES in the Knowledge Economy, University of Surrey, 12-14 November 2003, Surrey.

HOPEGOOD, L., ABRAHAM, D. and SHERVEY, C., 2003. Tubule density at different sample sites around the stratum medium of horse hoof horn. In: BSAS Conference, 15-16 September, 2003.

MCKNIGHT, S., 2003. Turning a good idea into reality: the Alfred Deakin Prime Ministerial Library. In: Someone Special: Issues in the Development of Person Specific Libraries, Archives and Collections.

HARRIS, L., 2003. UK public sector reform and gaining commitment to the 'performance agenda' - HRM challenges and dilemmas. In: Annual Conference of the European Group of Public Administration, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-6 September 2003, Lisbon, Portugal.

BURTON, G., MANN, G. and CLARKE, E., 2003. Use of colostrum as an ergogenic aid by elite athletes. In: Proceedings of the International Science and Medicine Pre-Olympic Congress, Athens, Greece, 2003, Athens.

ELNOKALY, A., CHILTON, J.C. and WILSON, R., 2003. Use of fabric membrane topology as an intermediate environment modifier. In: Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA), Santiago, Chile, November, 2003 [conference proceedings], Santiago, Chile.

MILLER, H. and KALVIAINEN, M., 2003. User information for designers: a visual research package. In: International Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, June 2003, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.

RAIDÉN, A.B., DAINTY, A.R.J. and NEALE, R.H., 2003. Using NVivo in applied research: a case study in human resource management. In: 4th International QSR and Institute of Education Conference on Strategies in Qualitative Research, University of London Institute of Education, 8-9 May 2003, London.

GARWOOD-GOWERS, A., 2003. Using incompetent minors for the benefit of others. In: Healthcare Law and Our Children Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 10 May 2001, Nottingham Trent University.

WEINSTEIN, M. and HENN, M., 2003. Virgin voters - research into first time voters in Great Britain [online]. In: Virgin voters - research into first time voters in Great Britain, 2003.

EVANS, S. and COOPER, T., 2003. Waste not, want not? An exploration of the effect of consumer behaviour on the service life of three categories of household product. In: Chartered Institution of Wastes Management Annual Conference, Paignton, June 2003, Paignton.

MILES, J.C., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., ANUMBA, C.J., CEN, M., TAYLOR, M. and SHANG, H., 2003. Web-based concurrent conceptual design. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference on AI in Civil & Structural Engineering.

SHANG, H., ANUMBA, C.J., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., MILES, J.C., CEN, M. and TAYLOR, M., 2003. Web-based risk assessment system for construction. In: Proceedings 9th Conference of the Chinese Automation & Computing Society, Luton.

DWYER, P., 2003. Welfare rights and responsibilities under New Labour. In: Annual Interdisciplinary Day Conference for Postgraduate Students in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, UK, 10 June 2003, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield.

CLUGHEN, L. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2003. What students need...: analysis of student needs in the Faculty of Humanities. In: The Nottingham Trent University 5th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, Nottingham, 8 April 2003, Nottingham.

GARWOOD-GOWERS, A., 2003. Why active euthanasia is intrinsically wrong. In: Symposium on Decision Making at the End of Life: Legal and Ethical Issues, Middlesex University, Middlesex, UK, 4 December 2003, Middlesex University.

ARNOLD, J., 2003. Women on the Web: towards a cyberpsychology of gender, identity and space in the academic workplace - a feminist critical review. In: BPS section, Women and Psychology Conference, Northampton, UK, July 2003, Northampton.

ARNOLD, J. and LARKIN, J., 2003. Women on the Web: towards a cyberpsychology of gender, identity and space in the academic workplace- a feminist review. In: Visions of Humanity in Cyberculture, Cyberspace and Science Fiction Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2003, Prague, Czech Republic.

TALBOT, M., 2003. 'Women rule as a natter of fact': reproducing and challenging gender stereotypes. In: Further and Higher Education Partnership Cultural Studies Conference, University of Sheffield, 14 March, 2003, Sheffield.

MCKAY, J., 2003. Women's quotas in Germany: part of the problem or part of the solution? In: ECPR general conference, Marburg, Germany, September 2003, Marburg, Germany.

TALBOT, M., 2003. Working-class masculinity in Northeast England: articulations of community and resistance. In: Words, Worlds and Material Girls: Workshop on Language, Gender and Political Economy. University of Toronto, 15-19 October, 2003, Toronto.

RUMNEY, P., 2003. Young people and reading. In: ACA Conference, Worcester College Oxford, Oxford, 2003, Worcester College Oxford.

SARGENT, P.T.H., 2003. An alternative view of the FD Prospectus model. In: QAA Higher Education Further Conference, Nottingham, UK, 22 November 2003, Nottingham.

NEEDHAM, D. and FLINT, K., 2003. An attempt to uncover the limitations behind cognitive apprenticeship: using a reflective methodology that engages teachers of post-16 education in discussing their role in the 'master-apprentice' relationship. In: International Learning and Literacy Conference in Education, Institute of Education, London, July, 2003., London.

BARNES, P., 2003. The auditor's going concern decision and Types I and II errors: The Coase Theorem, transaction costs, bargaining power and attempts to mislead. In: AAA Southeast Region Conference, 2003.

FLETCHER, D. and TANSLEY, C., 2003. A biographical account of 'Entrepreneurial responsiveness', theatre management and performance. In: European Academy of Management, Milan, April 2003, Milan, Italy.

BARRETT, D.J.K., MENNEER, T., PHILLIPS, L., CAVE, K.R. and DONNELLY, N., 2003. The breakdown of efficient search for multiple, same dimension targets. In: Experimental Psychology Society, Exeter meeting, Exeter, April, 2003, Exeter.

BARTON, H. and DELBRIDGE, R., 2003. The changing role of managers in US and UK automotive manufacturing. In: 3rd Conference on 'Innovation within HRM', Dutch HRM Network, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, November, 2003, Enschede, The Netherlands.

MORLEDGE, R., 2003. The characteristics of current procurement systems [keynote]. In: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Conference, Stirling, 2003, Stirling.

MCKAY, J., 2003. A close shave: the German federal election 2002. In: German Federal Election 2002, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, January 2003, Nottingham Trent University.

PROCTOR, G., 2003. The corset in history [guest speaker]. In: The Spirella Alumni and Multiple Sclerosis Society Trust in conjunction with BBC2, 2003.

RUMNEY, P., 2003. The designer as writer. In: '2D>3D' SBTD Education Conference, Sheffield Crucible, Sheffield, 2003, Sheffield.

STANDEN, P.J., BROWN, D.J., ANDERTON, N. and BATTERSBY, S., 2003. The development of control devices for virtual environments for use by people with intellectual disabilities. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction 4.

PRATT, M., 2003. The diary of Neaud's body: approaching the subject of heteronormativity. In: Biannual Bande Dessinée Conference, Leicester University, April, 2003, Leicester.

CORK, C.R. and FOSTER, P.W., 2003. The distribution of twist in a fluid-jet false-twist system. In: Fiber Society Symposium: Advanced Flexible Materials and Structures: Engineering with Fibers, Loughborough University, Loughborough, 30 June - 2 July 2003, Loughborough.

NEWLING, J., 2003. The dynamics of art and new urbanism. In: Paper given at the Stepchange seminar, 2003, Worcester, UK.

VISSER, C.K., ELLIS, A.D., SCHILDER, M.B.H. and VAN, R., 2003. The effect of different housing conditions on the welfare of two-year old horses. In: 37th International Congress of the International Society of Animal Ethology, Abano Terme, Italy, 2003, Abano Terme, Italy.

VISSER, C.K., ELLIS, A.D., MERKENS, H.W. and SCHILDER, M.B.H., 2003. The effect of pair housing versus single housing on the welfare of two-year olds. In: Proceedings of the International Veterinary Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

HALL, C.A., CASSADAY, H.J. and DERRINGTON, A.M., 2003. The effect of stimulus height on visual discrimination in horses. In: Poster presented at the Associative Learning Conference 2003, Gregynog, Wales.

HOXLEY, M. and ROWSELL, R., 2003. The effective use of video in construction technology education. In: Proceedings of the CIB W89 International Conference on Building Education and Research (BEAR 2003).

HODGKINSON, M., 2003. The effectiveness of peer observation of teaching intitiatives in UK business schools: an interim view. In: BEST Conference, Brighton, UK, 9-11 April 2003, Brighton.

LE, H., 2003. The effects of inward foreign direct investment of growth of developing economies: a Keynesian-Kaleckian approach. In: Association of Heterodox Economists Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, July 2003, Nottingham.

LARKIN, R.F. and SNOWLING, M.J., 2003. The effects of wider language skills on spelling: a focus on morphology [Poster presentation]. In: Medical Research Council Conference, York..

LARKIN, R.F. and SNOWLING, M.J., 2003. The effects of wider language skills on spelling: a focus on morphology [Poster presentation]. In: The Child Language Seminar, Newcastle-upon Tyne [2003].

REDGATE, S.E., WARAN, N.K., DAVIDSON, H.P.B. and MORGAN, C., 2003. The effects on behaviour of the presence or absence of a familiar horse during feeding. In: 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Rome, Italy, 31 August - 3 September 2003.

KAMOCHE, K. and CUNHA, M.P., 2003. The emergence and appropriation of improvisational knowledge. In: 19th EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, July, 2003, Copenhagen.

BYROM, T., 2003. The emotional costs of education. In: Conference, The University of Nottingham, June 2003, Nottingham.

ODEYINKA, H.A., KAKA, A. and MORLEDGE, R., 2003. An evaluation of construction cash flow management approaches in contracting organizations. In: Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACROM Conference, Brighton.

CHENG, R., 2003. An evaluation of the branding strategies between Hong Kong (HK) and United Kingdom (UK) fashion clothing retailers. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Harrogate, September, 2003, Harrogate.

SERGEANT, M.J.T., 2003. The evolution of sexual orientation. In: Cafe Scientifique, Wax Cafe, Nottingham, UK, 24 March 2003, Wax Cafe, Nottingham, United Kingdom.

BERRY, E., 2003. The forthcoming Partnership Bill: what can we expect? [public lecture]. In: IALS, 2003.

KANJO, E., ASTHEIMER, P. and MARSHAL, I., 2003. A general framework for vision-based interactive board games. In: Games-On, London, 2003, London.

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WILLIAMS, D. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2003. The impact of the Omagh bombing on victim support volunteers. In: VIII European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Berlin, 22-25 May 2003, Berlin.

BELL-BOULE, A., HUNT, N. and FRANIC, A., 2003. The impact of wars on mental health professionals in Serbia. In: Congress of Primary Health Care in Serbia and Montenegro, 2003.

LE, H., ATAULLAH, A. and COCKERILL, T., 2003. The impacts of inward foreign direct investment on economic growth of developing countries: how much do we know? In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference Academy of International Business; UK Chapter, 2003, Leicester.

BINNER, J.M., CHEN, S., ELGAR, T., NILSSON, B. and TEPPER, J.A., 2003. An inflation forecasting experiment using non-linear dynamic models. In: Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Applications of AI in Finance and Economics, Las Vegas, USA.

AIREY, G.D., RAHMAN, M.M. and COLLOP, A.C., 2003. The influence of crude source and penetration grade on the interaction of crumb rubber and bitumen. Asphalt Rubber. In: Asphalt Rubber 2003 Conference, Brasilia, Brazil, Brasilia.

DISNEY, J. and ROY, C., 2003. The innovative use of multi-application smartcards to manage commuter parking. In: International Conference of the Intelligent Transport Society, Birmingham, UK, April 2003, Birmingham, UK.

SHANG, H., ANUMBA, C.J., BOUCHLAGHEM, N.M., MILES, J., CEN, M. and TAYLOR, M., 2003. An integrated architecture for concurrent conceptual design. In: 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC), Loughborough University, Loughborough, 25-27 June 2003, Loughborough.

JAYNE, M. and SYMS, P., 2003. The leasing and management of industrial buildings: potential environmental liabilities for landlords and tenants. In: 10th European Real Estate Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2003, Helsinki.

JAYNE, M., 2003. The leasing and management of industrial buildings: potential environmental liabilities. In: European Real Estate Society Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2003, Helsinki.

HORNER, N., 2003. The links between student experiences of placements and future employment choices. In: Practice Learning Conference, Imperial College, London, UK, April 2003, Imperial College, London.

CHAPPLE, W., MORRISON-PAUL, C. and HARRIS, R., 2003. The measurement of environmental productivity. In: Economics of CSR Conference, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, United States, 24-26 October 2003.

TAYLOR, M., MILES, J., CEN, M., BOUCHLAGHEM, D., ANUMBA, C.J. and SHANG, H., 2003. A metaphor based 3D interface for a concurrent engineering system. In: Proceedings 4th Joint International ASCE Workshop on IT in Civil Engineering, Nashville.

AGAFONOV, E. and BARGIELA, A., 2003. A methodology for accurate link travel time estimation. In: Proceedings of the 17th European Simulation Multiconference, Nottingham, UK.

CANT, R. and LANGENSIEPEN, C., 2003. A multiscale method for automated inpainting. In: Proceedings of the 17th European Simulation Multiconference, Nottingham.

JONES, G. and NEVILLE, L.V., 2003. The nature and development of insight. In: British Psychological Society: Cognitive Section, Reading, Reading.

ORTON, P.A., POLIAKOFF, J.F. and WATKINS, A.J., 2003. A new approach to rotary 2D metrology using an IME (Incremental Motion Encoder). In: Fifth Conference on Postgraduate Research in Electronics, Photonics, Communications and Software (PREP2003), University of Exeter, UK, 14-16 April 2003, Exeter, UK.

BENCSIK, M. and BOWTELL, R., 2003. A novel MRI gradient coil structure for passive acoustic noise attenuation. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2003.

BENCSIK, M. and BOWTELL, R., 2003. A novel MRI gradient coil structure for passive acoustic noise attenuation. In: Workshop on Current Issues in MR Safety of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Münich, Germany, 2003.

MCKNIGHT, S., 2003. The pleasure and the pain of donations. In: World Library and Information Congress: 69th IFLA General Conference and Council, Berlin, Germany, 1-9 August 2003, Berlin.

LOVE, K.J., 2003. A political analysis. In: WSSD 2002, Nottingham.

NEWLING, J., 2003. The projects of John Newling 2000 to 2003. In: Keynote speech at 'Fermentation', the International Conference on Urban Regeneration, Helsinki.

KASHYAP, M., KHALFAN, M. and ZAINUL-ABIDIN, N., 2003. A proposal for achieving sustainability in construction projects through concurrent engineering. In: Proceedings of COBRA 2003 Conference, Wolverhampton.

MORLEDGE, R., GRADA, A. and GRADA, M., 2003. The relevance of economic value added in assessing business performance. In: Proceedings of Joint International Symposium of CIB Working Commissions, Singapore.

TIVERS, J., 2003. The representation of history through 'heritage performance''. In: International Conference on Tourisms and Histories: Representations and Experiences, University of Central Lancashire, 2003.

MOORE, R., 2003. The restorative prison: 'old wine in a new bottle' or a major transformation in penal thinking and application. In: British Society of Criminology Conference, University of Wales, Bangor, Wales, UK, 24-26 June 2003, University of Wales, Bangor.

MOORE, R., 2003. The restorative prisons project. In: Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK, 14-16 April 2003, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University.

MCCOLLIN, C., 2003. A review of reliability engineering activities with ideas for further research and training. In: Annual Reliability Technology Symposium, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK, 8-10 April, 2003, Loughborough.

MCCOLLIN, C., 2003. A review of the rate of occurrence of failures of the non-homogeneous Poisson process. In: Joint ENBIS and ISI Conference, Barcelona, Spain, August 2003, Barcelona, Spain.

COLLINS, P.R., 2003. The role of external examiners. In: European Educational Conference, Bruges, Belgium.

TAYLOR, L., 2003. The role of teacher talk in task-based learning. In: Exploring Interaction in Teacher Learning: Teacher Trainers and Educators Special Interest Group Conference, University of East London, September, 2003, London.

ZHANG, M., 2003. The roles of knowledge and technology in the process of industrialisation: an East Asian perspective. In: ASEAT (Advances in the Economic and Social Analysis of Technology) 2003 Conference on the theme of Knowledge and Economic and Social Change: New Challenges to Innovation Studies, Manchester School of Management, UMIST, Manchester, 07-09 April, 2003, Manchester.

O'NEILL, B.C., MOORE, P.W. and CLARK, S., 2003. A single chip solution for distributed processing systems. In: Proceedings of Communicating Process Architectures 2003, Enschede, Netherlands, 7-10 September 2003, Enschede, Netherlands.

BARRETT, D.J.K. and ROSE, D., 2003. The spatio-temporal constraints of object-based priming. In: Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, Florida, USA, May, 2003, Sarasota, Florida, USA.

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. The stories of older lesbians and gay men. In: Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement Nottingham Group Meeting, Nottingham, UK, 16 May, 2003, Nottingham.

HOPKINS, B. and POLLOCK, E., 2003. A tale of two anomies: some observations on the contribution of criminological theory to explaining hate crime. In: Inaugural Symposium of the Nottingham Centre for the Study and Reduction of Hate Crimes, Galleries of Justice (NCSRHC and SOLON), Nottingham, UK, 21-22 February 2003, Galleries of Justice (NCSRHC and SOLON), Nottingham.

HARDILL, I. and GUILLEMOT, L., 2003. A tale of two countries: British retirement migration to France. In: Gateway 6, Pisa, Italy, 12 April 2003, Pisa.

HARDILL, I., 2003. A tale of two nations: juggling work and home in the new economy. In: ESRC Seminar Series: Work, Life and Time in the New Economy, Gender Institute, London School of Economics, London, UK, 30 May 2003, Gender Institute, LSE.

SOMEKH, B., UNDERWOOD, J.D.M. and DILLON, G., 2003. The test bed maturity model: determining the effects of technology in complex environments. In: BECTA Annual Research Conference, London, 13 June 2003.

WOOD, R.T.A., GRIFFITHS, M.D., DAVIES, M.N.O. and CHAPPELL, D., 2003. A typology of UK adolescent lottery and scratchcard players. In: 12th International Conference on Gambling and Risk-Taking, Vancouver, Canada, May, 2003, Vancouver, Canada.

ROWBOTHAM, J., 2003. A very British conspiracy: the 1875 'trial' of the Maharajah of Baroda [keynote speaker]. In: Oxford Brookes Law and History Conference Workshop, Oxford, June 2003, Oxford.

WRIGHT, P., 2003. The village that died for England [lecture]. In: Bath Music Festival, Holburne Museum of Art, 22 May, 2003.

RUMNEY, P., 2003. The writer's authentic voice. In: EXPO, Writernet, Soho Theatre, London, 2003, London.


BARTHOLOMEW, J., 2003. Floor coverings.

FRANCIS, N., 2003. Knitted felted accessories [product]. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, School of Art & Design.

BURNETT, K., 2003. Set and costume designs for 'Schweyk in the Second World War' by Bertold Brecht. Manchester: Library Theatre.

BURNETT, K., 2003. Set and costume designs for 'The Ghosts of Scrooge'. Manchester: Library Theatre.

BOWCOTT, P., 2003. Set design and sound reinforcement/documentation 'Untitled (Interior Die)' by Jordan McKensie [set design/sound reinforcement]. Nottingham: New Festival, Basement, Victoria Studio.

FRANCIS, N., 2003. mADe@ntu. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University, School of Art & Design.

Digital or visual media

MEDJDOUB, B., 2003. Digital art in architecture. [Digital or Visual Media]

HAWTHORN, M., 2003. G[host] architecture project. [Digital or Visual Media]

ANDERSEN, E., 2003. [Photographs]. [Digital or Visual Media]

ANDERSEN, E., 2003. [Photographs]. [Digital or Visual Media]

ANDERSEN, E., 2003. [Photographs]. [Digital or Visual Media]

REID, D., 2003. Subsonics 4. [Digital or Visual Media]

Edited book

BURKE, T., 2003. Ann Yearsley: selected writings. Gloucester: Cyder Press.

LOTFI, A. and GARIBALDI, J.M., 2003. Applications and science in soft computing. London: Springer. ISBN 9783540408567

ROWBOTHAM, J. and STEVENSON, K., 2003. Behaving badly: visible crime, social panics and legal responses,. Aldershot: Ashgate.

MOTTRAM, J., CANDY, L. and KAVANAGH, T., 2003. Creativity and Cognition 4 conference proceedings (ACM SIGCHI). Loughborough: Loughborough University.

BULLOCK, K. and TILLEY, N., 2003. Crime reduction and problem-oriented policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan.

MOLLAERT, M., HAASE, J., CHILTON, J.C., MONCRIEFF, E., DENCHER, M. and BARNES, M., 2003. Designing tensile architecture. Brussels: VUB. ISBN 789000000000

GOODRIDGE, J., CHRISTMAS, W., KEEGAN, B. and BURKE, T.P., 2003. Eighteenth century British labouring-class poets, 1700-1800. London: Pickering & Chatto. ISBN 1851967583

MASON, D., 2003. Explaining ethnic differences: changing patterns of disadvantage in Britain. Bristol: Policy. ISBN 1861344686

TALBOT, M., ATKINSON, D. and ATKINSON, K., 2003. Language and power in the modern world. Edinburgh University Press.

KAMOCHE, K., DEBRAH, Y.A., HORWITZ, F.M. and MUUKA, G.N., 2003. Managing human resources in Africa. London: Routledge.

MILLER, D. and WATTS, S., 2003. Music while drowning: German expressionist poems. London: Tate Publications. ISBN 1854374710

NIVEN, B. and JORDAN, J., 2003. Politics and culture in 20th Century Germany. Rochester [New York]: Camden House.

FINLAY, L. and GOUGH, B., 2003. Reflexivity: a practical guide for researchers in health & social sciences. Oxford: Blackwell Science.

ECKERSLEY, P.M., HARRIS, L. and JACKSON, P., 2003. e-Business fundamentals: managing organizations in the electronic age. Routledge e-Business . London: Routledge. ISBN 9780203402467


BARTHOLOMEW, J., 2003. 100% Design. .

STEVENS, B., 2003. Art for votes' sake: visual culture and the women's suffrage campaign, The Women's Library, London, 2 October - 2 December 2003. .

JUDD, B., 2003. Artfan. Group exhibition held at The Serpentine Gallery, London, 2003. .

JUDD, B., 2003. Ben Judd. Exhibition held at Vilma Gold, London, 2003. .

ANDERSEN, E., 2003. Bird's eye view. .

TOWNSEND, K., 2003. Blue tide. Surface Design, International Textile Exhibition and Conference .

MAIER, D., 2003. CO/OP. .

NEWLING, J., 2003. Charity - installation as part of Artranspennine03. .

JUDD, B., 2003. Chockerfuckingblocked. Group exhibition held at the Jeffrey Charles Gallery, London, 2003. .

BEECROFT, R., 2003. Connected energies exhibition. .

NEWLING, J., 2003. Converge and convey - installation. .

CASAMAYOR, J., 2003. Domus Mediterranea. 'Furnishing the future house'. Valencian International Furniture Fair (FIM), Valencia, Spain, 2003.

BEECROFT, R., 2003. An Exhibition of Master Prints. .

HARRISON, C., 2003. ICFF Furniture Exhibition in New York, USA. .

NEWLING, J., 2003. Ices. .

NEWLING, J., 2003. ...If spring didn't come. .

KANDHOLA, M., 2003. Illustration of life. Focal Point Gallery, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, November - December, 2003. .

KANDHOLA, M., 2003. Illustration of life. Impressions Gallery, York, April - May, 2003. .

HOCK, K., 2003. Interior: a portrait of my grandmother. Exhibition held at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, Oxford, March, 2003. .

HIGGINS, D., 2003. Landscape. .

AYERS, A. and MOTTRAM, J., 2003. Marks in Space: drawing and sculptural form. .

CASAMAYOR, J., 2003. NUDE. Valencian International Furniture Fair (FIM), Valencia, Spain, 2003.

JUDD, B., 2003. PS 1999-2003. Group exhibition held at Raid Projects, Los Angeles, USA, 2003. .

SHAVE, T., 2003. Past spin: depictions of AIDS through art: an exhibition dedicated to HIV positive people, J.F. Kennedy Gallery, American Hellenic Union, Athens, 01-19 December, 2003. .

HIGGINS, D., 2003. Pictures of this. .

JUDD, B., 2003. Ponce. Group exhibition held at The Ship, London, 2003. .

JUDD, B. and DYKE, H., 2003. The Queen Mother Show. Group exhibition held at One in the Other, London, 2003 [curators]. .

JUDD, B., 2003. The Queen Mother Show. Group exhibition held at One in the Other, London, 2003. .

JUDD, B., 2003. Red light district 3. Group exhibition held at Artwalk, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2003. .

PROCTOR, G., 2003. Restoration [Fashion Show]. .

WILLIAMS, G., 2003. Sculpture in 20th Century Britain: Group Show. Henry Moore Institute, Leeds City Art Gallery, Leeds .

NEWLING, J., 2003. Shelter, 1983: sculpture in 20th century Britain. .

HUGHES, T., DEVULDER, T., HUGHES, A. and SNELL, J., 2003. So far.... .

JUDD, B., 2003. Someone to share my life with. Group exhibition held at The Approach, London, 2003. .

JUDD, B., 2003. Space open. Group exhibition held at The Triangle, London, 2003. .

JUDD, B., 2003. Strangers: The First ICP Triennial of Photography and Video. Group exhibition held at the International Center of Photography, New York, USA, 2003. .

BUNCE, G., 2003. Surface Design Exhibition. .

BRIGGS-GOODE, A., 2003. Surface design international textile exhibition. .

BOWCOTT, P., 2003. Votive reeds. [Sound installation]. Commissioned by Nottingham Castle for the 'Making a Move'- the aerobics and mechanics of art festival, 28 June - 07 September, 2003. .

NEWLING, J., 2003. A cartography of desire. .

SHAVE, T., 2003. ...comes the flood. Exhibition held at Flaxman Studios, Stoke-on-Trent, 16-19 September, 2003. .

Journal editorship

THORNTON, J., WALD, R., GREKO, M., TROMANS, S., ETHERINGTON, L., BELL, S. and NASH, M., 2003. Environmental Law Bulletin. UNSPECIFIED.

BELL, S. and ETHERINGTON, L., 2003. Environmental Law Reports. Sweet & Maxwell.

HUMPHREYS, D., PATERSON, M. and PETTIFORD, L., 2003. Global environmental governance for the twenty-first century: theoretical approaches and normative considerations [guest editors of special issue]. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

GOODRIDGE, J., 2003. The John Clare Society Journal. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 0953899527

BARGIELA-CHIAPPINI, F. and NICKERSON, C., 2003. Journal of Intercultural Studies. UNSPECIFIED.

MARTIN, A., 2003. Luce Irigaray and the culture of difference [special edition]. UNSPECIFIED.

KAMOCHE, K., CUNHA, M.P. and CUNHA, R., 2003. Preface: Improvisation in organizations [guest editors]. UNSPECIFIED.

MOTTRAM, J., SAWDON, P.J., SELBY, A., TORMEY, C.J. and WHALE, G., 2003. TRACEY. Loughborough University.

Newspaper or popular journal contribution

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Don's Diary (under the knife and over the moon). Times Higher Education Supplement, p. 17. ISSN 0049-3929

GRIFFITHS, M., 2003. Good on paper? [letter]. Times Higher Education, p. 17.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Sitting ducks [letter]. The Guardian, p. 5. ISSN 0261-3077

GRIFFITHS, M., 2003. A gossip-free space to think. Times Higher Education, p. 25.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Gr8 nus 4U? Times Higher Education Supplement, p. 19. ISSN 0049-3929

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Law change is a gamble [letter]. The Guardian, p. 23. ISSN 0261-3077

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Bang for the buck [letter]. Times Higher Education, p. 15.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Clare Short - chart loser [letter]. The Guardian, p. 21. ISSN 0261-3077

GRIFFITHS, M., 2003. Unenjoyable sex [letter]. Times Higher Education, p. 17.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., DAVIES, M.N.O. and CHAPPELL, D., 2003. Addictive signs [letter]. The Guardian, p. 27. ISSN 0261-3077

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Online gaming: what the researchers are trying to achieve. Nottingham Evening Post, pp. 6-7.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. David Beckham: the psychology. Daily Star, p. 21.

BOULÉ, J.-P., 2003. Les romanciers ont-ils tous les droits? [Can novelists write about anything?]. Lire (313), pp. 22-27.

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Nowadays, its good to gamble. Times Higher Education Supplement, p. 13. ISSN 0049-3929

WRIGHT, P., 2003. Another dodgy dossier. , p. 4.

WILLIAMS, G., 2003. Don's diary: novice to grandmaster in two short years. Times Higher Education (37813).

KANDHOLA, M., 2003. Far away so close: illustration of life. .

GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. Gambling addiction. OCR Psychology AS/A2 Revision Conference Guide, pp. 5-12.

ANDERSEN, E. and WHITWORTH, D., 2003. Highland battle, the crofters revolution [photo story/feature]. , pp. 4-5.

WRIGHT, P., 2003. Look what I built. , pp. 14-15. ISSN 0261-3077

PRATT, M., 2003. Queering PAC(t)S: civil solidarity contracts in France [interview with Lucette Cysique]. .

WRIGHT, P., 2003. Restoration tragedy. .

MOORE, J. and GRIFFITHS, M.D., 2003. So what looks best on Britney? Daily Star, pp. 28-29.

WRIGHT, P., 2003. Take this man off the telly. , pp. 12-13.

GOODRIDGE, J., 2003. UK Clare report for 2002. , pp. 6-8.

ROTHWELL, F., 2003. A few hours. .

WRIGHT, P., 2003. The joy of sadness. , pp. 14-15.

Patent/Published patent application

THOMPSON, M., MCHALE, G. and NEWTON, M.I., 2003. Acoustic biosensor. Canada CA2451413 [published November, 2003].

CRABBE, A., 2003. Connecting spines for bookbinding [manufactured by Victor & Young Ltd.] [patent application no. GB0205034.1]. .

CRABBE, A. and ENGLAND, S., 2003. Domestic flood barrier [in association with Flood Defence Innovations Ltd.] [patent application no. GB0217691.1]. .

PATWARDHAN, S.V., 2003. Formation of fiber-like amorphous silica structures by externally applied shear [patent application]. US 10/634,234.


LYCOURIS, S., 2003. Bio-robotic choreography/Muscle machine. .

RUMNEY, P. and SCRIVEN, N., 2003. Boyz 2 men. .

ABBOTT, F., 2003. Creative collaborations. .

ABBOTT, F., 2003. Dyson with death; Taking off; Bouncing back; Shinjuku theft. [Short performances for hand-held media]. Radiator Festival of New Technology Art, Broadway Media Centre, Nottingham; Trampoline/Berlin at Prater Volksbuhne, Berlin, Germany; Superdeluxe, Tokyo. .

LYCOURIS, S. and SHARIR, Y., 2003. IntelligentCITY (performative interactive environment). .

HEATHFIELD, A., KEIDAN, L. and BRINE, D., 2003. Live Culture. .

AYERS, A., 2003. Maps Without Roads. .

HEATHFIELD, A. and ETCHELLS, T., 2003. Marathon Lexicon. .

BREEDON, P.J., 2003. Muscle machine robot. Stelarc public perfomances, 291 Gallery, Lonon, July, 2003. .

BREEDON, P.J., 2003. Muscle machine robot. Stelarc public perfomances, Nottingham Trent University. .

GARMA MONTIEL, G. and OLMOS, T., 2003. Sisyphus 01. .

GARMA, M. and BOEZIO, M., 2003. Sisyphus 02. .

BROWN, A. and BROWN, T., 2003. A page of madness. .

BROWN, A. and BROWN, T., 2003. A page of madness. .

BROWN, A. and BROWN, T., 2003. A page of madness. .

BROWN, A. and BROWN, T., 2003. A page of madness. .

BROWN, A. and BROWN, T., 2003. A page of madness. .

BROWN, A. and BROWN, T., 2003. A page of madness. .

BROWN, A. and BROWN, T., 2003. A page of madness. .

BROWN, A. and BROWN, T., 2003. A page of madness. .

Professional or trade journal contribution

JENNINGS, P., 2003. DAFNE programme yields flexible diabetes management. Nursing in Practice, 10, pp. 35-36. ISSN 1473-9445

BARNES, P. and LAMBELL, J., 2003. Financial statement fraud. .

ALLEN, D.P., 2003. Making it work: some thoughts on good project partner collaboration. HEFCE TQEF NCT Bulletin (11), pp. 14-15.

BARNES, P. and LAMBELL, J., 2003. Managerial decision making, hubris, conflicts of interest et al. .

MOTTRAM, J., 2003. Value-added venues - galleries to go for. , pp. 17-20.

Research report for external body

LABADZ, J.C. and BUTCHER, D.P., 2003. Angerton Moss: investigation of ditch at SD222845, Duddon Mosses SSSI, Cumbria. (English Nature Research Contract No Q07-02/03). FAP.

POWNEY, J., HAMILTON, S., WILSON, V., KIRK, S., EDWARD, S., PROCTOR, J., CLOONAN, M., BRYSON, C., CAVEN, V. and SCURRY, T., 2003. Appointment, retention and promotion of academic staff in higher education: a report to the HEFCE by the Scottish Council forResearch in Education, University of Glasgow and Nottingham Trent University. HEFCE.

GORFIN, L. and MCGLAUGHLIN, A., 2003. Assessment of housing and support needs for adults with a learning disability living with carers over 70 in North Nottinghamshire: final report. Nottingham: Nottingham County Council.

ADAIR, A.S., BERRY, J.N., MCGREAL, W.S., POON, J., HUTCHISON, N.E. and GIBB, K., 2003. Benchmarking urban regeneration performance: report to the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). UNSPECIFIED.

ADAIR, A., BERRY, J., MCGREAL, S., POON, J., HUTCHISON, N., WATKINS, C. and GIBB, K., 2003. Benchmarking urban regeneration: RICS Findings in Building and Rural Environment (FiBRE). UNSPECIFIED.

GREGSON, M., SMITH, D. and MORGAN, J., 2003. Between the lines: An evaluation of the secured car park award scheme. London: Home Office.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2003. Block exemption: fleet attitudes and expectations for change. IBM (UK) Ltd., pp. 1-31.

KNOX, A., CONNELL, L.J., ULRICH, P. and HUTTON, G., 2003. Body scan analysis for fit models based on body shape and posture analysis. National Textile Center Research Brief (USA). National Textile Center.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2003. Business & fleet car risk management: a boardroom briefing. KwikFit Fleet, p. 44.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2003. Business car expectations: fleet survey 2003. HSBC, pp. 1-89.

BANDYOPADHYAY, S., 2003. Conservation of national heritage site of Harat al Bilad (Manah): approach, strategy and preliminary proposal [vols 1-2]. Muscat: Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Government of Oman.

VAN, L., 2003. Deconstructing the Dutch utopia: sex education and teenage pregnancy in the Netherlands. London: Family Education Trust.

ABBAS, A., HARRISON, J., MACDONALD, R., MOORE, R., SHILDRICK, T. and SIMPSON, M., 2003. Dordrecht project: first report. UNSPECIFIED.

BELL, S., KUNZLIK, P., ETHERINGTON, L. and TROMANS, S., 2003. EC study contract B4-3040/2001/330488/MAR/D2 : the transposition and practical application in the United Kingdon and Gibraltar of Council directive 80/68 on the protection of groundwater against pollution caused by dangerous substances. Nottingham: Nottingham Law School.

6, P., 2003. Entitlement cards: benefits, privacy and data protection risks, costs and wider social implications. Wilmslow: Office of the Information Commissioner.

EYRE, A. and BRUNSDEN, V., 2003. Essex County Fire and Rescue Service: stress management programme progress report. Essex: Essex County Fire & Rescue Service.

TOOR, S. and KENNEDY, J., 2003. Evaluation of the 'Out of the Blue: One Stop Crime Prevention Shop.'. UNSPECIFIED.

HOLDAWAY, S., 2003. Evaluation of the Street Crime Initiative. Report to South Yorkshire Police. South Yorkshire Police.

HALSEY, K., JOHNSON, A., FLETCHER-MORGAN, C. and KINDER, K., 2003. Evaluation of truancy sweep follow-ups. National Foundation for Educational Research.

HENN, M. and WEINSTEIN, M., 2003. First time voters attitudes towards party politics in Britain. [Economic and Social Research Council End of Award Report]. Research TV.

GREGSON, M. and SANDHU, S., 2003. HMP (2003) : Local evaluation of Hull Children's Fund: First report. Hull: Hull Children's Fund.

AKKERMANS, H., VAN DE VIJVER, M., VOS, B., DE LEEUW, S., VAN OORSCHOT, K., BECKER, J. and VERDUIJN, T., 2003. Hebban olla vogala nestas hagunnan hinase…; samenwerking in de chemische industrie. Delft: Connekt.

CORK, C.R., FOSTER, P.W., WICKRAMASINGHE, G.L. and GUNASEKERA, U.S.W., 2003. High-speed false-twist yarn texturing [final technical report to Temco Textilmaschinenkomponenten GmbH, Hammelburg, Germany]. UNSPECIFIED.

GREGSON, M., 2003. Holden McAllister Partnership & Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust (2003): The legacy: A study of the needs of GB victims and survivors of the Northern Ireland 'Troubles.'. Warrington: The Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Trust.

DISNEY, J., 2003. House of Commons Transport Committee; Seventh Report of Session; Overcrowding on public transport. London: HMSO, pp. 74-76.

SUTTON, M., 2003. How burglars and shoplifters sell stolen goods in Derby: describing and understanding the local illicit markets. Derby: Derby Community Safety Partnership.

LABADZ, J.C., BUTCHER, D.P. and SINNOTT, D., 2003. Investigation of the effects of Environment Agency drainage maintenance regimes on raised mire SACs and adjacent agricultural land in Cumbria & effects of drain maintenance regimes on raised bog habitat and agricultural land. Nottingham Trent University.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2003. Light commercial vehicle trends 2003. Vauxhall Motors, p. 64.

BENNETT, M., 2003. Losing the Civil Wars: the Royalists and the war in Britain and Ireland. Ghent: University of Ghent.

EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY and HEALTH AT WORK, 2003. Mainstreaming occupational safety and health into education [Fact Sheet 52]. Bilbao, Spain: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY and HEALTH AT WORK, 2003. Management of occupational safety and health in the education sector [Fact Sheet 45]. Bilbao, Spain: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

ELLIS, A.D. and BOEKHOFF, M., 2003. Mineral requirements for horses. Lelystad, NL: Research Institute for Applied Animal Husbandry, Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen University Research.

BEERDA, B., ELLIS, A.D., BLOKHUIS, H.J. and MEIJERING, A., 2003. Mogelijke dierenwelzijnproblemen in de paardenhouderij:. ID-Lelystad, NL: Animals Sciences Group, Wageningen University Research.

CAPORN, S., CARROLL, J., CAWLEY, L., CRESSWELL, N., EDMONDSON, J., PILKINGTON, M., RAY, N. and WILSON, D., 2003. Nitrogen manipulation experiments on heather moorland and lowland heath. Interim progress report to DEFRA terrestrial umbrella - eutrophication and acidification of terrestrial ecosystems in the UK (workpackage 2, task 5). UNSPECIFIED.

EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY and HEALTH AT WORK, 2003. Occupational safety and health in the education sector [Fact Sheet 46]. Bilbao, Spain: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

UNDERWOOD, J.D.M. and SZABO, A., 2003. Plagiarism: is there a problem in tertiary education? JISC Plagiarism Advisory Service.

EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY and HEALTH AT WORK, 2003. Preventing psychosocial risks at work: European perspectives [Forum Issue 9]. Bilbao, Spain: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY and HEALTH AT WORK, 2003. Prevention of violence to staff in the education sector [Fact Sheet 47]. Bilbao, Spain: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

PAINTER-MORLAND, M., 2003. Research report on the BESA (Business Ethics South Africa) survey project. South Africa: EthicSA.

MOORE, R., SAPSFORD, R., HARPER, P., HARRISON, J. and SIMPSON, M., 2003. Restorative prison project: interim report. Teesside: School of Social Sciences and Law, University of Teesside.

HMT–OGC [HM TREASURY - OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT COMMERCE], 2003. Review of investment decision for the Independent Police Complaints Commission. London: Home Office.

FITZGERALD, P.L. and SWIFT, B.T., 2003. SMOGG, a simplified model of gas generation from radioactive wastes: user guide. Nirex.

DE LEEUW, S., 2003. Supply chain collaboration: success and fail factors. Eindhoven: European Supply Chain Forum/Eindhoven University of Technology.

MOHAMMAD, F.A., 2003. Three dimensional finite element modelling of surface initiated cracks in a flexible pavement system. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 1-52.

COOKE, P.N.C., 2003. Vehicles in business: driving at work. Gee & Co, p. 40.

HENN, M. and WEINSTEIN, M., 2003. Virgin voters- Research into first time voters in Great Britain [on-line]. Research TV. UNSPECIFIED.

BOEKHOFF, M. and ELLIS, A.D., 2003. Voeding in relatie tot vruchtbaarheid van de merrie. Lelystad, NL: Research Institute for Applied Animal Husbandry, Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen University Research.

WOOLBEEK, N. and ELLIS, A.D., 2003. Voeding paarden in relatie tot koliek. Lelystad, NL: Research Institute for Applied Animal Husbandry, Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen University Research.

FITZGERALD, P.L. and REES, J.H., 2003. Wastes from which carbon-14 gas could be generated in a deep repository. Nirex.

BENNETT, M., 2003. Writing the wars: personal accounts of the Civil Wars in the British Isles, 1639-1653. Ghent: University of Ghent.

HOPKINS, B. and ORROCK, E., 2003. Youth crime: A base audit of youth work interventions in England that impact on young people as perpetrators or as victims of crime. Leicester: National Youth Association.

BRIGGS, P. and SCOTT, F., 2003. An analysis of existing training and development of programmes, and the design of a more effective training and development framework and implementation plan for Connexions Norfolk Partnership. UNSPECIFIED.

LASHLEY, C. and ROWSON, B., 2003. The benefits of pub retailer training: a report for the Punch pub company. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

KENDALL, S., KINDER, K., HALSEY, K., FLETCHER-MORGAN, C. and WHITE, R., 2003. An evaluation of alternative initiatives. Nottingham: DfES.

WOOD, R.T.A., 2003. An investigation of subjective time loss whilst playing video games [Research Grant Report for the British Academy]. British Academy.

YIP, A.K.T., 2003. A minority within a minority: British non-heterosexual Muslims [End of award report for the Economic & Social Research Council]. Ecomomic & Social Research Council.

PARKE, J., 2003. The psychology of Internet gambling. UNSPECIFIED.

HMT–OGC [HM TREASURY - OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT COMMERCE], 2003. A review of the land and property registration system for Land Registry. London: HMRC [HM Revenue & Customs].

BRIGGS, P., 2003. A scoping evaluation of Ashfield Health Living Project. UNSPECIFIED.


DICKINS, B.J.A., 2003. Book Review: Cycles of Contingency: Developmental Systems and Evolution. Evolutionary Psychology, 1 (1), pp. 108-115. ISSN 1474-7049

DICKINS, B.J.A., 2003. Book review: S. Oyama, P.E. Griffiths and R.D. Gray, eds., 'Cycles of contingency: developmental systems and evolution'. Evolutionary Psychology, 1, pp. 108-115. ISSN 1474-7049

MASSEY, I., 2003. 'Hello eBoy' book review. Association of Illustrators Journal. ISSN 1474-1679

WRIGHT, S. and KANDHOLA, M., 2003. 'Illustration of life' [book review]. Foto8 Documentary Magazine.

MASSEY, I., 2003. 'Kenneth Rowntree' book review. Association of Illustrators Journal. ISSN 1474-1679

FERRIS, G., 2003. Locating land law within a property law context - again [review of book: Property law by Roger J. Smith]. Nottingham Law Journal, 12 (2), pp. 93-95. ISSN 0965-0660

BENNETT, M., 2003. Review of 'Cromwell and the interregnum' by David Smith. H-Net Reviews.

BENNETT, M., 2003. Review of 'Oliver Cromwell and the English Republic' by David Smith. H-Net Reviews.

CHING, J., 2003. Review: 'Effective learning and teaching in law'. Nottingham Law Journal, 12 (1), pp. 52-53. ISSN 0965-0660

REAVLEY, G., 2003. The Royal Tenenbaums - film review. Scope: an Online Journal of Film and Television Studies. ISSN 1465-9166


BLISMAS, N.G., PASQUIRE, C.L., GIBB, A.G.F. and ALDRIDGE, G.B., 2003. IMMPREST - interactive method for measuring pre-assembly and standardisation benefit in construction. [Software]


PHILLIPS, S., 2003. Industrial welfare and recreation at Boots Pure Drug Company 1883-1945. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

WILLIAMS, G.A., 2003. Intrapersonal and extrapersonal factors in stressor perceptions, coping and strain among NHS staff. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

BARDWELL, M.W., 2003. Laboratory studies of peroxy radical reactions using turbulent flow chemical ionisation mass spectrometry. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

BURCH, S., 2003. On stage at the theatre of state: the monuments and memorials in Parliament Square, London. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

BURCH, S., 2003. On stage at the theatre of state: the monuments and memorials in Parliament Square, London. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

FISHER, T., 2003. Plastics in contemporary consumption. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

PATWARDHAN, S.V., 2003. Silicification and biosilicification: role of macromolecules in bioinspired silica synthesis. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

TENG, W., 2003. Trust in innovation processes: cases in China and Europe. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

FOSTER, C., 2003. Understanding and implementing managing diversity in organisations: a study in the retail sector. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

DUNN, A.K., 2003. A dual route account of vision for action and perception: the effects of the Judd illusion on pointing and line matching. PhD, Nottingham Trent University.

BRADSHAW, P., 2003. An investigation into the nature of online learning in the context of NPQH. ['eprint_fieldopt_thesis_name_ma' not defined], Nottingham Trent University.

Website content

KNOX, A. and JANA, P., 2003. Critical chain approach to apparel production.

HINDLEY, D., 2003. Governance and sport.

ROWLETT, P.J., 2003. MathML: the current state of play. Maths, Stats and OR Network.

BROWN, A., 2003. Moving in mysterious ways.

WRIGHT, P., 2003. On melancholy and the humour of the night.

IRESON, G.P., 2003. Physics through the medium of sport.

CHING, J., 2003. Reflection with practitioner students. UKCLE.

DISNEY, A., 2003. Using school linking as a context for developing students' understanding of global citizenship.

KNOX, A. and JANA, P., 2003. VMI in apparel manufacturing.

CHANTREY, W. and DISNEY, A., 2003. The 'activities and events' approach to citizenship - the impact of a values week.

WRIGHT, P., 2003. The stone bomb.

Working paper

CHAPPLE, W. and HARRIS, R., 2003. Accounting for solid waste generation in measures of regional productivity growth. ICCSR.

CHAMBERS, E., CHAPPLE, W., MOON, J. and SULLIVAN, M., 2003. CSR in Asia: a seven country study of CSR website reporting. ICCSR.

SHARP, J., LIU, W. and WU, Z., 2003. Data envelopment analysis with natural negative outputs and inputs. University of Kent.

PHILP, B., SLATER, G. and HARVIE, D., 2003. Working hours, productivity, participation and unemployment: accounting for difference in regional performance. Nottinghamshire Research Observatory.


MAGUIRE, K. and PYBUS, L., 2003. Evaluation of postgraduate study in health and safety.

GARRATT, D. and EASAW, J., 2003. Impact of the UK general elections on total government expenditure cycles: theory and evidence election cycles on government consumption elasticities. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

GARRATT, D., 2003. Rates of return to owner-occupation in the UK housing market. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University.

PROCTOR, G., 2003. Restoration: discussion with Griff Rhys Jones, The history of the Spirella Corset Company, Letchworth. BBC2.

GOODHEW, S., 2003. Sustainability in construction: learning packs. University of Plymouth.

MAIER, D., 2003. Tour-leading group member with Jenni Lomax and Gerard Williams: leading group discussion of all exhibited work produced during a two-week workshop, held at the Braziers International Artists Workshop '03.

TAYLOR, L., 2003. Vocabulary module for web-based learning material for PGCE HE modern language teaching.

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